jimbo-nerdtron · 2 years
Hi I logged into my Tumble for the first time in 6 years to try to find lost media
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
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This is the blessed space magnus. Reblog for your dreams to come true
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
heres a pic of my aquamarine cosplay that i was too insecure about to wear for more than a couple hours at animenext.
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
every note is a hug for stefan karl stefansson
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
ok but i honestly cant tell if ethan was being serious or not and i am so shook
George in the back when Ethan says “in a nature setting women are to be conquered”
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
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Nope, I love her because I find her interesting. 
So she almost has the same story with the protagonist. Jack is an honorable warrior, an amazing character. deserves everything but Mira is an empowered female stereotype?  
Yes, she went with what Aku demanded from her for her peoples freedom.(and don’t start with “why she didn’t ask jack for help?” because she probably doesn’t know Jack can harm or kill Aku. You can see in the same season, not much people know about Jack. Mira probably thought he is just an another criminal with a bounty on his head.) This is what makes her memorable and interesting for me. She is as selfless as Jack and like our hero she dedicated herself to the others when she could walk away live as she wants. Despite the fact that she had no chance from the start, she agreed to give a chance to the Evil itself. She knows her people are already doomed forever but she is willing to give her life for a small piece of hope even its unlikely. 
And for me my friend this is one hell of a story.
Those are my thought you can agree or not. Just don’t try to analyze what people like. I already posted time and time again why I love her and why she is more interesting to me than 90% of shows characters. And If you still think I love her because she is oh-so-badass you are wrong my friend. I don’t want to start an argument, Let’s just respect each others opinions. And more on.
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
When you finish Samurai Jack
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
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Imma just leave this here—
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
i haven’t been on here in months and i spam you guys with jashi youre welcome.
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
Ashi saved Jack’s life in more ways than one
I just noticed something about Jack and Ashi’s relationship. After rewatching the episodes I realized how fucked up Jack was in episode 1-3. 
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Jack is miserable. I don’t remember him smiling hardly at all. I think the only time he was a little happy was when he was with that wolf. Every other time he is just full of regret and is considering suicide.
It really isn’t until episode 4 when he and Ashi are trapped in the beast when Jack shows any signs of playfulness or smiles.
 He is teasing her almost that entire episode. It is kind of like he’s flirting with her a little bit, saying things just to get on her nerves. Before that episode Jack was just depressed. Who he is in episode 1-3 is almost a total contrast to how he acts in episode 4 and it’s because of Ashi.
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It’s obvious that he likes the companionship. He likes having someone to talk to and can reply back even if it’s negative. He’s lonely. 
In episode 5 Jack leaves Ashi. He did his part in saving her and goes about his way. During the camp fire scene when he is alone he sees visions again of his anscerors in agony. He is back to feeling that guilt and feeling isolated. He says “please stop.” The next shot is of Ashi. She asks him to prove to her that Aku is evil. I think that was great foreshadowing. How does Jack get over this guilt and reach happiness? Ashi. They answered it right there. 
After Jack shows Ashi how Aku corrupted the world Ashi not only sees the light but she wants to do something about it. She asks him “What do we do?”
He says “nothing.” He has lost hope. After episode 6 when Ashi literally stops Jack from committing suicide he is hopeful again in defeating Aku. He has the strength to go look for his sword. It was because of Ashi. 
It’s nice to look back on the early episodes and see how much the characters have grown. It’s kind of easy to see the change in Ashi after meeting Jack. Her whole tone of voice changed after episode 5. It’s also nice to see how Jack has changed because of Ashi. Even before she became a heroic figure she was already giving Jack some joy. 
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
Seeing the fandom freaking out when Jashi is canon be like:
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
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I felt a strong need to genderbend the Gorillaz so here you go.
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
You know when dogs sit outside with their face turned towards the sun and their eyes closed and they look so relaxed and when you pet them they’re warm that’s how I want to feel always
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
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I felt a strong need to genderbend the Gorillaz so here you go.
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jimbo-nerdtron · 7 years
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