jet39moores · 7 years
Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes: Pros and Cons
Online classes are no longer a novelty; they are quickly changing the entire structure and experience of college.
    For some, this is a welcome change.
For others, it can feel intimidating.
But with more and more colleges offering online courses, and even entire programs online, it’s important to understand what taking an online course entails, if it’s right for you, and how to succeed if you do choose to enroll.
While every college and university offers a unique online experience, many do have several things in common. Understanding the basic structure of online programs will help you feel confident when choosing your program and starting your class.
But before we dive into all of the details, let’s look at some of the pros and cons of online classes.
The Advantages of Online Classes
The ability to take complete college courses and programs online is invaluable for so many students.
And while there are some disadvantages (we’ll get into those in a moment), the benefits tend to outweigh them, which is why so many people today are opting to enroll online.
In fact, nearly 5.8 million people are enrolled in online college courses, with 28% of all college students enrolling in at least one online course.
1. Flexible
Most online courses provide you with more flexibility than a traditional on-campus class.
This means you can do your coursework around your work schedule and family life. Rather than needing to attend a 9:00am class every week, you can, for the most part, choose when you study, so long as you submit your work by the deadlines given.
2. Convenient
Because online courses allows you to live virtually anywhere, you enjoy the convenience of getting to live where you want to or need to, and even travel while you are studying.
Depending on the course or program you want to take, your local college may not offer exactly what you are looking for. But with online courses, you can take a specialty program at a college thousands of miles away without the inconvenience of needing to uproot your entire life.
3. Affordable
One of the top reasons students choose an online program is to save money.
Over 45% say that cost is their number one priority. And because students are opting for affordability, this means that more and more colleges are figuring out ways to get creative so that the cost of these programs can remain manageable.
The Disadvantages of Online Classes
1. Impersonal
For some students, part of the draw of attending classes in person is the social interaction, not only with other peers but with their professors as well. The impersonal feel of receiving and submitting all coursework online can leave some feeling like they are missing out on something.
2. Accreditation Concerns
There are some online programs that are not accredited, which means your credits or even your entire degree could be worth very little, leaving you in debt and without any real advantages in the real world. This is why it’s incredibly important to check that any program or course you enroll for online is accredited.
3. More Work
In general, online courses, while flexible and convenient, do give students more work to do to make up for the lack of person-to-person interaction and scheduled meeting times. You have to prove yourself more in an online course, which, on average, tends to give anywhere between ten to twenty hours of work each week.
Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes
Depending on a variety of factors, including where you live, if you have family responsibilities, full-time or part-time jobs you hold, what you are studying, etc., many students can quickly decide if they will pursue online education.
For some students, it really does feel like the only option. For others, it seems perfectly ideal. And, of course, for some, it may seem like an obvious mismatch.
If you do decide to enroll in an online college course, or at least look into the option at little deeper, the sections below will give you a taste of what to expect, what you need, and, most importantly, how to succeed.
Online Class Requirements
While you will be off the hook from being physically present in class, online classes do have requirements you should be aware of.
Many online courses still require you to purchase physical books as part of their requirements. This may come as a surprise to some, thinking that everything will be delivered solely online.
Depending on the type of course you are taking (science books tend to be more expensive than literature books, for example), you may be required to order or purchase several textbooks. This cost needs to be accounted for each term, although some universities, like Southern New Hampshire University, will offer vouchers to new students to help cover book costs.
Computer & Internet
While a computer may seem obvious for an online course, it’s important to note that this computer needs to be reliable and available. Fast internet will help to make accessing your coursework convenient as well.
Devoted Time
Just because there is usually not a scheduled “meeting” time for online classes, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t put your coursework on your schedule. Most online courses are even more rigorous than traditional, which means it’s extra important that you consistently devote time.
How Online Classes Work: Online Classes vs. Campus Classes
Another important thing you need to succeed in online courses is a solid understanding of how these classes work.
For students that are accustomed to in-person, on-campus classes, the structure of online courses can feel completely foreign.
Each university or college will have a slightly different online structure, and so will programs in different fields.
1. Required interaction with professors and classmates
While you won’t be spending face-to-face time with your professor and peers, that doesn’t mean that you won’t be getting to know them. In fact, some students in online courses argue that they actually felt like they interacted more online than they did in traditional classes.
For the most part, this interaction comes in the form of graded discussions, responses, and journals.
You are held accountable for how much you interact and your understanding of the material being covered. It’s surprising to some that it is actually harder in an online course to breeze through the term.
2. Technology
Various technology is used by different programs and colleges to ensure that online learning is valuable.
From how you submit your work to how you receive it, technology plays a huge role. Advances in technology, such as easy-to-access video cameras, are allowing colleges to offer more rigorous (and helpful) experiences for online students.
For the most part, the majority of prospective students have everything they need right now in order to take part in online learning. Special programs, especially those in design or science, may require you to purchase or download additional technology.
All of these requirements are clearly spelled out in the course syllabus and college handbook. So you will be equipped with everything you need from the get-go.
3. Coursework
Most online programs deliver weekly coursework in the form of modules. Each module can contain reading assignments, discussion boards, tests, projects, and essay assignments.
While you can typically see all of the coursework you will be doing at the start of the term, most programs keep modules closed until you arrive at that week, which means you can’t submit work or participate in discussions in advance.
4. Tests and Exams
The majority of online programs offer their tests and exams in the form of multiple choice tests (either timed or not) or essays.
Because the environment cannot be controlled in most cases (although some programs will require you to take a test in a proctored and monitored location), the exams are designed around the idea that you will have access to your notes, the internet, and your textbook.
And while there are always opportunities to cheat, new technology is ensuring that even students in online courses are held accountable.
Online Classes: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous
When looking at online courses, there aren’t too many differences when it comes to schedules: they are either synchronous or asynchronous.
Synchronous online courses require you to meet at a scheduled time weekly and you participate in class live at that time. Very few online programs are synchronous, though there are some notable exceptions, like the Harvard University Extension School.
For many students, this type of schedule is beneficial for several reasons. Not only are you given a structure for completing coursework, but there is more comprehensive and meaningful interaction between yourself and other students.
The majority of online classes are asynchronous.
Asynchronous online courses allow you to login to your class to complete your assignments at a time that is most convenient for you. You can think of asynchronous learning as investing in a gym membership; the gym doesn’t require you to report a certain number of times nor does it request that you stop working at any point either.
There is more freedom in asynchronous courses, yes, but it’s also up to you to make sure you meet all of your class deadlines.
Which course format is best for you?
How you like to learn and your personality are huge factors to consider when determining which type of course, synchronous or asynchronous, is right for you. Before you enroll, consider which environment will best help you succeed.
Do you need a schedule created for you to adhere to in order to keep you motivated
Is real-time interaction with peers important to you?
Is your schedule constantly fluctuating, making it hard to know when you’ll have time to study?
Do you have a timeline for when you need to finish this course or program?
Enrolling in a Online Degree Program
With more and more colleges offering online courses, enrollment is a fairly easy process.
Depending on if you are enrolling in a single course or an entire program, what field it’s in, whether it’s at undergraduate or graduate level, and the college itself, the requirements will, of course, be different. In general, be prepared to have transcripts or diplomas from past education ready. Personal statements of interest and intent and references are also common requirements for many courses.
Almost every online course or program gives you access to an advisor, which is an invaluable tool you should definitely use.
Your advisor can answer your questions, help you apply for financial aid and scholarships, and even take care of enrollment for you completely. Your advisor is also a great person to talk to when you need advice or want to make sure you are on the right track.
Tips for Success in Your Online Classes
If you choose to enroll in an online class, dedication and discipline are musts for success. Understanding how this course, program, or degree is going to help you in the future will give you the motivation you need to continue even when you feel like quitting.
1. Tutoring
There are very few, if any, online colleges that don’t offer free tutoring to all students. Take advantage of this!
These tutors are paid for by your tuition, so not using them means that your money is literally going to waste.
So many students in online courses forget to use tutors, simply because the idea of “tutoring” brings to mind the picture of face-to-face interaction. However, online tutors are just as helpful, willing to read assignments before you submit them and even set up virtual sessions to answer your questions.
2. Communicate with your professor
Just because you are completing the course outside of the classroom doesn’t mean that your professor isn’t there to help. When you have questions or need help, don’t hesitate to reach out to your professor via email or discussion boards.
Knowing that your professor is there to help you can reduce stress and will most certainly help you succeed.
3. Class Participation
Like anything, there are always ways to cheat online, but, as the old saying goes, when you cheat, you are cheating yourself.
In online courses, that old adage couldn’t be more true. While you can only complete half the reading or stop responding to questions because you’ve met your “quota” of participation, know that participation is the key to success.
Whenever possible, ask questions, respond to comments, engage with your professor and peers, and, of course, stay on top of the work that is assigned to you.
If you are new to online courses, making the adjustment to this style of learning can be intimidating. But, knowing that you have support from your peers and professor, as well as a big reason “why”, will help to keep you on the path to success.
Best of luck in your online endeavors!
The post Online Classes vs. Traditional Classes: Pros and Cons appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/05/online-classes-vs-traditional-classes/
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jet39moores · 7 years
24 Types of Business Degrees in High Demand
Why are so many types of business degrees in high demand?
Two words: versatility and flexibility.
  At the foundation of every company and organization are standard business principles, so the skills and training you develop with a business degree can be applied anywhere, in any industry.
The subject matter lends itself to online learning, which allows you to tailor your education around existing work and family commitments, and progress at your own pace.
Check out all of these business concentrations you can pursue online:
Business Information Systems
Business Management
General Business Administration
Healthcare Management
Hospitality Management
Human Resources
Information Systems Management
International Business
Internet Marketing / e-Marketing
Operations Management
Organizational Leadership
Project Management
Public Administration
Public Relations
Supply Chain Management
24 Types of Business Degrees in High Demand
Will you cast a wide net by selecting a concentration that is applicable in nearly any business setting (like accounting), or will you instead opt to sharpen skills specific to one industry (like healthcare management)?
With over two dozen business degree types to choose from, the hardest part is going to be narrowing down your choices!
1. Accounting
Love to crunch numbers, gather data and make predictions? Accounting might be a good fit!
As budgeting and tax preparation software becomes more affordable and user friendly, you can expect to see major changes in the Accounting field. For example, rather than just focusing on numbers, you may take on an advisory role, helping individuals or businesses analyze, forecast and plan for their financial future.
Accounting Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Accounting:
Southern New Hampshire University
Post University
Online Bachelor’s in Accounting:
Colorado State University
Southern New Hampshire University
Colorado Christian University
Kaplan University (available concentrations: Tax, Public Accountancy, Managerial Accountancy)
Online Master’s in Accounting:
Colorado State University
Liberty University
University of Miami
Online MBA in Accounting:
University of Massachusetts
Saint Leo University
Online Doctorate in Accounting:
Liberty University
Northcentral University
Accounting Courses:
Business Computing Concepts
Social/Ethnical/Regulatory Issues in Business
Business Information Systems
Accounting Information Systems
Principles of Finance
Accounting Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Accounting Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Accountants and Auditors $68,150 UP 11% Budget Analysts $73,840 UP 3% Financial Analysts $81,760 UP 12% Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents $52,060 DOWN 6%
 You’ll do well in Accounting if you…
Like to analyze, compare and interpret data and figures
Easily notice errors or problems and work to find solutions
Communicate effectively when speaking with clients and coworkers as well as in written reports
Thrive on rules and routines, and can adhere to the principles, codes and regulations governing the data and how it’s reported
2. Advertising
Have you put more thought into website banners, catchy TV commercials or engaging campaigns than the average consumer? Maybe you’re ready to expand on that with a concentration in Advertising, where you’ll learn about campaign planning, persuasion strategizing, evaluating campaign success and more!
Advertising Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Marketing:
Post University
Online Bachelor’s in Advertising or Marketing:
Colorado State University
Saint Leo University
Online Master of Business Administration – Marketing:
Liberty University
Saint Leo University
Advertising Major Courses:
Account Planning
Writing for Marketing and Advertising
Market Research
Brand Management
Creative Strategy
Retail Advertising
Advertising Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Advertising Career Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Advertising, Promotions and Marketing Managers $127,560 UP 9% Advertising Sales Agents $50,380 DOWN 3%
You’ll do well in Advertising if you…
Enjoy working in a fast-paced environment
Have a knack for writing or speaking
Can prioritize projects and shift focus
Work well alone and on a team
3. Business Information Systems
If the how’s and why’s of technology aren’t your thing, but you’re excited to determine which existing programs can most effectively solve a problem, consider a concentration in Business Information Systems. Here, focus is on the big picture and practical use, so you will explore things like networking, security or database management.
Information Systems Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Business Information Processing:
Kaplan University
Online Bachelor’s in Management Information Systems:
Colorado State University
Brandman University
Online Master’s in Information Management and Systems:
Colorado State University
Saint Leo University
Business Information Systems Courses:
Principles of Management
Information Systems Design & Management
Information Systems Analysis & Design
Database Concepts
Database Management
Business Information Systems Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Business Information Systems Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Computer and Information Systems Managers (IT Managers) $135,800 UP 15% Computer Systems Analyst $87,220 UP 21% Computer Network Architect $101,210 UP 9% Information Security Analysts $92,600 UP 18% Database Administrator $89,950 UP 11%
 You’ll do well in Business Information Systems if you…
Collaborate well as a team member, but can also manage and lead others
Don’t mind time-consuming work like research, analysis, and testing
Can effectively communicate your ideas to people with all levels of tech know-how (others in IT, senior staff, customers, etc.)
Feel motivated to network and learn outside of the workplace
4. Business Management
Business Management is a great choice if you’re interested in leading a business or even owning your own one day.
With this concentration, you will develop an understanding of the economic, legal, behavioral, ethical and strategic aspects of a business and how they integrate. A thorough understanding of each of these facets will help prepare you to make decisions, strategize and manage a business of any size and in any industry.
Business Management Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Management:
Ohio Christian University
Post University
Online Bachelor’s in Management:
Colorado State University
Liberty University
Online Master’s in Management:
Colorado State University
Ohio Christian University
Online Doctorate in Management:
Grand Canyon University
Business Management Courses:
Financial Accounting
Business Law
Human Resource Management
Speech / Communication
International Business
Managerial Decision Making
Business Ethics
Business Management Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Business Management Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Sales Manager $117,960 UP 5% Compensation or Benefits Manager $116,240 UP 6% Management Analyst $81,330 UP 14%
 You’ll do well in Business Management if you…
Can make decisions confidently and quickly
Are self-motivated and able to take charge of a situation
Remain calm and optimistic when the pressure is on
Communicate effectively and professionally, both when writing and when speaking
Demonstrate respect and empathy for all team members
5. E-Commerce
Torn between business and technology? Combine the two!
In the E-commerce program, you will learn about creating and maintaining businesses on the Internet.  Whether your focus is on market research, product buying decisions, website design, financial security, or customer service, your role will constantly evolve and change because e-commerce is such a dynamic field.
E-Commerce Degree Programs:
Online Bachelor’s in E-Commerce / E-Marketing:
Ashford University (E-Marketing)
Liberty University (Digital Marketing)
Online Master’s in Internet Marketing:
Full Sail University
E-Commerce Courses:
Web Design
Internet Marketing & Advertising
Database Administration
Computer Programming
Principles of Accounting
E-Commerce Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
E-Commerce Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representative $60,530 UP 7% Sales Manager $117,960 UP 5% Web Developer $66,130 UP 27%
 You’ll do well in E-Commerce if you…
Enjoy learning about new technologies
Can think on your feet and adapt to a dynamic field
Are creative and able to think outside the box
6. Economics
Do you have a mind for math? Do you enjoy digging deep for data?
With a concentration in Economics, you can apply these skills in a variety of industries, including education, health, the environment, research firms, large corporations and government. You may even work internationally! Researching and gathering data, using software and spreadsheets to analyze and compare trends, and making informed predictions are all tasks you may encounter in this field.
Economics Degree Programs:
Online Bachelor’s in Economics:
Ashford University
Online Master’s in Economics:
American University
Johns Hopkins University
Economics Courses:
Financial Accounting
Managerial Accounting
Laws and Ethics of Business
Strategic Marketing
Business Cycles and Forecasting
Economics Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Economics Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Economist $101,050 UP 6% Financial Analyst $81,760 UP 12% Budget Analyst $73,840 UP 3% Statistician $80,500 UP 34%
You’ll do well in Economics if you…
Are math-savvy and breeze through statistics and calculus classes
Think analytically, using data to draw conclusions and make projections
Know how to organize and present material clearly to colleagues and clients
Appreciate accuracy and attention to detail
7. Entrepreneurship
Want to develop and manage your own business?
If you’re considering Entrepreneurship, you’ve probably got plenty of ideas and drive. To turn your dreams into reality, you’ll need to learn to develop a sound business plan, budget short and long-term, market your business, obtain necessary resources, manage growth, and handle all the legal and ethical aspects along the way. The skills you develop will be valuable in any business position.
