“I said I’m sure and I mean it Jim alright?” She replied firmly ignoring the shakiness she hated in her tone. “Let’s just do it. Well.. everyone knows trouble isn’t exactly new to me.. I’ll…”she gasped through pained lungs . “I’ll deal with it then. Just tell me how this would work.. but not… not here let’s go somewhere else.”
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Originally posted by dailyriverdale
She was right, the library wasn’t an ideal place to plan something like this but neither was pops or any other public place. “How about the Benbow?” he said, “there’s a ton of empty rooms in there this time of day and it’s the only place I can say for sure we won’t get busted before we even begin.” He could say that because it was sort of his home but he didn’t want to divulge that detail. “Alright,” he nodded towards the door, “let’s get going, it’s a bit of a walk and you’re a bit conspicuous around here.”
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“Stop please.. just a second.” She sighed eyes meeting the floor. “I— I get it I just.. need a-“ she rubbed her eyes hands not leaving her face for a second.. god how did she get here? But his words rang truth.. and maybe somewhere deep down that tugging was telling her the same thing. looking at that familiar face she merely nodded. “Okay.” She muttered. “I.. I’m not scared.”
He watched work through what he had told her he wanted to do, realizing just how incredibly insane and dark a thing he was proposing they do. “Are you sure?” he said, “because honestly, being scared is probably the right feeling here. Are you sure you want to go through with this, you might end up in even more trouble than you already are if we get caught...”
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“Go for it.. “ she commented when he mentioned insane. His words had her blood going cold. Find the body?? “Find the body?!” She hissed standing close to him there noses could have touched but this knawing That aggravating knawing told her he was right. If they could see the body closer maybe there was some clue. She hadn’t noticed her hands shaking as they spoke. Already the image had her muscles tighten acid on her tongue and nausea in her gut. She could practically hear if the sirens again. “Just tell me.. why.. how.. just tell me everything,” she spoke rapidly “because if I have to look at that damn body again jim..”
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Originally posted by dailychoni
He jerked his head back when she got in close, he never took well to people invading his personal space but given the circumstances, he was pretty tolerant of it. “We need to make sure it’s the same body you saw, if we find anything and you’re the only one who saw it who isn’t with the establishment,” he said, he put a hand, gently on her shoulder, “if you’re too scared though, we just...won’t go I guess.” He was trying to be kind and comforting but it wasn’t really working out. 
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“Okay hang on.,” she stopped him at his words of trouble maker I may have snuck out before.. or.,or gone places where there was too much drinking but this..! This is a dead body.” She Said collapsing in a seat. “I can’t believe they think I-“ she swallowed thickly. “Are you saying.. I don’t know.. I don’t know if someone set me up. I guess maybe..” her voice drifted off as her eyes darted back and forth quickly. “The body.” Finding her voice again she let out a sigh “it. It was pale of course, almost blue at extremeties sort of.. skin almost.. at parts Uhm.” She sniffed feeling sick all over again. “I don’t know how too- describe the word.. I’m sorry. Jim I don’t know how to happened.. but I’m not lying.. are you are you saying you might have an idea?”
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Originally posted by riverdalegirlpower
He was so caught up he didn’t notice her getting overwhelmed and pf course she would, they were talking about a dead body after all, a dead body she found. When he heard her words breaking apart and her struggling to keep up he stopped to centre himself. He looked back at her and took a seat next to her, “listen, this is going to sound fucking...insane, okay but...we need to find that body and the most likely place it is, is the Riverdale General morgue...are you up to it?”
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“I think I’m done with the seasons.” He rasped clearing his throat “with anything large, chaotic really.. anything like that.” He near whispered, opening the door “I just want a milkshake and peace.. or coffee and peace..” he laughed. “
“Yeah man, me too, to all of it.” He was sick of the winter, he wanted a milk shake and he wanted peace. Peace from Billy Bones, peace from the whole damn town. “We’ll get peace eventually”
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Dipper listened intently, quickly pulling out his notebook and a writing utensil so he could jot everything down. The more he remembered, the easier the pieces would be to put together. This.. Ice Queen? Elsa… sounded like a suspicious character at the very least, and Dipper made sure to circle her name several times over. Everything sounded suspicious, but maybe she knew something… more. Still, the whole situation smelled fishy, and he was glad there was someone out there that… at least sort of believed that things were fucked.
