jisas-tastebuds · 7 years
This Just In...!
Why the fuck is everyone so screwy? Yes, Pokecolo is highly different than Pokemini was but at least there there wasn’t incredible fucking confusion on what was fair and what isn’t. It’s stupid. You have some people who think SR for SR, Rare for Rare and Common for Common is 100% fair, regardless of the different categories and situations the items may come from. You have some people who base their rarity decisions off the likeability of an item, so if 10,000+ people like this one item, you’re screwed they won’t choose shit from your list--OR they’ll choose multiples that in the long run isn’t fair AT ALL. Finally you’ll have the people who base their fairness decisions on the fucking Flea Market and it’s not even a fucking permanent feature. Again...it’s STUPID.
There are different types of gumballs and the types of gumballs are just as far and wide different as the kinds of categories and sub-categories in each gumball or set. There are Regular gumballs, which consist of Freaky Design Gumballs, VIP Gumballs, Grand Gumballs, Mini Gumballs, Friday the 13th Gumball, Short-Timed Gumballs, Older Gumballs brought back from the “dead”. Besides gumballs there are events that give gumballs or things like gumballs, like the Pig Gifting Event, Seed Events, Seed Events where you grow and get one seed and a different seed, Bathtub Time Machine which gives out old gumballs or sets or shop items--turned gumball from years past. On top of that Pokecolo has the VIP Room items, Festa items and Porte. Corporate Cocone just wants to bleed us dry, as always, not a shocker.
What gets me is that even with all this information there’s no right or wrong answer. That when it boils down to trading with one another, the items traded will matter on the trader and person to trade with. Do they consider their items to be similar value? Does one consider their item to be the best and the other item the lesser one or vice versa? How does one discern? Unfortunately, there is not a definitive guide on How to Trade: Pokecolo Style and fortunately, for my sake this is not a fucking guide, don’t you dare turn this into a guide. It’s my beliefs and observations, in the end it’s just another opinion...my opinion.
To be continued...
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jisas-tastebuds · 8 years
Pokemini vs. Pokecolo
Part 1 Pokemini: My Home Sweet---
So it almost marks a year ago that Cocone (tip my hat off to you) fucked us all over in Pokemini and ended the game. Luckily? for those who poured in a great deal of money and time into the game had the option of forking over years, months, weeks of data to Corporate Cocone and make it so we'd get a hefty pay out in Pokecolo, their Japanese (and original) version of the game. Fantastic idea, so we hauled butt over there and suffered grueling cruelty and indifference from Japanese users. We lost our home, we lost our friends, we lost our items and our memories; the good and the bad. We decided to start off scratch, I for one decided to begrudgingly accept the faults done by myself and others and start anew. Pokecolo was very different than Pokemini, of course. Pokecolo SEEMED better than Pokemini---shocker. Pokecolo had a legitimate trade system, "You want to trade this item and want this item? Sure thing!" That was short-lived and Corporate Cocone introduces Flea Market to Pokecolo, I guess we just happened to like it SO much on Pokemini that they decided to move it to Colo. Pokecolo had the option of pets, dress them up, feed them and play with them. They had a fishing game where you could earn donuts and other things but they decided to make it extra harder and it lost its appeal (except the fishing group event--I never joined, never wanted to but I know some who enjoyed it), they removed it and added a sort of gardening event and it serves no purpose. Fashion Fever was a thing, however the Fashion Fever that came to Pokemini was much much different than the one debuted in Pokecolo. If you didn't join the first round you couldn't have a CHANCE to participate at all. If you didn't get a certain score from the 1st round you couldn't participate in the 2nd, same for 2nd, 3rd rounds to come. Luckily they decided to change that to the Pokemini version we knew and loved. Better rewards, harder to vote and get those better rewards (Pokecolo sure does love their auras). Regardless of the never ending events, gumballs and changes Pokecolo did I guess you're wondering how the Pokecolo community as a separate and a whole is doing, let's find out shall we?
Part 2 Happily Never After...
