jim-squared-h · 6 years
Hiatus notice (kind of)
// okay, so, as some of you may know, this blog is a project between me, James mun, and a friend, Jimothy mun. Due to some pretty cool events happening, however, Jimothy mun hasn’t been able to be active on the account
After some thought, I’ve decided to move James to his own separate account, and place this blog on hiatus until Jimothy can be active again!
Once I have everything up I’ll let you know urls and stuff~ I am not quitting playing James, however it is necessary to move him to different account
Cheers all
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
// James is the one true father figure someone get this man a young child that he can parent and cuddle 
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
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“....... “  Nope, he’s... he’s still upset from yesterday. Just going to keep his mouth closed for now.
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
Let’s see, now, does he want the Flintstones gummy vitamins or the regular adult vitamins..?  Flintsones, adult... Flintstones, adult... If he has to take one with lunch every day it would be easier to explain the adult ones to his coworkers... but he already got the Muppets band-aids in his cart, so he can tell the cashier that he’s got a kid at home if she looks at him funny- though, he’s never gonna see this lady again; his coworkers he’s gonna see well into the future... ....... But the adult ones taste really bad. Like, really bad.  Gosh, he hates shopping by himself. 
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
// so is camp camp a kids show or
Help me
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
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jim news are the best news
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
Ooh. Well, that’s where opinions will have to differ, unfortunately. At the mention of chocolate he can’t help but wrinkle his nose a tad. The boy had never been keen on much sweet, or absolutely anything artificial; the exceptions were few, and he could tolerate most, but the one thing in the world he loathed was chocolate. Except, of course, the really nice dark kind... that was always a treat.
“You, eh... like the dark?” His eyes lit up just a tad. It was always hard to find someone who liked dark chocolate too, given how bitter it was on its lonesome. Wrapped around a coffee bean, he doubted it would be any less so, so that in itself was a surprise. “That’s good!”
After making sure Tori was appropriately situated, he patted himself down for his wallet, grabbed his black card and wandered up to the register. She’d apparently trusted him with picking out a drink, so... he had to make it a good one. Jim watched the barista ring up his large cappuccino, a medium mocha, and a bag of the chocolate coffee beans he always passed up, breathing past that gap in his chest all the while. Ugh, it felt like he was inhaling ice still... no matter, though, as he was quite happy once he brought the drinks over.
“You... you like these?” He set the beans in the middle of the table and passed Tori’s drink over as well, seating himself with a wince.
And that’s where James had to shrug half-heartedly. Sure, it became dangerous after awhile, but it made their jobs easier. How many reporters could go to the Artic with only a light jacket? Or, you know, the sun, but James is sure Jimothy made that one up. “It’s in the, eh, head,” he mumbled, blushing slightly. “…. If we don’t feel it, it, eh… doesn’t work. We don’t get frostbites or sunburns, er…” Well, Jim just patted her arm gently. The only potentially deadly result was that they were the only ones to tell if they had a fever when sick.
“O-oh, I won’t!” Oh, goodness, would she actually be upset if the coffee house wasn’t to her liking? A worried look entered his eye, and he practically wheezed in alarm before coughing into the crook of his spare arm. “It’s… it’s good coffee. She makes it from, eh… from the little nuts…?” He held his fingers up a little ways from each other, trying to estimate the size of a coffee bean. Bean, Jim, that’s what you meant. “Not from the powder.”
Luckily they hadn’t been too terribly far from the cafe when government property chose to rebel, so it was only a few minutes walk to the shop. He held the door open to quickly usher Tori inside, taking a moment himself to view the scenery (and catch his breath.), then kicking the slush off his shoes and following.
“Go, eh… go sit. I can order for us.”
“Yeah?” Tori asks him softly, smile widening on her lips. Coffee beans, she’s sure he meant beans, but it’s fine. As long as she understands. “Oh, have you tried chocolate-covered coffee beans before? Well, there’s more than chocolate covered, there’s like.. white chocolate-covered, I’ve tried one with an Irish creme cover once. Though I think dark chocolate ones are my absolute favorites.” She’s a sucker for any chocolate, really, but dark chocolate is at the top of her list.
