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mike’s death + tropes
“ Ha-ha! How’s that feel, you fuck! ”
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what gives you the right to play God in these people’s lives?
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ㅤMike hadn't ever actually thought that Matt wouldn't look out for someone if it came down to it, but it wasn't like any of them had considered monsters in the snow and dark, or apparently a network of mines to fall into and get lost. It was one of those things that felt important to acknowledge whether an alternative had really been on the table, or not. Matt had been there for Jess when she desperately needed him, and Mike had a lot to unpack about that along with everything else that night.
ㅤ"Yeah, heat of the moment, I get it. Don't even stress it, already forgotten," he offered, gesturing with his less-damaged right hand like something had blown away. Realistically, he had mostly forgotten about it in the wake of everything else, and what did it matter, anyway? Once Matt talked to Emily, who would probably never talk to Mike again, the chances of them putting the past aside and looking to the future seemed slim. "I'm sorry, too. For a little of everything, I guess."
@jesvshotsaucechristmascake inquired: "thanks for taking care of her. "
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the  hand  briefly  resting  on  his  shoulder  doesn't  go  unnoticed,  flashing  back  to  jessica's  maimed  countenance  and  barely  audible  voice,  shivering  and  relying on him  for  help.  of  course  he  couldn't  leave  her,  what  kind  of  friend  would  he  be?  hell,  what  kind  of  person?
so  many  emotions  coursed  through  his  mind,  still  trying  to  process  the  nightmare  at  the  cabin.  all  he  could  do  was  nod  and  offer  a  meek  smile  in  return.  ❝  of  course  .  .  . ( that was a no brainer ) and,  uh.  .  .  i'm  sorry  —  for  accusing  you  and  emily  before.  heat  of  the  moment,  you  know?  i  know  how  much  you  care  about  jessica,  and  we  should  .  .  .  be  looking  towards  the  future.  whatever  it  means  for  us  now.  .  .  ❞
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ㅤ"I'm okay, I'm good, can't feel a thing," he lied like a total liar, and wasn't that embarrassing? Usually if he put on appearances, it was something he could sell, but he looked dead on his feet and he felt like it. He had slashes on his calf where claws had caught his left leg and he hoped his jeans were hiding that well enough because it was the primary thing threatening his ability to stay on his feet (besides sheer exhaustion), unlike Chris and his ankle. He could keep moving, and frankly he had to because he was guaranteed to give out when he finally let himself take it easy. He just needed everyone, Chris included, to let him do what he needed to do until it was finished. Dawn had come and brought rescue, so they were going to be okay - there was an end in sight. He still had to go back for the dog, too. "You're going back with them in the first trip, right?"
❝ Whoa, take it easy, man ! You got pretty banged up back there, and you don’t want to go making yourself worse.❞
Starter | @jesvshotsaucechristmascake
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ㅤMike would absolutely argue that Sam was romantic, just not in the sense that people expected of a teenage girl. She didn't seem to crush lightly, loudly or obviously, which was how he'd been able to keep talking himself into thinking she wasn't interested: it was a slowly growing, adapting thing, and her romance was in the thoughtful little things she said and did on a regular basis. She'd taken him off-guard more times with those quiet gestures than she had with the innuendos she occasionally dropped, but didn't that make sense when he thought about it?
ㅤThey couldn't be more opposite in their dating styles, her preferring the stability of commitment and crushing only after she knew someone well and him bouncing off of the idea of commitment like a rubber ball thrown at a linoleum floor in favor of the quick, fun relationships. He'd been with Emily for a year and that had seemed impressive at a glance, but looking deeper had revealed the truth of that, not that it was necessarily his fault there. For the opposite reasons, he wasn't everyone's cup of tea, either, and he'd worried she wouldn't think the idea of dating him would be fun. They were great friends, but he was also too used to crushes and fast attraction to realize how important great friends was to love until it smacked him in the face. Now he thought he got it.
ㅤ"I think we can work ice cream into a proper date. Fancy places do dessert, too," he pointed out, unaware that she was wondering if they were dating, but he probably should have guessed. If they asked their friends, they'd probably be told they'd been 'dating' for months. "Sleepover couture is the afterparty, obviously, Sam. Like we'd skip that part."
ㅤHe put on a dramatic eyeroll and grin as he teased her, because the sleepover couture really was one of their usuals, crashing in either of their beds or sometimes living rooms, much to his dad's delight when he came downstairs to find Sam there and his mother's reluctant amusement that he insisted on having his girlfriend over on the couches. He'd argued that they were just friends and neither of them believed him, which was clearly because they'd seen this coming. He was definitely going to be hearing about that, but he was for once okay being totally wrong. Of course, the couch might get a little less action, if he could help it, but he didn't want to sacrifice one type of intimacy for the other - that may have been the biggest surprise of all.
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−−−¨༺ Sam sometimes felt like she had it backwards when it came to romance. People often dated around to figure out what they liked and disliked. Got to know people. She just... Didn't. Her brother once said that it seemed like she didn't have a single romantic bone in her body, and maybe that was true. But (And this is where she felt like things were backwards), she didn't get crushes on people until she really knew them. Was comfortable. As a result, Sam didn't date a lot. That was fine, she didn't mind it. But, that also meant that sometimes things snuck up on her. Like this situation.
−−− And maybe things were scary. She liked the idea of commitment, a constant. But she wasn't exactly people's cup of tea. Sam was too independent, too serious, a myriad of other things. So the idea of dating... Well. It was fun in theory. It was easy with Mike, and that's what scared her. Even if she had a hunch. They were friends and did everything together. She would flirt and he would raise his brows as if interested. And the first time he said something that made her heart race, Sam knew that she was a goner.