At first things were fine. They were broken, we were mopey but we endured; we were FINE. Pokemini was still up and you had a group of people who didn't want to leave, a group who decided to leave altogether, a group who found Pocketmini (Korean version) and a group who transferred over to Pokecolo. I moved over to Pokecolo, to start fresh. I had heard Pocketmini was much like an early version of Pokemini and having begun Pokemini I didn't want to be caught up in the same gumballs I had experienced in a newer game, granted with people I love dearly but it would be like experiencing the game that just shut down all over again and it just didn't sit well with me. Pokecolo was something different and new, if anything that was the best option to start over new in. Especially since I had played Pokemini since near the beginning I was sure with the expenses paid over that time to the present I could get a lot of donuts for my new account on Pokecolo.
The rules were very different in Pokecolo. Even though things were a lot different as far as the layout went (Japanese) the attitude of the players already there was very polar. It took sometime to adjust and in a short while with complaints there was an English chat thread developed for "refugees" (I don't like that term) from Pokemini. Pokecolo had the option of hearting certain items and viewing the items you wore on your mini, planet or room and viewing the items you got extra of (thank god NOT the amount). I knew from the very beginning it was a blessing and a curse. Of course the greater population saw it as a FANTASTIC blessing! How very naive when I knew the bubbliness of being new, having new things and extras meant "with great power, comes great responsibility" --even as a quote it speaks truth.
I spend money with Corporate Cocone, that is a fact. People claim I have "everything" when I really don't. Do I find some satisfaction in pixelated possession? Yes, yes I do. I'm not ashamed, for if I was I wouldn't be here bitching about this and that. I'm not perfect and nor do I ever strive to be but I try to do what I think is right by myself or for the ones I care for. I've dealt with my fair share of crap with people on Pokemini for years. In some instances I saw how people could act and I avoided them. On Pokecolo those same persons had a chance to prove that they too were hoping for a new start on Pokemini, however I was confirmed right when I turned away from them or said 'no' they turned around and struck me, tried to discredit me and point the finger at me, when in hindsight they were the ones that were wrong. It sorts itself out in the end, things can either get better for them or worse, it's our choices to make something like that happen. At least the Japanese community is oblivious to what happens in our small corner of English community business. Where the most someone contacts us is if we post in the Harvest, Trade or other sections without really knowing if we'll get a response/reaction or not. Pokecolo is much much bigger than Pokemini ever was. (probably bigger than Mabinogi with all servers combined--that's saying something) Japanese users from Pokecolo are not unlike us, are not unlike how the older users of Pokemini used to be but even then the requests of certain items can be unreasonable. So there's a definite line in between our two communities, it's subtle but it's there.
The fate of the English community on Pokecolo seems as bleak as it started to on Pokemini. If I'm really looking ahead, I see a lot of shady business going on. No real love behind it. Sure a user can do tons and tons of giveaways or give other users random gifts without asking anything in return but whether they're really just doing it to be on top or the "kindest Mini" of all Pokecolo...those looking for all the wrong reasons, taint the community. They hide but show their true colors to those who see the truth in between the lines. Those jaded individuals try to hide that truth and try to be on the "good side" of those who've seen it but once seen, I would think anyone would avoid them at all costs. There are individuals who despite starting fresh in Pokecolo are reverting back to how they conducted themselves in Pokemini, it's all going downhill. I don't see a bright future ahead for the English community. I see a lot of the greed I saw in many of the "eyes" of Pokemini users. Corporate Cocone you sleazy douche bag, you're striking again and I forever will hate and love your fucking guts.
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jisas-tastebuds · 9 years
True Greed
It is an overall belief that if a person has what you’re looking for, you would trade them any item they ask for but if you don’t you’re considered greedy, a hoarder, in the worst sense. I get people who ask and talk down to me that they thought I wanted something but am not willing to trade a sepcific item for what they offer. That they’re under the impression if I won’t trade the item it shouldn’t be on my WL or LF list. That might be the case in some instances but I might be looking for more than one item or I want something specific. If I know someone is trading something that is reasonable for my item but instead offer multiples of semi or common I feel as if you’re trying to take advantage of me. Lowballing. I may not know everything there is about trading but I usually am aware of what is fair for my items. If I don’t know I certainly ask.
