ji-hyeon · 3 years
ARC 1/ Chapter 3
A figure in a orange sweatshirt, black cap, and a face mask stood in front of the subway locker with a large folder and a bag of USB memory sticks. He was a man on a mission and he would not fail. There was months of planning to lay out the ground work for this to work. Even if he failed here, the foundation of Kim Myung-Ki's down fall will start with his efforts.
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He took out his phone to text the news anchor. This news anchor wanted to know the truths behind the little crumbs he let on the internet in forums. She found out his clues to contact him and he has been feeding her information about the school for the past two years.
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Speaking of Direct Kim Myung-Ki, he was in a rage in his office at Deokhye Academy as the first of many stories were released about the devious plans. He threw a coffee cup at the wall and glared at the television.
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This was not the news coverage that he needed to drown out the little brat's beating. He grabbed his phone.
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The news anchor was working for one of the only broadcasting companies that Deokhye Academy and the Ku Clan did not have any sort of financial agreements. Kim Myung-Ki glared harder, he really did not want to include the more less than legal acquaintances to visit the news anchor.
He pulled open a drawer at the desk, finding a burner phone. Turning on the burner phone he called the only contact on the phone, 'Roh Jin-Sang'.
"I have someone I need you to visit," Kim Myung-Ki spoke. Roh Jin-Sang was the leader of the Samjoko gang, and Roh Jin-Sang was someone who owed him a lot of favors. "Get some of your boys together and give the young lady who is dragging me through the mud a visit and teach her a couple of lessons in manners."
"You make it sound like you need help, old man. You know this will cost you."
"Text this number your price and I'll have it wired to you."
"And part of what I owe you?"
"Consider it repaid."
"Understood. Boys, let's go!"
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Foreign Terms Used in this Chapter:
Characters Introduced in this Chapter: Minions Allies
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
ARC 1/ Chapter 2
A/N: woot woot, Chapter 2 😉
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Chae Hee-Young arrived at the Kim family restaurant at 1900. Dae-Hoon had called in a favor with a hoobae ("Korean, junior") who owns a private bodyguard company. Two smiling professional men showed up and explained that they were told to follow whatever she wanted them to do. Hee-Young was overwhelmed by their sincerity and even witnessed the two men refuse an unknown doctor entrance into Sang-Hoon's room.
"Welcome back, jag-eun samonim ("Korean, little boss' wife")," an older lady in a hostess uniform bowed. Hee-Young hated it when the staff would be so formal with her, as she came from a far more simpler background than her husband and his family. "Dae-Hoon doryeonnim ("Korean, young master") is waiting for you in the back."
"Is there a reason for the early closure today?" Hee-Young asked.
"Before doryeonnim requested it, sajangnim ("Korean, boss") wanted to close down the restaurant to visit Sang-Hoon doryeonnim at the hospital. Only myself and the oldest cook are here today. Please, follow me."
Madam Han was one of the first hires in the restaurant that her husband's grandfather started. Hee-Young still did not understand how the Kim family and the third son of the Ku Clan head became so close. Kim Dae-Hoon was older than Ku Chung-Ae, but Dae-Hoon would always refer to the younger male as a hyeongnim ("Korean, respectful form and masculine form of older brother").
Chae Hee-Young bowed in thanks when Madam Han opened the private room for her. Dae-Hoon was already waiting for Hee-Young with files and a laptop on one side of the table and food on the other. He looked up and waved her over, "Jesu-ssi, you're a genius! Putting Y/N Davidson on the prospective foreign students list is a perfect way to fly her under the cover."
"What? Who? Ajubeonim," Hee-Young was beyond confused. "I'm confused. Please explain."
"You put Y/N Davidson on the prospective foreign students list for recruitment to the school," he said slowly. Dae-Hoon watched as Madam Han closed the door and Hee-Young came to sit at the table. "You did do that right?"
"No," Hee-Young said firmly. "Who is Y/N Davidson?"
