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When you forget how Howrse works, How skillers work, how BMI work. When your brain is on holiday. When the lights are on and no ones home. When it is early in the morning.... Thats our excuse anyway.
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Deep in the depths of Australia Where death is around every turn you will find a mountain of snakes at the point of no return.
In the middle of this mountain like medusa on her throne Our vez or brooks or Ms Piggy on WoW or glued to her phone
This addict once needed horses the only way to get her fix now its mounts and achievements with a little Tumblr in the mix
Today she celebrates her birthday and we wish her all the best We were lucky to make her aquaintance there are many, to that, will attest
Thanks for being my internet friend cause that is really quite strange Have an awesome day alright? and remember dont ever change! (well you could lose the snakes)
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From what I understand 1 person from all howrse players will be lucky enough to win the divine in the month of their birthday. Howrse aren’t generous enough to offer any more =)
Just a little rant.
The championship promo hasn’t even been out for 24 hours, and someone already has Pisces! They had to have spent well over 100 passes. It has also been calculated that there is no way to get Pisces unless you spend passes on this promo, and of course it’s one of the shittiest promos Howrse has come up with. Not to mention you can’t even enter your horses in competitions for it without seeing;
“Unable to enter your horse.” “Competition full.” “Competition has already ran.”
Even when entering EMPTY comps! What a waste. I won’t be getting my zodiac divine. 🙄
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Just because you wear a little hat in chatzy or have an Admin tag on your team page does not make you ...
A. Smarter
B. Better
C. Correct
The sun does not shine out of your arse though im sure if it did you would let us all know. An admin should be someone who has the interests of the team in the forfront and understands keeping up morale. People who get to big for their britches or believe they are the law deserve to be told to chill out.
Apparently I am simply too intimidating...
well let me let you in on a little secret, I am just a middle aged mum, with leaky boobs who plays a kids game. How can I be scary? Honestly you should be laughing, my husband does, he thinks im a moron =)
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as above but 2 timed Pstones, I don’t use the bloody things and generally trade them, thanks again Howrse for putting a timer on stuff.
Lottery - What did you win?
Shit. 💩
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When you sell that skiller prep ...
and forget to geld it. See your life flash before your eyes, see the team throwing you out, see the death of the team and it’s all your fault, have tears in your eyes and totally freak out, think carefully about your mail knowing you are totally fucked, see your howrse life flash before your eyes...
Then the mail comes back with, “oh yeah ill geld it now all good.” and you realise... not everyone is an arsehole. Thank You.
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30 mins later and contact us are telling me... your access has been restored and im like... well i still cant fucking access my mail so something isnt working...
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Howrse you are late…. let me access my mail !!
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Howrse you are late.... let me access my mail !!
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Is it time?
I think it might finally be time to find a new prix team. I think  the straw has broken this camels back. It wasn’t a big straw but it was tipped in poison. Wonder if a team will take an old lady with 3 kids, a big mouth, 9 karma points and such sexy looks.
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When some fuckwit in your team decides your reply to their team bitch a thon mail was worth reporting you for. I swear I only used the word fuck once......How am I going to survive a week with no mail. Damn karma, bite someone elses arse lol.
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Yet another clever chicken clucked its way in my direction.... I feel so special. She blocked me too lol.
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Introducing Ella Grace, my new little bundle of joy. She was born on the 12th of Jan and we got out of hospital yesterday. =)
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Who pops first? Me or the snake?
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Moses is going to be a dad any day now!
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When a team member fails to mention a top skiller they bred, did not put themselves on the order list, tells no one about it and then skills it themselves to enter prix... not impressed.
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The last sentence is messing with my head... Where not all members are American ... is it incorrect? The banner is otherwise cute =)
Anyone interested? 😁
American Horror Story is recruiting dedicated members AND we are getting very close to overtaking mustangs when it comes to speed. 😁 Message me if so. 🐝
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Read about my first birth experience.... lot of swearing =)
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