Of course, if I traded all my rares for multiple commons or semi-rare items that I want, I would be broke in a sense. I wouldn’t have anything of value to trade with and people with their rares wouldn’t give me a second glance. Granted, it would be nice if people did just willy nilly trades, unfortunately in games like Pokemini where you have to pay to win, it’s useless because if that’s the deal the company will make something very valueable and expect you to pay them to try and obtain the item. That’s why people trade rares in the manner they do. Sometimes they get lucky, sometimes they use their money to get certain items, even doubles and depending on the item, shop items for items is appropiate. If you know what you’re offering and what you’re offering for and still lowball, that’s dishonerable, cheap and petty. Worse than greed.
I’ve heard the phrase that you’re only greedy unless you have 3 or more of an item and you’re absolutely unwilling to trade. I agree to an extent but it doesn’t count as more than 3 if your item amount is at 4/4. Technically you have 3. The one that is leftover in the end 1/1 is yours, therefore I don’t count it. Of course the person who said this also claims that he/she can’t spin gumballs yet they have over 100k in donuts in a previous screenshot. Unfortunately, I’ve had instances where I’ve been called GREEDY. Just comes to a point where you keep lowballing offers for my expired items and you demand it’s fair over my word or you post about it in any form on Chat. The people who tend to get incredibly impatient and just start firing off pretty much anything but isn’t fair annoy me to a certain point. At both ends I’m pissed off, they’ve gotten themselves so worked up they slip up and start yelling at me, be condescending or start to use the language and really there’s no need for that.
The word GREED is tossed around so much I’m not sure if half of the people who use it really know how to identify it in Pokemini. So something goes wrong they point their fingers and often times people just jump on the bandwagon and point aswell. Childsplay. The greed I see is when users want MORE for their current and un-expired items. People who expect to pay less for 6 month or more long expired items and auctioning off current or JUST expired items. We’re not stupid, don’t take us for people who are.
I also find the act of posting that you were sent a bunch of expired rares, that you already had and they announce they’re trading them. Such instance I asked someone what they were looking for, for question as if you’re posting that you’re trading something and not outright asking for people to offer you should expect such a question and answer it in kind. Instead they decided to answer my question with a question, asking what did I have for trade. Personally, a question like this is a trap and after trying to get her to tell me what they were looking for, yet again question for a question. Choosing to be so obtuse to me they answered the same question but different person no problem. So wrong.
Besides the greed trend that seems to rise and fall in Pokemini there are equally rude people. In some instances I don’t want to trade with them because they’ve put me down so much (includes lowballing) or simply have NOTHING I want and they insist and constantly push, who does that?! It’s exhausting but if I want to get the items I want I have to be cautious and pull through. There are some good people in the reality we live in amongst the bad and depressing, Pokemini; Mini Me isn’t any different.
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jisas-tastebuds · 9 years
The Scamming Chronicles
“Trading” isn’t typically sanctioned in Pokemini by Cocone. As the rules say, before you send an item, “The gifting function is not meant to be a trading function. If used as such there won’t be any support on it.” Which pretty much means if any trading crime is done, a scam, Cocone has a disclaimer against it. Therefore scams are usually reported by the community. One of the good things about the Pokemini Facebook Groups is this, warning eachother. Fortunately I have never scammed, doing so would cost me everything.
I have never sent anything I didn’t promise to others. I have occasionally sent things by accident but never not promised. I have over 150 transcations written as successful reveiws or some unwritten as over time it seems irrelevant to do it again and again. Luckily but unfortunately to those who’ve been scammed, I have never been scammed. People have tried or they’ve refused over and over for me to send first instead of them, I’ve refused based on their trade reveiws or that we had never traded before. I don’t give in a whole lot. Most unfortunately I have never been able to report these persons as nothing went down, as of recent things have changed. It’s better to be weary than not at all. My friends have been scammed, it angers me but in some instances people give in, send first or have not checked their mailbox when the other party said they sent before sending. It doesn’t stop my anger, regardless if this is a game these are real flesh and blood people. To scam in a game you must have screwed-over morals, you’re just not worth it.