"Haneul-agassi," he replied. His eye brows burrowed. "Then, who put her on the list? There can't be that many people who have access to putting forward names to that list. Let alone to see Y/N as a potential Deokhye Academy prospect."
"Actually," Hee-Young started to eat. There were not a lot of choices of food to eat as she refused to leave her son's side at the hospital. With the two young men watching over and the secret hidden cameras she had installed in the room, Hee-Young realized that she had not eaten anything substantial in the past three days. "Any teacher, current or former, alumni with honors, and donor can put forward names to be put on the list. They're given an invitation to take the entrance exams."
"Oh," Dae-Hoon relaxed after hearing that. "So it's just good fortune for us that someone recognized Y/N for her merits to get an invitation. That's a relief. For a moment, I thought that dirty rat was behind this.
"Let's eat. I know you haven't been eating because you're busy watching over Sang-Hoon. Then, we'll go over whatever mad plan you have to try and bring Y/N to Deokhye Academy."
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It really wasn't that crazy of a plan. It was Hee-Young's "Hail Mary". Either Y/N was returning to Seoul to put a stop to whatever Kim Myung-Ki was planning or not return at all. Everything that Dae-Hoon and Hee-Young tried to do was futile to try and stop Kim Myung-Ki from completely controlling not only Deokhye Academy, but also the Ku Clan.
She owed it to Evelyn to protect her daughter. However, she already lost her husband and Zitao to Deokhye Academy. Hee-Young could not lose Sang-Hoon. She only hoped that Y/N would at least consider helping them secure her family's legacy for Sang-Hoon.
Hee-Young had announced to the Academy that she was going to go to Boston to plead with an American doctor who specialized in bringing patients back from comas to take on her son's case. Thankfully, there really was a specialist located near Boston. The doctor was retired, but Hee-Young knew exactly where he was.
After all, she was going straight to the ranch. There was a good chance that Alessandro Davidson had a hand in help raising Y/N Davidson become the junior Olympian she was today. At least, Hee-Young thought there was a good chance. She remember Evelyn always talked about how Alessandro would have made it to the Olympics if he wasn't so focused on medicine.
She would be gone until the end of January of the following year. As much as she would have wanted for Sang-Hoon to miraculously recover, her baby needed time to heal. Dae-Hoon had promised that if the two bodyguards were not with her son, that he himself would sit with Sang-Hoon.
Her flight from Incheon International Airport started boarding at 2350, so Hee-Young made a point to get to the airport three hours in advance. It was the first time she was flying out of the country without family or business to keep her mind occupied. There was a layover in Dubai. She did not want to take any risks, so she booked a flight with Emirates and selected the layover in Dubai as she usually did while flying.
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She made it through the custom and security of the airport and waited in the lounge where she pulled out her laptop. The black faux leather seats of the waiting area were comfortable as Hee-Young relaxed into them. The noise of Seoul never reached the lounge areas of Incheon Airport. Hee-Young made it early enough to not have to deal with crowds and nosy people.
It also made it much easier to see if she was being followed by one of Kim Myung-Ki's spies. She had one task that she wanted to complete before she landed in Boston tomorrow. After dinner with Dae-Hoon, Hee-Young wanted to know who recommended Y/N. It should have been easy to find out, except the name on the form when she looked it up was her own.
She did not even know that Haneul-agassi's had a new name, let alone that it was Y/N Davidson.
The time stamp of the forms was also when Hee-Young was at the end of year feast with the rest of the school. Two weeks before the end of year rankings came out and Sang-Hoon was attacked. If it was not her who put in Y/N in the system, then who was it? And why use her as the scapegoat? And how did they do it?
Hee-Young did not want to say their network was compromised. There was no way a hacker would get into their system just to put in a name of a junior Olympian from America who just so happened to be the presumed dead heiress to the Ku Clan. Hee-Young was not the best programmer, but she did have a very long phase of her angry teenage to young adult years of white hat hacking.