−−− When things were laid out in the open, finally, between the both of them the subsequent silence made Sam's heart race more. She had no idea why, truthfully. Maybe it was that saying it out loud made it real. And, to her, even though Mike was the one who said something first, maybe he would change his mind. Maybe that's all it would be- Things laid bare. Eyebrows raised higher, waiting for Mike to do something. Say something. Say something.
−−− But he finally smiled. And laughed. And Sam let out a breath and mirrored his smile and laughed a bit herself. The blonde looked down, a bit bashful at this moment, nodding slightly. "Yeah. Yeah I will. And while I think ice cream is fancy as hell.. Maybe something proper?" She finally looked up. "I take it no sleepover couture?" There was a smirk as she asked this, allowing him to take her hand. At least now, the news outlets would actually be correct when they claimed the two of them were dating. At that thought, Sam's brows ever so slightly furrowed- Were they dating? She didn't want to ask and ruin the moment, but it seemed like it, right?
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make me choose: anonymous asked  matt/emily or mike/jess?
jess? hon? light of my life?  
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“You’ve been dying to use that line since we got here, haven’t you?”
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we are trying to survive but…
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Until Dawn
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#udchallenge ::: favorite chapter ::: chapter 7 - loss/violence
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ㅤNormally Mike wasn't the doubtful type, at least not openly. He'd been telling the truth from experience when he'd said to Jess how they were all insecure, but he didn't normally deviate from the façade he'd been trained into and when he did, it wasn't normal for it to be met with anything positive. Jess had seemed less interested with each peek past the funny, party boy, and a serious part of him worried that everyone would feel that way. That, or almost worse was the possibility that if he showed any kind of weakness, maybe someone wouldn't trust him to do what needed to be done if shit went bad ever again. Either way, it called for him to put on a front, but it felt unsteady and ill-fitting a lot of the time.
ㅤThe look he gave Josh when he was told maybe that was his problem was dry and expecting a joke, so imagine his surprise when Josh seemed absolutely serious and had a lot more to say. Mike wasn't sure if he was too high or not high enough for this shit, but partway through he looked away to watch Wolfie lounge, though he managed an only somewhat forced laugh and a flex of the damaged hand when Josh mentioned it. "You do sound like a fucking army ad," he complained, but it was good-natured and also stalling while he chewed on what the guy had said. He glanced over from his lounger with a slightly too relaxed turn of his head in time to see the joint offered for his turn, so he took it.
ㅤThat was also a useful bit of extra time to turn it over in his head, not that it necessarily made the difference he would have liked because what Josh was asking wasn't as simple as just deciding on something. All his life, he'd had what he was supposed to be, how he was supposed to look, what was expected and the right way to do things drilled into him, so having someone ask what he could be and what he wanted to be was something a little new. Having Josh ask like this, after everything on Blackwood, wasn't the same as high school or college advisors doing it, either. Those people wanted a plan, and as soon as he seemed to have one, they didn't care. Josh got it that the plan hadn't been his to begin with, or maybe he suspected. "I don't really know. A lot of shit just doesn't feel like it fits anymore, or I don't fit into it anymore, I don't know how else to explain it. I don't think I want it to fit, either. Just easier said than done when it's not what everyone prefers."
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➠ @jesvshotsaucechristmascake asked: “ i’m not sure i know who i’m supposed to be anymore. ”
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.·:*¨ ✘★✘ ¨*:·.  Josh considered the words carefully. He hadn't known Mike to be the doubtful type, but in the wake of the horrors they found on Blackwood Mountain, it seemed he was learning a lot about his friend that he didn't know before. One thing Josh did know for sure, though, was that Mike wasn't usually the type to talk about such vulnerability. He was good at keeping up the good natured, party boy façade. That made the confession hit all the more harder.
The pair had been sitting on Josh's back deck, sharing a joint. Wolfie seemed all too happy to be outdoors and was currently lounging by the pool, panting happily. The sun was starting to go down, making things a little cooler, but it was still nice out in Josh's opinion. "Maybe that's your problem," he offered, no hint of a joke or tease in voice. "Maybe you're not supposed to be anyone. Your mom's way too intense with your appearance, but it's not just her. In school, you always seemed to do whatever just to make your friends happy. Even Emily walked all over you when you guys were together. Not trying to be harsh, bro, but you literally went through hell. Fuck man, not even all of you made it back." He glanced to the missing fingers briefly.
"Maybe instead of 'supposed to be', you should be asking what you 'could be'." He shook his head and grabbed the joint from the ash tray, lighting it up for another toke. "Shit, I sound like an army ad." He breathed in, then added in clarification, "What do you want to be?" Exhaling the smoke, the offered the joint.
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mike’s profile from the companion app [X][X][X][X][X][X][X]
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ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟɪsᴛᴇɴ ᴛᴏ ᴍᴇ ᴡʜɪɴᴇ? ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴀʟʟ ᴀᴛ ᴏɴᴄᴇ?
mutuals only indie rp account 𝙅𝙤𝙨𝙝 𝙒𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣 of Supermassive Game's 𝙐𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙡 𝘿𝙖𝙬𝙣 ☠︎︎ CARRD
sideblog ➞ @hargrove
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night is not something to endure until dawn. it is an element like wind or fire. darkness is its own kingdom. it moves to its own laws, and many living things dwell in it. - patricia a. mckillip
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keep an eye on her…
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