jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
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This blog is going to be moved to @moechorr​  I’ve decided to make my main muse a multi-muse blog, so Kokuto is going to be shoved over there along with my other Muses. So if you wanna keep up with me as I clean shit up, follow me there and unfollow me here.  See you elsewhere peeps.
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
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This blog is going to be moved to @moechorr​  I’ve decided to make my main muse a multi-muse blog, so Kokuto is going to be shoved over there along with my other Muses. So if you wanna keep up with me as I clean shit up, follow me there and unfollow me here.  See you elsewhere peeps.
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
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This blog is going to be moved to @moechorr​  I’ve decided to make my main muse a multi-muse blog, so Kokuto is going to be shoved over there along with my other Muses. So if you wanna keep up with me as I clean shit up, follow me there and unfollow me here.  See you elsewhere peeps.
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
“No guts, no glory”
So what you are saying is I should eviscerate my enemies to achieve greatness
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
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— unfortunate. eyes turn towards the corpse now splayed out on the ground, split in twain. the other managed to get away, though the one he had come to see had no interest in the remaining would be thief. still silent, the captain moved forward, each step cautious and slow. in no way did he want to instigate any further violence. 
crouching down next to the body fingers pinched the brim of his straw hat, tugging it down further over heavily lidded eyes for a moment. a chuckle. ❛ somethin’ tells me this wasn’t your first kill, eh? ❜ standing with a heavy exhale, the shinigami kept his eyes trained on the one he saved those months ago. 
❛ me? no no you got it all wrong friend.❜ palms forward, waving back and forth. ❛ i’m here to see YOU actually. i heard there’s been quite the ruckus going on in this district, the few bouts of violence that occurred apparently, have been stemming from you, kokuto. seeing as i’m the one that brought you here, i felt the need to keep an eye on ya. didn’t i tell you those months ago that i didn’t wanna regret doing so? ❜ amusement in overcast eyes, the light tone that belied a heavy conversation.
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          Holding the food close to his body, Kokuto warily observed at the Shinigami stepped forward and knelt by the fallen thug. Did that man actually laugh? It made him a bit more comfortable despite the tense setting, but he still had to hurry and get things delivered. “... ...Far from it...” Kokuto had lost track after thirty seven souls and three Shinigami. Why bother counting when they all ended up sticking with him anyways? This damn blade always cried at him.
         Lowering his blade, his gaze narrowed at the mention that it was him specifically that had to be seen. Then he heard his name. How did this guy know it?! Kokuto was back on edge, blade held out in front of him. “...You brought me here...?” His memory was hazy as he tried to call back on those days when he was still in overwhelming agony. He could recall almost turning into a Hollow, that chain eating away at itself, then a pressure to his forehead. That had to have been a Shinigami.
          “So that was you, huh?” He had been spared from becoming a monster only to continue being a monster. He had good reasons for it though! Those kids needed someone to help them survive, that’s what this food was for. He had to see them and make sure they were all right. Damn thug deserved to die for getting in his way, the other bastard got lucky. “Thanks, but I’m going to have to kill you too unless you get out of my way. There are others I have to help--” 
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
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          Well I was productive enough today. Gonna hop on over to another blog.
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
describe your muse as shittily as possible in the tags.
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
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          I don’t give a fuck if this comes off as rude, but I’m gonna do a thread inventory on what I owe and what is owed to me.
What I owe:
None, as far as I’m aware. Let me know if I missed it.
What is owed to me:
@despairforme [ x ]
@elvaliiente [ x ]
@nonviiolent [ x ]
@gloryfollowed [ x ]
@zeuucigas [ x ]
@yoonbxmm [ x ]
@ofbookmarks [ x ]
@solcorleonis [ x ]
@flashkitty [ x ]
@lanzadxr [ x ]
@besottha [ x ]
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
I hate it when people ask “do you trust me” like …don’t call me out like that ……..the answer is no
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
     This guy really was an idiot. Not just ‘ retarded ‘, like Nnoitra had first thought, but LITERALLY stupid. Like — Wow. Yeah, maybe the man he killed fell in a spot where it would take a while for anyone to notice him, but, he was still inside the cafe, and it was only so long a corpse could be undetected. All it took was for ONE person to notice, then there would be a panicking scene before them. This guy thought he was ‘ smooth ‘. Thought he was some big-shot just because he could sacrifice his men and do a decent job at a hit? Pathetic. Someone in Nnoitra’s line of work knew that one mis-step, and he would find himself without a career. Being ‘ found out ‘ -  MARKED, as it was called. Yeah, if that happened, he would have to move from the state, maybe even the country, and end up in some remote bitch-ass village, selling… Carpets or some shit like that. Okay, maybe his imagination was running off a bit now, and he sighed. He should just kill this guy and leave, but seeing as he ( apparently ) was some big ‘ boss ‘ or whatever, there was bound to be consequences to putting him out of his misery.
