jiriatal · 7 years
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Hey y’all, it’s that time again. I’m opening up commissions again for the time being, because I’m in a pretty tight situation right now.  I don’t usually do full-body work, but for now, I’m going to be offering my usual busts and sketches as well as full body pieces. You can see examples of my work above.
Bust Sketches: $15+ What You Get: A monochrome sketch piece of your character with eye color of your choice. 
Bust paintings: $30+ What You Get: A painted bust of your character with a simple stylized background.
Simple Full Body: $40+ What You Get: A full body picture of your character filled in with flat color, usually in a static pose, but generally I can do whatever pose you’d like. Background is usually simple and slightly stylized. 
I will draw pretty much anything you could possibly want that isn’t illegal or hateful. So no child porn, racist symbols, non-consensual nsfw, or anything like that. I also reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason, even if it isn’t because of the things listed above.  
I know these don’t cover every variation of pieces people may want, which is fine! If there’s something that you want that I didn’t list, we can negotiate a price for it. 
If you are interested in commissioning me, please send an email to clockworkpriest @ gmail . com (without the spaces). You can also feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or concerns. 
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jiriatal · 7 years
World of Warcraft - Troll asks
((idk, I thought this would be a cool thing to make for all us troll fans out there  ^ ^’’ Hope you guys like and reblog it!))
Is there a meaning behind your OC’s name in Zandali?
What type of troll is your OC? Are they a ‘purebred’ troll or are some members of their family from different tribes?
Describe your OCs physique. How lanky and tall are they? Do they slouch like most trolls? Are they really muscular?
Describe your OCs tusks. Do they like them? Do they take care of them? Do they have a preference for a significant other’s tusks?
Describe your OCs hair. Is it bushy or wild? Do they have braids or mohawks? Do they decorate it with bones or shells? How regularly do they groom themselves?
Describe your OCs voice? Do they have the troll accent? What about their pitch and rhythm of speech? 
Describe your OCs clothing. Do they dress to impress? Do they wear pieces of armor or animal skins/hides? Do they have a lot of jewelry? 
Does your OC have any piercings or tattoos? If so, is there a story or meaning behind any of them?
Do they have a layer of fur or moss? How thick is that layer?
Is your OCs regeneration stronger or weaker than most?
From which tribe are they from? Do they have family or relations in other tribes? What do they think of their tribe’s current leader?
Does your OC have an opinion on other troll tribes? Do they discriminate against any of them?
Does your OC travel a lot? Do they stick to Horde territories? How many residences do they have, if any?
Is your OC fluent in Zandali? Can they speak any other languages (e.g. Common, Orc-ish, Taur-Ahe, Thalassian, etc.)?
Does your OC believe in the Loa? Are they superstitious or spiritual? Do they worship a particular loa? 
Have they ever participated in rituals/sacrifices for their loa? Does your OC still retain their primal nature?
Do they believe in any other old gods or pantheons outside of their culture?
Is your OC cannibalistic? Has your OC ever committed cannibalism? What is their opinion on it?
Does your OC practice Voodoo? Have they ever tried it? What is their opinion on it?
How aware is your OC of troll history? Do they know about the troll wars? The once great Amani and Gurubashi empires? The Downfall of Zalazane?
Is your OC patriotic of their troll culture? Are they xenophobic or xenophillic? E.g. do they hold disdain against Blood Elves or Forsaken?
Has your OC been present for Thrall’s reign as War chief? How do they feel about Garrosh Hellscream? 
How did they feel about Vol'jin’s reaction to Garrosh? Did they view it as a rash decision, or did they think Vol'jin was justified?
What is your OCs opinion of the Horde? What do they think of their current warchief? How did they react to the news of Vol’jin’s death?
How strong of a fighter is your OC? Are they honorable in a fight? Do they live up to the cunning and cruel troll stereotype? What weapons do they use?
Has your OC ever ‘Berserked’ before? Is it common for them to berserk in a fight?
Does your OC have a mate? Have they ever performed a mating ritual?
Does your OC believe in a ‘mate for life’? Do they practice monogamy or polygamy?
Do they have any preferences for a significant other such as: physical attributes? Personality? What type of troll he/she/they are/is? 
Is your OC misogynist/sexist? Do they have an opinion on the position of female trolls in their tribe?
