jet-black-hair · 4 years
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the mood in here is electric
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jet-black-hair · 5 years
if anyone would like to learn a couple tricks for carving pumpkins:
- dont cut out the top to scoop out the seeds, cut out the bottom instead. this way the pumpkin doesnt cave in on itself and lasts longer - sprinkle some cinnamon inside at the top after carving. this way when you put the candle in it smells like pumpkin pie
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jet-black-hair · 5 years
Bro u ded
Not dead just inactive 😎
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jet-black-hair · 5 years
(Ik ur requests are closed) but will there be a part three to Panic! And surprise?
Currently don't have anything planned, if I do I can tag you or send it to you if you dm me :)
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
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Frank Iero And The Patience. My videos were kind of shitty so I made some gifs instead. Such a good show!
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
I'm dyinnnnng im playing dream daddy with a friend. So we decided to go on a date with Damien. So many mcr references omfg whyyy. Like I'm usually quite reserved about most things including mcr. But I am screammmming
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
Here yah go! :) link x
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
Master List
Bold- Smut Not in bold- Fluff
Panic And Surprise (Part one) Panic and Surprise (part two) Make Some Noise Detention Exposed Screaming from the Dr’s room Mr Iero Party…(Poison)  This mirror isn’t big enough for the two of us  Headfirst for Halos- Part one? Autumn Coffee Yes Doctor Short Shorts
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
I wana get some good everyday halloween wear, like tshirts or something, anyone know anywhere good I can get this from? Bc we all know halloween is the best season and we need to stock up on this shit for the rest of the year, ty
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
I... someone submitted this... thank you, couldn't really hear the song bc my grandma is playing some old ass opera really loudly (I feel fancy), but the i appreciated the video, thank you for this lmao, truly beautiful
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
So i saw frank perform at slam dunk yesterday, holy shit :') I have never been to a concert where I felt more at home. It's probably because I don't feel as strongly about any other bands I've been to see. But it was so great to stand in a crowd with people who feel the same, singing the words and dancing. I've never felt more at home. Never. Best performance ever, please if you get a chance to see him play, go. (Talk about post concert depression) Also everyone in the crowd was amazing
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
Hey, can you do a basement gee x reader fluff where they like geek out and cuddle? Thank you!
I hope this is sort of what you were looking for  :L It was inspired by the bit of summer weather in the UK atm and the burn the sun gave me, anyway I hope you enjoy!!
Link X
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
Short Shorts
X Reader, fluff, Basement Gee Enjoy!
It was too hot outside, you squinted at the sun, “curse you sun” you muttered, and put your middle finger up to it. Of course this probably looked a bit weird, but there was no one around in this neighbour hood to notice. You were on your way to Gee’s house, to go sit in his nice cool basement, in the dark, where the sun couldn’t burn your vampire complexion, and you could watch a movie in peace. Even though the weather made you extremely uncomfortable, you did appreciate the way the sun glowed on the street as it began to set. The sky was a wash between orange and blue, with streaks of pink in it, and the green of the tree’s shined in the light, painting more colour into the world around you. You appreciate this whilst slowly walking the rest of your journey, slow was the only speed you could do in this heat.