“No, no. You don’t sound crazy. I… I don’t know anything about cults in the area, but I can probably skip class tomorrow to do some research or… something.” He furrowed his brow momentarily, glancing down at his backpack. Should he bring out the journal? Would it help? Maybe.. “I have something that might help us out, but you have to swear to me that no one will know about it okay?”
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Jim took a moment to think it over, not because he wasnt practiced at secret keeping but because he took his promises very seriously. He nodded, “of course, I wouldn’t betray your trust...just please fucking tell me it’s not like, the murder weapon or something, I really don’t need to see that.”
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“Why?” She asked she didn’t want to be skeptical but she couldn’t help it her whole character just got called out. Shoulders falling she knew it wouldn’t go away if it wasn’t him asking it would just be someone else. If not now later, if not later tomorrow. “I saw a body him. Okay. I saw his body.” She wiped her eyes angrily.
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Originally posted by hellomadelene
“I fucking knew it,” he hissed and the ceiling, “Jesus christ, okay...and obviously they would all believe that the trouble maker youngest Atlantica would pull something like this, lie...” he was thinking out loud but he wasn’t worried about her hearing. “Did they set you up or is someone trying to expose the truth?” he turned to her, “do you remember anything about the body?”
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“Chocolate?” He rasped smiling before wincing. It was like someone took that knife and dragged it downward in his throat. “Not crazy.” He tried to say a little louder at least but with not much luck. “Must be a cold.” He continued patting his friend gently to assure. His empty pocket felt like it was on fire where the knife usually was.
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Originally posted by msstones
“Maybe, tis the season and whatnot,” he said. 
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Dipper quickly shut the door as he was asked, setting his backpack down by his feet as he listened intently to the other. Finally, someone who recognized the weird things that happened in this town. From minor to major, people just seemed to… let things slide. It was absolutely bizarre, as well as concerning. Despite the situation, he couldn’t help the small smile that crept to his lips as he felt like someone might finally… believe the theories and possible discoveries he had made. “Nothing… Strange at all happens back at home. Except for a lot of health kicks that people like.” He would never understand some of the things back home.
“I… would love to hear any details you have, anything you can share.” He stared at the other. If he shared the information with him, he’d happily pull out the journal. Maybe it had the answers to the strange happenings.
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“I went to see the burned down wing of the college and saw something, someone up on the second floor,” he began, rubbing his eyes. “There was some weird fucking noise in the woods so I hopped the fence and hid in the building, which is where I ran into ice queen from Greendale. We go up to the second floor and there’s foot prints that aren’t ours in the ashes and this wall with all these weird fucking symbols on it and these hanging voodoo looking dolls,” he sighed and shook his head, “anyway, Ice queen started getting all suspicious and wouldn’t even tell me her real name, which I later found out was Elsa Arendelle from Adam. They never found Tadashi’s body after the fire, or that professor’s either, they haven’t fixed the damn thing yet but when Riverdale High’s gym catches fire the things back and better than ever in a month...and now Ariel finds a body but the paper, the sheriff’s office, the whole damn establishment says that she lied? This is gonna sound fucked but I think there’s some sort of cult going on and the big wigs are involved and covering it up...” he sighed and ran his hands down his face, leaning back in his chair, “do I sound crazy? Does all this sound insane?”
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Mabel knew exactly what Jim wanted, which was why she wasn’t going to give it to him. “Well if it’s too late then it’s too late. Haters gunna hate.” She shrugged. She really did care what he thought, but she wasn’t going to say it.
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“Whatever you say Pines,” he muttered and rolled his eyes. 
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“yes.” She sniffed and groaned fighting not to roll her eyes. “Yes it’s me In the flesh,” She muttered and waved her hands to gesture she was. In fact. There. It wasn’t that Jim had done anything. It was everything else that made her eyes and heart harden. “Something you need?” She finally some straightening her posture.
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Originally posted by dailyriverdale
“Yeah,” he said, stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, “I want you to tell me what you saw that night, if you saw anything,” he said, cutting to the chase, “I know what the paper says but I want to hear it from you.”
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Mabel placed a hand over her chest, almost as if she was feigning hurt, but it did sting. “Ouch. Here I was thinking we were friends.”
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“It’s too late to try and joke with me, so stop,” he said bluntly, he wasn’t about ti give unless she apologized, he was too hurt and proud. 
