Inbox: Hi, can you tell me a list of horrible things Scarlett Sabet has done? I'm not being sarcastic.
She bullied people online with various social media accounts. The IP address behind those gave her away. It's all here in the blogs...
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Dear Anon who dated Jimmy. I won’t post your heartbreaking message as it is perhaps private on your side. Can you sent me your email-address or a none private message? I would like to get you in touch with a lady that has had the exact same experience.(..if you want)
Seems to me Jimmy “uses” women the same he did in the 70s and 80s. Pamela DesBarres, Lori Maddox and Bebe Buell had similar stories. He never bothered to break up with them personally. He had a tourassistant to do the breaking up for him! On one occasion in the 80s there was a groupie staying in his hotel room who was suffering from Bulimia. A friend of Jimmy had to tell her; Jimmy does not want you vomiting in his toilet. Jimmy took the blowjobs but never even bothered to talk about her habit himself!
Aveyanda is refering to herself as Asperger Bellydancer on social media. Meaning she has Autism. Jimmy has a grandchild with Autism and must know what it entails. Yet he was seeing Scarlett Sabet at the same time. There is definitley a #metoo situation where there a girls with mental health issues are being manipulated. 
Scarlett is clearly on the upperhand and seems to lead the relationship, if she moved in the Towerhouse, means that he will no longer be taking vulnerable girls home. We should thank her :)
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Hi there. So I've just found this blog and have decided to disclose some info of mine. I'm no one famous, but I dated Jimmy a few times in 2012 and 2013. I was just a fan girl who happened to have a big crush on him (things that happen when you adore LZ and you're young... 22) and met him. We kept communication for months (I lived in different country) and he seemed to be quite into me duting some time. It is funny to see now who replaced me when he started to wane communication lol. (1/2)
 (cont.)I’m completely over it now of course, but he never gave closure to things and that was a bit hard. Anyway. I’m not interested in being known, but guess part of me wants to say it happened! It was the craziest happening I ever had. As for the man, well. I still love his music but I’ve lost respect for him as a person. I guess I knew what I was getting into (even tho I genuinely liked him) but never expected he’d take so much advantage of his power given he’s a father and a grandad of women. Anyway I’m not a bitter bitch seeking for revenge or smth haha. Guess it just haunted me for a long time. I don’t really know what to think about this Scarlett girl. At the beginning I thought she was a rather nice one although it does seem to me she’s a bit show off on social media. She doesn’t need to hide her relationship either, but I don’t know. I guess it’s something subtle. Anyway again I don’t really have any strong opinion about her. I see Jimmy still makes tongues wag in tumblr!
Thank you for sharing. Sorry for my late reply. In the light of #metoo I have been thinking about Jimmy. I wonder if he ever went to “too far” enough for someone to stand up.I hope other ex-girlfriends read this and maybe feel the same. We all know that he is a cheater. I wished for it when I was a fan but now I am happy to not have been one of his ladies. Future girls might read this when they google search him!
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Jimmy was dating Aveyanda Skye and Scarlett at the same time ??ScarlettSabetLondongirl: "I do not know that answer.A MSM, main stream media, article I read Scarlett and Jimmy were just friends in the beginning of their relationship than built a romance upon that. However, Scarlett's name, pre Raphaelite looks, and intelligence, I can imagine Jimmy Page chasing her down the street" LOOOLL XD
I’m convinced he was seeing at them both the same time! That is the whole reason I stopped being at JP fan. He is clearly a cheaterAveyanda and Jimmy sightings go back to at least late 2013. (Source:Led Zeppelin official forum) and they where seen together tru all of 2014 (shopping, at concerts etc.) Pictures and sightings of Scarlett and Jimmy started from September 2014.
#jimmy page #scarlett sabet #finalrosebullshit
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I'm so sick and tired of that "Scarlett Sabet London girl" Tumblr. Kissing Sabet's ass like that. Sabet does expose her relationship with Jimmy, they easily could have stayed anonymous if she hadn't called the paparazi and if she did not put pictures of herself with him on social media.
Then simply don’t go to that Tumblr!
I know what you are saying, remember the IMDB page Scarlett Sabet had created for herself? She was the only one that uploaded pictures on it of her and Jimmy. After we mentioned it here they suddenly disappeared (screencaps have been made)
Seriously, just ignore all the Scarlett Sabet’s related stuff online. Don’t waste your time.
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why so much hate for Scarlett? She makes Jimmy really happy seems. Isn't that what matters?
Dear, Anon (and eveybody else that send anon messages to me.I have Statcounter installed, I can see who you are, where you are posting from and how many times you’ve been visiting this Tumblr. so no need for the anon stuff )
First I never said that I hate her. Maybe reading is difficult for you, but everything about my own problem with her can all be found right here on my Tumblr. My last post was over a year ago. If I hated her I’d be spending my time here sharing screencaps of the stuff she wrote and all the dirt from others about her that I receive here. But no, sorry, I have a life.
Second, I don’t care if Jimmy “seems really happy”. I stopped being a fan a long time ago.
I get what you are saying and yes, there are a lot of Scarlett haters online. I receive a lot of stuff here of people disliking the “cheap ass poetry, narcissistic selfies, her cranky face everytime she walks next to Jimmy, the way that she can only get a gig is to bring Jimmy with her” and “none of Jimmy’s friends and family follow her on social media what does that mean?”. And then there are the stories of her treating Jimmy’s fans badly near the Tower house.That is just a small recap of what I’ve read. The only possitive thing I see is that people like her hair… and then they ask me if it is a wig (!) 
So no, I don’t hate her, I feel sorry for her. She already deleted a lot of stuff that I wrote about and if I would ever hear that she appologized to the people that she hurt in those messages I’d be happy to delete this Tumblr and the stuff on it. 
Hope that answers your question “Anon”. 
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Scarlett Sabet
So they compared the IP addresses from all the sent messages. Thanks to Statcounter I can see that I got a visit from a certain location too
Now I know that you are reading this; Geez, Scarlett, why the insecurity? You have a life that most girls envy yet you keep yourself busy with al this nonsens? Why fill your days bashing others? I could easily post the fabled-screencaps and the posts/messages from you that I have and that other people on here have sent me but I won’t, you know why? Because I feel sorry for you..... very very badly.
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I really liked your remark about Scarlett Sabet using Jimmy for fame. I got some info for you. Someone here found an "anon" tumblr by Scarlett. Her IP address matches the one from her twitter. They could even tell that she was online when she was in Paris! She has been sending messages that match the same IP. There is also a profile that she keeps on famousfix as "Fabled" (Look at the activities by this profile!) She keeps her own IMDb profile updated too...with a picture of her and Jimmy.
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jimmypageandhisladies · 10 years
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Jimmy's redhaired harem. (Pictures taken from their twitter) The two girls he was seeing at the same time in 2014
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