jiranyoo · 4 years
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goro akechi seeing akira for the first time 
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jiranyoo · 4 years
(yes, it's another Akechi post, because I can talk about him and p5 for hours. so what)
People have been arguing about whether Akechi is dead or not after all for days and days, ever since the game was released. It's totally up to you to decide if you believe he's alive or not, so here's just one more theory for those who want him to be alive and kickin':
We all remember how Morgana's thief form disappeared when the Metaverse got destroyed, and he said one pretty damn interesting thing to the team: "The whole world is a product of cognition, not just the Metaverse. It can be freely remade - same goes for you and everyone else". When I was playing the game for the first time, I was sure that he means it in a metaphorical way - like, how your cognition changes things around you in the real life and so on. Wise and true, but nothing new.
But then.
Then Morgana comes back as a cat and drops a bombshell that the Thieves pay absolutely no mind at that point:
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So basically what he's saying is that he stayed in reality, even though he should've died/disappeared, because the Thieves didn't forget about him.
Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Hell yes, because the game gives you EXACTLY THAT CHOICE:
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To forget him - or to hold on to their promise and his glove... Or should I say "to remain cognitive of him", huh? Maxing out his confidant link and choosing not to forget him are the only two conditions of getting that after-credits scene, which is damn suspicious if you ask me, because they don't even interact. Akechi just passes by, alive - because Joker remembers him and their promise.
Because his resolve brought Akechi back, when they all were on the border between the new world that was coming and the Metaverse, where the cognition decided what is real and what is not.
Now this is just a theory - but if the Thieves can will back in existence their beloved cat, why can't the famous mighty trickster do the same to his beloved rival?)
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jiranyoo · 4 years
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All about that pretty-eyes-under-glasses trope. Might do short sketchy comics from all the ranks, with flirting A Twist ™️? Though I guess I’d be starting a little out of order…
Bonus too long sorry this really got away from me post rank call:
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jiranyoo · 4 years
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“I am going to stay with you. I want to take care of you.”
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jiranyoo · 4 years
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So about that Royal love triangle.... it really be like that, huh
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jiranyoo · 4 years
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His rival is his weak point
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jiranyoo · 4 years
we talk about akechi going “feral” during third semester battles, but we don’t talk about how he is actually extremely busy flirting and being worried about joker the whole time
snippets from here
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jiranyoo · 4 years
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20XX 2 / 2 Thursday Evening
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jiranyoo · 4 years
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Don’t leave yet.
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jiranyoo · 4 years
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long overdue akeshu comic for a friend’s bday!!! set after goro’s third awakening
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jiranyoo · 5 years
this shit hurted
Headcanon: Sal’s Face
Sal’s prosthetic is heavy and might even be made of fiberglass. These are prosthetic in the early 90s so it’s not very comfortable. After all, it nearly broke Larry’s nose.
Glass eyes need pretty detailed maintenance. Getting an eyelash in them requires complete removal and cleaning cause the eye socket is really sensitive. It wouldn’t surprise me if Sal went some days without wearing it.
The prosthetic supports facial structure and prevents infection. Sal is missing more than his nose. He’s most likely missing his cheek bone or it’s completely collapsed. Portions of his upper and lower jaw are missing per ep4. The right side of his face sags pretty badly without it.
Sal doesn’t think of his prosthetic as his a mask but doesn’t correct people when they say it is. But that “mask” helps his face stay together. Without it, the sagging gets really painful and his eye socket can’t support his fake eye. 
Sal is probably missing some teeth or has fake teeth. He teeth are slightly exposed through hi right cheek. Naturally, he’s probably a pretty messy eater and hates eating in front of people.
Sal’s face really shocking. Your first instinct would be to look away no matter how accepting you are. He’s made children cry before and it broke his heart. Larry is the only person who hasn’t looked away.
Those buckles are no joke. It’s pretty much impossible to tear Sal’s mask off from the front. In fact, bullies have tried and seriously hurt his neck. However it’s pretty easy to lift it over his head. That’s one of the reasons he likes the pigtails.
Sal has more than facial injuries other than the self-harm scars confirmed in Ep4, I reckon he’s actually kind of sickly. There are a lot of skinny guys and a lot of short guys but there isn’t a lot of skinny short guys. He’s only 115lbs. Sal takes medication for migraines, and a lot of migraine meds are used to manage chronic pain. 
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jiranyoo · 5 years
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LMFAO!!! Oh Kimura-kun you are so funny and so right! 😂
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jiranyoo · 5 years
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Accuracy at its finest
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jiranyoo · 5 years
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jiranyoo · 5 years
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Inspired by one of @incorrectarcanaquotes posts💕💕💕(I love your work! Keep it up >u<)
Baby Asra knows what to do, he’s ready😤👌
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jiranyoo · 5 years
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I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I just really wanted to see him as a villain
(Song from “Tangled”)
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jiranyoo · 5 years
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Just got into this game
My trash art route begin 👀✨
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