Entrepreneurship Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Business Entrepreneurship:
Kaplan University
Online Bachelor’s in Business Entrepreneurship:
Liberty University
Online Master’s in Innovation & Entrepreneurship:
Full Sail University
Entrepreneurship Courses:
Business Plan Development
Negotiations & Conflict Resolution
Fundamentals of Leadership
Business Stragety
Marketing Research
Entrepreneurship Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Entrepreneurship Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Top Executives $103,950 UP 6% Management Analyst $81,330 UP 14%
You’ll do well in Entrepreneurship if you…
Constantly brainstorm new ideas, concepts and solutions
Are driven and tenacious
Don’t mind a heavy workload
Work best independently and naturally take on leadership roles
Bounce back from criticism and failure
8. Finance
Make money by knowing money, with a focus in Finance.
Here, you will learn about how individuals, institutions, governments and businesses acquire, allocate and manage funds and other financial assets. You’ll become skilled at preparing financial statements, analyzing data and market trends, and making projections, so you can advise senior managers as well as individual clients on how to maximize.
Finance Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Finance and related fields:
Southern New Hampshire University
Online Bachelor’s in Finance:
Kaplan University (concentrations available: Finance, Investment, Wealth Management, Real Estate, Financial Analysis)
Post University
Online Master’s in Finance:
University of Massachusetts
Southern New Hampshire University
Colorado State University
Online MBA in Finance:
University of Massachusetts
Finance Courses:
Business Communications
Marketing Concepts & Practice
Corporate Finance
Personal Finance
Money & Banking
Business Law
Finance Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Finance Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Financial Manager $121,750 UP 7% Financial Analyst $81,760 UP 12% Loan Officer $63,650 UP 8% Personal Financial Advisor $90,530 UP 30%
 You’ll do well in Finance if you…
Are a natural problem-solver
Can analyze data, find patterns and make predictions
Can be personable, but professional
Feel confident advising others regarding the best ways to allocate their money
9. General Business Administration
If you know you’re business-minded, but haven’t yet selected a specific focus, General Business Administration is an excellent choice.
This concentration will expose you to all facets of business, from advertising and accounting to sales and information systems, and you’ll be equipped to work in any of these areas. Or, if you’ve found your niche and want to dig deeper, you can pursue a more specialized graduate degree.
General Business Administration Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Business:
Kaplan University
Ohio Christian University
Online Bachelor’s in Business:
Colorado State University
Ashford University
Online Master’s in Business Administration:
Liberty University
Ohio Christian University
Online Doctorate in Business:
Liberty University
General Business Administration Courses:
Financial Accounting
Principles of Management
Principles of Marketing
Principles of Finance
Business Ethics
Business Law
General Business Administration Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
General Business Administration Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Accountant & Auditors $68,150 UP 11% Financial Analyst $81,760 UP 12% Sales Manager $117,960 Up 5% Human Resources Specialist $59,180 UP 5%
You’ll do well in General Business Administration if you…
Desire a broad education that allows flexibility in career choice
Adapt well to different roles
Use critical thinking and problem solving skills
Communicate effectively both within a team and as a leader
Enjoy working with numbers and data
10. Healthcare Management
You don’t have to be a doctor to succeed and make money in the healthcare industry.
A concentration in Healthcare Management will prepare you for a leadership position in a hospital, nursing home, insurance company, nonprofit organization or government agency. You’ll learn to handle budgeting, scheduling, legal and ethical concerns, coordinating and supervising community programs, managing personnel and improving patient care.
Healthcare Management Degree Programs:
Associate’s in Health Administration:
Keiser University
Online Bachelor’s in Healthcare Management & Administration:
Colorado State University
Saint Leo University
Online Master’s in Healthcare Administration and Management:
Colorado State University
University of Massachusetts
Online Doctorate in Healthcare:
Liberty University
Healthcare Management Courses:
Healthcare Administration
Healthcare Planning
Managing a Diverse Workforce
Laws & Ethics in Healthcare
Healthcare Management Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Healthcare Management Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Medical and Health Services Manager $96,540 UP 17% Social and Community Service Manager $64,680 UP 10%
 You’ll do well in Healthcare Management if you…
Possess the interpersonal skills necessary to manage and mentor
Strive to find better ways of doing things
Can make decisions
Can persuade others
11. Hospitality Management
Are you the type of person who is always taking care of others? If so, the hospitality industry might be a good fit for you.
While studying Hospitality Management, you’ll learn to plan events, budget, coordinate services and interact with clients and employees.
Hospitality Management Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Hospitality Management:
Kaplan University
Online Bachelor’s in Hospitality Management:
Grand Canyon University
Hospitality Management Courses:
Dining Room Management
Travel and Tourism
Managerial Accounting for Hospitality
Hospitality Law
Customer Service
Business Administration
Hospitality Management Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Hospitality Management Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Meeting, Convention and Event Planner $47,350 UP 10% Lodging Manager $51,840 UP 8% Food Service Manager $50,820 UP 5%
You’ll do well in Hospitality Management if you…
Are social and friendly, communicating effectively with everyone
Plan and coordinate
Think on your feet, so when plans fall through you can reassess and execute “Plan B”
12. Human Resources
If you’re truly a “people person,” then Human Resources is the area for you!
Your skills will be invaluable in helping recruit, select, train and retain employees that complement the business. This program will also equip you to oversee employee benefit programs, manage support staff, handle legal and ethical infractions, facilitate payroll, and more.
Human Resources Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Human Resources:
Point University
Online Bachelor’s in Human Resources:
Colorado State University
Colorado Christian University
Southern New Hampshire University
Online Master’s in Human Resources:
Colorado State University
Saint Leo University
Online Doctorate in Human Resources:
Liberty University
Human Resources Courses:
Human Resources Management
Training & Development
Compensation and Benefits
Employee & Labor Relations
Human Resources Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Human Resources Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Human Resources Specialist $59,180 UP 5% Human Resources Manager $106,910 UP 9%
 You’ll do well in Human Resources if you…
Are a true people person
Empathize and get along with anyone
Feel comfortable making decisions that may upset others
13. Information Systems Management
You can’t go wrong by combining two of the hottest, most in-demand areas – business and technology!
Information Systems Management will teach you to evaluate a company’s technical needs and make and implement a plan to keep things running optimally. You will gain an understanding of databases, networks, information security, computer hardware and software.
Information Systems Management Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Information Processing:
Kaplan University
Online Bachelor’s in Information Systems:
Colorado State University
Brandman University
Online Master’s in Information Systems:
Colorado State University
Saint Leo University
Information Systems Management Courses:
Fundamentals of Software Development
Spreadsheet & Database Applications
Systems Analysis & Design
Business Computer Networking
Information Security
Information Systems Management Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Information Systems Management Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Computer and Information Systems Manager $135,800 UP 15% Computer Systems Analyst $87,220 UP 21% Computer Network Architect $101,210 UP 9% Database Administrator $89,950 UP 11%
You’ll do well in Information Systems Management if you…
Are good at explaining things to others
Enjoy technology and keeping abreast of the changes
Are patient and focused
Consider the big picture and long-term goals
14. International Business
Make the whole world your office with a degree focused in International Business!
In this field, you will become familiar with exchange rates, foreign trade, foreign markets and conducting all aspects of business internationally. Because global commerce is complicated by cultural, linguistic and political differences, you will need to be sensitive, patient, and possess extraordinary communication skills. You should also be open to studying abroad and learning a foreign language.
International Business Degree Programs:
Online Bachelor’s in International Business:
Ashford University
Online Master’s in International Business & Management:
Colorado State University
International Business Courses:
International Business Strategy
International Management
International Finance
International Marketing
Cross-Cultural Management
International Human Resource Management
Global Marketing
International Business Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
International Business Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Financial Manager $121,750 UP 7% Management Analyst $81,330 UP 14% Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Manager $127,560 UP 9%
You’ll do well in International Business if you…
Manage people well
Are culturally sensitive
Have extraordinary communication and language skills
Are patient and flexible
Love to travel
15. Internet Marketing (E-Marketing)
Go beyond spam, scams and pop-ups, and learn how to legitimately reach the public online.
Studying Internet Marketing, you’ll explore the relationship between marketers and consumers, and the ways we use the web and email to reach people and drive sales. You will learn how to target a specific audience, create valuable and dynamic content, and use search engine optimization to increase exposure.
Internet Marketing Degree Programs:
Online Bachelor’s in E-Marketing:
Ashford University
Liberty University
Online Master’s in Internet Marketing:
Full Sail University
Internet Marketing Courses:
Marketing Principles
Managing Customer Relationships
Consumer Behavior
Marketing Research
Digital Marketing
Strategic Marketing Management
Internet Marketing Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Internet Marketing Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Advertising, Promotions and Marketing Managers $127,560 UP 9% Advertising Sales Agents $50,380 DOWN 3%
You’ll do well in Internet Marketing if you…
Are tech- and internet savvy
Follow trends
Think outside the box / are creative
Collaborate well
16. Marketing
If friends would describe you as persuasive and captivating, Marketing might be a good fit for you.
A focus in Marketing will cover online marketing as well as more traditional avenues such as print media, broadcast media, and direct mail. You will learn to collect and interpret data, follow trends, build brand awareness and improve customer retention and satisfaction.
Marketing Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Marketing:
Southern New Hampshire University
Post University
Online Bachelor’s in Marketing:
Colorado State University
Southern New Hampshire University
Online MBA in Marketing:
University of Massachusetts
Liberty University
Marketing Courses:
Business Ethics
Consumer Behavior
International Business
Multimedia Marketing
Principles of Marketing
Public Relations and Advertising
Marketing Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Advertising, Promotions and Marketing Managers $127,560 UP 9% Advertising Sales Agents $50,380 DOWN 3%
You’ll do well in Marketing if you…
Enjoy researching
Think outside the box
Are creative and enjoy developing new concepts
Collaborate well
17. Operations Management
Prefer to work behind-the-scenes?
In an Operations Management program, you’ll learn how to observe and control the supply chain and production. You will focus on solving product problems, streamlining transportation and delivery, regulating inventory, and attempting to simplify the process and reduce costs.
Operations Management Degree Programs:
Online Bachelor’s in Operation’s Management:
Ashford University
Operations Management Courses:
Sustainable Operations
Operations Management
Statistics for Managers
Principles of Finance
Project Management
Operations Management Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Operations Management
Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Operations Research Analyst $79,200 UP 30% Sales Manager $117,960 UP 5% Industrial Production Manager $97,140 DOWN 4%
You’ll do well in Operations Management if you…
Are observant and analytical
Easily identify problems and look for solutions
Can simplify or streamline
Are decisive
18. Organizational Leadership
Are you a strong leader with plenty of people skills?
An Organizational Leadership program will strengthen your communication and conflict resolution skills, and enable you to support and drive your organization through a period of transformation.
Organizational Leadership Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Organizational Leadership & Management:
Ohio Christian University
Online Bachelor’s in Organizational Leadership:
Colorado State University
Ohio Christian University
Online Master’s in Organizational Leadership:
Ashford University
Liberty University
Online Doctorate in Leadership:
Liberty University
Organizational Leadership Courses:
Leading Organizational Change
Organization Diversity & Inclusion
Organizational Leadership & Management
Team Building
Social Psychology
Strategic Thinking
Human Resource Management
Organizational Leadership Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Organizational Leadership Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Training & Development Manager $105,830 UP 7% Human Resources Manager $106,910 UP 9% Human Resources Specialist $59,180 UP 5%
You’ll do well in Organizational Leadership if you…
Communicate well with others
Are someone people look up to and trust
Can compel and excite a group
19. Project Management
You could help your company operate faster and more efficiently.
Through coursework in Project Management, you will collect and analyze data, prepare reports, develop project plans, procure resources, manage the budget, and assist with staffing decisions. You will gain the experience necessary to handle all sorts of projects on time and within the budget.
Project Management Degree Programs:
Online Bachelor’s in Project Management:
Colorado State University
Ashford University
Colorado Christian University
Online Master’s in Project Management:
Grand Canyon University
Colorado State University
Online Doctorate in Management:
Grand Canyon University
Project Management Courses:
Organizational Management
Project Management
Cost Management
Project Management Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Project Management Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Administrative Services Manager $90,050 UP 8% Human Resources Manager $106,910 UP 9% Human Resources Specialist $59,180 UP 5%
You’ll do well in Project Management if you…
Are organized
Can anticipate problems
Communicate with and lead others
20. Public Administration
If you’d like to work in government, or with an advocacy group or non-profit organization, check out Public Administration. This field will enhance your understanding of public organizations – how they are developed and managed, as well as how they adjust to changes in the political or social climate.
Public Administration Degree Programs:
Online Bachelor’s in Public Administration:
Ashford University
Online Master’s in Public Administration:
University of Miami
Liberty University
Public Administration Courses:
Public Administration Ethics & Theory
Disaster Recovery & Response
American Politics
Social Issues & Economic Policies
Sociology of Social Problems
Public Administration Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Public Administration Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Urban & Regional Planner $70,020 UP 6% Political Scientist $114,290 DOWN 2% Social & Community Service Manager $64,680 UP 10%
You’ll do well in Public Administration if you…
Are involved in your community
Have excellent people skills
Don’t mind the spotlight
Feel comfortable leading
21. Public Relations
Want to be the mouthpiece of your workplace?
With a concentration in Public Relations, you will learn strategic communication, event planning and how to improve and preserve the relationship the business has with its clients, customers, shareholders, the general public and the media.
Public Relations Degree Programs:
Online Bachelor’s in Public Relations:
Ashford University
Online Master’s in Public Relations:
Southern New Hampshire University
Liberty University
Public Relations Courses:
Speech Writing
Media Planning
Creative Strategy
Public Relations Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Public Relations Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Public Relations Specialist $58,020 UP 6% Public Relations & Fundraising Manager $107,320 UP 7%
You’ll do well in Public Relations if you…
Love to write
Communicate clearly and tactfully
Follow current events and trends
Are active on social media
Have a positive outlook
22. Sales
Could you sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves?
Secure yourself a spot in the Sales program,where you will explore the theories, concepts and practices relevant to sales. This program will teach you to develop and maintain relationships with consumers that are based on trust, cooperation and loyalty. With this foundation, you may sell goods or services in any number of industries.
Sales Degree Programs:
Online Associate’s in Sales:
Kaplan University
Online Bachelor’s in Sales:
Liberty University
Online MBA in Marketing:
University of Massachusetts
Liberty University
Sales Courses:
Business to Business Marketing
Sales Management
Professional Sales
Business Communication
Sales Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Sales Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representative $60,530 UP 7% Insurance Sales Agent $49,990 UP 9% Real Estate Broker or Sales Agent $46,410 UP 3%
You’ll do well in Sales if you…
Are outgoing, extroverted and confident
Can persuade others
Work independently and are self-motivated
Are resilient
Multitask well
23. Statistics
If problem solving and probability interest you, you may enjoy Statistics.
In this course study, you will learn how to gather, analyze and interpret data to help businesses make decisions or plan for trends or patterns.  You will become trained to conduct polls or experiments, use specialized software to help identify patterns and analyze the findings, and present the data and proposals using written reports, tables, charts and graphs.
Statistics Degree Programs:
Online Bachelor’s in Statistics:
University of Massachusetts – Lowell (can be completed partially online)
Online Master’s in Statistics:
Colorado State University
Statistics Courses:
Probability Theory
Statistical Methods
Principles of Economics
Statistics Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Statistics Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Statistician $80,500 UP 34% Actuary $100,610 UP 18% Survey Researcher $54,470 UP 12%
You’ll do well in Statistics if you…
Love math
Think analytically
Can organize and simplify data
Communicate well
Can think about the big picture and broad implications
24. Supply Chain Management
Are you good at coordinating and keeping things running smoothly?
The Supply Management program will help hone those skills, teaching you how to procure and allocate supplies, manage inventory, coordinate distribution and transportation, and propose any logistical improvements to the system.
Supply Chain Management Degree Programs:
Online Bachelor’s in Supply Chain Management:
Ashford University
Ohio Christian University
Online Master’s in Supply Chain Management:
Ashford University
Supply Chain Management Courses:
Strategic Supply Chain Management
Distribution Fulfillment
Purchasing & Procurement
Inventory & Materials
Strategic Sourcing
Strategic Negotiation
Supply Chain Management Careers, Salary and Job Outlook:
Supply Chain Management Careers Annual Salary Job Outlook (2014-2024) Logistician $74,170 UP 2%
You’ll do well in Supply Chain Management if you…
Are highly organized
Manage time well
Are a planner
Have a knack for networking
Can multitask
What degree levels are offered in Business Administration?
There are 4 levels of business degrees to choose from, all of which you can earn online or in the classroom. To decide what’s best for you, you will need to consider your career goals and the amount of time you want to commit.
1. Associates Degree
In just 2 years, you’ll develop an understanding of fundamental business principles and some technical know-how in your chosen industry. This will give you a leg up when applying for entry-level jobs in a specialty field.
2. Bachelors Degree
A 4 year degree will provide a richer understanding of business principles, digging deeper into communication, leadership, ethics and strategic planning. You may also choose a specific industry to focus on. With a bachelor’s degree in business, you’ll have the tools needed to take on administrative and managerial roles.
3. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Continuing your education for another 2 years beyond the Bachelors will allow you to further hone in on specific skills. With an accredited MBA from a respected business school, you will be better equipped to move into leadership positions or become a Chief Executive Officer or Chief Financial Officer.
4. Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA)
With an additional 3-6 years of study beyond your Bachelors (or Masters), you will further focus on the application of business theory. This degree can increase your earning potential and broaden your leadership role, or you can instead transition into teaching or consulting.
How long does it take to get a business degree?
Degree Level Time to Completion Associates Degree 2 years Bachelors Degree 4 years Master of Business Administration (MBA) Bachelors Degree + 2 years Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) Bachelors (or Masters Degree) + 3-6 years
Business Degree Job Titles and Salaries
Because a business degree is so versatile, you will be able to choose from thousands of jobs or even create one yourself! Here is a glimpse at where your degree could land you.
*All salary data is provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Job Title Annual Salary Associated Degree Accountants and Auditors $68,150 Accounting General Business Administration Actuary $100,610 Statistics Administrative Services Manager $90,050 Project Management Advertising Sales Agents $50,380 Advertising Internet Marketing Marketing Advertising, Promotions and Marketing Managers $127,560 Advertising
International Business Internet Marketing Marketing
Budget Analyst $73,840 Economics
Compensation or Benefits Manager $116,240 Business Management Computer and Information Systems Managers (IT Managers) $135,800 Business Information Systems
Information Systems
Computer Network Architect $101,210 Business Information Systems
Information Systems
Computer Systems Analyst $87,220 Business Information Systems
Information Systems
Database Administrator $89,950 Business Information Systems
Information Systems
Economist $101,050 Economics Financial Analyst $81,760 Accounting
General Business Administration
Financial Manager $121,750 Finance International Business Food Service Manager $50,820 Hospitality Management Human Resources Manager $106,910 Human Resources
Organizational Leadership
Project Management
Human Resources Specialist $59,180 General Business Administration
Human Resources
Organizational Leadership
Project Management
Industrial Production Manager $97,140 Operations Management Information Security Analysts $92,600 Business Information Systems Insurance Sales Agent $49,990 Sales Loan Officer $63,650 Finance Lodging Manager $51,840 Hospitality Management Logistician $74,170 Supply Chain Management Management Analyst $81,330 Business Management
International Business
Medical and Health Services Manager $96,540 Healthcare Management Meeting, Convention and Event Planner $47,350 Hospitality Management Operations Research Analyst $79,200 Operations Management Personal Financial Advisor $90,530 Finance Political Scientist $114,290 Public Administration Public Relations & Fundraising Manager $107,320 Public Relations Public Relations Specialist $58,020 Public Relations Real Estate Broker or Sales Agent $46,410 Sales Sales Manager $117,960 Business Management
General Business Administration
Operations Management
Social and Community Service Manager $64,680 Healthcare Management
Public Administration
Statistician $80,500 Economics
Survey Researcher $54,470 Statistics Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents $52,060 Accounting Top Executives $103,950 Entrepreneurship
General Business Administration
Business Management
Training & Development Manager $105,830 Organizational Leadership Urban & Regional Planner $70,020 Public Administration Web Developer $66,130 E-Commerce Wholesale & Manufacturing Sales Representative $60,530 E-Commerce
When selecting a school, it’s important to review the university’s accreditation. At a minimum, a reputable university will be regionally accredited.
The following accrediting agencies grant accreditation to colleges and universities based on their location in the United States:
Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools
New England Association of Schools and Colleges
North Central Association of Colleges and Schools
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Western Association of Schools and Colleges
In addition to regional accreditation, some universities have an additional level of accreditation specific to the business program:
The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)
The Accreditation Council for Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)
A degree in business can be whatever you want it to be.
Will you cast a wide net by selecting a concentration that is applicable in nearly any business setting, or will you instead opt to sharpen skills specific to one industry?
Do you plan to study for two years so you can jump right into the workforce, or continue your education indefinitely?
Are online classes the most practical for your lifestyle, or would you prefer to sit in a classroom with your peers?
Not all of these decisions must be made upfront, but they are all things to consider as you begin the journey toward a business degree.
The post 24 Types of Business Degrees in High Demand appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/05/types-of-business-degrees/
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jet39moores · 7 years
13 Online Technical Colleges That May Surprise You
When creating a list of reputable online technical colleges, it’s only natural to look at schools like Colorado Tech, Florida Tech, and Virginia Tech.
But there are some other more surprising technical universities offering top-notch degrees online like the University of Minnesota. And let’s not forget about Embry-Riddle.
But rather than call any one of these programs the best, I’m going to let you weigh the pros and cons of each as I take a look at each school’s strengths and weaknesses.
Each school has some particular strength that got it on this list.  That’s not to say these are the “best” schools or that these schools even compete with each other for the same students.  This list is to get you thinking about your options so you can choose the university that best matches your goals and interests.
Online Technical Schools That May Surprise You
So, with all that in mind, here are 13 online technical colleges that are accredited and respected programs, each with certain strengths and weaknesses in comparison to other comparable options.
1. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
The strength of University of Minnesota-Twin Cities is a high rate of graduation and retention.  Graduation rates are around 73% and retention rates are 92%.  Those are astronomical numbers for an online degree program and show how committed UMTC is to making sure their students cross the finish line. UMTC is also a top-ranked national university.
It’s a selective program that is regionally accredited and costs around $22,000 per year.  It’s a very good choice for those who want an online program with many of the traditional elements of a university, including research production, remedial courses and academic counseling.
2. Indian River State College
Indian River State College is, by far, the most affordable college on the list, only costing around $2,000 per year, nearly 25% of the cost of other degree programs on the list.  Still, it is accredited and has physical facilities befitting a public college.
The college has won numerous awards for its affordable online technical programs and offers real “bang for the buck” for those admitted to its programs.  This is the one school that is on this list for its affordability, which could be, obviously, a major consideration for any student.
Most of the other programs offer financial aid, so they are similar to “traditional” schools in the debt burden students can expect to rack up.  How much you are willing to “invest” in your education is a whole different discussion, but IRSC proves you can get a “real” degree without leaving in debt in the 5 or 6 figure range.
3. Regent University
Regent University will definitely be a surprise to some readers.  Started in 1977 by Reverend Pat Robertson, Regent is a private Christian college.  As such, it might not be for every student, however in its 40 years of operation, Regent has developed strong academic credentials, a history of research and most importantly a very strong online degree program with over 110 offerings.
Some students may want a Christian education and Regent is a place where that is a part of their mission, but it’s fully accredited and generally respected by many people who don’t know it’s origins as an evangelical Christian university.
4. Arizona State University
Arizona State University is one of the traditional state universities that has been one of the earliest adopters of online degree programs and continues to be an excellent choice for online technical education.  It has 150+ online programs and is ranked 4th in online degree granting.
Again, you get the reputation of a degree from an institution known as a place of scholarship and education from well before its days going online.  ASU has online tutoring, research assistance and career counseling.  Full time online students are also exempt from out-of-state tuition costs.  ASU, as well as Minnesota, is a place where real resources have been spent to make sure that online learning is studied and improved so it can be most effective for students.
5. Strayer University
Strayer’s roots go back to 1892, but it has in recent decades shifted to online education.
Its retention and graduation rates make it a good choice for many students who don’t need the research or physical presence of some of the other programs attached to major universities and colleges.  It’s also known for high minority student enrollment and a focus on working adults.
6. Western Governors University
Western Governors University was founded in 1997 by the governors of 19 states seeking to create a model that was based on courses that allowed students to pass based on competency.  As such, it was able to offer enrolling students some ability to get credit for previous education or work experience. No minimum GPA or standardized test scores are required.
Each student at WGU is assigned a mentor, as well.  For students who wish to take advantage of previous experience and work at their own pace,  especially those who are organized and independent, WGU is a school to consider.  If you want to have a different model of learning and are self-motivated, WGU can get students to degree completion faster than almost any other program.
7. Oregon Institute of Technology
Oregon Tech is one of the most technology-focused schools on this list with substantial online offerings.  Its residential campus is in Klamath Falls, Oregon and it has several other campus branches.  It’s the only public polytechnic school in the Northwest.
As a campus with a polytechnic university past, its online programs are highly respected and well taught.  You can expect the faculty and curriculum here to be very high quality, indeed.
8. George Mason University
George Mason University began as part of the University of Virginia but became independent in 1972.  It’s probably the most prestigious school on the list here and tuition isn’t cheap, at over $17,000 per year.  For many students, however, the opportunities that come with a GMU degree will make it worth the expense over the long haul.
It should be at the top of the list for students looking for a selective program with a tremendous reputation and top-notch faculty for whom the cost is less of a consideration.  GMU is an example of how even very selective schools that normally have to turn away a huge number of the applicants for their traditional programs are branching out into online education.
9. University of Nebraska at Omaha
The Nebraska system as a whole has also been one of the most progressive state universities going into the online degree field.  UNO is home to the Peter Kiewit Institute, a $70,000,000 facility dedicated to computer science and engineering making it arguably the strongest technical education program to offer full online degrees.
Online costs are approximately $11,000 per year, putting it in the middle of the pack in terms of tuition.  As such, it’s probably only eclipsed by Indian River in terms of bang for the buck.  This is a program that is going to give online learners access to faculty and resources right on the cutting edge of technology fields.
10. American Public University
The American Public University System was founded as the American Military University in 1991.  However, despite its name it is neither a public university or specifically affiliated with the United States military.
The university has a very high number of students who have served in the military and offers good coordination with those receiving GI Bill benefits, so it may be one of particular consideration for students with a military or public service background.
11. Murray State University
Murray State, which is based out of Kentucky, is a reasonably affordable online program that runs about $10,000 per year in annual tuition.  They are another program that has a strong online presence with a smaller student population than some of the other options.
Murray State offers a streamlined 42 credit hour program intended to get people through the program quickly and efficiently. So, this makes Murray State a bit of a “goldilocks” program for some students with just the right mix of having a connection to a traditional university, but still offering innovative ways to speed up degree completion and incorporate non-traditional elements, like Western Governors University.
12. New Mexico State University
New Mexico State University offers a program that is interdisciplinary and focuses on having students work through practical applications like hardware construction, website development and other hands-on problem solving.
For students who are active learners and prefer project based education over more classroom theory, this could be the most appealing program in the list.
13. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
You wanted to be surprised—how about a degree from the “Harvard of the Sky?”  It’s certainly not the easiest school on the list to get into, but for those students who say, “The Sky is the Limit” this could be the school for you.
A school with the prestige of Embry-Riddle offering an online degree through their “Worldwide” online designation is something we would be remiss not to make note of.  If you’re a top-flight student who is still set on doing an online education, this could be worth your time to investigate.  The education you’ll get here is second to none, online or otherwise.
Some Final Thoughts
This isn’t an exhaustive list and these schools are not being “ranked” by their positions on the list.  Prospective students are advised to thoroughly research these or any other schools they may be considering.
One of the goals of this article in contrast to other similar takes on the subject is to offer several universities that are more in contrast to each other than they are alike.  So if one of the programs here is attractive, then you might want to take the next step and see what programs are in competition with that school.
Do you want a school that specializes in online education like Strayer?  Or do you want a degree from a university with prestige like George Mason?  How much help are you going to need?  Can you pace yourself at a school like Western Governors University or do you want the kind of support that Arizona State or Minnesota Twin Cities provides?  Or perhaps even more. Additionally some colleges offer credit for prior learning, something that wasn’t addressed here, but may be of interest to returning students.
Many schools have helpful websites or can be reached by phone for personal consultation.  Pursue your dreams and best of luck!
We’d love to hear your thoughts! What’s your favorite tech university offering online programs?
The post 13 Online Technical Colleges That May Surprise You appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/04/online-technical-colleges/
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jet39moores · 8 years
75 Fun (and Incredible) Gap Year Ideas for High School Students
You’re on the verge of graduating high school and beginning to think about the future, but what if you want to see a bit of the world before being tied down to a college degree program?
That’s where a gap year comes in!
A gap year is an increasingly popular way for students and young adults to take several months to grow and develop through experiences. Whether you stick close to home and commit to a local volunteer effort or you pack a backpack to travel across Europe, a gap year is unique for every person.
There are countless opportunities to create a meaningful gap year that gets you on the right track to your future, and we’ve put together the following list of 75 of our favorite experiences for you to explore:
1. Explore the Beauty of Alaska: Spend your summer adventuring in the heart of Alaska! From trekking glaciers to kayaking in the Prince William Sound, you’re guaranteed to have the experience of a lifetime.
2. Become an African Safari Guide: Get a first-hand look at the natural wonders and fascinating animals of the African continent! Over 55 days you will study a variety of topics in Victoria Falls to train for certification as a Level 1 Field Guide.
3. Plan a Cross-Country Road Trip: There is an entire world to see right in the U.S.A., and a gap year is the perfect time to travel across the country and explore the diversity of our nation.
4. Hike the Appalachian Trail: If you want to explore the east coast by foot, there’s no better choice than hiking this beautiful trail that extend from Maine down to Georgia.
5. Sail Into the Adventure of a Lifetime: If the open seas are calling to you, spend your gap year on a voyage with Tall Ships Adventures! Learn what it takes to run a vessel, develop valuable skills, and make new friends on this exciting expedition.
6. Swim in a Sea of Pink: Lake Retba in Senegal is one of the most fascinating bodies of water on the planet, and a trip to its shores will allow you to float along on its bright pink salt waters.
7. Ride a Dune Buggy through Dubai: See the Arabian desert sands in a unique way by blazing a trail in a dune buggy adventure.
8. Spend a Night in One of the World’s Craziest Hotels: From palaces made of ice to sleeping in a sewage pipe in Austria, you can take your traveling experience to the next level with these out-of-the-box options.
9. Get Your Kicks on Route 66: See America the way it was meant to be by cruising your motorcycle down all 2,448 miles of The Mother Road.
10. Trek Your Way through Central America: Take an unforgettable trip through several Central American cities! From exploring ancient ruins and rainforests to climbing volcanos, you will be hard-pressed to find another expedition with this much adventure.
11. Climb Mt. Everest: Climbing the world’s tallest mountain is at the top of the bucket list for most adventurers, and a gap year is the perfect time to cross it off your list.
12. Stand on the Great Wall of China: As one of the New Seven Wonders of the World, a hike along this stunning structure is the best way to get a panoramic view of China’s incredible landscape.
13. Venture into Wilds of the West: Discover the beauty of America’s backcountry and learn vital skills for survival and conservation within the terrain of Colorado, Utah, and Patagonia.
14. Research in the Galapagos Islands: The Darwin Foundation is an ideal starting point for those interested in scientific research surrounding the natural world and humanity’s impact on vulnerable ecosystems.
15. Take College to a New Country: What if you could travel the world and work on experiential college curriculum? LeapYear is an innovative program that gives you the chance to adventure around the globe while learning valuable skills to advance your future degree.
16. Become a Leader by Experiencing the World: Within the structure of an academic semester, you will be guided on an overseas adventure that gives you unique insight into community, service, and culture.
17. Spend a Semester in Washington, D.C.: This unique program gives you the chance to have real-world internship experiences and take two college classes while being immersed in the thriving D.C. area.
18. Learn About Culture Through Field-Based Experiences: By immersing yourself in a new culture, you will learn to identify solutions to critical global issues while improve communities alongside local experts.
19. Study Whales and Dolphins in Italy: Explore the unique beauty of Italy while performing research on various whales and dolphins native to the Mediterranean.
20. Experience the World of Art: See humanity’s greatest accomplishments in art, architecture, and sculpture by traveling through Italy with top art mentors.
21. Help Protect the Reefs in Belize: Work with researchers to monitor coral reefs and contribute to efforts that combat the unsustainable spread of the lionfish in the waters of Belize.
22. Build a Sustainable Future for Senegal’s Children: Use entrepreneurial skills to teach street children how to develop a business plan and make their way out of the cycle of poverty.
23. Learn from Teachers in a Global Setting: If you are taking a gap year while enrolled in a teaching degree program, this experience gives you the chance to work alongside educators in private schools abroad.
Skill Building
24. Take the Ultimate Skill-Building Challenge: Travel to 10 countries and learn 100 real-world skills that cover everything from scuba diving to entrepreneurship and Thai massage.
25. Learn to Survive in the Wild: Take on an outdoor expedition that ranges from dog sledding to mountaineering, and learn essential tools for survival along the way!
26. Combine Leadership with Outdoor Survival: Journey to the world’s most beautiful places and learn vital survival and leadership skills through field- and classroom-based courses.
27. Channel the Spirit of Julia Child: There’s nothing like French cuisine, and you can learn the intricate skills needed to master this art by taking on-site classes at Le Cordon Bleu’s Paris or US locations.
28. Train to be a Master DJ: The island of Ibiza is a global hub of musical talent, and their international training center is the ideal place to escape and master the art of live electronic production.
29. Learn Kung Fu from the Masters: If you’ve always wanted to perfect the ancient art of Kung Fu, head to Pai, Thailand! At the Nam Yang Kung Fu Retreat, you will spend time learning skills and wisdom from experts in Chinese martial arts.