It was an embarrassing long phase of her life that she hid from her husband and his family. Besides the fact that she was doing illegal acts under the guise of protecting the underdog, Hee-Young was never caught. When she met her husband, she feigned not understanding computers to keep meeting him.
It took her two and a half hours to finally find where the hacker had snuck into their network. By the time that Hee-Young had found the virus, it was time to board the plane. She would have to look for the signature that the hacker used during the layover at Dubai. The hacker did not seem to be interested in anything else but putting Y/N on their prospective list.
She packed up her things to board the plane when her phone pinned with messages from Dae-Hoon. If she didn't know any better, she would say that he was more worried about her mad plan working than her failing. Hee-Young boarded her plane while texting her brother-in-law.
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Korean Terms Used in this Chapter
1. hoobae - Korean, junior colleagues (younger students in school, mentees, junior colleagues in academia, business, work, etc) [Japanese equivalent is "kohai")
2. jag-eun samonim - Korean, little boss' wife. It refers to Chae Hee-Young's status in her in-laws as the wife of the second son
3. doryeonnim - Korean, young master (also younger unmarried brother of your husband)
4. sajangnim - Korean, boss
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
Arc 1 Chapter 1: Let's Begin
A/N: In my defense, I was given inspiration and then left unsupervised. Hope you enjoy, it's my first time writing a RPF, a Y/N fanfic, and using SM stuff to enhance a story.
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A young boy turned a sharp corner, running from a group of older boys chasing him across the rooftop. Kim Sang-Hoon did not know what he did to earn the ire of the group of older boys. All he did was try his best in school and study hard. He was rewarded with the first place rank, and apparently he pushed out some young [chaebol]( "Korean term for a large family owned business conglomerate") from the first rank.
Apparently when he said that he just studied smarter than harder, it was not welcomed by the chaebol or his friends. It ended up with his things being stolen or missing, people tripping him in the corridors, and being locked in the shed after he put away the archery targets.
Sang-Hoon was glad for all the years that he spent chasing after Zitao-[gēge]( "Chinese for older brother") and Haneul-[noona]( "Korean, masculine title for older sister"). He rounded the corner and suddenly was feeling very stupid for not getting off the rooftop when he saw the end of the end rails for the roof. "Nowhere to run now, punk."
"See, you keep calling me a punk," Sang-Hoon said with a smirk. "But I'm pretty sure you don't know the meaning of calling me a punk. See a punk is a insult for someone who is beneath you. Seeing as my tuition was paid by a scholarship that I earned instead of daddy's money and I ranked first for the annual school ranking, that would make me above you idiots."
The group of guys did not appreciate Sang-Hoon's words anymore than they appreciated his words after the rankings were posted. They cornered him. His martial arts was not as strong as Zitao-gēge, he was great at archery. His hand-to-hand was horrible.
One of the guys pushed him down as the others started to stomp on him. Sang-Hoon soon lost consciousness and lay motionless as the boys did not bother to stop. It was not until a voice called out to them.
"Who's there?"
"It's the Discipline Committee. Run!" They ran off leaving Sang-Hoon bleeding and unconscious on the floor. A taller boy wearing the school uniform with yellow band on his left arm. There was a name tag on his uniform that read 'Kim Jun-Myeon'.
"Who-?" His eyes widen as the flashlight fell from his hands. He pulled out a walkie-talkie from his belt. "11-41! I have an unconscious student on the rooftop. Call an ambulance!"
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A well-dressed man offered the team of doctors and nurses in front of him a charming smile as they started to sign the non-disclosure agreements. It states that in exchange for ₩10 million they would falsify the reports on Kim Sang-Hoon as a suicide attempt.
He had already secured the security personnel of the Academy as well as the detectives who were handling the case. His contact that Deokhye Courant was already running the story as a puff piece stating the nonsense of "our hearts and minds goes out to the young boy and his family". In his experience taking control over the story narrative, was key in making scandals like this disappear.