I find that scammers of Pokemini tend to have a limited vocabulary, a general way of speaking. All lowercase and incompetent to using full grammatically correct English. This might be very stereotypical and racist but I’ve found this to be true many times over, so I’m a little skeptical at times but it’s NOT the only way to garuntee not being scammed. One, it has always been best to have a success trade reveiws thread on your Bulletin Board, if someone you’re trading with does not have one, ask before trading. If they simply do not have one and you’re unsure ask them to send first. If they do have one I usually like to see if they have 10 or more successful reveiws from DIFFERENT people. I also like to check if persons I’ve traded with before have traded with them, I usually still ask the person to send first though. More than 40 reveiws is good, closer to 100 is superb. As time wears on 200 will be the new 100 so pay attention. If they have ANY warning flags or you’re not about 90% sure, insist that they send first. Do not do it.
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jisas-tastebuds · 9 years
Pacify the Frustration
Without a doubt Pokemini caters to a younger crowd. I would think with the high demand of donuts to gameplay, I’m surprised to find younger players stay and keep up with the game. That or they’re users with a small income or allowance, younger years of High School, not really doing a whole lot on their own yet other than lowballing, scamming, calling us greedy or complaining NON STOP. With the points I explained before, complaining about donuts is understandable. Not so much when people in the same position might see it as fair or unfair or offer more than one shop item, in trading for semi-rare or common items. In general and at most times young people, people with a young mind set or attitude just piss me off.
At times trading items for shop items seems reasonable, if it’s not expired and rare or the longetivity of a gumball itself, these are key factors in deciding whether or not to accept shop items in exchange for them. Donuts are hard to earn, agreed but I don’t mind waiting for 1 or more shop items for a specific item. But for you to complain about it being too much or you give me a set $ amount and I comply…still complain, you can kindly piss off. I don’t trade my LONG expired items or expired rares for shop items. However, current rares I might…might but being as you can buy them from the shop during Fashion Fever I might ask 2k - 4k worth of shop items. Fair.
I do almost wish people who have nothing but commons on their tradelist would know or understand the worth of the ones they ask you for (rares). Even by seeing your wishlist or in my case my Looking For list (Items that I have but want extra in means to save money or use it for others or myself) Logical and efficient. Depending on what they offer I have every right to accept or deny. At times when I deny they try and guilt trip me in saying, “It’s on your list, don’t you want it?” Yes I may but I may not want certain items for certain ones people want. Make me an offer I can’t refuse. Take this situation: Someone is wearing a combination of Easter Delight Ponytail and Cherry Cherie Pigtails, they are interested in my Foxy Bride Long. They offer common clothing pairs…and I deny each. I tell them that all that they’re offering is common, that I’d trade it for a current rare hair. They offer Starlight Fair Short… I tell them still no thank you and they ask what could they offer that is rare… Why do they have to ask? :/ (I had all the commons they offered)
I do appreciate a user’s tenacity when they don’t have an item I want and try to hunt them down themselves, which is what I’ve done or tried to do. What I dislike about that similar situation is that they try to offer to spin it, if they don’t have it they’ll have to spin double. Unless the rare occasion where they have it already but spin it luckily from the gumball. For my past expired rares (6+ months) I hate when they think one current rare is sufficient, in my opinion it isn’t. At that point they become so agitated that they can’t trade for the item, can’t spin it, can’t trade one current for past expired or I deny their offer of massive amounts of common or semi. At this point I’m annoyed myself or insulted and I blatantly feel like denying every single offer. Which I have every right, it’s my item.
I’m not an expert on transactions, I don’t claim to be but I know what most of my items are worth. If I’m unsure about something I ask people I trust. Not in a public group and certainly not in Pokemini Chat. If you prefer to get opinions of people who may be friends of the person you’re talking trade with, they may side with them over the fact if it’s fair or not because they’re friends (Group) or from possible scammers, lowballers (Chat), be my guest.
