jitmakesstuff · 2 years
A little Homestuck PSA
As 4/13 is right around the corner I just wanted to remind everyone about the Unofficial Homestuck Collection. As Viz and the death of Flash have been slowly killing the intended Homestuck experience there is still a way to see it how it was meant.
This offline program allows for all the flash to be seen and mini games to be played as intended and helps protect from spoilers. If you are going to start reading Homestuck or are planning to trick some unsuspecting friend into reading please consider using this program!
And - I love new livebloggers! Let me know who you love to watch make this journey.
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jitmakesstuff · 2 years
Hey a long time ago you posted a fixed version of Crystamanthequins because you went to grab the stems for someone else and you noticed it then. So I'm was asking, are the stems available for anyone? it's fine if it isn't I'm just wondering.
I would say it's probably a 90% chance that I don't have the soundfonts I used back then, and I don't know if I'd be able to find them again, so I don't think the stems would be able to get recovered by me, sorry
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jitmakesstuff · 2 years
you are cool
yeah dude I get to do occasional work at my old high school, I'm cool as shit when I show up there
like one kid knows what undertale is and that's about it
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jitmakesstuff · 2 years
Your posts keep saying "20-30-40" notes but the music counts as having much more than this. (In all seriousness, how are you, Jit? Been a while since we heard from you, so I was wondering if things got better out there. No pressure for answering, I know it's great to be inexistent from the internet. Take care.)
The funny thing is, I'm still very, very active on the internet, just not in the places and with the people that you might think, ha
I just do a lot of "other" stuff now, not so much making music for webcomics. which I think kind of stopped being a thing when homestuck was done? or well, it's much less a thing now, anymore.
but yeah I still do a lot of stuff, just not as much music, ha. but that's something that'd be cool to do more? my mixing still just sucks any time I try to make something though.
oh and also I have no idea where to post stuff, tumblr isn't great, soundcloud is okay, but shrug? tumblr might be the best to just like, dump ideas on.
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jitmakesstuff · 2 years
just want you to know that i listened to temporal piano off of the felt for the first time in years and it really threw me back like a decade and made me think about life and all that stuff and even though i didnt come to any hard conclusions or find any finality in it (hah, get it?) i just wanna let you know your music has definitely had an impact on my life, regardless of what you do in the future-hope things go well for you, we're all getting older and moving on even if it doesnt feel like it
haaaaaaaaa, yeah. lotta truth in that, yeah. despite whatever we might do we're still getting older.
me, I'm probably in a better place than a decade ago, I just got a good day job (for a musician), and it allowed me to buy a (small) place of my own, so that's good? at the same time I haven't hardly written much music besides random little things here and there and y'know, I miss being involved with a big project and doing stuff, ha. it's all accompaniment and part-playing and pit-sitting these days and that's kinda bleh. but yeah, the music from back then lives on, haha
speaking of which, I gotta listen to the fan music, I downloaded a lot of it ages ago but haven't gotten through it yet......ugh, I'm just so flipping busy these days, everything sucks. but thanks for the message, always nice to check back in and get a bit of that ol' homestuck connection going on
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jitmakesstuff · 2 years
happy 4/13 again
it’s been another year
and while I have to do taxes and have a musical rehearsal later I’m still gonna hang around for a bit today
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
hmm. there’s a lot to say and my brain isn’t really large enough for any of it, I’m afraid. but reading back on some of the comments left on the oyo reupload post, it really does mean a lot to me to see people liking my stuff. part of the problem of working within the homestuck music team sphere was always this sense of isolation from the rest of the fanbase in general. or maybe I’m just bad at connecting with people? there’s certainly a fair bit of that too, I still hardly don’t ever talk to anybody from back in those times, aside from when plaz wants some help with chords every once in a blue moon. probably doesn’t help I’m not always working on music, either, I get more into sound design or voice acting or y’know, things that I can’t go posting on here at all. I mean I do musical theater too? but that’s not something that can be posted about on here either.
mm. point being, I’m always very appreciative of people enjoying my stuff, even if I feel bad about it or even if I’m hardly making music as much. not that I don’t like music, just like, I don’t find myself doing it as much unless there’s a reason, I guess. like how I was in stream earlier and makin played that clip of radiation “don’t call me toby fox” doing the games will never stop, and I’m like huh, maybe I should remake game bro? that could be fun. but at the same time I’m between houses right now so, hmm. who knows. we’ll see. be seein’ y’all, it was nice to see you all again. all the few of you that are still left around here, heh.