Tori’s nose is a little more pink, and she’s a little more shiver-y by the time they reach the coffee shop. Not from the cold, of course, she refuses to admit that. But she is grateful for Jim’s coat (even if him being without one is still a little concerning to her). As Jim suggests ordering, she does, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze before pulling away and heading for one of the booths at the opposite wall. Once she’s settled herself in her seat, she’s pulling her arms from Jim’s massive coat, still letting it hang on her shoulders as she pulls her phone out to check it briefly. Nothing she’s missing.. good. She’s having a nice time with her friend, even if he is having a hard time with fire hydrants. Tucking her phone back away, she glances over to him at the counter, thrumming her fingers away at the table while her gaze pulls from him and moves about the cafe. It seems nice enough, and Jim hasn’t steered her wrong so far. Plus, the coffee smells wonderful- she’s actually a little excited for it.
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
Alright, new rule
// if you’re a roleplay sideblog from a personal account that’s followed, please message me your roleplay url in IMs.
I might start having to block personals soon, and I want to make sure I’m actually just blocking personals.
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
Send “What happened to you?” to find my muse in a disheveled state.
Send “I don’t want to talk about it” for my muse to find yours instead.
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
“That is good. I, eh, am too okay wi- am okay with it too, see, I....”
Oh, dear. Now, Jim, don’t get yourself all flustered. You’ll forget yourself. “Sorry,” he finished with a wince, his ears turning red to match the rest of his face by now. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to elaborate exactly why he was apologizing... he’d never been good at English, or speaking in general- better than his brother, by a long shot, but never good. They’d communicated in grunts and piecemeal phrases for such a long time, it was easy to forget which way words went in a sentence...
Anyway, it’s fine, and he’s back to smiling relatively quickly. Aw, shucks, he’s sweet? Really? There’s a new glow to him that’s only half from the alcohol at her words- in fact, he’s nearly beaming. ‘Sweet’ was one of his favorite adjectives, for both descriptions and describing.
But that beam, once again, drifts into muffled concern. “.... A, eh... rough day?” He parrots into his glass. Ooh, that’s nice- no, quit concentrating on your drink, dummy. “.... What happened, if I, eh.. if I can ask...?”
“Mmph!”  Jim waved his hands frantically- he can’t wait until he’s done eating the strawbery wedge from his drink to express exactly how fine he is with this. Believe it or not, Jim wasn’t best buddies with his coworkers. Sure, they were friends, and he’d never turn down helping them if they needed it, but he’d never been particularly close to them. Besides, he wanted to get to know Tori a bit better- he had all the time in the world to hear about Lucy’s recent trip to Florida and Frank’s inability to keep it in his pants.  “Mpmh-mm,” he tried again, quickly washing down the strawberry with his actual drink. “No, I… I would stay here, if you would be okay with that. You’re, eh…. sweet, and I want in helping you.”  Ugh, his English was slipping. Soon he’d be talking in growls and slurred Ukranian, the lightweight he was, so after another, smaller sip he shoved the drink back to the side. You’re not getting drunk on guard duty, Jimbo, not with her.  “It is ok!” He smiled wide, patting her gingerly between those upraised shoulder blades- oof, wait, they were pretending to date… the hand on her shoulder began to massage gently instead. That’s a sign of love, right? “So why, eh… why are you at here?”
Tori finds herself drawing back just slightly one James is waving his hands, though it doesn’t stop an amused little giggle from leaving anyway. That entertained expression, however, manages to soften once her friend is actually speaking, lips upturned into a grateful little smile. Aw..
“I’m more than okay with that,” she murmurs initially, opting to.. not question the strange wording. She was already pretty sure he wasn’t a native English-speaker to begin with, and it’s not as if she could judge him for it. She’s a complete mess when it comes to new languages. Tori’s shoulders draw up a little more at the hand suddenly at her back, but it’s only a few moments before she’s relaxing and simply leaning a little into James. She’d put her arm around him in turn, but she doesn’t exactly want to make the poor boy nervous.. even if it is tempting, and the alcohol’s putting her into a cuddly mood. Better not. “For the record… you’re very sweet, too.”