The man secured the papers and slipped out of the conference room. He had to meet Assistant Lee on the sixth floor. Ironically, it was the same floor that Kim Sang-Hoon was on and he knew this as he passed Chae Hee-Young on his way to the hospital room.
"It took you forever to get here, Yoon Gan-Dae," Assistant Lee said. Yoon Gan-Dae shoved the papers into Lee Mal-Chin's hands before hearing his phone beep. He pulled out his phone and stared at the notification on the screen.
Gan-Dae smirked. "The Courant is already running the story. I'll inform the Director now if you have everything ready."
Mal-Chin waved Gan-Dae away. "It'll be smooth sailing from here."
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"My son would not attempt suicide! You will amend your report immediately!"
Screams could be heard all over Pearl River Hospital. Chae Hee-Young refused to believe that her baby would even think of committing suicide. Not after his older stepbrother, Zitao had committed suicide three years ago, Sang-Hoon promised her he wouldn't leave her like that.
Her hands shook as the doctors offered their empty words, her baby lay in front of her motionless and hooked up to several machines. He looked so much smaller than he was, Hee-Young's eyes watered. Her baby was hurting and he never said a word to her about it.
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Kim Dae-Hoon felt his eye twitch before he slapped a hand over it. Hee-Young [jesu-ssi]( "Korean for sister-in-law. wife of his younger brother") loved to joke and prank with him as they were siblings, and Dae-Hoon felt like he should give the young widower and mother to his little brother's legacy the type of family that could joke around with each other. But he was much, MUCH younger than that evil old hag. At least by twenty years! If not thirty!
Dae-Hoon sighed as he brought both hands to type at the keyboard. There was still a lot of time before the next entrance exam next year. Hee-Young and he would need to lay a lot of ground work to somehow sneak in the young [agassi]( "Korean for young lady") into the entrance exam.
He did not know how they were going to make everything work in time, as the mental list of things to do before the New Year celebration. Not to mention trying to find time in the day to keep Kim Myung-Ki's minions away from his precious nephew.
Dae-Hoon opened the list of prospective students that Deokhye Academy had their eyes on. It would be the easiest way to slip in the agassi without anyone becoming suspicious of her being at the school, let alone the county. His eyes widened at a name on the list of foreign prospects.
Y/N Davidson - 4 Junior Olympic Medalist for Equestrian, granddaughter of opera donna Josephine Burns and Master Chief Petty Officer Macro Davidson
"Oh, when did Chae Hee-Young think of it to put agassi in the prospective list? That, that solves so many potential problems!" Dae-Hoon said with a cheer. When a potential student on the prospective list applies to Deokhye Academy it means that someone had scouted for and ran a background on the student, cutting down on the interview process. It also meant that their position is not measured by the top thirty percent acceptance rate of the entrance exam.
Dae-Hoon relaxed in his chair. "Now, jesu-ssi just needs to get agassi to accept coming back to the place where her parents and god-brother died, reclaim her spot of clan heiress, and get rid of all the rot of the clan."
There was a moment of silence before he looked up to the ceiling, "Gods above, I hope she took after her father and not her mother."
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Korean Terms Used in this Chapter 
1. chaebol - Korean term for a large family owned business conglomerate, referring to being a rich heir/heiress
2. gēge – Chinese, older brother
3. noona – Korean, masculine term for older sister
4. ajubeonim – Korean, husband’s older brother
5. ssi – Korean, title used in place of Mr./Mrs. of people on the same footing (Japanese equivalent ‘san’)
6. jesu-ssi – Korean, younger brother’s wife
7. Agassi – Korean, young lady
8. nim – Korean, title used in place of Mr./Mrs. of people of a higher footing (Japanese equivalent ‘sama’)
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
Y/N (Ku Haneul)
Y/N Davidson was not always a junior Olympian equestrian. In fact, she wasn't always Y/N Davidson. She was born as Ku Haneul, hieress of the Ku Clan and happy daughter of two loving parents. However, after an accident that left her an orphan, she woke up on a plane going to her maternal grandparents.