Knocking on the old slightly warped wooden door of the Way’s house, you straightened out your clothes and your hair to make you looks less like a wet mop. A few seconds later Gerard opened the door, dressed fully in black. Just looking at him made you feel uncomfortable. “My god Gerard, how are you surviving in jeans and a tshirt?!” You gawked, now feeling self conscious in your lack of clothing. “Well it was either the ripped jeans, or my short shorts, and I didn’t think anyone would want to see those” he chuckled. You giggled at the thought of him in his short shorts, “Actually no, I’d quite like to see that” you said whilst looking down towards his legs. Gerard stood still, and started to go pink, you gathered that he must be hot. He shook his head at you, smiling and led you into the kitchen. He handed you an ice lolly and a glass of his “finest tap water” which was far less from fine, it was warm from where it had been sat in the pipes, so you sort of just stared at it for a while, sucking on your ice lolly. Gerard put the ice lolly in its wrapper on the tiny bits of flesh exposed through his ripped jeans. You stared at him in disbelief, this boy is ridiculous. A smile then crept onto your face as you conjured up a plan. You took one more sip of your water before throwing the glass of water at his lower half, watching him gasp, and check that his ice lolly was still in good shape.  “Y/N !!” Gerard yelled looking at you shocked, you however were smirking, “looks like you’ll have to wear those shorts now huh?” You winked at him, and then filled your glass with some colder water, letting the tap run for a bit longer. Gerard went downstairs into the basement, leaving little wet puddles behind him, shouting to you as he went down the stairs “don’t come down until I’m changed okay? Otherwise I’ll have to get double payback on you!” You were truly blessed with that boy, he would never do anything to hurt you in the slightest, even if it was for pay back. You decided to be nice and wait until you were called down into the basement. Gerard stood with his hands on his hips, looking at you with an unamused expression. He looked adorable, in an iron maiden t shirt that was a little too big fro him, and shorts that were some how deemed acceptable as clothing. You giggled at him, whilst covering your eyes "ahhh, I’m blind! I’m blind! Someone save me from this glowing white skin!” You shrieked and laughed. Just as you were about to open your eyes, you felt liquid trickle all the way down your face, met with a giggling Gerard in front of you, running down the stairs afraid, picking up a sketch pad as a shield to save himself from you. You ran towards him, trying to scoop the liquid off of your head, and spray it onto Gerard, before you pushed him onto his bed and landed in his lap, face on his thigh, staring up at him. You both giggled for a little while at how stupid and childish you were being. You rested your head on his thigh and shut your eyes, resting from all that exhausting exercise you just did (you were very unfit). When you opened your eyes you were greeted by Gerard’s crotch, and his rather revealing short shorts. You squirmed and sat up right, moving as far away from him as possible, squealing slightly for dramatic effect. “I told you, you didn’t want to see me in these” Gerard teased, thrusting his crotch at you a little. “Ew Gee, I was nearly just blinded, TWICE! I think I’ve seen enough for today, and that’s without your hip thrusting.” You nudged him in the arm playfully. Gerard nudged you back, “you can talk, are you auditioning for the role of the walking dead?” You gasped and scowled at him, before walking over to him like a zombie, tangling yourself in his body and mouthing at his arm, then fixing your self up slightly and kissing him on the cheek. “Are we going to watch this movie then” he said, smiling sweetly, pulling you into his lap. You nodded, resting your head on his chest, feeling it rise up and down, as you breathed in sync with him, wrapping your arms around him. He pressed play on the tv, and ran his fingers through your hair comfortingly. “Gosh (Y/N) control yourself, you’ve been sat on my lap for 10 seconds and your already dripping wet” he teased, you looked up at him with a smile tugging on your lips, but you weren’t going to let him see, “that was terrible, it doesn’t even make sense, what girl have you met that secretes from their head?”, he looked at you his lips pursed, “secretes….” he repeated, you could see his eyes judging you. You buried your head in his chest “you're the one who started this weird shit…” you looked back up at him, his face remained the same for a while, he then winked and kissed you on the top of the head. “You are weird, but that’s why I love you.” You smiled to yourself, that was the first time he had ever said that, “I love you too” you wriggled in his lap, in a soggy mess that you both were, whilst waiting for the opening credits to roll, you listened to Gerard’s heart beat grow faster at the realisation of what had just happened. 
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
do you have anything with a male reader?
I do not unfortunately, i have thought about doing a male reader, if people are interested then ill certainly write one? One more week of uni and then im free to write all the fan fic i want :D
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
I still think “Sparkle like Bowie in the morning sun” is one of the most underrated MCR lyrics
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jet-black-hair · 7 years
The blog isn’t deactivated because of @frankiero-imagines. The blog got deleted because me and the other co-owner got into a fight and just a small part of that was about that blog but it was more about personal stuff. I told her to delete the account because there was no use to it anymore and so she did.
Only the day after I realised what happened. I lost something that was and still is very special to me.
It’s impossible to get the followers and all the fics back but I truly hope that at least I can have a part of it back. I cannot explain how much it hurts to lose it all. Not only the blog, but also a very special friendship.
I hope that whoever you are, you are willing to reblog this and help me regain what I once had. For now I’ll be trying to find all the fics we once wrote and I can assure you that that’s nearly impossible.
If you got this far, thank you so much for caring.
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