jills-observation · 2 years
Thoughts about conversion for ecommerce
Our website visitors come for a variety of reasons, some are new visitors, some are returning customers, and some may be considering making a purchase.
The key to converting visitors is to develop strategies that guide them to the next step.
BestChat could display the visitor's visit time, the number of visits, the page customers' are currently browsing, and the browsing track of the customer after visiting the website.
You'll be able to serve visitors better if you understand their needs. If you give them a great user experience, they'll want to be long-term supporters of your company and recommend you to their friends. Analyzing what customers really want, what language resonates with them, and how they prefer to buy is the key to conversion.
Chances are they're visitors to your site for no real purpose. They're looking for high-quality content, usually arriving on your website via keyword searches. They may be unfamiliar with your brand or even what the goods or services you offer. They haven't gotten to the point where they make a buying decision. They might just be doing some research.
The best way to convert these visitors into buyers is to keep in touch with them, focusing on building a relationship with them through your product or service content to bring them back to your site as often as possible. Emails can be a great place to start, and you can try to proactively message them to ensure ongoing value for your readers.
With email, you can introduce your product, address their shared concerns, and demonstrate the value of your product or service.
Please visit BestChat.com for more information.
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jills-observation · 2 years
Get involved with customer value
What would you think of when it comes to the term of customer value? Giving clients a fair price for a high-quality product may come to mind, but customer value entails much more. The value a consumer places on a good or service is known as customer value. But it's not just about money. Price, quality, and what the good or service can achieve for that specific individual are frequently factors in perceived worth. Maintaining long-term relationships with current consumers and obtaining repeat business depends on providing value to them.
Consumers of today are not just focused on cost or value. Additionally, people expect the item or service they purchase to meet a need or solve a problem. Buyers are searching for businesses that consistently provide value since they have so many buying choices available to them.
Customers are attracted to businesses that simplify their lives and enhance their general well-being. They will keep doing business with the company since, in their eyes, the advantages of their purchase outweigh the cost.
Creating customer value is more crucial than ever in the post-pandemic environment. In order to keep customers coming back, businesses must do all possible to demonstrate their value throughout the customer experience.
Plesae visit BestChat.com for more information.
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jills-observation · 2 years
Why not give chatbot a chance!
Recently, Chatbot AI technology has envolved a lot  and made some progress in customer service industry.
A Chatbot is nothing more than an automated system. It's a customized computer application that performs spoken, written, or both types of discussions with customers.
Many businesses are putting a lot of effort into building AI chatbots in order to automate their order-taking process and improve customer experience.
We are transitioning to an automated system at a quicker rate than ever before. Everything is now just a click away, from personal communications to purchasing decisions. The fast and easy way to ensuring significant outcomes from your organization is automation.
You might, like many others, use a wait-and-see approach to make a sale. You can't do much without waiting to see if they make a purchase if you use a sales funnel and invest a lot of money when you acquire some traffic. Your website, landing pages, content, and advertisements are all designed to encourage them!
Consider this: if you have an AI chatbot (in the form of a CTA) on your landing pages, asking people to talk to them instantly about what they want and guiding them to their desired products/ services and even redirecting them to checkout page, isn't that better than your current process? Yes, an AI chatbot can perform all of these activities and assist you in increasing sales!
Please check BestChat.com for more information.
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jills-observation · 2 years
Tumblr media
CUTE kitten just lying on the ground 
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jills-observation · 2 years
Cheer for the flex of BestChat~ 
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jills-observation · 2 years
The flex of BestChat.com
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