Don't get her wrong, she adores her grandparents and her uncle. However, she was always curious on how her parents could die in a twelve minute car ride on what was a very clear skied night. After ten years, Y/N is given an opportunity to not only find out what happened to her parents.
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
Notable Ku Clan Members
People might be added later on. They will be put under whichever arc and chapter they are first mentioned in.
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
People might be added later on. They will be put under whichever arc and chapter they are first mentioned in.
ARC 1/Chapter 1:
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ARC 1/Chapter 3:
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
Notable Parents
People might be added later on. They will be put under whichever arc and chapter they are first mentioned in.
ARC 1/Chapter 2:
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
Kim Myung-Ki's Minions
People might be added later on. They will be put under whichever arc and chapter they are first mentioned in.
ARC 1/Chapter 1:
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ARC 1/Chapter 3
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
First Years
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
Deokhye Academy Staff and Teachers
A list of the staff, teachers, and administration of Deokhye Academy. (m) means male and (f) means female.
Staff and Administration:
Chairman: Kim Myung-Ki (m)
Principal/Dean: Kim Dae-Hoon (m)
Vice-Principal: Do Sang-Ook (m)
Secretary: Ku Sun-Jung (f)
Application Committee: Chae Hee-Young (f)
Treasury: Oh Bon-Hwa (m)
Groundskeeper: Dae Kyu-Bong (m)
Maintenance technician: Dang Tae (m)
Custodian: Ku Jaesang (m)
School nurse/doctor: Dr. Pak Chin-Hwa (m) & Dr. Ku Chul-Moo (m)
Mathematics: Ku Yongsun (m)
Korean History: Ku Seoyeon (f)
World History: Ku Kyung-Sam (m)
Social Sciences/Ethics: Beon Sangwook (m)
Music: Seok Mun-Hee (m)
Art: Bi Min-Hee (f)
Korean Literature: Gang Mi-Hi (f)
Foreign Literature: Ku Man-Young (m)
Science: Ku Dong-Min (m)
Health: Chu Eun-Jung (f)
General Physical Education: Ku Man-Shik (m)
Sport Physical Education: Jeon Dae-Hung (m)
Martial Arts Physical Education: Ku Hyun-Jung (f)
Korean Language: Ku So-Young (f)
Chinese Language: Ma Meng (m)
Japanese Language: Fujimura Rika (f)
German Language: Herbert Bogt (m)
French Language: Matthieu Dubois (m)
Spanish Language: Isabel Carbajal (f)
Russian Language: Pasha Aleksandrov (m)
Arabic Language: Imaan Karim (f)
Vietnamese Language: Anh Hang Nyugen (f)
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A/N: Links will be added later with a picture or added directly to the chapter itself.
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
Deokhye Academy School Schedule for High Schoolers (10th, 11th, and 12th grades)
Monday to Friday
06:45 AM - 07:45 AM - Breakfast in Cafeteria is open
07:50 AM - Check into campus
08:00 AM - 09:45 AM - Periods A/B
09:50 AM - 10:35 AM - Periods C/D
10:40 AM - 11:25 AM - Periods E/F
11:25 AM - 13:00 PM - Lunch in Cafeteria
13:15 PM - 14:00 PM - Periods G/H
14:05 PM - 14:50 PM - Periods I/J
15:30 PM - 17:30 PM - Athletic practice or after school extracurriculars
18:00 PM - 19:00 PM - Dinner in the Cafeteria is open
18:30 PM - 19:30 PM - Free time to work on homework, hang out with friends, outdoor activities, etc.
19:30 PM - 21:30 PM - Study Hall
21:30 PM - 23:00 PM - Free time for homework, social, late night snack, shower and prepare for your next day, etc.
23:00 PM - Lights Out
Weekends are for sport events, sport training, and off campus visit. Students are still required to help clean classrooms as well as have surprise inspections of their dorm apartments.