Personally, I ask my friends. Their opinions in past and present come from different sides of the Pokemini Community; different sides, different opinions. One one side the people agree with me whole-heartedly, at most these are users who know about older items; older users. Another side agree to an extent but suggest to me what might also be fair. Based on the opinion of the first, if it’s 3 against 1 I might go with the 3. Lastly, some might disagree. It doesn’t happen that often anymore, friend sweeps or offers to me for certain items where I swear they know worth, turn out to be lowballing offers, I’ve burned bridges or vice versa with such people. Surrounding myself with like-minded people isn’t a bad thing and they don’t always agree with me but they don’t hate me either if they happen to disagree about something with me. They know me for who I am or more from what I seem, a personal level. I’m blessed to call these people my friends. Very blessed ♡
Trading Dos + Don'ts If you’re going to trade for rares, have items of equal value. Try not to offer a mass amount of common. Bad idea. If you don’t have anything they’re looking for, be honest but don’t make promises you can’t fulfill. Don’t expect someone to trade ONEcurrent rare or ONE JUST expired rare for a more than 3 month expired rare. If people are desperate enough they just might. IF. Don’t try to take advantage of desperate folks. Don’t expect people to wait or be patient, some people just aren’t. If you don’t have the item people seek and they hadn’t promised to wait for you, don’t pitch a fit. If they did promise they are incredibly unreliable and dishonest. No trade. If you’re messaging someone PRIVATELY about a possible trade, do NOT post updates on it. People have you added, they can see it. It may make the person feel rushed or afraid you’ll tarnish them if they say “No.” Again, I advise not asking Chat what’s fair for something or what’s not. Potential traders can see you, on their Timeline! Instead you can ask the trader if it’s alright to ask about worth, if they blow up on you then–not worth it. Or ask in Chat if you can get advice or an opinion on a trade, through 1:1.
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jisas-tastebuds · 9 years
Trading Traps
I love it when I’m offering something and NOT providing my ‘look at my TL’ “slogan” and have people bypass what I’m offering, though they want it and skip to my Tradelist… specifically my Expired items. They seem interested in what you’re offering and you can feel that excitement building, they Friend Request you and upon accepting they send you a 1:1 private message in which they ask to see your Tradelist. My overall opinion of this tactic is they want more and them asking to see it after you’re already offering up those items for trade…it’s a trap. I hate it and I’m ALWAYS weary of it. Granted in my trades I don’t do this unless I message them and tell them the actual worth of something, could they or would they offer more for it. Luckily I haven’t had the misfortune to do so lately. For my friends I would hope I’m overly fair or justly. I would hope I would treat them and their items with respect, being that I haven’t had anything negative happen in regards to where I disrespected them or shorthanded them, I’m in the clear and I’m glad, they’re precious to me. (My precccioussss) To others I meet or talk to once in a blue moon and trade with them, if I have the desire to I try to find items in which are fair for my items, the ones they want or I end up gifting. It’s hard to find someone to work with me and not against me constantly. I feel that I’ve traded enough to know what people ask when trading, what they mean by it.
It is my opinion that when people tell me they didn’t know a certain item was rare or not I have a very hard time believing those words. Even when they find out an item is rare they still don’t offer for what it’s worth. Trading used to be a lot simpler but it changed quickly. Back when my sister joined in 2012 trading wasn’t based on what was rare and what wasn’t, it was more so “I like this item, I have this… want to trade?” My sister traded me the Forest Hideout Deer for the planet for Rockin’ Pink Highlights. After I joined the trading world was changing. Rares were rare for rares. Food trades were very popular back then but trading food for rares was unheard of unless it was a food auction. For auctions, in time I guess people thought it was better to get items than food thus the end of food auctions. I remember when the Mysterious Black Cat GB came out I purposely spun to get an extra Miso Porridge Tree. Desperate for the Pink Glass Tree, I found the Porridge Tree was worth jack-shit because it was a 20pt food tree. Luckily I was able to trade it for Blooming Fairy Pigtails with a friend. Win some, lose some.