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jiriatal · 8 years
Anduin: We'll take the Illidari's help, but just keep an eye on them, okay? They've harnessed a terrible power
Me, playing a warlock: AHEM, YES, definitely will keep my eye on these suspicious people and their TERRIBLE POWER
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jiriatal · 8 years
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Shamanism and He’ethraze
Shamans and priests have their own place in surfing culture. From predicting the weather conditions of beaches to maintaining temples dedicated to the sport, these individuals are regarded in high respects. Despite this, a shaman’s habit of manipulating waters while surfing is frowned upon. Though exhilarating or, in extreme situations, lifesaving, it is viewed as a form of cheating. To surf is to put your life in the hands of the loa, and stacking the odds in your favor is considered a coward’s move. It is banned from tournaments. A shaman’s knee-jerk reaction to bailing or pearling is to adjust the waters, and this is a habit they must curb before they are recognized as masters of the art.
[More about trolls and surfing]
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jiriatal · 8 years
Punishments in He’ethraze
     Every board is unique to its owner. More often than not, they are ridden by the same trolls who carefully select their tree, rigorously hand-carve their length, and painstakingly pattern their decks. Easily defined as works of art, they are priceless. To gift one is an act of love. To steal one is a crime.
     Pumishments in he’ethraze culture are extreme. The most common and widespread method of dealing with wrongdoers is the removal of a toe. The regenerative powers which trolls possess allow them to regrow the digit within a few weeks or months, but considering their two-toed anatomy, the lack of balance caused by the punishment makes upright surfing during this time impossible. A fitting reward for their hubris, this is commonly done when a troll drops in on another surfer’s wave (a dangerous and socially unforgivable move) or steals their board. This practice hasn’t caught on with the other, less regenerative races, and much more mild wrist slaps are in place. A traditional troll will always call for blood, and the habit of taking these trophies has led to the spread of the phrase “taking the piggy home”.
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jiriatal · 8 years
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Competition in He’ethraze
     Zuldazar held importance as the unofficial capital of he’ethraze. The meeting of troll emissaries every six years also marked the holding of the greatest competition known to the sport at the time: the Court of Tides. To hold the title “King of the Tides” for six years was a worthy cause, and trolls of every tribe would flock to the shores of Zandalar in peace to showcase their skills and honor the ocean loa. The Court of Tides met its untimely demise during the Cataclysm, when the island of Zandalar was rocked to its foundation and began sinking into the sea. The waves are now considered untouchable, the loa hungry and unsettled, and the waters cursed. Nobody has made an attempt to revive the Court of Tides.
     Trolls, and especially the jungle trolls of Stranglethorn, have mixed feelings about other races taking up he’ethraze. Troll-organized surfing competitions are usually troll-exclusive. A beginner untrained in the culture surrounding the sport risks upsetting the ocean spirits. This can result in harm to themselves or others – perhaps even to entire coastal troll settlements. Goblins in particular seem eager to take to the waves for the fun factor, and this will make any dedicated troll surfer furious. Not only do most goblins not respect the sport, but their continued offshore drilling and dumping in the oceans has ruined several historically significant he’ethraze hotspots. A surfing troll will not get along with goblins.
[More about trolls and surfing]
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jiriatal · 8 years
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Boards and He’ethraze
     Like a sword to a soldier, a troll’s board is treated as an extension of their body. They come in a variety of lengths and styles, and each design is formed to fit their owner’s societal rank. Lengths can vary anywhere between four feet (a child’s board) to 20 feet (a chieftain or high priest’s board.) It’s difficult to visualize a 20-foot board (here’s some help), but even more challenging to master it. Typically, beginners took to the waves on the short, flat four-foot boards. As a surfer’s skill increased, so did the length of their board. Most surfers of average skill are comfortable between eight and twelve feet.
     The type of wood used also defined a troll’s place in society. Troll druids have cornered the art of cultivating and harvesting the finest trees suited for crafting. A chieftain’s board is made of more buoyant wood and undergoes numerous rituals before it is offered to the sea. The innovation of volatile new plastics and modern materials has gone ignored by traditional craftsmen (since more of these inventions can be sourced back to Goblins.) A troll with serious dedication to their art will never purchase a board, but rather go through the effort of making one themselves. The stark markings which grace troll boards are not decoration: they are a mural of the troll’s life and accomplishments, and the application of new chapters to the deck is regarded as prominent as tattooing one’s own skin.