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“Coffee sounds great actually. Good idea”. He smiled softly. Daisy had stopped any attempt at jumping down and had seemed to drift off thankfully. He had helped out at pops once or twice and hopefully that was maybe enough to let the cat entering slide. He shifted slightly feeling a tension in his head and a soreness in his throat but pushed it down, nothing coffee couldn’t fix. That would sooth it Enough right? Course it would. He told himself since nothing seemed to stop the ache in his throat.he looked over watching him for any signs of pain having heard he was in the hospital and not sure if there was something that still needed tending. “Alright,” He hadn’t been at the event but he wasn’t so far removed he didn’t hear of it. Those things were just not his thing and so he stayed back and worked. Looking towards the inn he had already made his mind up till he figured out if he was being followed he wasn’t going to sleep there, “I could really use something strong. Extra caffeine sounds good right?” He laughed nudging his friend.
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Originally posted by itsmrobrien
“Yeah...or maybe a milk shake, am I going crazy or do you sound a little hoarse?” he said. 
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Ariel brought her sweater up to her face screaming into it sitting on the library floor in one of the study rooms. They didn’t believe her. A liar they were calling her? How could they?? It wasn’t a lie about attending some party or texting someone.. it was a dead body. Tadashis dead body, angry tears poured down her face all she could look at was the Empry bottle her hands shook but she grabbed it tightly and bore into it. All he’d anger willing it to crush in her hold but a scream emmited and the bottle was thrown towards the wall, bringing her legs up she pressed her back into the wall chest tight forcing herself to stand she was about to lock the door when she met someone’s eyes.
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Originally posted by chertonis
Jim heard through the grape vine that Ariel was in the library so that’s where he went. He couldn’t afford to go to the police station so he had to wait until she was on more neutral ground. He made his way through the books towards the study rooms near the back, just about ready to give up looking when he heard the sound of shattered glass behind one of the doors. Carefully, he opened the door and peeked in. “Oh...it’s you,” he glanced down at the floor, at the chips of broken glass, “uh...is it safe to come in or do you have more glass to break?”
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“Well you could. It would just make you a jerk.” Mabel looked over to him and chuckled. “And I don’t think you’re a jerk.”
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“I don’t give a shit whether you think I’m a jerk or not. You clearly don’t care if I think that of you,” he glowered out the windshield, still not looking at her.
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Dipper blushed awkwardly as the other seemed less than enthused to see him. He couldn’t really blame the other, they weren’t… close by any means. And.. Mabel had done him dirty. “I.. Yes. I know it’s.. obvious. But, I want to know more. If.. If there’s anything!” He brought the journal with him, just in case things went well. He was hesitant about showing it to anyone, really. But, part of him had started to think that he really couldn’t uncover this mystery alone, as much as he wanted to. “This town is… weird as hell… And I don’t believe for a second that… any of this is coincidental.”
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Jim glanced behind the younger boy, “close the door,” he said, he turned in his seat, facing the young man. He took a seep breath and sighed, “this place has always been fucked, I mean, just three or so years ago six women died of ruptured aneurysms all at the same time and they just waved it off like it was some fucking coincidence. I don’t think Ariel would lie about this, I don’t know her all that well but...I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense, and the Atlanticas are one of the founding families, they’re really fucking important and have a ton of money and power so why would her dad let an article like that get published?” The minute the door closed it all came flooding out, all of it. “You’ve lived other places right, or one other place, whatever. You know that the things that happen here, don’t happen everywhere else...before we get any further into it, I need to know, how badly do you want to know the truth? Any lengths or strictly within reason?”
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“Jim.” He rasped smiling softly still holding daisy and petting behind her ear he could feel her purring against him He let out the breath e was holding in and lightly shrugged focusing on the others eyes. “How are you feeling you alright ?” He rasped signing slowly at the same time. “Me? Oh I was just.. on my way back. Left some things back there and.. well I didn’t feel like staying there longer than I had too.
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Originally posted by mazerunnerpit
Whatever had happened had gone horribly wrong. He looked at the cat and then back at Jiminy. “Let’s go to pops first,” he said, “I think we could both use a coffee.” They had coffee at the inn but between not wanting to rub in the fact that at least Jim had a mom he could count on and not wanting any Ghoulies that may be tailing Jiminy to go to the inn...well, he figured some space to digest what had happened over some snacks would be a good idea. 
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