jilyss · 2 months
Kaladin is my favorite character because hes 6’8, hopelessly heroic, probably one of the strongest characters in the story that isnt a deity, is always looked up to and seen as an AMAZING dude
But he reads as a teenage girl
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Same man nicknamed “stormblessed” in a world where storms are holy.
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jilyss · 3 months
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more newsies art from me? in the year 2023? more likely than you'd think
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jilyss · 3 months
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love you forever and forever
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jilyss · 3 months
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the marauders.
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jilyss · 4 months
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sirius black with glasses. this is for @impishtubist
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jilyss · 4 months
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yeah but like. Hypothetically
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jilyss · 9 months
looking for hinny or dramione fics that are 50k-200k fics that are set after the war and are somewhat canon compliant (like the war ends, etc) but not necessarily epilogue compliant !!!
I don't want like omegaverse fics, I just want some post hogwarts fics and ??? need help!!
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jilyss · 10 months
written for #SeveralSunlitDaylights & @corneliaavenue-ao3 day 3: speak now
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'But unbidden into his mind came an image of that same deserted corridor with himself kissing Ginny instead…'
It was a new sensation, this urge, and Harry didn’t particularly enjoy it. In fact, he found it quite debilitating at times. For weeks he’d daydreamed away his first period, missing crucial Herbology notes he had to copy from Hermione later. He’d started taking an inordinate amount of bludgers at quidditch practice. So much so that McGonagall had kept him after class once to ask if he was feeling alright. Not to mention, he seemed to have lost any and all authority over certain...extremities.
It was mortifying.
But today was by far his worst bout of brain fog. He’d walked right past the Great Hall at lunch, Ron having to call after him when he was halfway up the marble staircase. Harry had doubled back, his face heating with embarrassment, but Ron seemed to buy whatever excuse Harry had stuttered out.
She’s Ron’s sister.
He chanted the mantra inside his head for what felt like the thousandth time. The problem was, it didn’t seem to stick. An empty space of time, or a lull in the conversation and Harry’s train of thought veered right back to shining copper hair and secret passageways; his hands on her waist and his lips on hers. 
Every. Single. Time.
Harry tossed a handful of chips onto his plate and hoped someone at the Gryffindor table had something mildly interesting to talk about, but he was out of luck it seemed. After a few minutes of chatting shit, his mind started to wander. 
They were in a hidden alcove behind the tapestry of Grimma Mog on the fourth floor. The stone wall was cool against his back and Ginny’s body was warm where she pressed into him. Harry could feel the slight flare of her hips beneath his palms, could feel the hitch of her breath as he swiped her bottom lip with his tongue–
Ron’s sister! He shouted inside his own head, pulling his own traitorous thoughts to a halt. 
Focusing on Hermione across the way, he tried to digest whatever she was talking to Neville about. Something to do with toadstools. 
“This new experiment suggests medicinal properties…”
“Really?” Hermione peeked over to read the academic journal Neville had open on the table. “Raw? Or brewed?”
Ginny pressed into him harder, her fist tugging at his hair. In retaliation, Harry slipped his fingers beneath the hem of her jumper and felt smooth skin at the small of her back–
“I'm bloody starving,” the real life Ginny groaned from behind his right shoulder and Harry nearly jumped out of his skin. 
She plopped into the empty seat next to him, sending a shoot of electricity up his arm as her elbow bumped his. Harry tossed her a grin that he hoped looked normal, but was probably completely deranged, only to see Dean falling onto the bench on her other side. 
The reminder of her complete unattainability sucker punched the monster living inside his chest. 
Not only was she Ron’s sister. She had a sodding boyfriend. He kept forgetting about that particular obstacle. Probably because his brain was too obsessed with kissing her. 
God, he wanted to kiss her. 
Ginny glanced at him sidelong and Harry averted his gaze, realizing too late he’d been staring. He spent the rest of lunch forcing himself to pay attention as Hermione and Neville's conversation shifted from toadstools to the merits of Moroccan Coriander over other varieties. Meanwhile, Ginny ate and laughed and flirted, and overall tortured Harry to the point of madness. 
But his resolve held. He kept his fanciful scenarios in check for the rest of the day. 
Which turned out to be completely futile, because while he was able to hold some semblance of control in his waking hours, this just spurred his imagination to run wild while he slept.
And like a fixation he couldn’t shake, over and over they were pressed up into the wall of the alcove, twisted together in a hushed encounter unbeknownst to the crowded corridor on the other side of the tapestry. 
It made looking Ron in the eye all the more difficult, and in the mornings, Harry had never been more grateful for the curtains surrounding his four-poster bed.