30. Build Your Photography Skills through Traveling: Work alongside a National Geographic photographer and receive intensive photography instruction by spending a week at a workshop.
31. Care for Elephants in Thailand: Learn the skills of banana ball making and caring for rescued Asian elephants at this premier wildlife protection center.
32. Become a Ranch Hand: Step back into the Old West on a working ranch in the Rocky Mountains where you’ll bond with a horse, ride through the scenic landscapes, and work around the farm to help keep it up and running.
33. Immerse Yourself in the Himalayas: India and Nepal are fascinating countries, and over the course of this 90 day program you will have the chance to dive into the culture, religion, and ancient history of the area.
34. Foster a Cross-Cultural Community: Spend three months in Asia, Africa, or Latin America to work and live side-by-side with locals and develop a deeper cultural understanding and world perspective.
35. Hunt for Dragons: Choose to travel through the heart of India, China, Africa, and more by immersing yourself in the language, culture, and the magical mythology of each region.
36. Master the Chinese Language: Take a trip to the Mandarin Capital in Hangzhou, China to gather with students from around the world that want to learn the Chinese language through an immersion experience.
37. Volunteer on a Native American Reservation: Get a first-hand look at Native American culture by living and working with the Blackfeet Community in Montana.
38. Hop a Train through Europe: With one Eurail pass, you can travel through 28 European countries and take your time exploring the diversity of culture, language, and adventure along the way.
39. Hear the Music of Mozart in Salzburg: Explore Mozart’s birthplace and see this fascinating city in a new way by enjoying concerts, scenic tours, and more.
40. Learn from Indigenous Cultures in the Amazon: The goal of this expedition is to help local Amerindian communities set up a sustainable, eco-friendly infrastructure within the jungles of Guyana.
Personal Growth
41. Discover Your Life’s Purpose: Work with an experienced mentor to take a journey into self-exploration! Throughout the program, you will discover the tools you need to live a life of purpose, passion, and adventure.
42. Foster Your Community Spirit: This experience takes place on a 250-acre campus in New Hampshire where you will live, work, and commune with nature through skill-building and community development.
43. Practice Yoga in Paradise: If you love the art of yoga, there’s nothing better than practicing your craft on the pristine beaches of the Bahamas, and the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat is your ticket to inner peace and tranquility.
44. Take a Spiritual Journey Though India: India is one of the global centers for spiritual seekers, and a pilgrimage through the country’s sacred sites is a life-changing way to connect with your divinity.
45. Learn Buddhism in Nepal: Disconnect from the outside world and travel inward by learning and living amongst Nepal’s spiritual teachers in a Buddhist monastery.
46. Relax in a Bali Luxury Spa: Beauty and serenity will surround you when you take time out of your gap year to enjoy the relaxation and mystery of Bali.
Athletic and Sports
47. Tackle a Mountain: For athletes with a passion for mountain sports, there’s no better way to train, learn new skills, and push yourself to your greatest potential.
48. Coach Rugby Abroad: Help students learn the sport of rugby and take part in a variety of volunteering opportunities in countries around the world.
49. Become a Global Ninja: Take your martial arts training to the next level by coaching in Africa! Whatever art you have mastered, you’ll have the chance to teach others and learn new skills while inspiring young people in Ghana.
50. Play Hockey in Australia: Join up with a local hockey club Down Under, and help lead them to victory through a Mini Season hockey program!
51. Plan a Worldwide Sports Tour: All around the world major sporting events are taking place, so why not center your gap year adventure around hitting some of the top destinations?
52. Jump Out of a Plane in New Zealand: Skydiving is a thrill in itself, but you can take your experience to the next level by flying above the stunning landscapes of New Zealand.
53. Challenge Yourself through Cycling: Whether you want a weekend of training or a challenging mountain trek, there are countless international biking adventures waiting for you during your gap year travels.
54. Become a Surf Instructor in Australia: The Mojosurf Academy offers a three month surf instructor course that teaches you all the skills you need to hang ten with the best of the best!
55. Climb a Glacier in Iceland: Iceland lives up to its name in this adventurous expedition where you will spend days hiking, trekking, and climbing some of the world’s most pristine glaciers.
56. Make a Difference through Sports in South Africa: By teaching young South African children sporting skills, you can help them build healthy habits, gain confidence, and explore their passions.
57. Dog Sled through Canada: Take a month out of your gap year to spend time volunteering at a husky ranch in Canada! You’ll work with the dogs, take guided trips, and learn about roughing it in the great outdoors.
58. Get Fit on the Beach: If you love fitness and spending days at the ocean, this one is for you! Spend 10 days on an epic Bali adventure filled with excursions, health workshops, and exciting night-life.
59. Get an Adrenaline Overload in Mexico: Extreme sport enthusiasts can’t beat the experience of this gap year adventure! From sky diving to zip lines, you’ll get to see the best of the Riviera while getting your fill of thrills.
Volunteer Work
60. Make a Difference around the World: Over the course of nine months, you will travel to India, Guatemala, and Costa Rica to serve local communities and gain a broader understanding of world culture.
61. Support Social and Environmental Causes: With a focus on giving back to the world through volunteerism, you can choose from 245 different programs that focus on global social issues and environmental conservation.
62. Learn about Marine Conservation: From professional dive training to international marine conservation internships, this program gives you the chance to develop valuable skills and make a difference for marine life in exotic locations around the world.
63. Make an Impact for Mexican Youth: Team up with United Planet and spend up to a year living in Mexico and volunteering for community projects that support street children, orphans, and underprivileged youth.
64. Volunteer with African Orphans: Make a difference for one of Africa’s most vulnerable populations—the orphan children of Kenya. During your time there you will support the efforts of local orphanages while gaining valuable work and life experience.
65. Give Back to American Communities: Civic responsibility is a core American value, and through the support of AmeriCorps, you can work with local communities around the country to address their most pressing needs.
66. Walk With Pumas in Bolivia: If you love animals, the CIWY in Bolivia is the place to be. By volunteering with the rescued wildlife of this center, you will work with beautiful exotic species that include big cats, monkeys, and birds.
67. Build Homes in Malawi: Through Habitat for Humanity, you can change the life of a family in Malawi by providing the man-power needed to build safe, comfortable homes.
68. Renovate Temples in Sri Lanka: Learn about unique Sri Lankan construction methods and help local villagers rebuild and restore ancient temples to their former glory.
69. Help Rebuild Nepal: After being hit with a devastating earthquake in 2015, Nepal is still in need of volunteers to help them rebuild. Take part in this global humanitarian effort to make a difference for thousands of families.
Work Experience
70. Help the Youth of Peru: Travel to the beautiful city of Cusco and immerse yourself in the culture and language of the region by working with disadvantaged youth.
71. Work as an Au Pair: If you love children and travel, becoming an au pair gives you the best of both worlds! You will gain valuable work experience by living with a host family and immersing yourself in a new culture.
72. Teach English in a Foreign Country: Teach English in another country and learn valuable cultural and leadership skills in the process! This is ideal for teachers that wish to earn certification as English teachers abroad.
73. Try Your Hand at Farming: If you believe in a sustainable, global community, this is the opportunity for you! Join together with likeminded people to support the organic movement by working on organic farms around the world.
74. Support Women through Midwifery: Projects Abroad offers an exciting experience for those interested in Midwifery to take part in global internships. Not only will you help bring life into the local communities, you will learn valuable work and cultural skills along the way.
75. Study Journalism in Africa: Work with Internews—a non-profit organization that covers vital issues around the world and supports the voices of those who are often left unheard.
Education is essential in the modern world, but learning can take place in many places besides the classroom! Embarking on a gap year journey gives you the tools you need to learn about who you are and get a greater understanding of the diverse world that we live in. Wherever your future takes you, a gap year will give you an experience that lasts a lifetime.
The post 75 Fun (and Incredible) Gap Year Ideas for High School Students appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/03/75-gap-year-ideas-high-school-students/
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jet39moores · 8 years
Top 25 Highest Paying Online College Majors
Do you want to earn a degree that gives you the skills needed to score a job with a six-figure salary? Do you need flexible class options that allow you to juggle home and work obligations? Then you need to check out this list of the top 25 highest paying online college degree programs!
When planning out the path you want to take for your future degree program, you need to know that you will end up with a degree that gives you ample career opportunities and a lucrative annual salary. Most adults that return to college are looking to advance their careers, and online classes are one of the most popular tools available to earn a reputable degree in less time—on a schedule that fits into your busy life.
In the table below, we’ve put together top online majors that give you the best of both future career potential and flexible classes. While many of the degrees listed focus on the fast-growing field of technology, there are numerous options within a variety of industries to find careers that pay well and put you on the path to a life-long, rewarding career.
Online Major Starting Salary
Early Career Salary
Mid-Career Salary
Actuarial Mathematics This quickly growing degree program gives you a solid overview of advanced mathematics.
Computer Science Gain skills needed to work in web and IT development and computer administration.
Physics Set the stage for research-based careers in science with this advanced degree.
Political Science and Government Learn research and critical thinking skills that can be applied to jobs in the ever-changing political world.
Economics This fast-growing program focuses on the world of both macro- and micro-economics.
Engineering Management Take your career to the next level by learning how to effectively lead in the engineering field.
Software Engineering This project-based degree blends engineering with IT and leadership skills.
Statistics Study probability and statistical methods to advance your career in a number of industries.
Building Construction Management Learn the skills needed to effectively manage complex construction projects.
Marketing Pursue a fast-paced career by specializing in the growing world of marketing management.
Business Information Systems Learn skills across business and technology with this fast-paced degree program.
Operations Management With this degree you learn how to produce consumer goods in the most efficient manner.
Health Informatics Combine IT and medical skills with this in-demand degree program.
Finance Choose to work in accounting, economics, or business with this versatile degree.
Industrial Management Help companies create a better work environment and increase business productivity.
Telecommunications There are a number of sub-fields within this degree that can lead to lucrative employment opportunities.
International Relations A detailed understanding of world politics prepares you for careers in a variety of high-level positions.
Information Security Develop modern security management skills that can be used in a number of industries.
Technical Communication Learn how to produce, design, and manage information through technology.
Graphic Design Learn advanced computer and animation skills that can be applied to a number of fields.
Business Administration This versatile degree gives you an in-depth look of the fundamentals of business operation.
Accounting An Accounting degree gives you the skills needed to pursue careers throughout the business world.
Human Resource Management The changing world of business has made human resource professionals an invaluable asset.
Criminal Justice Dive into the world of social justice and law enforcement by studying the skills of criminal justice.
Healthcare Administration This solid degree program gives you the tools you need to understand the complex medical world.
*Job and salary data provided by Payscale.com
The salary numbers listed above give you a basic understanding of what you can expect salary-wise in entry-level positions, as well as after 10+ years of working within the field. As with any degree, the amount of effort you put into your career plays a big role in your earning potential, and many of these degrees offer additional sub-specialties that you can study to learn advanced skills that give you a chance to pursue higher-paying jobs.
What are the Benefits of Earning a Degree Online?
One of the best things about the majors listed above is that all of these degrees can be earned online! With over three million students across the United States taking at least one online class, more colleges every year are offering online degree programs to meet the changing needs of their student body.
Benefits of working towards your degree through online classes include:
Ability to work on courses when and where is convenient for you
Access to ample online resources and technology
Virtual tutoring and mentoring services
Potential for lower tuition costs
With flexible scheduling and the potential to work through your degree program at a faster pace, there’s never been a better time than now to take the first step in reaching your long-term career goals with an online degree!
How Do You Get Started With an Online Degree Program?
Once you’ve decided that an online program will be the best choice for you, the first thing you need to do is make a decision on the field that you wish to study. Whether you are looking for a complete career change or want to learn the skills needed to get a promotion in your current job field, doing your research into the various degrees available is essential to know that you will be earning a degree that gives you the opportunities you want and the job security that you need.
So, what are you waiting for? By using the table above as a guide, you can begin the process of getting into an online degree program that sets you up for a lifetime of lucrative career opportunities.
The post Top 25 Highest Paying Online College Majors appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/03/top-25-highest-paying-online-college-majors/
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jet39moores · 8 years
7 Surprising Video Game Degrees You Can Earn Online
What if we told you that you could make a living from playing video games and designing exciting new virtual worlds for others to enjoy? Well, that’s now possible in less time than you may think by earning an online degree in video games! This continually expanding field offers a number of exciting sub-specialties that you can learn about through the flexible nature of online schooling.
Whether you are interested in the art and animation of video games or enjoy the technical aspects of programming and design, there are countless ways that you can turn your online degree into an exciting career opportunity.
Below we’ll cover seven of the most surprising video game degrees that you can earn from the comfort of your own home—at a pace that suits your already busy life!
1) Game Art
The world of art covers a broad spectrum of industries, and your creative artistic talents can easily translate into the world of video games. With an online bachelor’s degree in Game Art, you will showcase your skills by creating unique virtual worlds for new video game applications.
Throughout the duration of this program you will focus on creating 3D video game content by taking courses that include:
Fundamentals of art and creative presentation
2D and 3D animation
Model creation and capture
Visual communications
Game character development
After graduation from a Game Art degree program, you’ll be able to seek employment as a user interface designer, 3D game artist, game design specialist, and numerous other positions related to technology and animation.
2) Game Design
Game Design is unique degree that provides you with a well-rounded set of skills that can be applied to video game creation, animation, and production. Courses you take will cover everything from game economics to storytelling and character development—giving you the chance to learn the techniques needed to excel in the video game industry.
Careers that you might be interested in after graduation from this online degree program include:
Game audio engineer
Game designer
Game programmer
Creative game director
Game marketer
With a Game Design degree, you can take your skillset in a number of different directions. Whether you are more interested in the artistic side of gaming or the business and marketing sectors, there are ample opportunities for advancement with this versatile degree.
3) Game Development
The process of developing a video game is much more involved than most people understand, and this exciting degree gives you an inside look at the complex world of video game development.
With a focus on programming, design skills, and engineering, you will learn how to create program code for the following aspects of the video game world:
3D graphic display
Multiplayer games
Artificially intelligent components
Real-time virtual environments
With the continual evolution of virtual reality applications and video games, a Game Development degree gives you a solid starting point for pursuing lucrative jobs with a positive future employment outlook.
4) Mobile Gaming
There are many different segments of the video game industry, and mobile gaming is one of the hottest trends within this technological field. With millions of people utilizing tablets and smartphones to take gaming to an entirely new level, professionals that are skilled in mobile gaming development are always in high demand.
This progressive degree program focuses on development of the following skills:
Advanced programming
Concept development
Game marketing and monetizing
Usability engineering
After you go through the specialized classes associated with an online Mobile Gaming program, you will have the know-how necessary to build your own game from start to finish and market it to the general public.
5) Interactive Media Design
With an interesting combination of video game development and graphic design, a degree in Interactive Media Design sets you up for a versatile future career. The knowledge gained during the course of this program centers around creating meaningful, useful user experiences for websites, games, and mobile applications.
Courses that you can expect to take within this online program include:
Web and game development
Raster and Vector graphics
Elements of interactive media
With a positive job outlook and continual need for highly-skilled gaming designers, this degree is an excellent starting point for taking a different approach to the video game world.
6) Animation Technology
For those who have a strong interest in both art and technology, the specialized video game field of Animation Technology is a great choice. There are a number of directions that you can take this versatile degree, and some of the popular industries in which graduates find employment include:
Applied animation
TV news stations
Video games, commercials, and film
Medical animations
3D mapping
The field of animation technology is growing at a steady rate, and some graduates may even be able to find remote employment opportunities to give them greater flexibility in their careers.
7) Game Programming
The field of game programming is a vital component of the video game industry, and this fast-paced degree provides students with the skills needed for a number of exciting employment opportunities within this growing field.
As a game programmer, you will have the specialized knowledge needed to develop programming for:
Game consoles
PC and MAC systems
Simulation experiences
Mobile apps
There are several online programs within this industry that offer specializations in Game Programming. Typically, this course of study can be found as a track within a bachelor’s level Production Programming degree.
Get Started With Your Online Video Game Degree!
Finding a degree program in a field that you are passionate about is the first step towards creating a fulfilling long-term career. For those who love the world of gaming, virtual reality, and computer programming, an online degree in the video game industry is the perfect route for learning the skills needed to pursue your passions in the fast-paced and ever-evolving gaming industry.
Luckily, many of these degree programs are now available in an online format—giving students the chance to earn a degree faster and with greater flexibility than ever before. Whether you love art and animation or the technical aspects of game programming and code, there is something for everyone in the world of online video game degrees!
The post 7 Surprising Video Game Degrees You Can Earn Online appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/02/top-7-video-game-degrees-online/
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jet39moores · 8 years
7 Surprising Online Business Degrees you can earn from Home
Do you enjoy learning about the world of business? Do you have a passion for working with people or a head for numbers? Regardless of the skills and passions you possess, the world of online Business degrees has something for everyone!
With concentrations that range from high-level global management to helping a business keep their bottom-line in the black, you can transform your standard Business education into a degree program that prepares you for a career that you will love.