At this point people think early items aren’t worth anything if they weren’t rare. Why not though? I understand earning donuts is “pain” but why can’t people get 3 or more items or rares for common or rare expired (more than 6 months past old)? Why is it so looked down upon and considered “greedy,” when I’ve explained times when those GBs were out, earning was so much HARDER?! I love that some of the NEWER users get to dictate that. That just because they don’t get what they want they label us, myself as “greedy,” and lay the law. Older users do it too, we’re not all perfect. I just wish they’d believe us when we say the things we do or at least consider it for a good long while than acting like they brushed us off within seconds. Work with us, meet us halfway…
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jisas-tastebuds · 9 years
I’m not sure I quite understand the obsession in having the Pokemini Thailand or Vietnam installed. The only reason that seems remotely interesting to most people is the early gumballs of 2012 - early 2014. Whereas myself and others choose to live in the here and now; the present. The only good thing that Pokemini Thailand brought in its end was the conversion of donuts from there to the Pokemini we all play. The “sad” aspect was that you couldn’t transfer your extras from PMini Thailand to Pokemini NA (North America). People were very devastated after building all that time in getting those items to only have them lost. The items themselves are on different servers, even in Mabinogi you can’t transfer items, gold, materials to other users on the servers. Mabinogi NA is seperate from Mabinogi KR. I’m sure the Cocone developers can create a code to do so or bring back old items from old GBs, or even an event. Given what I know from Cocone and Nexon, about the idea of exclusive items, I have a feeling that won’t happen.
For instance, in Mabinogi 201_ we had an Anime Summer event featuring Vocaloid. With the debut of Vocaloid, Electric Guitars came out aswell, only avaliable through the gachapon. At the time I received 2 guitars and it was considered HIGHLY valueable. The following year Electric Guitars came out again, this time from the gachapon they came out in mass numbers that it was almost as if the sky was raining with them. White/Black Angel Wings and Spirit Weapon Wings are the only Fashionogi item (Mabinogians; Mabinogi players highly devoted to their appearence) that I know of that is EXCLUSIVE to the game and gachapons. They’ve only been out once, with the exception of a mini gachapon-the wing gachapon and giveaway prizes from Sabina. Just recently the Sweetiepie and Cutiepie Butterfly Wings from 2014 have risen and fallen from being exclusive. The new Butterfly Wings that came out this year were in set colors, whereas the ones from the previous year focused on Warm and Cool colors (Warm: Red/Orange/Yellow/White/Pink/Brown and Cool: Green/Blue/Purple/Grey/Black). The difference was the inside part of the wings, the 2015 version had a fixed and set color, the previous year did not, making it more unique. To my knowledge, GaiaOnline was more similar to Pokemini on exclusive items. However, Gaia has brought back past items in their version of a gumball, Chance Items or they recolor the item and call it something different. Pokemini NA has yet to do this, Pokecolo on the other hand has done this with Luxurious Night. A lot of us in PMini are hoping this will come to us in the near future. I hope for the same.
On another note about Pokemini Thailand/Vietnam… many of these past items were the many sought out hairs such as Luxurious Updo, Cornet French Braid and Blooming Fairy Pigtails. I’m not trying to condone in dreams but when it comes to reality versus fantasy you have to discern what is real and what isn’t. These other Pokemini versions are a dream. I wouldn’t say that getting these items in Pokemini is impossible but I wouldn’t say it’s possible either. It’s probable… but it’s not good to keep living your life, your mind set on everything old gumball. If you get the chance, and it is reasonable and you can do it-take it. No regrets. No hesitations.
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jisas-tastebuds · 9 years
Difficult Donuts
People don’t understand, I wish they were aware and speed complaining but I don’t they’d listen and hear us. I get it though, gumballs are coming out at a much faster pace than before. It’s hard not to day or think that all Cocone wants from us is our money. It’s better if we look at the past, though we can’t change it and plan for the future or beat the current system. Back when I joined, December 2013, donuts were a lot harder to earn as they are now. We could only earn about 50 a day, if you were lucky. Donut sales only popped up around the holidays. GB tickets were given out as rewards from giveaways or every time a major GB came out we got one to spin with. The expiration of these tickets were shorter compared to the ones we get nowadays. Also upon spinning a discounted GB, the discount never went up to the next mark as it does so now. The GBs to come out at that time were mostly Premium. Besides the few every once in awhile that were to expire 2-3 months ahead only till about the 1st Anniversary GBs that came out did Premium ones halt. I’d come back from hiatus and perceived as everything had changed. Up until the Christmas 2014 GBs, I had to trade for ALL my hairs. At that point my luck started to change. At this time, FB invites were up and running, the odds of people receiving rare hairs, accessories, walls and trees changed within the system. It also seemed that if the GB was newer you had a greater chance of spinning something rare from it than during its mid-way or end mark. I would LOVE to know the percentage or a hack of some sort on these GB chances. Like the point where Brad Pitt from Oceans 12 puts a specific amount of quarters in a machine and leaves the last one untouched so a innocent bystander could get lucky. Personally, it’s a toss up of stripping down, getting naked and spinning GBs. Sometimes it works and sometimes not.
