jfcjaymi · 10 years
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jfcjaymi · 10 years
Hate to break it to ya bud, but I don't think you'll ever have to use this so called 'charm' on me. Just because you talk to me doesn't mean I am listening. If we are being completely honest here, I block out about 95% of what you say to me. I don't know if you've realized but no one really cares what you have to say. I'm not trying to be anything Rylan, don't pretend you know me. You don't understand. You don't understand at all. Refuse to bury your dead body? Who said that? Not that I care, I just won't have anyone refusing to do their job. Idiots, I'm stuck with absolute slintheads. Well don't ever call me it again. Got it, Ry? If you can do anything you want, why are you a map maker? I've certainly heard you complain about it a time or two. 
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So rude all the time, Jaymi. And don't even start that. I can be extremely charming, just haven't had to use it on you. You listen to me talk plenty and haven't had yourself buried yet. You're trying to be a tough guy, it's alright, it happens. You do more than just tolerate, stop pretending. You enjoy my company. But fine, you don't care about anything because you're big and tough and don't need anyone. Okay, understood. Remembered. I got it all, I understand. At least you're willing to bury my body though, one of your workers let me know that they would be refusing to do such a thing if it came down to it. Jay, I called you Jay. Like a blue jay.. or something else that has the word jay in it. Hey, shove off! I can do anything I want too. And I'm definitely not limited by my size.
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jfcjaymi · 10 years
Am I not the keeper of the baggers? When did I stop having a say in who could and couldn't be a bagger? It's funny actually, I remember when we had no girls and now that's all I have. A klunk load of primadonnas who don't want to touch dead bodies. What the shuck?
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jfcjaymi · 10 years
Shuck off you dumb klunk. I'll tell you one thing, I'm far more charming than you. I pity those who have to spend more than a few minutes listening to your endless nonsense. I swear, you're voice is worse than nails on a chalkboard. Every time you talk, I wish it was me that my team was burying. At least I wouldn't have to tolerate you anymore. Call me sick, call me a liar - I don't care. I'd rather be heartless than heartbroken. Excuse me, what did you just call me? It's kind of ridiculous to think of you moving a dead body even half your size, kiddo.
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Awe, so sweet Jaymi. You're the most charming person here, I think. Everyone must be swooning over you. Can't see why they wouldn't.. Doesn't affect you at all? You honestly doesn't give a klunk about the people that you've lived with for two years just dying off? That's kind of sick or you're a liar. I guess both are pretty stupid though. Shuck off, Jay. I managed.. Eventually. It's kind of ridiculous to think that someone could move a dead body that is double their size.
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jfcjaymi · 11 years
It would be nice, wouldn't it? You know what would be even nicer? If I wasn't stuck working with a bunch of dumb girls, that would be ideal. Then maybe, just maybe I wouldn't have so much work to do.
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Well— it’s not like they choose when they die. But it would nice to not have to clean up any dead bodies at all.
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jfcjaymi · 11 years
Really? Wow, silly me. I thought that sort of stuff was up to us to decide. You mean to tell me that death just happens? I don't know what to do with this new information. 
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A person can’t really choose when they want to die. It just happens.
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jfcjaymi · 11 years
Oh no Rylan, it would be my pleasure to bury your dead body. I'd do it with a smile on my face, swear. Wait, what? I couldn't give a shuck about that. Their death doesn't affect me, one less annoyance to put up with. The only horrible things I have to go through is lifting those dead bodies. Have you ever tried to lift a dead body, Rylan? Oh wait, you have. That's why you're a map maker.
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Mm, sorry Jaymi. When I decide to die, I'll make sure to ask who's working. Wouldn't want to inconvenience you with my death or anything. I know it's such a problem for you to continue on living while the people you know die around you. Shame. Sorry for the horrible things you have to go through.
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jfcjaymi · 11 years
I was hoping to have an easy day, all these dead people are really inconveniencing me. Can all you dumb shucks stop dying on my time, that's all I ask. 
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jfcjaymi · 11 years
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jfcjaymi · 11 years
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