To give you a better idea of the most exciting online Business degree concentrations available today, check out the list below:
1) Hospitality Management
Do you enjoy travel, management, and event-planning? Then pursuing an online Business degree with a focus on Hospitality Management could be the ticket to your dream career!
This unique field prepares you to manage the daily operations of organizations that cater to consumers and business travelers in a variety of settings, including:
Resorts and hotels
Special event facilities
Food service companies and banquet halls
Gaming venues and casinos
Foreign tourism industries
The skills learned throughout this degree program cover topics ranging from management to economics to staffing and security—giving you a well-rounded skillset that can be utilized in a number of different professional settings.
2) Small Business and Entrepreneurship
More than ever, the dream of owning a small business and self-employment is a driving force for those in the ever-changing economy. To get a leg-up on the skills needed to successfully manage your own business, a concentration in Small Business and Entrepreneurship is an excellent choice.
Throughout the course of this degree program, you will cover a variety of advanced topics to prepare you for small business ownership, including:
Management theory
Professional communications
Business development
With more than 14 million Americans pursuing their dreams of self-employment, having a solid educational background to support your passion is ideal for successfully starting and running your own business.
3) Global Supply Chain Management
Effectively coordinating the daily operations of a global business is essential for staying competitive in the fast-paced market, and those with knowledge of Global Supply Chain Management are in high demand across a number of different industries.
This leadership-focused Business concentration centers on skills within the following topics:
Strategic supply and master planning
Logistics, distribution, and warehousing
Global issues in business
Total quality management
Support tools and applications
By specializing in Global Supply Chain Management, your foundation of business knowledge will be taken to the next level, and you’ll have the opportunity to apply for professional positions in a variety of fast-paced career fields.
4) Human Resource Management
Successfully managing the employees of an organization is key to its success, and those who have a degree in Business with a concentration in Human Resource Management are at the front lines of this demand.
Those who complete this degree program may find employment in career-fields such as:
EEO coordinator
Labor relations manager
Human resources information systems specialist
Throughout the course of this online degree program, you develop skills specific to handling training and labor relations within an organization. By taking classes that center on staffing, employment law, and understanding compensation and benefits, you’ll be prepared to take on a specialized role within a number of different industries.
5) Finance
If you have a knack for numbers and enjoy the challenge that comes with managing a business’s bottom-line, specializing in Finance may be the ideal route to take with your online Business degree.
After completion of your degree program, you’ll be able to take on roles within the business world that include:
Entrepreneurial finance
Risk management
International finance
Real estate
Financial advisement
Skilled financial professionals are always in high demand—particularly with the continually evolving world market. By pursuing this challenging concentration, you set the stage for vast employment potential and the opportunities to climb the corporate ladder.
6) Marketing
Marketing is one of the most fast-paced fields of business, and companies are always on the look-out for marketing professionals that can help them stay competitive and relevant in the continually-changing marketplace.
Having a Marketing skillset in conjunction with a Business foundationcan open up the door to employment opportunities that include:
Marketing manager
Market researcher
Art director
Survey researcher
Chief marketing officer (CMO)
While a bachelor’s degree in Business and Marketing can get your foot in the door to an exciting career, there are also ample opportunities within this field to move up the corporate ladder and continue building upon your skills and experience.
7) Project Management
Those with an interest in technology and management would likely enjoy the courses within a Project Management concentration of an online Business degree program. With a focus on learning skills necessary to help businesses operate more efficiently, you will cover a number of different topics to keep up with the changing world of business.
Those who hold a degree in Project Management can find employment in specialized niches such as:
Budget project management
Cost control
Risk assessment
Performance reporting
Bid negotiation and contracts
When considering this type of degree concentration, look for a college that offers online courses accredited by recognized agencies. The Project ManagementInstitutes Global Accreditation Center is a noteworthy distinction that top programs in this field hold.
Making the Most Out of your Online Business Degree
The business world contains a wealth of opportunity for those who are interested in a challenging, rewarding career. From finance and accounting to tourism and employee relations, there are numerous concentrations within the Business field that gives students the chance to specialize their degree programs to align with their passions.
Online classes add another element to the potential of your Business degree and concentration, and the flexibility of this type of program allows adult learners to accelerate their degrees and work at a pace that fits into their busy lives. By taking the reins and pursuing a specialized online Business degree, you are setting the stage for a life-long career that makes you love going to work every day.
The post 7 Surprising Online Business Degrees you can earn from Home appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/02/7-online-business-degree-concentrations/
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jet39moores · 8 years
94 Year Old Woman With Perfect GPA Earns her College Degree
For so many of us, going back to school to earn a college degree can feel like an unattainable goal. Between full-time jobs, kids, and all of the other things that take priority in daily life, how can you make time to pursue your long-forgotten dream of finishing your college education?
For one Honolulu resident, the challenges of returning to school as an adult weren’t enough to stop her from reaching for the stars. At 94 years old, Amy Craton made the decision to jump headfirst back into college to finish her degree. Although she had attended school decades before, she had never finished the program after going through a divorce and needing to get a full-time job to support her four children.
At her age, Amy was obviously not the “typical” college student, so what made her want to step back into the world of college education?
As she told NBC News, “Sitting here one day in front of the computer, I thought, boy, I’m just wasting my time here. I think I’ll go back to college and finish my degree.”
And as simple as that, she made her dream a reality.
While there were definite obstacles to achieving her dream, Amy was able to think outside of the box to overcome the odds. Her location and physical challenges made traditional college courses impossible to complete, but at the suggestion of her son, she decided to look into online classes at Southern New Hampshire University.
The technological aspect of online degree programs didn’t faze her either. In fact, she says, “I’m on Facebook and I email. I’m all over. The minute I get up in the morning, I go over and I check the news here and in the world. I’m comfortable being online.”
Amy didn’t just attend her classes online either—she excelled at them. As of July 2016, she had only two terms left to complete to earn her Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing and English and was maintaining a perfect 4.0 GPA.
What Can We Learn From Amy Craton’s Story?
The circumstances surrounding Amy Craton’s story may be unusual, but the dream of an adult student returning to college to finish a degree is not uncommon. Over the last several years, more and more working adults have decided to take the first step towards pursuing a degree, and for many students, online classes give them the flexibility they need to succeed.
So, how can you take the inspiring message of Amy’s success and turn that into positive action for meeting your own long-term goals?
As they say, a journey begins with a single step, and finding the courage to think outside the box for your education is the first stepping stone towards meeting your long-term goals. There are many messages that we can take away from stories like Amy’s, and below we’ve put together a few tips on making her hopeful message work for you.
Secrets to Reaching Your Goals – Despite the Obstacles
1) Identify Your Long-Term Goals
Amy’s driving force behind enrolling in college, despite her age, was the passion she had for completing her life-long goals. Ever since leaving school when her children were young, Amy dreamed of finishing what she started with her degree program, and she believed that it was never too late to make that happen. She also has a passion for sharing her love of language with the world, and she plans on using her degree to write and publish poetry after graduation.
Committing to a degree program as a working adult can be overwhelming, but keeping your long-term goals in focus can help ease you through the process.
Do you want a degree to move up in your current job position? Do you dream of starting in an entirely new career? Are you tired of wondering “what if” about that degree you started years before?
By identifying the goals you have, both personally and professionally, you give yourself a clear starting point for taking the first step towards obtaining them.
2) Do Your Research Before You Commit to a School
When asked why she chose to enroll in Southern New Hampshire University, Amy said that it brought back happy childhood memories of vacations she took to that part of the U.S. While this might be an unusual way to choose a college, there was more to her choice than just nostalgia. Southern New Hampshire University is one of many universities throughout the United States that offer competitive, accredited degree programs in a virtual setting.
When choosing a school that is right for you, you need to consider several factors, including:
Reputation and accreditation of the university
Flexibility of class schedules
Type and format of degree programs offered
Student support and resources
Tuition and financial aid
By doing your research before you commit to a college or university, you can ensure that the effort you are putting into your degree program has a positive outcome for you once you’re ready for the professional workforce.
3) Consider Flexible Degree Options
One of the most inspiring aspects of Amy’s story is her willingness to step outside of her comfort zone and pursue her degree program through online classes. While she made this choice due to her own health and physical limitations, there are many other benefits to researching online courses as well, including:
Flexible classes that you can log-on to at a time that fits your schedule
Options for accelerating your degree to finish faster
Ability to attend a university outside of your geographical region
Potential for reduced tuition costs
If you need the opportunity to work your education around your existing family and job commitments, online classes give you an excellent chance to earn your degree in a way that fits into your busy life.
4) Work Around the Challenges
There are always going to be obstacles on the journey of life, and challenges that come up through your college education are no exception—the important part is how you decide to handle them!
Beyond Amy’s age, she was also hard of hearing, in a wheelchair, and jumping back into an educational environment that looked much different than it had decades before when she first took college classes. However, she met each challenge head-on—even when it wasn’t easy.
For example, the time-zone difference between her location and the school made getting assignments in on-time difficult, and she often stayed up all night in order to submit the work. She says, “At nighttime, it’s a good time for me to do my studying and my writing. It will be sometimes 5 o’clock in the morning before I go to bed.”
Whatever it is that is preventing you from getting through your degree program, know that there is a solution to every problem—you just might have to think outside the box in order to find it.
If you are one of the millions of adults every year that decide to take the plunge back into college classes, know that you aren’t alone! Sure, there are challenges that are bound to pop up when balancing school with daily adult life, but now more than ever, there are ways to work around the problems and reach your goals.
By carefully researching your options, identifying your passions, and considering flexible online courses, you too can be like Amy and accomplish anything you set out to do. After all, age is just a number, and as Amy says, “It’s never dull. I’ve always got something to do. And I’m always learning something.”
The post 94 Year Old Woman With Perfect GPA Earns her College Degree appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/02/94-year-old-finishes-college-online/
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jet39moores · 8 years
4 Secrets of Success From a High School Senior Who Got Into 5 Ivy League Schools
Choosing the right college is one of the biggest decisions you will have to make, and many hardworking students dream of getting into competitive, Ivy League schools.
There are several steps to getting into a prestigious college, and personal essays are a critical part of the application process. Figuring out a way to stand out from the crowd of thousands of applicants every year can be daunting, but one Concord High School senior did just that.
With an out-of-the-box approach to the essay portion of her college applications, Brittany Stinson was able to achieve the rare feat of getting into six of the top colleges in the country.
So, which schools was she able to get into with her powerhouse application?
The five Ivy League schools that sent her acceptance letters included:
The University of Pennsylvania
To top off her incredible accomplishment, Brittany was also accepted into Stanford University. While not an Ivy League school, Stanford has the lowest rate of admission for any school on the list at a 4.69% acceptance rate.
While Brittany’s accomplishments may not be the typical experience, her unique approach to her admissions essay is something that every high school student should take into consideration. With a little creativity and determination, you too can stand out from the crowd and make your voice heard in the sea of competitive college applications.
What Can You Learn From Brittany Stinson’s Powerful Essay?
The following statement was the essay prompt that resulted in Brittany’s outstanding essay: “Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.”
Most students reading this prompt would generally fall back on a retelling of a dramatic or emotional event that changed an aspect of their lives. While this type of response can have a deep impact on admissions officers if told correctly, Brittany had a different approach. Below is the verbatim response that she gave for the aforementioned prompt:
Managing to break free from my mother’s grasp, I charged. With arms flailing and chubby legs fluttering beneath me, I was the ferocious two­ year old rampaging through Costco on a Saturday morning. My mother’s eyes widened in horror as I jettisoned my churro; the cinnamon­-sugar rocket gracefully sliced its way through the air while I continued my spree. I sprinted through the aisles, looking up in awe at the massive bulk products that towered over me. Overcome with wonder, I wanted to touch and taste, to stick my head into industrial­-sized freezers, to explore every crevice. I was a conquistador, but rather than searching the land for El Dorado, I scoured aisles for free samples. Before inevitably being whisked away into a shopping cart, I scaled a mountain of plush toys and surveyed the expanse that lay before me: the kingdom of Costco.
Notorious for its oversized portions and dollar- ­fifty hot dog combo, Costco is the apex of consumerism. From the days spent being toted around in a shopping cart to when I was finally tall enough to reach lofty sample trays, Costco has endured a steady presence throughout my life. As a veteran Costco shopper, I navigate the aisles of foodstuffs, thrusting the majority of my weight upon a generously filled shopping cart whose enormity juxtaposes my small frame. Over time, I’ve developed a habit of observing fellow patrons tote their carts piled with frozen burritos, cheese puffs, tubs of ice cream, and weight­loss supplements. Perusing the aisles gave me time to ponder. Who needs three pounds of sour cream? Was cultured yogurt any more well-­mannered than its uncultured counterpart? Costco gave birth to my unfettered curiosity.
While enjoying an obligatory hot dog, I did not find myself thinking about the ‘all beef’ goodness that Costco boasted. I instead considered finitudes and infinitudes, unimagined uses for tubs of sour cream, the projectile motion of said tub when launched from an eighty foot shelf or maybe when pushed from a speedy cart by a scrawny seventeen year old. I contemplated the philosophical: If there exists a thirty­-three ounce jar of Nutella, do we really have free will? I experienced a harsh physics lesson while observing a shopper who had no evident familiarity of inertia’s workings. With a cart filled to overflowing, she made her way towards the sloped exit, continuing to push and push while steadily losing control until the cart escaped her and went crashing into a concrete column, 52” plasma screen TV and all. Purchasing the yuletide hickory smoked ham inevitably led to a conversation between my father and me about Andrew Jackson’s controversiality. There was no questioning Old Hickory’s dedication; he was steadfast in his beliefs and pursuits – qualities I am compelled to admire, yet his morals were crooked. We both found the ham to be more likeable–and tender.
I adopted my exploratory skills, fine tuned by Costco, towards my intellectual endeavors. Just as I sampled buffalo­-chicken dip or chocolate truffles, I probed the realms of history, dance and biology, all in pursuit of the ideal cart–one overflowing with theoretical situations and notions both silly and serious. I sampled calculus, cross-­country running, scientific research, all of which are now household favorites. With cart in hand, I do what scares me; I absorb the warehouse that is the world. Whether it be through attempting aerial yoga, learning how to chart black-body radiation using astronomical software, or dancing in front of hundreds of people, I am compelled to try any activity that interests me in the slightest.
My intense desire to know, to explore beyond the bounds of rational thought; this is what defines me. Costco fuels my insatiability and cultivates curiosity within me at a cellular level. Encoded to immerse myself in the unknown, I find it difficult to complacently accept the “what”; I want to hunt for the “whys” and dissect the “hows”. In essence, I subsist on discovery.
If that took a turn you weren’t expecting and grabbed your attention, you’re not the only one! Her innovative approach to describing her character strengths stood out enough to beat out thousands of other students applying to these prestigious schools.
So, how was she able to accomplish such an impressive feat? What can you take from her unique approach to craft your own home-run college essay?
Let’s go over four secrets to success that any high school student can use to follow Brittany’s refreshing example.
Secrets for Getting Your College Essay Noticed
1. Make a Plan Before you Begin
One of the first steps you need to take when writing an application essay is to understand the technical requirements of the prompt, such as maximum word count. From there, you need to get a clear idea of exactly what you want to say to your potential school.
During an interview following her success, Brittany described her process for planning out her essay by stating, “I really tried to think of my defining qualities, and narrowed it down to one or two qualities I wanted to convey to admissions officers.”
After determining the goal of your essay, the next step is to find your voice and decide how you want to convey that message. Will you take a humorous approach like Brittany? Can you draw a deep connection between your message and the future you see for yourself at your potential school? However you decide to approach it, the most important thing is to be sure that your voice is truly you.
2. Think Outside the Box
After reading through Brittany’s essay, what stands out the most is the way she used humor to draw in her audience and make her point. Thinking outside the box in this way is necessary to make an impact on admissions officers who read thousands of these essays every year. The key is finding the right tools to use in your essay to enhance what you are trying to say, not detract from it.
Remember that these colleges are looking for students that exemplify strong character traits that complement the values and mission of the school. While Brittany’s essay used a playful touch to make her point, it still came back to a focus on her curiosity, self-awareness, and critical thinking ability – all traits that are highly desirable in the student body of a prestigious school.
3. Don’t be Afraid to Show Your Personality
When asked how she chose the specific topic for her essay, Brittany stated, “Before I even started writing an essay, I read a quote from an admissions officer that said if your essay is on the ground and there is no name on it and one of your friends picks it up, they should know that you wrote it.”
Injecting your authentic self into your application is necessary to catch the eye of an admissions officer, but it has to be done in a way that is true to your personality. If you are not naturally a comedic, playful person, it will come off as inauthentic if you attempt to write an essay similar to Brittany’s. For the strongest application, you must embrace the uniqueness of your personality and then relate that back to your experience.
4. Back-Up Your Story with Experience
The essay is only one part of your application, although there’s no question that it has the potential to make a significant impact on your acceptance to the school. However, talking up your strong character traits isn’t enough on its own – you also have to prove that you walk your talk!
A strong GPA, high test scores, community involvement, and leadership experience all are looked at during the college application process. While Brittany’s essay is credited for her success in getting into so many top-level schools, she also had an impressive high school resume to back that up.