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
so i bought OYO ages back when i was younger and super into homestuck, and listened to it enough that the music on it became this familiar thing, and for the past like year i’ve been using some tunes from it as like, a staple in the way that i calm myself down from anxiety attacks and that sorta thing. at this point my roommates recognize my “jaunty piano music” from just a few seconds of hearing it. and i guess i just wanted to say thank you, seriously. the album means a lot to me. for real.
ha, well, thanks. kind of just like, echo the sentiments from the last ask into this one, too. glad to be of some help and that my stuff helped you out and all.
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
Hey Erik. With all the new buzz around One Year Older (and also the fact I didn't know you had an active tumblr until five minutes ago) I just wanted to tell you how much your album meant to me. Homestuck itself really left its mark on me, but most important of all was the music. And out of all the Homestuck albums, my favorite by a mile was One Year Older. (1/2)
(2/2) It filled me with a peace and contentment that I really needed at that point in my life, and I always sorta wished I could thank whoever made it. Right now I can recall multiple times I had been on the verge of a breakdown and listening to Unlabeled kept me together. I still listen to OYO like once a week, it's so meaningful for me. I dunno, I'm kind of rambling. Whatever, I just needed to thank you I guess. I look forward to hearing whatever you make next, I know it'll be incredible.
Thanks, that’s really nice to hear
really, heck. makes me feel kind of guilty that I’m not consistently making music for people or whatnot, but, at the same time, I split ways with homestuck ages ago, what reason is there to make more music? it’s something that’s always kind of bittersweet and gets to me every 4/13, how times used to be different but now we’re years ahead and things have just like, changed over time. but yeah, shrug. we all just keep on doing things in our own worlds and all that.
right there with you when it’s like, homestuck music left a bigger mark than anything else though, yeah. definitely hard to have bad memories associated with that as much, heh. anyway. I’ll keep on being incredible but it might not make much music. or maybe it will? who even knows, ha. but thanks for appreciating oyo, it was a big project at the time and I remember putting a lot into it, even if I look back at it like ah geez that mixing isn’t great, it’s still something to look back on and be like wow, how’d I even go doing that? I’m just glad people like it as much as they have, really. anyway, peace
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
do you ever stop whining
not till the die I day
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
hey just a lil heads up, looks like you misspelled Skaian Shrapnel as "Skiain Shrapnel" on the bandcamp. obviously not a big deal or anything lol but just lettin you know
oh no, it’s a new remix of skaian shrapnel, that’s why the name was changed, you figured it out
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
your music owns
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
remake two homestuck musicians walk into a piano
only if I get to practice first, and also we would probably play way more undertale nowadays instead of homestuck
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
Hi there, I wonder if I can use some of your piano cover for my UT fangames/videos? Will credit you properly :Đ
that’d be fine, yeah!
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
Hey, I hope I'm not being rude or treading on sensitive topics or anything by asking this, but I was wondering if you knew how Eston is doing? I loved his music back when he was still active but a couple years ago it seems like he dropped off the face of the earth, even his academic stuff (top results on google, I wasn't digging into the guy's records lol) stopped updating in early '19. If he's just gone offline, that's cool, hope he's doing well.
next time I chat with him I’ll let him know
but yeah he’s still alive and fine, just like me, hasn’t made music in a while and has gotten engaged in other things
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
Best wishes to you as well. I just redownloaded OYO (with a new bonus track!) and it sent me down memory lane - I've grown away from HS in recent years but I still get a little emotional with that album. If you ever release more music - HS-related, originals, collaborations à la Songs For Rune, a soundtrack of some kind, whatever - I'll be sure to grab it (no pressure though! work at your own pace, of course). Thanks for everything.
Thanks, that’s real great to hear
it’s kinda funny how we always kinda drift back to things and whatnot
anyway, I don’t know what I’m doing with myself as far as making content, but, there might be more music in the future maybe, though not released on a place, shrug
Whooooooooo even knooooooooows, but if anything I’ll post about things that get released on my twitter, I suppose
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jitmakesstuff · 3 years
oh also I haven’t made too much music in a while that I can post on here, but here’s this because I couldn’t resist making a cover of worthikids’ stuff
lil’ something to tide y’all over while I get to questions that probably were asked months ago
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