     He would gladly make a scene? Fine. Nnoitra would give him a scene. He was done with this guy not knowing anything about this type of work. If he wanted to be an amateur, then he could at least go all out. Also, Nnoitra thought it was really sad when people threatened him. It was just… Weak. To feel like they HAD to establish authority before him. He was a freelance hitman - there would be no ‘ authority ‘ over him. He wouldn’t bow to no-one. He’d kill for them, but only if they paid, and right now, he was more tempted to breaking this guy’s neck ( despite that not being his style ), rather than being hired by him. There was a sigh falling from Nnoitra’s thin lips, and he leaned back in his chair. He had the feeling of having been forced into some cliche movie scene, with bad actors. What a day.
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     ❝ No. ❞ He spoke calmly, or - it sounded like he was bored. Nnoitra’s voice always had that sluggish drag, and it got even more prominent when he was annoyed.❝ Maybe yer some big shot who can get away with shit like this, but I ain’t gonna fuck up my rep just ‘cause ya got some dumbass dream ‘bout starrin’ in a third-rate mafia movie. If ya ain’t gonna be professional ‘bout this, then we ain’t got shit ‘ta talk ‘bout. ❞ He’d been threatened SO many times before, so that was just sad. In any case, if the other tried to draw his weapon, Nnoitra’s long arms would come into play. He didn’t really think there would be a need for a fight though. He just needed this guy to pull himself the fuck together and stop with this idiotic ‘ villain ‘ act. It was so tragically uncool. 
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          “No?” Damn, he had been so ready to shoot down this man had he said yes. That would have been his 54th hitman killed to date. Maybe one more, then he’d get to this gutsy bastard, but for now he would need this guy. Asshole or not, this one was smart enough to put his reputation and safety above orders. Why accept a mission if you’re going to be shot dead, right? Hell, this guy kept getting better and better! Had the balls to talk down to a crime boss, insult him like a cheap actor with a fake gun. This was hilarious, and in a mere second it showed on Kokuto’s face. Eyes betrayed his insanity, and grin betrayed his glee. “Congratulations, I like you.”
          For a few moments he began laughing like a psycho, but calmed down quickly enough before anyone could get too concerned. Must’ve been a good joke to any onlookers. “I imagine you want to kill me for being so infuriating, but you’d be surprised how many have fallen for it and shot down my men.” And of course, Kokuto killed the hitmen that failed to pass his eccentric test. Ironically enough, he made a bloody scene out of all fifty four of them, not that the common authorities could stop him. “There is plenty of business shit to talk about, but not here. Wouldn’t want to make a scene~” Pushing back in his chair, the boss stood up and smoothed out his coat, beckoning the other to stand and follow.
          “Let us visit my place. There we can talk money and job briefing.” While a smile remained on his features, his tone took on a new seriousness, one unlike before where it came off as overdone. Kokuto did have a job for this man now, and one of utmost importance. It was a large task to complete, but the paycheck would be just as grand, and the provisions would be vast. “Say no if you wish, but why miss out on the fun?”
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
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So I’ve finally reached over 200 followers like what even guys. I appreciate every single on of you so I guess this is a small thanks for sticking around with this loser of a mun. art credit (x)
THE BABES (in no particular order)
@tcdosou @riruism @ryusxnka @tenshcu @kumosugi @jigoku-o @upqrow @fabulat @ofbookmarks @ichimaru-gin @sclitas @pumpupblonde @vuljin @kagemochi @shiracpt @novellars @hanabiira @cessatiio 
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
You’re gonna have to hit a lot harder than that to bring me down.