Deokhye Academy has a rigorous course load and we work with our students on time management skills that will help them be successful later in life. Our Study Hall hours are mandatory for all students and are monitored every evening by one of our on-campus faculty members. Students are required to sit at their desks without the distraction of cell phones or music and complete their academic work for the day.
Our honors students who earn first or second honors each grading period are rewarded for their efforts and do not have to have mandatory Study Hall. Weekly ranks show students who has received the top twenty ranking of their years have honors. First honors go to the top ten students who are awarded with off campus trips. Second honors are students who rank from eleventh to twentieth, and they are awarded with supervised off campus trips. We value hard work and effort and feel that if you work hard and earn honors, you have proven that you can handle the course load on your own.
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
Y/N's maternal Uncle and grandparents
Y/N's maternal uncle: Alessandro Davidson
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Portrayed by Chris Hemsworth
Alessandro Davidson is Y/N's maternal uncle and Evelyn's older brother, by seven years. He calls himself a modern cowboy who spends most of his time either working out or in the ocean. Josephine called him back to the ranch from his days island hopping. Alessandro, or Alex as everyone both his parents call him Alex, helped train Y/N in her quest to honor Evelyn by entering horseback competitions from riding to jumps.
Y/N's grandmother: Josephine Davidson neé Burns
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Portrayed by Meryl Streep
Josephine Davidson neé Burns married when she was thirty-one to her promised high school sweetheart. She had two children, Alessandro and Evelyn. Josephine is a free spirit and raised Y/N to be opinionated, strong-willed, and mischievous when needed. Macro and Josephine were devastated when Evelyn and Chung-Ae passed. Raising an adventurous child in their older age became too hard without the ranch and competitions, Josephine had called Alessandro home to help.
Y/N's grandfather: Macro Davidson
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Portrayed by Robert De Niro
Y/N's maternal grandfather and Evelyn's father, Macro Davidson is half Italian half American. Macro met Josephine in high school when they were freshmen and started dating right after that Homecoming Dance. He had enlisted and was sent abroad while Josephine pursued her dream on stage. When he was promoted to Master Chief Petty Officer, Macro blew his sartorius muscle and his tibial was shattered in a routine training accident. He retired to his father's farm to raise horses for competitions.
FUN FACT: Macro hates technology and does not have a social media account.
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
Y/N's Parents
Y/N's mother: Evelyn Ku neé Davidson
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Portrayed by Jeri Ryan
Evelyn Ku neé Davidson married into the Ku Clan. She was Y/N's mother. She and her husband, Ku Chung-Ae, died ten years ago in the story after dropping off their daughter at a horseback riding camp. Before her death, Evelyn was a competitive equestrian and the youngest of two children to a couple owning a horse ranch in Massachusetts. She met, hated, loved, and then married Ku Chung-Ae while he was studying abroad at Harvard.
Y/N's father: Ku Chung-Ae
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Portrayed by Ji Chang-Wook
Ku Chung-Ae was born into the Ku Clan's main branch as the third son and fourth child of the Head of the Ku Clan. He studied Law and Ethics at Seoul National University, later studying Law at Harvard University. Before his death, he was the lead of the Deokhye Academy's Legal Team. He married his wife after meeting her and falling head-over heels for her in the moment they met. He had even considered living out his life in America before his father's death. The young couple returned to Korea upon his mother's request.
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ji-hyeon · 3 years
Kim Myung-Ki
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Portrayed by Park Geun-Hyung.
Kim Myung-Ki married into the Ku Clan. He is the current President of Deokhye Academy and on the Clan Council. He was suspected to be behind Y/N's parents accident and pushed for Y/N to be removed from the Clan's immediate care.
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A/N: The previous two tweets that put out are Korean proverbs written in English. "The crayfish sides with the crab" is the same as saying "Birds of a feather, flock together". This proverb means that people with similar traits or backgrounds usually stick together and side with one another. "Don't entrust a cat with a fish" is saying don't trust people in situations where they can take advantage of you.
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