jingyichickenwings · 7 days
My personal theory about why queer people have a reputation for being weird and loud is that once you figure out that being yourself even in the most mundane and semi-normative way will piss people off you may as well throw off every trace of normative behavior and sensibility you don’t want because if you’re going to be hated anyways you might as well have fun with it
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jingyichickenwings · 9 days
Eh, I'm sure Wei Wuxian knew the political power of those actions, but I don't think it was the primary motivation in the case of Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu. The biggest motivation was revenge, and the optics in their case serve as a bonus. If he killed a random high-ranking Wen unconnected to the Lotus Pier massacre in a similar fashion, then that would be a case of torture for the sake of PR.
Looks like it gets forgotten alot that WWX AND JC tortured WC all night, it sure gets remembered when people want to compliment how badass and chilling of a revenge it was but when it comes to condemnation its suddenly forgotten JC was also there huh
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jingyichickenwings · 9 days
Something that gets forgotten or glossed over a lot about the torture of Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu is that torture and extreme violence in general is a warfare tactic that can have widespread and chilling effects on enemy morale. Yes, obviously, the direct targets will be the most impacted. However, if you are some random Wen soldier, and you hear about this young upstart that has innovated new and exciting ways to make your life a living hell, you are more likely to go AWOL or switch allegiances.
Regardless of ethics, from a purely pragmatic standpoint, making an example of Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu sent a powerful message. Wei Wuxian being seen as the thing that goes bump in the night was a huge boon to the Sunshot Campaign. Was it intentional or planned that way on the part of Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng? No, at the moment they just wanted revenge. But killing a sect heir and high-ranking retainer in such a brutal fashion makes for excellent gossip, leading to lower Wen combatant morale. Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu were made into an example, a cautionary tale.
Looks like it gets forgotten alot that WWX AND JC tortured WC all night, it sure gets remembered when people want to compliment how badass and chilling of a revenge it was but when it comes to condemnation its suddenly forgotten JC was also there huh
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jingyichickenwings · 11 days
R.I.P. The 2976 American people that lost their lives on 9/11 and R.I.P. the 48,644 Afghan and 1,690,903 Iraqi and 35000 Pakistani people that paid the ultimate price for a crime they did not commit
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jingyichickenwings · 11 days
Peg-legged animals come with a built-in certificate of health, as they need to be medically stable in order to tolerate amputation surgery.
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This was meant to be a quick warm up, but it turned into a comic that I’ve wanted to draw for a while. This is something that is extremely important to me, and I appreciate it if you read it.
A while ago, I heard a story that broke my heart. A family went a cat shelter to adopt. The daughter fell in love with a 3-legged cat. The father straight up said “absolutely not”. Because he was missing a leg. That cat was that close to having a family that loved him, but the missing leg held him back. Why?!
Many people have the initial instinct of “nope” when they see an imperfect animal. I get it, but less-adoptable does NOT mean less loveable. 9 out of 10 people will choose a kitten over an adult cat. And those 10% that would get an adult cat often overlook “different” animals.
All I want people to do is be open to the idea of having a “different” pet in their lives. Choose the pet that you fall in love with, but at least give all of them a fair shot at winning your heart.
Don’t dismiss them, they deserve a loving home just as much as any other cat. They still purr, they still love a warm lap, they still play, they still love you. Trust me, next time you are in the market for a new kitty, just go over to that one cat that’s missing an eye and see what he’s all about!
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jingyichickenwings · 20 days
"vampires aren't even scary" that's because people mostly forgot that vampires are supposed to be human. all the things that made them scary for european peasants only really work to create a sense of dread if you remember that this isn't some unknown ancient evil from outer space in the form of some hot guy, it is specifically just some guy. some guy you know, some guy who you may have even loved, trusted and felt safe with, who succumbed to their evil side after dying and is now trying to hurt you when they should be dead and buried. vampires are scary in the right context. living with a vampire in your house puts you constantly on edge, you're aware that they might hurt you at any moment even if they promise not to, it is simultaneously just a person you can have a normal conversation with and an unnatural phenomenon that might suddenly and without warning turn against you. to be scary, a vampire has to be a constant threat of potential abuse, not a toothy man-bat with a xenophobic accent. the whole idea of a vampire is that it is literally a normal person who shouldn't be able to pose a threat, and yet a supernatural force makes them one.
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jingyichickenwings · 20 days
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Underrated moment
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jingyichickenwings · 21 days
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Tranquilized bear falls from tree at University of Colorado.
Photo by Andy Duann
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jingyichickenwings · 29 days
just got reminded of the funniest tweet ever, some guy genuinely suggesting that the united states military perform a land invasion of russia through siberia in the winter
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jingyichickenwings · 1 month
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this is hands down the funniest review like. ever
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jingyichickenwings · 1 month
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jingyichickenwings · 1 month
I am once again asking you to watch freakazoid
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jingyichickenwings · 1 month
Sooooo much trans history is entertwined with intersex history in that what impacted us went on to impact y'all, but we are always seen as incidental to transphobia. Why? Were intersex adults not routinely operated on without consent in the early 1900s? Have intersex infants not been quite literally thrown away in the garbage or sold to circuses before they figured out how to operate on infants? Have we not been the practice dummies for gender confirming surgeries against our consent for over a century? Why are we incidental to transphobia in folks' minds?
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jingyichickenwings · 1 month
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jingyichickenwings · 2 months
listen. i honestly do try my best to not be bitchy about stuff. but if you not-joking-joked that you wanted to watch a video essay from hbomb on the kendrick-drake rap beef. i think that you are obligated to watch fd signifier's 3 hour video essay. i KNOW the watch time is not the issue.
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jingyichickenwings · 2 months
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Omfg. Tumblr. Amazing ad targeting. Just beautiful. Far be it from me to provide MPD's social media minion free advice on the basics of targeted advertising. Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
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jingyichickenwings · 2 months
Omfg. Actual serious question for the folks referring to this as a Two Bad Bitches situation: What is the matter with you? Do you not understand that Words Have Meanings?
If you picked Viva La Vida, that's FINE. I mean, I don't agree, but it's a perfectly adequate collection of notes and lyrics. Serviceable, perhaps even catchy at times. The auditory version of a romantic partner that is a bit boring at this point, but pairs nicely with work and family social obligations. Much like a lot of Coldplay's catalog, it meets the standard of Songs That I Am Okay With Hearing During A Target Run. I'm curious how you missed the 6/4 and syncopation in Hey Ya, but my OutKast PowerPoint isn't currently available for you educational needs.
All that being said, I swear upon Heaven and Earth, there is no parallel universe in which New Age con-artist slash adequate actress Gweneth Paltrow's ex-husband approaches Bad Bitch territory. Chris Martin has a 500 foot invisible forcefield between himself and Bad Bitch vibes. I am truly unsure if he would even have enough Bad Bitch energy to take a bat to the Office Space printer, which leading experts in the field consider a diagnostic minimum threshold when assessing Bad Bitch Capacity.
I am so sorry, but the dream of anything Bad Bitch Coldplay must die. My deepest condolences. After an appropriate mourning period, I hope that this may someday lead to more accurate adjectives to describe the Coldplay catalog.
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