How to Get Into Your College of Choice
Getting into your school of choice is a journey that begins well before your senior year of high school.
As Brittany Stinson’s success shows, with a dedicated, long-term approach to your ultimate educational goals, anything is possible. There are several lessons that we can take away from Brittany’s innovative approach to the college essay process, but it all comes down to embracing the unique aspects of who you are and what you can share with the world.
Throughout the course of her high school years, Brittany scored extremely high on standardized testing, took several AP classes, was involved in her community, and participated in competitive STEM programs. Combined with her unique application essay, she had a very well-rounded application that was sure to leave a solid first impression.
If your goal is to attend an Ivy League or top-ranked college, small steps towards your goal can quickly add up. Be involved in your school, focus on your strengths, and take note of the secrets discussed above that helped Brittany break down the barriers and reach her well-earned success.
The post 4 Secrets of Success From a High School Senior Who Got Into 5 Ivy League Schools appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/02/get-into-5-ivy-league-schools/
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jet39moores · 8 years
Virtual Internships for Online Degree Programs
Students across the country are increasingly choosing to enroll in online degree programs, and the advancement of technology has made it even easier for working adults to take the next step in their educational journeys. However, the benefits of new technology don’t just end with your college curriculum! Virtual internship programs are becoming a more readily-available opportunity for students that want to get real-life work experience without the hassle of finding job openings that fit into their already busy schedule.
So, what exactly is a virtual internship, and how does it work?
Traditional internships are an integral part of many different degree programs, and they are used as an avenue for students to explore real-world applications of the skills they are learning. Virtual internships are essentially the same thing – just done remotely from the comfort of your own home! Many businesses and industries around the country are increasing their use of virtual interns, and the benefits a student can get from these opportunities are invaluable when it comes time to search for a paid position after graduation.
To help you get a handle on this up-and-coming opportunity for students, we’ve put together the following information that covers top virtual internships for online students, as well as common questions we receive regarding this type of program.
Virtual Internships for Common Online Degrees
Colleges and universities across the country offer a wide range of different online degree programs to meet the needs of their students. While online courses offer incredible flexibility, some aspects of these degrees still require hands-on training in order to master the skills taught throughout the program.
There are virtual internships available in a vast range of industries and degree programs, and we’ll go over a few of the most common opportunities below:
Marketing is a growing field, and the competitive business market makes for high-paced, exciting career opportunities. If you are working towards your online degree in marketing, there are countless companies nationwide looking for talented interns that can work remotely.
Modern marketing is deeply invested in the technological aspects of our society, and this has made it an ideal field to look for virtual internship opportunities. Students who wish to increase their employable skills before graduation can find virtual internships involving social media marketing, content marketing, or working as a brand ambassador.
Business and Administration
There are many online degree programs focused on the business world – from administration and management to human resources or finances. While several schools offer these degree programs completely online, it can be incredibly beneficial to take the opportunity of working as a virtual business intern to master your skillset.
Virtual business internship opportunities may revolve around the following aspects of the business world:
Public relations and outreach
Data entry
Customer service
Content writing and blogging
While most internship positions are unpaid and temporary, there are companies that do offer paid business internships to students who want to work in a remote setting.
Writing and Journalism
Writing is an art, and students that are working towards completion of their online degree in writing, English, or journalism understand that the more you practice your craft, the better you get! Virtual internships in the field of writing give you the chance to hone your language skills while getting your foot in the door for paid writing positions.
Content marketing is a growing niche of this field, and lead generation companies are always looking for skilled individuals to help them create market-ready content to draw in customers. Blogging is also a popular way to build your writing skills, and there are several virtual internship opportunities available that give you the freedom to express yourself through writing while gaining valuable employment experience.
Start-Ups and Entrepreneurship
If you’re going to school with the long-term goal of owning your own business, it pays to learn from those who have already paved the way down the path of entrepreneurship! Start-up businesses, non-profits, and small businesses are often on a tight budget for keeping their company up and running, and many utilize the skills of interns.
For students working towards their online degree in Business with the intention of future self-employment, working with one of these small start-ups can be invaluable. During the course of your virtual internship, you may be responsible for everything from basic office administration to marketing or managing finances – giving you well-rounded experience that can be applied towards your future.
What you need to know about Virtual Internships
Traditional internships can be a challenge for students that have limited opportunities due to their location, schedule, or specialized field. Virtual internships solve this problem by opening up a global network of job positions that students can work in regardless of their current situation. While this might sound too good to be true, there are several important things that you need to consider before deciding that a virtual internship is the best way to complement your online degree program.
Below we will go over a few of the most common questions asked regarding virtual internships:
How does a Virtual Internship Work?
Understanding exactly what you are getting into when it comes to a virtual internship is essential to your success. There are a couple of different ways that students can get involved in a virtual internship program, and every company structures its intern’s responsibilities a bit differently. Internships are also generally a temporary position – with most involving a few months of commitment.
Typically, the first thing you need to do is land an internship that matches your skill set, degree requirements, and schedule. Once you have applied for and secured a virtual internship opportunity, communication is key! While you will likely have the chance to work on a flexible schedule from your own home, you will also be responsible for following company regulations and meeting the deadlines of the projects that are assigned to you.
What are the Benefits of Virtual Internships?
When it comes to virtual internships, there tend to be more benefits than drawbacks. Employers enjoy the ability to utilize talent from students across the country, and students have access to a far greater variety of opportunities than they would have with traditional internships.
Some of the benefits that students enjoy when working as a virtual intern include:
Flexibility to take on an internship directly related to your future career
Ability to increase time-management and organizational skills
Understanding of a virtual work structure
Development of professional skills and industry knowledge
Potential for long-term employment after graduation
Opportunity to work at a time that fits your schedule
While there are several advantages to working as a virtual intern while finishing your online degree, it is important that you take the time to find the right opportunity in order to ensure that the internship is a good fit for your future goals.
Where can I Find Virtual Internship Programs?
This is one of the top questions that we get from online students, and the answer can vary depending upon your school’s structure. An increasing number of colleges and universities are developing their own Virtual Internship Programs that help connect students with remote intern positions. To find out if this is the case with your school, the best place to start is by scheduling a time to discuss virtual internships with your academic advisor.
If your college does not offer its own virtual internship program, but you still need to complete intern hours to finish your online degree, there are several online resources that can be helpful. With a bit of research, you can find online job boards that are dedicated to locating skilled remote interns for a wide variety of industries. Many of these websites allow you to narrow the search by paid or unpaid internships and specific industries to make it easier for you to find the ideal fit.
Technology has changed the way that many students choose to complete their higher education, and virtual internships are a natural extension of our modern educational landscape. By eliminating the constratints of location, commuting, and traditional work schedules, virtual internships can be the ideal way for online students to take their skills to the next level before pursuing professional employment.
The post Virtual Internships for Online Degree Programs appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/01/virtual-internships-for-online-students/
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jet39moores · 8 years
5 Ways to Supercharge Your Online Social Work Degree
For students that want to build a career focused around helping others and making a difference in their community, a degree in Social Work is a popular path to pursue for their higher education. In recent years, many colleges and universities have begun offering comprehensive online degree programs at various levels to help working adults balance the challenges of juggling their education with their work or family obligations.
With the flexibility now available through virtual learning, the door is opened for many adults to take their career goals to the next level. So, what are the benefits of earning a degree in Social Work? How can you ensure that you are taking the right path to maximize your potential for climbing the corporate ladder and earning a top salary in the field?
The answers to these questions vary, and social work is a complex field with several different sub-specialties that you may choose to explore. Depending upon your long-term career goals, you may choose to pursue an undergraduate degree to directly enter the workforce or take your education all the way to a doctorate degree level. Additionally, understanding your state’s specific requirements for licensing and certification is essential when choosing the path you will take for your education.
Social work can be as rewarding as it is challenging, but there are steps you can take to help ensure that you are have the skills needed to secure top positions within your field. In the sections below, we will explore five different ways you can make the most out of your online degree in Social Work.
Steps to Maximize your Degree in Social Work
Top schools around the country now offer online Social Work programs that range from basic associate’s degrees to top-level doctorate degrees. In most cases, a bachelor’s degree is the minimum educational requirement for pursuing professional employment, but many of the well-paying jobs in this field require graduate level education.
For the majority of adults returning to college, the primary goal for furthering their education is to turn their new degree into advanced career opportunities. By taking note of the following five methods for maximizing your online Social Work degree, you can help ensure that you are taking the best path to accomplish your long-term goals.
1. Make the Right Choice in Schools
Before you even delve into the coursework associated with your online Social Work program, you need to make sure that your chosen school meets necessary standards for quality and professionalism. Consider the following factors when researching schools for online degrees in Social Work:
Accreditation Accreditation is key when choosing a Social Work degree program. Many states require that those seeking certification in the field received their education at a university accredited by a recognized agency. Additionally, working with an accredited school will give you peace of mind knowing that the curriculum meets high standards of quality control.
Types of Degree Programs Does your chosen school only offer undergraduate degrees? Do they have articulation agreements with other colleges if you choose to pursue a higher-level degree program in the future? Thinking long-term is key when you want to get the most out of your online Social Work program, and it is important to have a plan for the future before committing to a specific school.
Faculty Credentials Getting the most out of your online degree program requires the instruction and support of qualified professors. It is always a good idea to meet the school staff and review the “Faculty” section of their website to learn more about the accomplishments, education, and credentials that the online teaching staff holds.
Support Many schools offer additional student support services to their online students, and this is even more important in a hands-on field such as Social Work. Check into the resources, tutoring, and internship opportunities offered by your school when deciding on an online degree program that is right for you.
2. Complete a Relevant Internship
Choosing to complete your Social Work education online comes with a number of benefits, and for many students this type of degree program is necessary to give them the flexibility they need to work around an already busy schedule. However, the field of social work is based around interaction with others, and it is essential that you take the steps needed to complete an internship before moving on to professional employment.
Even if your courses are entirely virtual, many colleges still require the completion of in-field or internship hours before you can graduate from your degree program. This gives students the opportunity to put their book-knowledge to work in real-world scenarios and offers them a chance to see what areas to Social Work they are most interested in.
There are numerous specialties within the field of Social Work, and internships can be completed in a variety of settings, including non-profit organizations, outpatient medical clinics, and hospitals.
3. Pursue Certifications and Licensing
Depending upon the career goals that you have, licensing or professional certification may be necessary for you to practice professionally within your field after graduation. For example, if you are interested in working one-on-one with clients in a therapeutic counseling environment, you will need to take the steps necessary to become a licensed clinical social worker in many states.
The requirements regulating the field of Social Work vary greatly state by state. Some states require that all social workers be licensed, while others only require professional licensure in certain sub-sets of the field. If you want to make the most out of your online Social Work degree, it is essential that you have a full understanding of your state’s requirements so you aren’t surprised when attempting to land a job after graduation.
4. Work towards a Graduate Degree
As mentioned earlier, online degrees in Social Work can be found at every level of education – from associate’s degrees up through doctorate level programs. While basic two-year degrees can give you an introduction to the complex world of social work, landing a high-level job within the field is going to require you to have an advanced degree and certifications.
So, how do you know which graduate degree level is the best fit for you? Consider the following:
Master’s Degree in Social Work In many states, you will need a master’s degree or above in order to become a Licensed Social Worker or Licensed Clinical Social Worker. In this degree program, you will have the opportunity to explore and pursue various concentrations within the field to specialize your advanced skillset.
Doctorate Degree in Social Work Typically, this degree program is focused on preparing students for advanced clinical practice and leadership within the field. The rigorous curriculum involves residencies and challenging coursework that allows you to pursue employment as a social work scholar, researcher, or educator in the field.
If your goal is to make the most out of your online Social Work degree, then a graduate degree is an important aspect to consider in your long-term goals. Your academic advisor can help you understand the various opportunities available to choose an educational path that puts you on the track towards professional employment.
5. Work Hard to Move Up
It may sound basic or even cliché, but giving your all to every aspect of your education, internships, and entry-level job is the best way to get your foot in the door for advanced career opportunities. Social work is a competitive, highly regulated field, and the majority of graduates begin their careers working entry-level jobs. Many companies that hire social work graduates hire from within, so putting your best effort forward from day one is a sure way to make a solid first impression and set the stage for advancement within your chosen specialty.
The world of social work isn’t for everyone, but for students that have a strong work ethic, passion for psychology, and drive to improve the world around them, it can be the perfect route to advance into a lucrative, rewarding career. As discussed above, there are many paths to take within the field of Social Work, and having a solid understanding of your long-term goals is the first step towards choosing the best path for you to meet these goals.
Online degrees in Social Work are becoming increasingly popular across the United States, and they are an excellent option for students that need greater flexibility than what is offered with traditional on-campus classes. By doing your research beforehand, having a solid grasp of your state’s regulations, and striving every day to demonstrate your commitment to your work, you can get turn your online degree into a life-changing opportunity.
The post 5 Ways to Supercharge Your Online Social Work Degree appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/01/supercharge-online-social-work-degree/
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jet39moores · 8 years
Top 6 Healthcare Degrees You Can Earn Online
The healthcare field is one of the fastest growing career sectors in the country, and advancements in medicine and technology have set the stage for it to continue to grow for years to come. There are several benefits to working in healthcare, including fast-track degree programs, high starting wages, and the ability to make a true difference in the lives of others. However, many of the degrees required to get started in a healthcare career involve intensive on-site training, year-round classes, internships, and practicums to meet degree requirements
The traditional structure of these degree programs are often necessary to teach students the hands-on skills they need to succeed in their field, but many working adult students find the time requirements a major obstacle when juggling their other obligations.
So, is there a way to get started in a healthcare career without spending years studying in on-campus classes?
The short answer is – yes! Many top accredited universities now offer a wide range of online degree and diploma programs in healthcare that students can complete from the comfort of their own home on a flexible schedule. While degrees that involve direct patient care are typically not available in the online setting, there are several healthcare-related fields that do have an online option, and these can help you get your foot in the door to a lucrative, rewarding career.
In the sections below, we will go over some of the top online degree fields available in healthcare, as well as the various career options that you can pursue after graduation from your program.
Healthcare Careers with an Online Degree
Healthcare is more than just doctors, nurses, and surgeons – in fact, there is an entire world of administrative and technical professions that are necessary for the medical system to run effectively. The degree and diploma programs listed below are all available online through reputable schools, and they can be an excellent starting point for moving forward in your journey towards a healthcare career.
1. Health and Human Services
An online degree in human services is based upon learning the skills needed to help individuals and families cope with challenging life situations. While graduates from this degree program are typically not eligible for licensing to provide professional patient counseling, there are several ways to utilize this degree to make a difference in the world around you.
Some of the most popular careers associated with a health and human services degree include the following:
Human services administrator
Social service manager
Victim advocacy
Community service managers
Social service specialists
Graduates with a human services degree can work in a variety of settings – from healthcare facilities to juvenile justice centers or community advocacy organizations. The majority of the jobs listed above have positive projected growth for their field, and their starting salaries are typically at or slightly above the national average across all occupations.
2. Health Information Technology
There’s no doubt that the advancements in technology over recent decades have changed the course of the healthcare field, and professionals that understand the technological aspect of the medical world are in high demand. An online degree in health information technology can prepare you to take on the role of analyzing and managing patient care data – which is a vital aspect of a medical facility’s operation.
Health Information Technicians can find employment in a variety of different settings, including:
Insurance companies
Technology firms
Government agencies
In-patient medical facilities
Ambulatory healthcare systems
According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for health information technicians is expected to increase 15% by the year 2024 – which is much faster than the average across all occupations! This is excellent news for those looking for long-term, stable employment within the medical field.
3. Healthcare Management
If you have a passion for healthcare and a knack for business, an online degree in Healthcare Management may be the right path for you. This degree program focuses on healthcare policy and leadership skills that are essential to making a difference in improving patient care and outcomes.
There are several sectors of the medical field that benefit from the knowledge of skilled healthcare managers, and employment opportunities can be found in the following:
Hospitals and out-patient clinics
Long-term care facilities
Insurance companies
Managed care companies
This online business degree program is an excellent way to blend the worlds of business management and medical knowledge. In some schools, you may also be able to choose a program concentration that allows you to go even more in-depth into your desired specialization.
4. Medical Billing and Coding
Medical billing and coding is a specialized field that gives graduates the opportunity to find employment at on-site facilities or even as remote employees – making it ideal for those that need a flexible schedule! This online program is not a degree-program; however graduates will earn a career diploma after completion that prepares them to sit for the AAPC Certified Professional Coder exam.
You will likely be required to use a variety of online tools to learn the skills necessary to pass your certification course after graduation, including:
Online courses in ICD-10 coding
Virtual work experience simulations
Online labs
Videos and 3D representations
Discussion through online boards with other students
There are a number of different examinations offered to provide you with additional certified credentials after graduation from a Medical Billing and Coding program. Every state has its own set of requirements for working within this profession, and it is important to look into the specific licensing and certification requirements in your state when considering a career in this field.