Mm. Soft gestures and a sweet drink… Tori’s content. At least, until James asks why she’s here on this fine night and she has to suppress a sigh. Should’ve seen that one coming. “I, uh…” she hesitates, reaching for her drink again and staring down at it. “… Rough day at work, is all. Had a craving for a strong mojito, so… here I am.”
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
// I think my favorite jim fact is that the twins have matching birthmarks in like upside-down teardrop shapes on their right and left sides, respectively
So if they stand side by side it makes a heart
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
Which OC would accidentally blow up the dishwasher?
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
Which OC would be most likely walk into a lamp post or telephone pole?
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
Send ❂ for a like headcanon.
Send ✄ for a favorite movie of my muse’s.
Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions.
Send ✿ for a happy memory.
Send ♡ for a friendship headcanon.
Send ♬ for a childhood headcanon.
Send ☼ for a dream headcanon.
Send ♧ for a cooking headcanon.
Send ❧ for a food headcanon.
Send ★ for a talent headcanon.
Send ❀ for a crush my muse has had.
Send △ for a sex headcanon.
Send ➷ for a sports headcanon.
Send ♤ for a ‘dislike’ headcanon.
Send ♆ for something my muse hates.
Send ⊗ for a phobia headcanon.
Send ☾ for a sleep headcanon.
Send ✜ for a fear headcanon.
Send ☠ for a death headcanon.
Send ◊ for a headcanon of the mun’s choice.
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
“... ehm.... No.”
He’d never given names much thought, obviously, and didn’t know where to begin. What was in a name? He’d have to think about for a long time, but...
“....... Pripyat..?”
It was the only name he could remember. The only name that mattered.
Well, he… he really didn’t know what to say.
Atlas… wanted him to travel with him? They could leave together, and… and never worry about whitecoats again? Or baseball cap men?
That sounded grand.
The lad gave a rough nod and took a few hesitant steps towards the door, squinting into the foggy daylight. “… Together. Yes.”
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     oh the joy that atlas felt when the other decided to join him on a little adventure. 
          “great, but hey, maybe we should choose a name for you, huh? do you like any names? you can choose whatever name you want.” it seemed as though atlas didn’t want to keep calling the other ‘hey you’ forever. 
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
send me a url and i’ll tell you
the physical stuff
    what i think about their url: the best url??? 10/10 fits the character, reminds me of dragons, all good things     what i think about their aesthetic: a good, soft aesthetic. Would lie in their aesthetic for a nap     what i think about their theme: It fits the boy v well?? The teal hurts my eyes just a tad but overall very lovely and I like it if you like it     what i think about their organization: I have the opposite of complaints. That means I have no idea what this section is supposed to mean.      what i think about their tags // tagging system: Good tags! I love the little jokes/memes in them tbh.
the emotional stuff
    how close i am with them: Not too close!! but man i wish we talked more     what i think of the mun: a super sweetie, 10/10 would pat on the head     what i think of their muse: an absolute gem and also my son     what my first impression was: “???? Whomst???” Not in a mean way just a “wow neat new friend” way
the misc // weird stuff
   thing’s i’ve thought about your muse but never said: he needs some milk     if i wish i could be like you: mmm i dunno I really like being me     if i wish i could be like your muse: tbh I already am??? Like sign me up      what first date i would take you on: to a really nice arcade w a lot of UFO catchers     if i would trust my pet with you: my boys are hearty boys so yes     if i would cuddle with you when it’s cold: no bc i get hot too quick tbh
note: the mun’s answers could be blunt and painfully honest
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jim-squared-h · 6 years
*~ From way over yonder with @conglomeresque “The floor is very slippery!” He huffed, over-exaggerated concern in his voice. “Slippery, and your shoes are, eh.... un-trackable.” As in, they didn’t have a lot of traction. At least, James thought they didn’t ... he hadn’t ever gotten a good look at the bottom of her shoes before, as that would be both creepy and awkward; but he knew that ladies shoes were a little unpredicatable, from all his lady friends. He could’ve just suggested she take her shoes off, but then she’d have wet toes, and no one wanted that- that meant carrying her was the only viable option.  Now, if he could just get her to the carpeted area, they’d be fine, but- oh. Oh, goodness the floor is slippery indeed. “Hold- eh, hold on! Things will be okay!” 
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