jewishqweer · 4 years
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Happy Pride Month! 🌈
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jewishqweer · 4 years
Remember that time that Bill de Blasio publicly blamed all approximately 1.1 million of NYC’s Jews for the actions of a few hundred who didn’t social distance at a funeral and personally went to break up the crowd, the same day that similar size crowds gathered to watch fancy planes fly around and he didn’t feel the need to say anything?
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jewishqweer · 4 years
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just a friendly reminder that this type of rhetoric is misleading, (in my opinion, slightly antisemitic) and not the way to go about fighting religious homophobes.
religious jews still follow these laws. we dont wear clothes that have a blend of wool & linen (laws of shatnez). fresh produce in israel follows all of the agricultural laws outlined in the torah. as for some of the other laws i always see referenced: we don’t eat shellfish or pork or anything prohibited by the torah. clean-shaven men will only ever use electric razors never blades. we don’t work on the sabbath, we observe the sanctioned holy days, we believe in, love and fear God and obey God’s commandments.
personally, i find the rhetoric harmful and insulting for three reasons. one, it only works on the (very christian) premise that the torah is outdated, and that ~nobody in their right mind~ would follow those laws anymore. two, it tends to ignore the fact that lgbtq+ orthodox jews exist and have to live through the struggle of being lgbtq+ and observant, despite community backlash, severe judgement and institutionalised homophobia. and three, it gives homophobia-masked-as-religious-observance some sort of legitimacy because yeah, the rest of those laws are kept in varying degrees by millions of people.
don’t fight homophobes by saying ‘look at all of these other ridiculous laws’ – those laws matter to a lot of people, including me, a jewish lesbian. instead, say ‘do not stand idly by your fellow’s blood (leviticus 19:16)’, ‘whoever humiliates another in public forfeits their place in the World to Come (avot 3:11), ‘one shall not say to a person words that hurt them or cause them pain against which they cannot stand (sefer hachinuch, mitzvah 338)’, ‘do not do to others that which you would not wish them to do to you. this is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary (gemara shabbat 31a)’, and what is perhaps one of my favorite verses in tanach, ‘to what is good and just is more preferable to God than sacrifice (proverbs 21:3)’.
oh, and here’s a good starting point for educating your religious friends and family members. 
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jewishqweer · 4 years
the c in lgbt stands for cops
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jewishqweer · 4 years
i like how a lot of religion thought goes along the lines “we worship god bc god created us”
and then there’s greek mythology where “god invented humans, the other gods beat the shit out of him”
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jewishqweer · 4 years
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jewishqweer · 4 years
if you’re jewish and trans and think you no longer have a hebrew name bc your given hebrew name no longer fits you, please go to talk to a rabbi about it. while it’s not necessarily common, you absolutely can change your hebrew name when needed. i had a cousin very narrowly survive a serious health condition as a child and the rabbi recommended her parents pick a new hebrew name for her, so they did.
if you’re trans and jewish you absolutely deserve to be part of the community and participate fully and that means having a jewish name in hebrew that’s yours.
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jewishqweer · 4 years
Not to be gay on main.... But all I want is to live in a small medieval town. I'm the town baker. My bakery is my home and I'm always wearing an apron and covered in flour.
Nextdoor is a forge, and I am very close with the blacksmith that works there. Every morning I bring him a freshly baked loaf of bread. As I hand it to him our hands touch briefly. His hands are rough, yet they're so careful and gentle with everything he touches. I secretly want him to be that gentle with me.
One day, he walks into my bakery, he's still sweaty from the intense heat of the forge. In his hands is a small dagger in it's sheath. He hands it to me and tells me it's to protect myself if needed.
I take the dagger out of it's sheath. It's beautifully made. There are intricate designs engraved into the metal. It's so much more complicated than anything else yeah blacksmith has ever made. It must've been so time consuming to make.
I look up at him and with just one look I understand why he's giving it to me. With one look we both understand that we love each other. He leans in and kisses me. It's so soft and sweet, and gentle.
He comes by every day to get a loaf of bread and kiss me. We keep our relationship a secret. And everyone wonders why neither of us have found wives. But we know exactly why. And we're completely content with being secret lovers.
Is that really too much to ask?
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jewishqweer · 4 years
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Shavua Tov!
We hope everyone had an inspiring Shabbat, and wish you all a successful week ahead.
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jewishqweer · 4 years
You know as a Jew I'm a thousand percent fed up with leftists acting like random Jews are equal to the Israeli government. Yes, even Jews living in Israel. If I walked around accusing random people of being Donald Trump ppl would think I was crazy. But a Jew exists and suddenly has to answer for Israel's crimes. Just say ur a stupid little bitch and GO
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jewishqweer · 4 years
aaawh oh man oh jeez Rick this seems like suspiciously aphobic or possibly terfy
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jewishqweer · 4 years
y'all are really out here like "I don't trust gay men uwu" and thinking that's cute and progressive and not homophobic
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jewishqweer · 4 years
omg so if bernie sanders gets elected what happens to the white house Christmas tree? Do we put up a giant menorah?? What about Easter at the White House for little kids?? Passover at the whitehouse?? Christian kids will rebel if we gave them matzos instead of candy
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jewishqweer · 4 years
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שבוע טוב
Shavua Tov! May the coming week bring us peace & good health.
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jewishqweer · 4 years
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jewish girl moldboard composed of collected images of mine!!!! <333
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jewishqweer · 4 years
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jewishqweer · 4 years
fuck instagram except for the lesbian couple i follow on there with two kids who got married 10 years ago as a “heterosexual couple” and then one night one of them came out as a lesbian and then the other one came out as a trans woman so they stayed together and now live their best gay life
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