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
     To LAUGH at the one deciding everyone’s fate — ( who was it that had put Nnoitra onto the path of killing, hm? ), was a pretty bold muse, and Nnoitra would’ve been impressed, if he hadn’t felt a tiny bit offended. Not enough to make a big deal out of it though, but enough so that his single eye narrowed, only for a short moment. He wouldn’t reply to that ‘ it’s nice to see you ‘, because no, this wasn’t a ‘ nice ‘ meeting. Nnoitra was a strong believer in first-impressions ( too bad for him, since he NEVER gave off a good vibe ). The mood only turned more sour when the man started talking in riddles. Nnoitra fucking hated when people did that. If they wanted him to do something, then they should tell him straight out. This ‘ let’s try to be sneaky about this ‘ was just pathetic. People who didn’t have the guts to directly ask for him to kill people, should grow some balls before talking to him again. Maybe this guy didn’t know much about how Nnoitra worked? Mah, who could blame him? He was a pretty shady guy after all, though, very honest, when people asked him about his work, straight to his face. As long as they belonged to the underworld, of course.
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      Since he’d never been what people could call ‘ bright ‘, he wasn’t too sure if he knew what the guy wanted. Was he asking him to kill those five guys? Five was Nnoitra’s lucky number, and his tongue briefly darted out of his mouth, that dark gothic number making itself known. He’d newly gotten the ink refreshed, so he thought it looked especially good. Nnoitra never asked WHY people wanted others dead. He simply did the hit, once it was placed. If this guy was asking him to kill those guys, then he’d do it ( though it was stupid of the man to ask him to do it here… ). If he killed them, and it turned out he’d been wrong about the ‘ orders ‘, then he’d simply kill this guy too, and then get the fuck out of there. Apparently, the man didn’t understand that once the shooting started, there would be a panic, and they both needed to get out of there before the police showed up. Nnoitra’s eye was still narrow, he noticed, and his mood was getting more and more toxic by the second. He wasn’t going to be fucking ordered around by some amateur! ❝ Ya fuckin’ retarded? This is a public place. ❞ If he was going to ‘ not make a scene ‘, then he would have to kill everyone in the cafe. Which, he could do, sure, but there were quite a few people here, and new ones could arrive at any time, so they would be found out within minutes. God, he hated it when people couldn’t just understand shit like this. 
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          As one of the top dogs in the underworld, Kokuto wanted the best of the best under his command. To think this dumbass in front of him was one of the top shots among hitmen, it was unfathomable. How did this man live being so dense? Seems he would have to teach this skeleton a thing or two. “Public or not, I see no issue. With our vision being the same, you should have no problems either.” It was not a difficult task to kill and not be noticed. That’s why the term assassination existed.
          Reclining back in his chair, Kokuto kept his gaze on the man, the hands upon his lap shifting slightly to take hold of a silenced pistol in his jacket. His other hand reached up, taking hold of his half empty cup of tea. With a twirl of his wrist, the cup was dropped and as soon as it struck the ground, the boss fired the gun at one of his men. The sound of the shattering cup easily covered up the muffled gunshot, and the servant had dropped dead in his hiding place, entirely unknown. 
          The world around them carried on as usual, only a couple heads turned at the broken up. One of the waitresses came out, Kokuto hiding his gun away in his inner pocket again before her attention could move away from the shattered mess. “Sorry ma’am, I can pay for the cup.” The woman merely said no, it was no issue and continued to clean up. Once she was gone, he gave his full attention back to the other. “Four left. They’re yours, it’s possible. My next target is you, and I will gladly make a scene--”
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
“Ichigo?” For the first time there was a flicker of emotion, a hint of inflection in her voice when he spoke of her friend. It was erased, quickly, by a far more stern countenance.
The last thing Ichigo needed was more adversaries dogging his every step. The Sexta was bad enough; she had no doubt once Grimmjow regained his full strength, it would be a feat in and of itself to keep him from going after the substitute. Nelliel was almost inclined to tell him to seek his answers elsewhere, but what if he did just that? There were many arrancar who saw him, who knew of him, who were willing to pass on more compromising information. Better she know what he sought than risk anyone else damning the boy. Pressing her lips together, she exhaled a deep sigh through her nose.
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“…What of him?”
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          So this woman did know about Ichigo, and likely by quite a bit more than any others based off her reaction. Her control and recovery was quite impressive though. Not many could boast such a level reaction when a friend was mentioned by a stranger. “I want to find someone he’s close to so that he won’t get angry at me. Someone that can cool off his temper.” His words were true, Kokuto needed someone that Ichigo cared for. If anything, that was the brat’s greatest weakness.
          “Me and him aren’t on great terms... another friend of his tagging along with me might help us end our troubles.” The Sinner was clever, picking and choosing his words so that he was being honest while his cruel intent was still well hidden. “Are you Ichigo’s friend? Or should I find another...?”
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
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: ひな
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jigoku-o-blog · 8 years
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