5. Healthcare Administration
One of the most vital roles within the medical field is that of the healthcare administrators. These essential employees take on a management role within their facility, and they are required to be well-informed on the constantly changing policies and regulations that govern healthcare operation. Many graduates from an online bachelor’s Healthcare Administration degree program go on to earn advanced degrees within the field to expand their knowledge and employment opportunities.
The responsibilities of a healthcare administrator vary based upon the needs of the facility; however the following duties are likely to fall within their job description:
General office clerical work
Patient payment and insurance claim management
Management of lower-level administrative staff
Development of facility goals
Maintaining patient records
Hiring, training, and supervision of other staff members
The annual average salary for those in healthcare administration varies widely based upon the specific industry involved. Typically, higher rates of pay are available for those who work in insurance and employee benefit funds, and these professionals may be able to make over six-figure incomes every year. Like other occupations, those with advanced degrees generally have the opportunity to make substantially more than those with a bachelor’s or associate’s degree.
6. Pharmacy Technician
The pharmaceutical industry plays a major role in nearly every aspect of healthcare, so it’s no wonder that pharmacies across the country are continually on the lookout for skilled workers to help manage the daily operations of the facility. Becoming a licensed pharmacist can be an extremely long process, but for those interested in the field, online pharmacy technician diploma programs can be a great way to get started in a new career.
You will cover several topics during the course of your pharmacy technician program, including the following:
Pharmacy language and communication
Various drug actions and interactions
Pharmaceutical dosage, medical orders, and prescriptions
Medication errors
Technology in pharmaceuticals
The function of various body systems
While an online pharmacy technician program can typically be completed in less than a year, there are other requirements that you must meet before starting your new career. State regulations vary, but you will likely need to pass the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam, as well as complete an on-site externship to learn vital hands-on skills needed to work independently at a pharmacy.
Working in healthcare is a unique career path that involves a great deal of both challenge and reward. With the flexibility of online learning, you will have the chance to balance your education with your family and work obligations, while still putting yourself in a position to have solid, marketable employment skills after graduation. For those who are interested in working with clients and learning the essential skills of the medical field, earning an online degree or diploma in one of the above occupational paths can be the perfect start to a life-long career.
The post Top 6 Healthcare Degrees You Can Earn Online appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/01/top-6-healthcare-degrees-online/
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jet39moores · 8 years
7 Tips for Maximizing Financial Aid for your Online Degree
The employment market across the nation has seen a number of drastic changes over the last several decades, and many adults find that returning to school to learn new skills or earn advanced degrees is their best option to find steady work. Top colleges and universities have met this new demand for accommodating non-traditional adult students by offering online degree programs designed to fit the busy schedules of their student body. In fact, nearly six million students are enrolled in at least one online course, while three million take classes exclusively online!
Online degree programs offer the flexibility needed for students to juggle the demands of career and family while pursuing their degrees – although the increasing price tag of higher education tuition can be a barrier for many students who want to further their education. While online degrees can be less expensive than on-campus options, the average cost of full-time online tuition can still run upwards of $20,000 per year.
Fortunately, there are several options available to secure financial aid that can help offset the cost of tuition for students returning to college. From federal grants and loans to degree acceleration options, exploring all of the ways you can reduce your tuition bill is essential for making a college degree affordable.
To help give you some ideas for maximizing the financial aid available to online students, we’ve put together the following section that covers the tips you need to know for lowering your out-of-pocket tuition expenses.
Options for Financial Aid
The first thing that students think of when it comes to financial aid is Federal grants and student loans. However, there are many other factors to consider when attempting to reduce the bill for your online degree! When enrolling in an online degree program, make sure that you cover all your bases to ensure that you are getting the most out of the financial aid that is available.
Complete your FAFSA early
The FAFSA is the first step towards securing Federal financial aid for going back to college. Whether you are a new student, a working professional returning to school, or planning on taking strictly online courses, the financial aid available through the FAFSA can make a substantial dent in your long-term tuition costs.
Types of aid available through this application include:
Federal Pell Grants
Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)
Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education Grants (TEACH)
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants
Federal Work-Study Program
Federal Loan Programs
State government aid
Students are able to apply for aid through the FAFSA as early as January 1st of each year, and the earlier you get your application in the more aid you are likely to get! While filing your taxes before filling out the FAFSA form can make the process easier, you can still estimate your income using recent paystubs and the previous year’s tax returns.
Consider local community colleges
There are many different options for pursuing an online degree, and it is important that you do your research before committing to enrollment at a school. The majority of online degrees are offered by accredited brick-and-mortar colleges, and choosing a school with a solid reputation is an essential first step in earning a degree that is respected in the professional workforce.
However, there can be big differences in tuition between accredited schools, and it is worth considering the option of taking classes at your local community college to save money on your overall degree cost.
Many regions have community colleges that offer quality, accredited curriculum at a far lower rate than public or private universities. Typically, students at community college are working towards an associate’s degree, or they are taking two years of general classes in preparation for transfer to a four-year college. Either way, earning course credits through online classes at your community college is an easy way to greatly reduce your overall cost of tuition.
Consider accelerating your degree program
It makes sense that the less time it takes to earn your degree, the lower your overall tuition bill will be. So, how can you accelerate your degree program to graduate in less time? With the advancement of online degree programs, there are now several options available to adult students who want to earn a two or four year degree in less time than traditional on-campus students!
Some options to consider for accelerating your online degree include:
Testing out of general education courses with accepted examinations such as the DSST, CLEP, or ECE Program.
Submitting a Prior Learning Assessment to earn credit for life and work experience
Taking a higher number of credits each semester
Enrolling in shorter, accelerated courses
Taking classes through the summer semester
While committing to a higher-course load can be challenging for adults who are also working or have family obligations, the long-term benefits of accelerating your degree program can have a positive impact on lowering your overall higher education debt.
Meet with your college advisors
Whether you are considering accelerating your classes, testing out of courses, or just need some advice on securing financial aid, your academic or financial aid advisor should be one of your first stops in the process of enrolling at a new school. These professionals can help guide you in planning out a course-path for your degree as well as provide you with information on scholarship or grant opportunities that you may not find on your own.
To make it easier for students with a busy schedule, some schools offer virtual advisement services for their online students! If making a trip down to your school isn’t feasible, it is worth giving the admissions office a call to see if you can set up a virtual or phone meeting with an advisor to have your questions answered.
Apply for private grants and scholarships
While the FAFSA is the first step in securing financial aid, you don’t need to stop there! There are many opportunities available through your specific college, state programs, and private foundations that offer scholarship and grant awards for students. If you fall into specific demographic categories, there may also be additional aid available – including minority students, single parents, and those from specific regions of the country.
All scholarships and grants have their own set of requirements for application, and you have to carefully read the fine print of each set of submission guidelines. While some financial aid awards are merit-based, others are based upon demonstration of financial need. As recommended above, meeting with an academic advisor is an excellent step in getting direction for maximizing your awards through private financial aid options.
Check into employer tuition assistance programs
Many adults who have decided to enroll in an online degree program are also working a full-time job. While this can make the balancing act of your schedule more difficult, there may also be financial aid benefits to working while in school! Some employers offer tuition assistance programs as a benefit to their employees that are advancing their skills through higher education.
Various options for tuition assistance that your employer may offer include:
Up to $5,250 in employer education benefits tax-free each year
Working condition fringe benefits for payments above the $5,250 limit
Tuition waivers and reductions for undergraduate education
Scholarship opportunities sponsored by your employer
There are strict regulations in place that employers must follow to ensure their tuition programs meet tax requirements. There may also be restrictions on the type of degree you are pursuing (undergraduate or graduate) and your degree-seeking status for the various tuition assistance programs. To get a better understanding of what your employer may offer, you can meet with the HR department of your company.
Be smart about student loans
The first route that you should explore for financial aid is grants, scholarships, and employer tuition assistance, as these awards do not require you to pay them back. If the financial aid that you receive from these sources is not adequate, then it is worth looking into the world of student loans. However, you must do your research when exploring this option as the debt incurred could have a negative impact on your finances down the road.
There are several types of student loans available, including:
Stafford loans
Perkins loans
PLUS and Grad PLUS loans
Private loans
Health professional loans
Within these loans are additional options – including subsidized and unsubsidized loans. The different loans have varying restrictions and income requirements, and meeting with a professional advisor is the wisest decision before proceeding. In general, Federal student loans are more desirable than private loans. If you take out a private loan for your education, there is no government funding, a higher interest rate, and your eligibility is based upon your credit history.
Pursuing an online degree can be an excellent route to further your career and employable skills, and there is help available to reduce the financial burden of higher education! By exploring all the options and consulting with your advisors, you can work to maximize your financial aid and take the next step in earning your online degree.
The post 7 Tips for Maximizing Financial Aid for your Online Degree appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2017/01/financial-aid-for-online-degrees/
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jet39moores · 8 years
10 Tips for Juggling a Career and Online Classes
In previous generations, going to college was typically considered a rite of passage for young adults fresh out of high school. In the modern educational system, times have changed, and more than ever adult students are returning to school later in life to complete a degree or learn new skills.
While colleges across the country have implemented programs to support their changing student body, adult students often face additional challenges when working towards a degree. For many of these students, working full-time and building their career goes hand in hand with completing their online classes.
Whether you need to work throughout college for financial reasons or you want to get your foot in the door of a new career field, there’s no doubt that juggling a job and college coursework takes some extra planning and determination. Luckily, many schools offer online degree programs that cover a broad range of fields – making it easier for working adult students to manage the demands of their employer, schedule, home life, and education.
Tips and Tricks for Balancing Career and Online Schooling
Whether you have a full-time, professional career or you are working part-time to make ends meet, having a plan before enrolling in your online classes is essential for success. Starting an online degree program can be an excellent first step to meeting your long-term goals, and by considering the following list of tips, you can set yourself up for success without being overwhelmed by a hectic schedule.
Consider the Pros and Cons
Before you take the first step towards enrolling in an online degree program, you have to consider the pros and cons of what life will look like when juggling the demands of work and your education. Ask yourself the following questions to get started:
What benefits will I get from my online degree?
Does my current job offer flexible scheduling?
Is this field of study something I am passionate about?
Are there in-person requirements to my degree program?
Will my boss allow time off during finals and mid-terms?
Can I afford to cut back on working if needed to balance the demands of school?
Although online classes allow you to have a flexible schedule, the curriculum used is just as rigorous as traditional, on-campus courses. To avoid getting in over your head, be realistic about your goals, schedule, and work environment when deciding if an online degree is right for you.
Stay Realistic about your Schedule
After making a list of pros and cons and deciding you are ready to pursue an online degree, the next step is to get a handle on your daily schedule. It’s easy to say that you’ll do your coursework before bed or on the weekends – but will you really be up for it after a long day at work?
Look at alternatives for balancing your busy schedule, and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Possible solutions may include working longer shifts to get more time off, working on your lunch breaks, or creating a detailed daily routine that you follow in order to commit time each day to your education.
Keep your Manager in the Loop
Communication is key in the work environment, and talking with your boss about your decision to return to college is a smart idea for a smooth transition to your new schedule. Many workplaces are willing to be flexible when it comes to educational commitments, and you may be surprised about the willingness of your employer to work with you.
Another aspect to consider with your current employment is financial aid. Some organizations offer tuition assistance for their employees that may be able to help offset some of the costs for advancing your education.
Make a Time Management Plan
Having a plan for how you will manage your time is vital to help you stay on top of your coursework. After you have enrolled in your classes, thoroughly read the syllabus and get a good understanding of the assignments, projects, and deadlines of the course. This will give you a heads up for times that will need to dedicate more to your studies.
After you know what will be expected of you from your online classes, it’s time to make your schedule! By writing out your work schedule and school deadlines in one place, you can pencil in specific times that you will be able to focus on completing your coursework.
Focus on Long-Term Goals
When you are under the immediate stress of dealing with work and starting school, it can be easy to lose sight of your long-term goals. Before going back to school, it can be helpful to make a list of your goals and reasons for getting your degree. Are you going back to school to get a promotion at your current job? Would you like to learn the skills needed to enter into a new career field?
Keeping the reasons for working towards your online degree in the forefront of your mind can help give you the motivation you need to keep going. Being a working adult who returns to school can be challenging, but it also has the potential to make major positive impacts on your future.
Utilize your Work Breaks
This goes hand in hand with creating a time management plan and talking with your boss about your schooling. There are many ways to think outside the box and slowly chip away at your coursework so you don’t miss any important deadlines. In some situations, management may allow you to bring your schoolwork to the job so you can work on it on your scheduled breaks throughout the day.
To avoid the challenges of focusing on school while at work, it’s helpful to have a plan in place beforehand. Write out a schedule for what you can realistically accomplish during your break time, and make the effort to meet those goals to help cut down on your course load while at home.
Create an Efficient Workspace
For most people, being able to focus on their studies for a lengthy period of time requires an environment conducive to studying. One of the best ways to get the most out of your limited study time is to have a specific area of your home set up for your schooling. Whether it’s a separate office or a small study space set up in your bedroom, make it an environment that can be free of the distractions of daily life.
When arranging your workspace, make sure that you have everything that you will need easily at your disposal so you don’t have to waste time searching through a cluttered desk. Organization goes hand in hand with efficiency, and spending some extra time at the beginning of the year to make your work area appealing can end up saving you a great deal of time and stress in the long-term!
Apply your Knowledge to the Workplace
Just because you are still in school doesn’t mean you have to wait to start using the new skills you are learning in your courses! If your current place of employment is related to your field of study, you may be able to start moving up in your career even before graduation. There’s nothing more motivating to continue working hard on your degree than being able to see the fruits of your labor!
Regardless of your current job responsibilities, a solid work ethic and motivation to go above and beyond can go a long way. Many of the skills you will learn in general classes can be applied to any job – from having a better understanding of human behavior to communications or mathematics skills.
Embrace your Support System
Having a solid support system in place can make all the difference in balancing your career and your coursework. Take your loved ones up on their offers for help, and don’t be afraid to reach out to those who care about you – even if it’s just to get comfort and support after a particularly tough day!
Additionally, many colleges offer student support services to their online students. These services can range from virtual academic advising and tutoring to peer mentorship and career support. When researching schools, be sure to ask your admissions officer about the various support services in place for untraditional students.
Schedule Time for Self-Care
There’s no doubt that meeting the demands of your job and completing your coursework are the top priorities as a working adult student. However, you will quickly burn out with an overbooked schedule if you don’t take time to care for yourself as well! When making your schedule, include time where you can take a break, explore your passions, and have some fun along the way.
Going back to school as a working adult has its challenges, but the flexibility of online classes can help to ease the burden of managing your schedule. With a little advanced planning and a strong support system, you will be able to get through your degree program and take a giant leap forward towards reaching your long-term goals.
The post 10 Tips for Juggling a Career and Online Classes appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2016/12/juggling-career-with-online-classes/
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jet39moores · 8 years
Ways to Accelerate your Online Degree
Earning a degree has obvious long-term benefits for your career and future goals, but adults often find that the different aspects of college create challenges for them in pursuing their degrees. One of the top challenges that working adults face when going back to school is finding the time to attend classes – especially when you are looking at a two to four year commitment before graduating!
Luckily, many accredited universities throughout the country are making it easier than ever for adults to work around their busy schedules by offering online classes. These innovative classes allow students to log-on to their courses at a time that is convenient for them – whether it’s after the kids go to bed or on a day off from their full-time job.
But what about the long timeframe involved with earning a degree? Is there any way to accelerate your path to graduation so you can start working on your long-term career goals sooner?
The answer to that is – yes! Although it can take significant commitment in the short-term to move through your degree program at a faster rate, there are several options available that may give you the opportunity to complete your online degree faster than traditional on-campus students.
In the sections below, we will go over the different pros and cons of accelerating your degree program, as well as the various options that you can consider when wanting to get on the fast-track to graduation.
Pros and Cons of Accelerating your Online Degree Program
At first glance, accelerating your online degree seems like a great idea – and for many students it is! However, there are many factors to consider before taking the plunge into a fast-tracked course schedule. If you are considering an accelerated degree, start by asking yourself the following questions:
What benefits would I get from graduating sooner?
Can I handle the responsibility of additional coursework?
Do I have any relevant life experience or previous credits?
What programs does my school offer to make this a smooth transition?
On one hand, earning your degree faster can help get you back into the workforce with the skills you need to pursue higher-level employment without waiting years to have your degree in hand. This is ideal for students who have clear long-term goals in mind when it comes to their careers.
On the other hand, accelerating your program often means going to school year-round or taking additional classes each term – which can be challenging with an already busy schedule. Additionally, earning credits by examination to test out of classes does have out of pocket fees attached, which is an important aspect to keep in mind.
When it comes down to it, choosing to accelerate your degree program is a personal decision. With the help of your academic advisor and admissions team, you can explore the various options available and choose a path that best complements your budget, schedule, and goals.
Getting on the Fast Track to Graduation
Once you’ve decided that accelerating your degree program is the ideal route for you, the next step is examining the different options available to make it happen. Not all of the options we discuss below will apply to every student, and colleges all have their own unique policies on transfer credits, course acceleration, and testing out of general classes. It is important to check with your college about their specific regulations before getting started in an accelerated online degree program.