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jilyss · 1 year
hey! *drops this and disappears*
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rip lily evans, you would’ve loved taylor swift <\3
close upss bc i’m kinda proud of this :d
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jilyss · 1 year
I love them¹ _________________________ ¹ lily evans and james potter
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jilyss · 1 year
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jilyss · 1 year
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I'm the problem, it's me 🙃
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jilyss · 1 year
No I will not elaborate.
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jilyss · 1 year
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Chapter 18
He’s pulling into the car park at the stadium when he sees her again. Shock reverberates through his body, an ominous chill travels down his spine. He pulls into his spot, and climbs out, lugging his training bag over his shoulder. 
It’s the day of the friendly match, against a local team so they’re playing at the other team's stadium. It’s smaller and less obnoxious, he prefers it to their stadium - in which he would definitely not have been able to bump into Lily at. 
continue reading here or start from the beginning
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jilyss · 1 year
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so scarlet it was maroon
Words: 4.4K | Rating: T | Hurt/Comfort
Summary: James and Lily hide in a safe house after a mission gone wrong, even as unspoken pain lingers in the space between them.
Or what happens when I try to write proper angst and fail
Read on: AO3 | FFN
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jilyss · 1 year
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Story summary: James Potter enjoys the simple life. That is, being a national Quidditch star, drinking profusely with his mates, and no-strings-attached companionship.
At least until he meets a beautiful, clever redhead who is immune to his charms and uninterested in his talents. She just might also help him see there is more to this thing called life than perpetual, meaningless bachelorhood.
final chapter on AO3
James finds Lily exactly as he expects to: dressed casually in Muggle clothes, hair piled in a bun atop her head, bending over a cauldron in the research laboratory. She startles at his quiet greeting, going further pink than what the steam of the cauldron has already caused.
Read on AO3 || Start at the beginning || NOW COMPLETE
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jilyss · 1 year
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@jilymicrofics | January Prompt List, No. 18: Stitch
500 Words, Read it on AO3.
Runner's Stitch
Lily Evans loved running. Her trainers were tatty and worn,with rust coloured stains the perfect imprint of her feet in the soles. Running allowed her a sense of freedom, so she would run until she couldn’t bare it. The balls of her feet were throbbing now and she still felt the stitch prickling at her side. Mere metres to go and she’d make it. Rounding the corner she collided with another body, a soft thud and squash of wounded breath between them.  “Sorry,” she gasped, rocking back onto her heels. “Nah, my bad. You alright?” James Potter raised a quizzical eyebrow at her. No doubt she looked a right state with sweat plastered hair and flushed ruby cheeks.  “Fine, thanks. What are you doing out at this hour?” It still felt strange talking so casually with him as her friend, her co-head.  “Jenkins and Moore called in sick for prefect duty. Food poisoning apparently,” He replied disbelievingly. “Shagging in a broom closet somewhere more like. Do they forget we all eat the same food?” Lily scoffed back, Potter grinned.  “Why didn’t you just assign someone else? You heard Dumbledore we’re meant to stick in twos after...” She trailed off not wanting to voice the attack on Mary MacDonald aloud.  “Bit late notice. Remus is recovering from the full moon and I know everyone’s stressing about Slughorn’s essay,” He shrugged. Nonchalant at the risk he was putting himself under.  “Might as well finish off with you then,” Lily muttered, turning on her heel to walk beside him and trying not to release a wince as she did so.  “You limping, Evans?” He stopped in his tracks.  “A little,” she admitted honestly. While the glasses said otherwise, Potter wasn’t blind.  He looked down at her shoes. “You need a new pair of them.” “They were a gift from my dad,” she answered, knowing that it would convey her attachment for trainers way past their prime. Potter shifted his gaze from her and extended it down the corridor.  “I haven’t seen anyone out of bed. For anyone down there snogging this is their lucky night. Come on, I'll walk you by the prefect's bathroom on my way back to the dorm.” “I don’t need your protection, Potter.” She didn’t mean the defensive bite her voice portrayed.  “I know that, Evans. You’re the one who said we shouldn’t be roaming the corridors alone, remember? In my locker there’s a blue potion on the top shelf. Use that. It helps my quidditch aches.” He strolled off before she could utter a single word.  She found the bottle. Removing the stopper, she brought it to her nose. A familiar soft scent of sage and sea salt met her. It couldn’t hurt right?  Sliding into the soothing suds had her wishing she’d asked Potter to stay, wait, or come back for her. He deserved a proper thank you. The pain was already fading and something she couldn’t quite make out was tugging at her heart strings.
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