(Image credit)
[More about trolls and surfing]
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jiriatal · 8 years
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     Although their ancestors surfed comfortably in the nude, modern trolls will generally cover up when around other races. Loincloths (such as the Hawaiian malo) are worn by men and women alike and are considered the uniform for the sport. Brassieres are less common, and the torso is usually covered by trinkets, jewelry, shells, and flowers worn to elicit the favor of the loa. For this reason, costuming can reach levels of record gaudiness during formal competitions. When alone, a troll will find more comfort surfing bare with only one or two lucky trinkets on their person.
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[More about trolls and surfing]
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jiriatal · 8 years
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Trolls and He’ethraze
     Like many recreational activities, he’ethraze (translation: “cutting waves with a blade”) finds its roots in pragmatism. It began thousands of years ago in the troll super-empire of Zandalar as a means of navigating coves and beaches for spearfishing, mollusk gathering, and shark hunting. Traditionally, these activities were done in pairs. One individual would dive beneath the waves while the other held both boards and whatever bounty their partner harvested (x).
     Bodyboarding, the predecessor of the classic sport, quickly evolved when brave trolls took to their knees and feet to display their prowess. The practice escalated in both religious and cultural significance overnight. It traveled throughout the empire of Zandalar and is practiced to this day by every split-off of the fallen giant. Even ice trolls are influenced by its history. Land-sledding (or “tetempe-thraze”), a branch-off of wave-cutting, was dangerous due to the high speeds and rocky terrain involved. This evolved into snowboarding in their new climates.
     Darkspear trolls are, to this day, the most enthralled with the sport. Historically, he’ethraze in the Darkspear tribe was restricted to male priests and chieftains only. As society became more lenient, community leaders, hunters, and eventually laymen were allowed to take up their own boards. Gender roles evolved relatively recently in the Darkspear, and when women were permitted to join, they displayed equal skill. Other tribes are still in the process of establishing gender equality, so female surfers are a controversial topic in their numbers. Sadly, it is not uncommon to see women mocked or dismissed despite their skill. The best surfers are still those with close spiritual connections to the loa.
[More about trolls and surfing]
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jiriatal · 9 years
He contracted his Observer instead of dominated it and traded his eye for one of theirs. He also has a Dreadraven now, and he got a little too close when he was trying to be affectionate and she bit his tusks off. They were already brittle to begin with.
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Commission for @freezingfast of their troll, Jiri’atal~
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jiriatal · 9 years
Well of Eternity: I have evolved the night elves
Trolls: Ya done ruined a perfectly good troll is what ya done, mon. Look at it, it be summonin' da Burning Legion an' blowin' up da planet
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jiriatal · 9 years
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Reblog this post if you RP a character from the Warcraft Universe on Tumblr
(Original characters included)
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jiriatal · 9 years
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Ooohhh Warrrrlloooccckkkss.
((You’ll prob see these for updated warlock pets)).
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jiriatal · 10 years
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MOUNTS: Sparky
Sparky is Sig’s beloved pet/mount. It seems unlikely that a paladin would hang out with a huge fire elemental but there is a story behind it.
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jiriatal · 10 years
I wanna put this here
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The Firelands is the elemental plain of fire - cradle of all fire elementals on Azeroth.  While some are intelligent and nearly humanoid, others are much more feral in nature.  
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jiriatal · 10 years
Metzen: "Troll movie, maybe"
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jiriatal · 10 years
The troll’s Thalassian has improved greatly, not to mention his handwriting. Attached to the letter was a small package made of plain brown, wrinkled paper. It was addressed to one Miss Thradia Starshard and would arrive to her magically. Jiri’s training in arcane basics had improved, too, since he had started listening to his master. Inside the package was a necklace made of a bright red ribbon and the prism they had once spoken on. It was multi-faceted and seemed to reflect rainbows even when there was no light shining through it.
I’m leaving for the Dark Portal with my master, but I don’t know what for yet. I hear bad things are happening and I’m interested to see what’s behind it all. I thought I was done with that place. I’ve gotten a lot better at magic and I think I can defend myself better. I should not say too much in case someone reads this before you do…
Thank you for being so nice. I wish you the best. I hope the prism can be something better for you to wear instead of that thing we talked about. You said your people likes red, and I remembered my people do too. It’s very rare to find red hair inside a tribe unless the whole tribe is based on it. In the Vilebranch and Witherbark, the Blood Drinkers dye their hair. It’s considered very attractive. Too bad most of them end of sacrificing themselves… It’s their choosing, though. They serve their Loa however they want. Not that you care… I’m rambling.
Be safe, Thradia’fi. I was happy to know you briefly.
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