Get a Jump Start on College
If you are still in high school and looking at the options you have to earn a degree quickly after graduation, there are several ways you can get a jump start on your college education. Obviously, this option is not relevant to adults who have already graduated, but the earlier you can start working towards your future goals the better!
You can earn college credits in high school in a couple of different ways. Taking AP classes are a popular choice for upper-level high school students, and some schools allow you to take college credits at your school during your typical school day. If you go this route, it is wise to check into the transfer policy of the credits you are earning to ensure that they will be able to be used towards your future degree!
Another popular option is dual-enrollment – which an increasingly high number of high schools across the country offer. In this situation, the high school student is able to split their time between their regular classes at the high school and taking college credits at a local community college. This is an ideal choice for the mature student, as it can also allow them to save a large amount of money on future tuition.
Taking Accelerated Courses
Many colleges offer accelerated online classes for adult students who have the drive and ambition necessary to complete their coursework in a shorter timeframe. Instead of following the typical 16-week schedule, these classes are generally offered in a six to 10 week format.  However, you will still be required to complete the same amount of work in the shorter timeframe – so be prepared to dedicate time to studying for these classes!
Another option for accelerated classes is to look into the summer courses offered by your school. Some schools offer two different summer “semesters”, giving students the chance to get several required classes completed without cutting into their regular school-year schedule.
Finally, ambitious students may also consider taking on a larger course load each semester. While this can be a challenge for those juggling other obligations, it is still a valuable option to consider when you want to accelerate your degree.
Earn Credits by Examination
If you have prior knowledge of the course material taught in your degree program, you may be able to “test out” of some of your required classes! This option is offered in many different accredited schools, although they all have different policies for the number of credits by examination a student is allowed to apply towards their online degree.
A few of the popular tests used to earn credit for prior knowledge include the following:
CLEP Examinations: Accepted by over 2,900 schools across the country, the CLEP exam offers 33 different tests for students to attempt to earn college credit. This is the most widely accepted test, but it does have an $80 fee – which is non-refundable if you fail to pass the test.
DSST Program: Although not as widely accepted, there are over 1,900 colleges and universities that accept credits by examination through the DSST. There are over 30 different exams available, and military members are offered free, first-attempt examinations.
Excelsior College Examinations: Hundreds of different schools across the country accept this exam, and there are over 50 different tests available. Each test costs $110, and value packages are available that offer a free retake.
Although there are fees associated with all of the examinations listed above, passing these tests will still save you a substantial amount in tuition and textbook costs! Just be sure that you check with your college beforehand to find out which exams are accepted.
Get Credit for Life Experience
For adult students that have prior career, military, or life experience that directly relates to their online degree, earning credit through a Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) is a great opportunity to accelerate your degree program!  This portfolio-based assessment gives you the chance to showcase your knowledge through various means, including:
Relevant honors and awards
Professional employment projects
Certifications and licenses
History of volunteer work
Experiential learning essays
Like credits by examination, every school has their own policy for the number of credits that they will allow to be applied through a PLA. Check with your academic advisor to get a full understanding of your school’s requirements.
Consider Competency-Based Learning Platforms
One of the benefits of online schooling is that there are a number of different platforms used that can complement the different learning styles of students. Some students take blended degree programs that include on-campus lectures, while other’s do all of their coursework through 100% online interaction. One option that is becoming increasingly popular with online degrees is competency-based learning platforms.
With competency-based learning, the student has full flexibility to complete their courses on their own timeframe. This type of platform is designed around mastery of a subject – so the student is able to test out of modules that they understand and spend more time working on those that are challenging. There are also no deadlines for coursework – making it a truly self-paced learning environment.
Due to the nature of competency-based learning, students that are extremely driven and independent learners typically do the best in this type of program. While it can save a great deal of time and money while earning your online degree, this style of education requires the students to be highly-motivated.
Online classes are skyrocketing in popularity, and adult students across the country are taking advantage of the flexibility offered through the various types of online degree programs available. By thinking outside the box and putting in some extra effort, it is very possible to finish your online degree in a faster timeframe than traditional degree programs. This allows you to not only save on tuition costs – it can also get you on the fast-track to reaching your long-term goals!
The post Ways to Accelerate your Online Degree appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2016/12/accelerate-online-degree-program/
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jet39moores · 8 years
Top 10 Questions to Ask when Choosing an Online College
Whether you are a student just out of high school or a working adult looking to advance their degree, online classes can be an excellent way to complete a degree program on a pace that fits your busy schedule. Over the last several years, many top accredited colleges across the country have developed online versions of their degree programs to fit the changing needs of their student body – but how do you know which school is the right choice for you?
Choosing a college is the first step on the path to reaching your long-term career goals, and it is essential that you do your research before committing to an online degree program. There are several factors to consider when picking the college that is right for you – from tuition costs to student support and profesisonal reputation.
To help you choose the right college to meet your needs, we have put together a list of the top 10 questions you should ask before enrollment. By thoroughly researching the school beforehand, you can avoid many of the common pitfalls of online education and ensure that you are working towards a degree that gives you the best chance to enter into a rewarding career.
What to Ask Before Committing to an Online Degree Program
We receive countless questions from students who are trying to navigate the world of online schooling, and many of them center around determining which colleges are actually legitimate. Most of the online degree programs that you will find are offered by accredited brick-and-mortar universities with long-standing reputations for quality education.
After you have narrowed down a list of potential universities for your online degree program, ask the following questions to help you make a decision that is right for you:
1) Does the school offer degrees that match your long-term goals?
The first thing you need to consider when looking at online colleges is determining if the degrees they offer match the requirements of your future professional industry. Some careers, including those in psychology, medical, teaching, and social work, require professional licensing before you can practice within the field. Find out if your school’s degree program meets these requirements before enrolling at the college to ensure that you will be pursuing an education that allows you to continue advancing your career.
In addition to professional licensing requirements, it is also important to look at the advanced degrees offered by your chosen school. Do they offer master’s and doctorate level degrees in your field? If not, do they have a transfer policy to make easier for you to continue your education? Many career paths now cater to those with graduate level degrees, and planning ahead for your future education is a vital step in the college selection process.
2) Is the college accredited?
College accreditation is one of the most important factors to research when making a decision on an online degree program. When a school is accredited by a recognized agency, it means that they have gone through a rigorous evaluation process to ensure that their curriculum and programs meet high quality standards. Many professional industries require that students obtained their degree from an accredited school, and most licensing agencies will not certify a graduate that did not complete an accredited degree program.
There are numerous regional and national accrediting agencies that are recognized in the United States. The United States Department of Education’s website is an excellent starting point for researching the different reputable agencies.
3) What is the school’s professional reputation?
While this may seem like a broad question, it is a vital aspect of choosing a school that will give you the tools you need to succeed after graduation. Colleges and universities enjoy a positive professional reputation when they have a long history of producing qualified graduates and meeting strict standards of quality for their degree programs.
There are several ways to research the reputation of a school – from word of mouth recommendations to online review sites. We also recommend that you speak with your school’s admission counselor. During this meeting, ask questions regarding any recognitions and awards the school are received, their accreditation status, and the graduation and job placement rates of their student body.
4) What is the job placement rate for your degree program?
As mentioned above, asking your potential school about their job placement rate can help give you a better idea of the quality and support offered by their online course offerings. After all, the reason that the majority of students attend college is to earn a degree that can help them pursue professional employment.
Some schools also offer additional student supports, including job placement assistance and career counseling. When you combine the student services that are offered with high employment statistics from graduates of the program, you can have confidence knowing that your online degree will offer you the opportunity to work towards your long-term career goals.
5) What type of learning platforms do they offer?
There are several different ways that online classes can be offered to students, and it is important to have an understanding of your school’s expectations and requirements before committing to a degree program. Some schools offer self-paced online classes, while other require attendance at live online lectures or in-person events.
Additionally, certain degree programs may require students to complete part of their courses on-campus, and you need to be realistic about the attendance requirements when deciding if the degree program is right for you. Degrees in science-based fields or those that involve direct patient contact often have mandatory on-site labs, internships, and practicums that students must attend to meet graduation requirements.
6) What about extra support and student services?
A positive educational environment goes beyond quality curriculum and the availability of online classes. Many top universities also offer additional support and student services to their online students as well as traditional, on-campus students. These services provide additional technical, career, and educational support that can help students reach their highest potential in their degree program.
Examples of student services for online students include virtual advisement and mentorship programs, online tutoring, access to extensive online resources, and 24/7 technical support.
7) Are there opportunities to accelerate your degree program?
One of the biggest draws of an online education is the flexibility it offers to log in to your classes anytime and anywhere. For some students, this allows them the opportunity to take part-time classes and complete their degree at a slower pace to meet their financial and family obligations. For other students, the chance to accelerate their degree program in order to graduate on a shorter timeframe is their top priority.
Many schools offer a variety of ways that students can accelerate the pace of their degree program. During your research, ask about the various options that may be available to you, including taking classes year-round, completing accelerated 8-week courses, or using credits for prior learning to “test out” of specific classes.
8) Does the school accept transfer credits?
Whether you have some prior college under your belt or you simply want to accelerate your degree program based upon life experience, understanding the school’s transfer policy for credits is essential. Some schools will allow students to test out of classes with examinations such as the CLEP. Others will allow up to a certain number of prior college credits from an accredited school to be transferred into your new degree program.
The flexibility of schools in accepting transfer credits varies greatly. The best course of action is to meet with your school’s academic advisor to discuss the various options that are available to you.
9) What about financial aid and tuition costs?
While finding the time to attend classes is often a barrier to education for working adult students, the rising costs of tuition can also create an obstacle to earning a degree. Luckily, there are many different forms of financial aid available to students to help them finance their education. In fact, some college even offer reduced rates for online degree programs!
The first step to obtaining financial aid is to fill out the FAFSA as early as possible every year. This will give you access to federal grants and loans that may be able to finance a large part of your degree program. You should also check with the school about any grants or scholarships that they offer – including those for minorities, single parents, and working adult students.
10) What are the credentials of the school’s faculty?
A quality curriculum is essential for online education, but learning the skills needed to succeed after graduation also depends on qualified instructors. Even with online education, you will be in contact with your professors throughout your course of study, and it is important that you are confident in their credentials and ability to provide instruction.
Many schools have websites with a dedicated “Faculty” page that is a good place to start when researching your potential instructors. Here you will be able to see short biographies on the various faculty members, as well as get a better understanding of their education, awards, and accolades in their field.
Choosing an online college is not a process to be taken lightly, and asking the right questions can make all the difference in finding the right match for your future goals! With some extra research and patience, you can find an online program that meets your schedule needs and puts you on the path towards entering into a profesisonal career.
The post Top 10 Questions to Ask when Choosing an Online College appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2016/12/choosing-online-college/
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jet39moores · 8 years
Is Earning a Psychology Degree Worth It?
If you are interested in studying Psychology, chances are you have heard mixed reviews on the future of those who have this degree. Some may say that this degree has earned its reputation for low employment opportunities. Others may find that Psychology opens the door for them to pursue lifelong passions.
In reality, the broad nature of this field of study can lead to many different careers – you just need to have a plan!
One of the first questions students ask when considering this major is, “Is it worth it to graduate with a degree in Psychology?” The answer to that question depends upon a number of factors, and ultimately the worth of this major hinges on the commitment the student has to pursuing their end career goals.
In the sections below, we will cover a number of topics related to earning a Psychology degree to help you make the decision on whether this is the right major for you.
Factors to Consider when Deciding to Major in Psychology
Choosing your major is a big decision, and students need to consider long-term goals as well as the short-term reality of entering into a specific degree program. Psychology is unique in that it covers an expansive range of topics that students can use in a variety of different career fields or translate into a graduate degree.
When considering if a Psychology degree is worth it for you, start by asking yourself the following important questions:
Am I passionate about the field?
We’ve all heard the saying that “If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life”, and there is truth in that philosophy. While you obviously want to translate your degree into a successful career, you also should enjoy the work you do each day.
Those who have the greatest success with Psychology degrees are dedicated students that are passionate about understanding the inner workings of society and the human mind. Psychology is a fascinating field, but without a strong desire to pursue your long-term goals it will be difficult to take your broad spectrum of knowledge and turn it into a viable career.
How long am I willing to commit to school?
Earning a bachelor’s level degree typically takes around four years, and graduate programs can add an additional two to four years onto that timeframe. While there are careers in Psychology available at a bachelor’s level, most professionals in the field hold a master’s or doctorate level degree.
It is important to ask yourself about the timeframe you are willing to commit to before entering into a degree program. Do you expect any major life changes in that timespan? Are you able to receive financial assistance to help with expenses? Have you considered online classes? For some students, online degree programs can be a good option to work at a quicker pace on a more flexible schedule in order to finish the degree in a faster timeframe.
What is my end goal?
This is an important question to answer before entering into any degree program, and it determines the course of action you will need to take to realize your dreams. If you are interested in Psychology as a gateway to business, human resources, or other fields, a bachelor’s level degree may be adequate for your needs.
However, if you wish to assist clients with private counseling or work with specialized populations in therapy, a graduate degree is necessary. Most states require that professional counselors meet the requirements of licensure before practicing, so it is also a good idea to look into your region’s regulations.
How is the career outlook for my chosen career?
The professional workforce is constantly evolving, and as new technology and needs develop in society, the outlook for various occupations can shift. Reputable sources, such as the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, offer valuable information on the projected outlook for a wide variety of careers.
For example, between the years 2014 and 2024, employment for psychologists, mental health counselors, and marriage therapists is expected to grow 19%. This growth rate is much faster than the national average across all occupations and is a positive factor for those who are considering earning a degree in Psychology.
Bachelor’s Degrees vs. Graduate Degrees
When it comes to deciding if a Psychology degree is worth it, you have to take into consideration the type of degree you plan on earning. Bachelor’s degrees are the minimum educational level to enter into professional employment within this industry, and many positions require a graduate degree to practice.
Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology
A bachelor’s level degree can give students a good starting point to excel in a number of different industries. However, if you wish to practice psychology as an independent therapist or become a psychologist, a graduate level degree is required for licensing.
The skills learned throughout a bachelor’s degree in Psychology program cover a broad spectrum of topics that help the student develop critical thinking skills useful in a variety of job settings. Common careers that you may wish to pursue after graduation from a bachelor’s level program include:
Case management
School counseling
Career and admissions counseling
Human and social services
Psychiatric technician
Education specialist
The broad scope of topics covered in this type of Psychology degree program can also prepare students to take on jobs that involve business, real estate, customer service, and marketing. To make the process of earning a degree easier, many accredited schools also offer this level degree program in an online environment.
Graduate Degree in Psychology
If you are interested in providing one-on-one therapy to clients or securing top-level psychology positions, then it is essential to look into a graduate degree program in Psychology. After completion of your bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree in Psychology is the next step. Some students also go on to receive their doctorate degree within a specialized psychology field.
Careers that are available with a graduate degree in Psychology include the following:
Social service manager
Licensed clinical therapist
Drug and alcohol counselor
Throughout the course of your graduate degree studies, you will be able to choose a field of psychology in which to specialize. The path that you choose is based on your unique goals and interests, and working with an academic advisor can be helpful to outline the classes you will need to reach your goals.
Choosing the Right School
So you’ve decided that you are passionate about Psychology and interested in pursuing a degree in this field… but now what?
The next step is choosing a reputable school to complete your studies! There are many factors that go into choosing the college that is right for you, and it is essential that your chosen school meets specific standards of the industry to ensure that your degree will be recognized in the professional workforce.
When choosing a college or university to complete your Psychology degree, ask yourself the following questions:
Is the school accredited?
Accreditation is a vital component to choosing a school that meets high standards of quality for their curriculum and educational offerings. There are many different accrediting agencies that are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, and names that you should look for include the American Psychological Association (APA) and the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS).
Does the school offer flexibility in scheduling classes?
Attending full-time classes isn’t always a viable option for working adult students, and more schools are recognizing the need for flexibility in their student body. One way that schools cater to the needs of non-traditional students is through online classes. With the option of online courses, students can log-in at a type that fits into their schedules and work at a pace that suits their busy lives.
What type of student services are available at the school?
Beyond accredited curriculums and quality professors, having the support of student services at your school can make a big difference in helping you reach your potential. When choosing a school, speak with an advisor about the various services available. Many schools offer free tutoring, career advisement, and extensive resources to help students make the most of their degree program.
Is a Psychology Degree Right for me?
The question of whether or not it is worth it to earn a Psychology degree depends on many different factors. Most importantly, it comes down to the individual student’s desire to reach their goals. If you enjoy learning about human behavior and have a passion for helping others, then this degree may be the ideal starting point for a rewarding career.
From sales and business to human resources and science, the skills learned in a Psychology degree program extend to countless career paths. If you are willing to put in the time and hard work needed to pursue a degree or take graduate-level studies, the rewards that can come from a Psychology degree are well worth the effort!
The post Is Earning a Psychology Degree Worth It? appeared first on My College Guide.
from My College Guide http://mycollegeguide.org/blog/2016/12/psychology-degree-worth-it/
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