My theory about the rate of GBs coming out so soon and expiring all at once goes back to Mabinogi. It’s the best way I can describe it. My guess is that Cocone is playing “catch-up”. In Mabinogi North America, we were at least a year behind them for quite sometime. Presently, we’re only behind by several months. My belief with Cocone is by playing “catch-up” they haven’t met the quota of GBs for the previous years. For Mabinogi I don’t believe it was JUST about their $ sales, that they created a fan base from the very beginning and a solid RPG story-line, that after Saga it began to decline, resulting in sales declining and users going on long hiatus periods or leaving altogether. They want to keep us happy and in time gain more $ sales in the process. With Cocone they have a fan base in the bag, their $ to in-game currency is majorly disputable but the problem isn’t JUST sales I believe it’s corporate.
Consider this: Are there better ways at making donuts in Pokecolo? (when compared to Pokemini) Does the rate or percentage seem to differentiate than that of Pokemini (watering/slapping for donuts)? Just other than the Gumballs we don’t have or don’t have yet and the installment of pets, how is Pokecolo different for donuts compared to Pokemini?
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jisas-tastebuds · 9 years
I had someone ask me how I knew things on Pokemini would get so bad. Hoenstly, I just had this feeling. That I made sense of possible options in how things could’ve turned out. The times before FaceBook invites and during them had me pinpoint how things would get worse. I wasn’t 100% sure or prepared but I belive my mind set for expecting it to happen softened the blow a little bit. Just now I’m having a good laugh about it all.
You see my mind works very differently than most. I mean we’re all different but in our own little ways. Personally, I’ve been told I am boderlining on paranoia, only slightly and for a much, much different situation. I’m not completely crazy, haha. Have you heard the style of ‘Organized Chaos’? Where the person can have a complete mess of things; a space, ideas, plans but they’re able to locate an item out of the jumble. If someone with a set and organized mind came and cleared it all up the 1st person would be at a loss. I am an organized chaos human being, if I organize anything and looks neat it’s only for others’ view and peace of mind.
In-game I believe I have learned to take on a problem or situation and I look at all possibilities or solutions. The ones that seem more logical I prepare myself on. I also look for patterns in Pokemini. In Mabinogi, RPG PC game owned by Nexon, I open our version of a gumball, on there called a gachapon. I pay premium; real money for a chance to win rares or commons. At some point I mapped out and planned when Nexon would put out another gachapon or premium item. Cocone; Pokemini is different, although we are aware that Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday nights after 9pm EST are when new content comes out. It’s harder to gauge than Mabinogi though.
Trading was going to become harder, that was my general belief and feeling. As it was anyway, older items; rares from 2013 - early 2014 was a toss of common, semi-rare or rare. I had a feeling that most people would trade away items from 6 or so months ago after FB invites were gone and that people would look for those items the most. I also though that as more new GumBalls came out, current past items or items expiring soon, people would hoard away and just want the VERY new things but not be open to trading current rares. I’ll admit, I’m reluctant on some things but if someone makes me an offer I can’t refuse or I see someone trading something that’d be with it-I go for it. The general idea to ONLY trade hair for hair, tree for tree, wall for wall, floor for floor etc. and never cross-breeding is stupid. That way of trading makes the game field VERY limited that you’re probably not going to get exactly what you want. Even then when you bend over backwards for others it doesn’t mean they’ll do the same for you. Most likely, that’s how it is now.
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