jimysm · 6 months
I recently watched a TV news on TikTok about Divorce bill. The house of the committee has approved a divorce proposal that will provide additional options for married couples seeking legal ways of separation in the Philippines. In addition to this, apart from the shorter and cheaper process, it is expected that it will also help those who have experience abuse and abandonment. The divorce proposals have gone through the House Committee on Population and Family Relations, but their passage in the current nineteenth congress is still uncertain. Additionally, it mentions that in the previous thirteenth congress, the proposals were submitted multiple times without making any progress.
"til death do us apart is wonderful. Marriage is beautiful but only for those who get it right" said by Representative Pantaleon Alvarez. One of a woman's dreams is to marry the right man and build her own family with the person she loves. However, many marriages do not end up in a happy relationship due to the prevalence of abuse, especially among women. Many men continue to cheat, even though they are already married, which leads to separation. The debate surrounding divorce in the Philippines is like a tug-of-war, with opposing sides pulling at the threads of tradition and modernity. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, divorce emerged as a beacon of hope, breathing new life into the realm of marital freedom and self-empowerment in the Philippines.
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