jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
For the first time this song didn’t remind me of you. You have a very good music taste. I love you. 💙
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
Hi y'all! 
I’ve compiled a list of readings that speak to issues of nationalism, indigeneity, colonialism, and resistance/decolonization
The list is of course limited to what readings I’ve encountered at some point. They also come from a variety of academic disciplines and political movements (settler colonial studies, native studies, queer theory, postcolonial studies, feminist studies, trans studies).
And, with a few exceptions, these files were legally uploaded and shared… a lot of the time by the authors themselves, which I feel the need to point out because I love when authors can/do share their work online for free. (I say this not because I’m worried about the sanctity of ‘intellectual property’ but because I’m worried about things being deleted.)
Also re-linking to this list of pdf readings, “Natives Read Too,” from The Yáadihla Girls!  human rights/war/nationalism/sovereignty 
“What Do Human Rights Do?” by Talal Asad
“On Torture: Abu Ghraib by Jasbir Puar
”From Cold War to Trade War: Neocolonialism and Human Rights“ by Susan Koshy
”Necropolitics“ by Achile Mbembe
”Algeria Unveiled“ by Frantz Fanon
A Dying Colonialism by Frantz Fanon
History and Imperialism: A Century of Theory, from Marx to Postmodernism by Patrick Wolfe
Who Sings the Nation-State? Judith Butler and Gayatri Spivak
”Where Lawlessness is the Law: The Settler Colonial Frontier as a Legal Space of Violence“ by Julie Evans
”1492: a New World View“ by Sylvia Wynter
Frames of War by Judith Butler
”Purchase by Other Means: The Palestine Nakba and Zionism’s Conquest of Economics“ by Patrick Wolfe
Manifesting America: The Imperial Construction of U.S. National Space by Mark Rifkin 
transnational/native/postcolonial feminisms & feminist critiques: 
Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism - Trinh T. Minh-Ha
”Lynching, Empire, and Sexuality in Black Feminist Theory“ -Hazel V. Carby 
”Transnational Feminist Pedagogy: An Interview with Inderpal Grewal and Caren Kaplan“
”Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses“ by Chandra Talpade Mohanty
”Feminist Problematizations of Rights Language“ by Jasbir Puar and Isabelle Barker
Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies, Democratic Futures by M. Jacqui Alexander & Chandra Talpade Mohanty
”The Subject of Freedom“ by Saba Mahmood
The Spivak Reader
Borderlands/La Frontera by Gloria Anzaldúa
”Colonialism, Nationalism, and Colonialized Women: The Contest in India“ by Partha Chatterjee
”Can the Subaltern Speak?“ Gayatri Spivak
The Politics of the Veil - Joan W. Scott
”Decolonizing Feminism: Challenging Connections between Settler Colonialism and Heteropatriarchy“ by Maile Arvin, Eve Tuck, and Angie Morrill
”Native American Feminism, Sovereignty, and Social Change“ by Andrea Smith 
decolonization, art, and resistance (not necessarily feminist):  
Edward Said and Critical Decolonization 
Culture and Resistance: Conversations with Edward W. Said 
”Decolonization is not a Metaphor“ by Eve Tuck and K. Wayne Yang
”Decolonizing Antiracism“ by Bonita Lawrence and Enakshi Dua
Bury My Art at Wounded Knee / R.I.S.E  
The Boarding School Healing Project 
Center for Third World Organizing 
Queers Against Israeli Apartheid 
queer theory/sexuality studies/native studies/trans studies 
Imperial Leather: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in the Colonial Contest by Anne McClintock
”Homonationalism As Assemblage: Viral Travels, Affective Sexualities“ by Jasbir Puar*
Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide by Andrea Smith
”Un-settling Settler Desires“ by Scott Morgensen Also the Unsettling America wordpress.
Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault’s History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things - Ann Laura Stoler
”Romancing the Transgender Native: Rethinking the Use of the ‘Third Gender’ Concept“ by Evan B. Towle and Lynn Morgan
”Transing and Transpassing Across Sex-Gender Walls in Iran.“ by Afsaneh Najmabadi
”Queer Settler Colonialism in Canada and Israel: Articulating Two-Spirit and Palestinian Queer Critiques“ by Scott Lauria Morgensen
”Queer Theory and Native Studies: The Heteronormativity of Settler Colonialism“ by Andrea Smith 
*Actually just going to link to this page of Dr. Puar’s work because it’s  great and relevant (and she also has a lot of work on Israel/Palestine). critiques of humanitarianism/developmentalism: 
”Stealing the Pain of Others: Reflecting on Canadian Humanitarian Responses“ by Sherene H. Razack
“The Rationality of Empowerment: Microcredit, Accumulation by Dispossession, and the Gendered Economy” by Christine Keating, Claire Rasmussen, and Pooja Rish
“Reflections on Violence, Law, and Humanitarianism” by Talal Asad
“How to Write about Africa” by Binyavanga Wainaina
“Militarized Humanitarianism Meets Carceral Feminism: The Politics of Sex, Rights, and Freedom in Contemporary Antitrafficking Campaigns” by Elizabeth Bernstein
“Coca-Cola, Labor Restructuring and Political Violence in Colombia” Lesley Gill 
[Really wish I knew more about this kind of work.] 
Biopolitics, science, environmental justice 
“Peversity, Contamination, and the Dangers of Queer Domesticity” -Nayan Shah 
“Your DNA Is Our History:‘ Genomics, Anthropology, and the Construction of Whiteness as Property” by Jenny Reardon and Kim TallBear
“Displaying Sara Baartman” by Sadiah Qureshi
“The Biopolitics of Settler Colonialism: Right Here, Right Now” by Scott Morgensen 
“Black Bodies, White Science” -Brian Wallis 
The Violence of Green Revolution: Third World Agriculture, Ecology and Politics by Vandana Shiva
“The Seed and the Earth” by Vandana Shiva
“Earth Democracy: An Interview with Vandana Shiva”
“Putting knowledge in its place: science, colonialism, and the postcolonial” by Suman Seth
and…. U.S. politics  
“Workfare–Warfare: Neoliberalism, ‘Active’ Welfare and the New American Way of War” by Julie MacLeavy and Columba Peoples
“Women and Chile at the Alamo: Feeding U.S. Colonial Mythology” by Suzanne Bost
“The People of California are Suffering’: The Ideology of White Injury in Discourses of Immigration” by Lisa Marie Cacho
“American Studies without America: Native Feminisms and the Nation-State” by Andrea Smith 
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
Selected PDFs
Ain’t I A Woman? - bell hooks
Combating Cult Mind Control - Steven Hassan
Delusions of Gender - Cordelia Fine
Gyn/ecology - Mary Daly
Intercourse - Andrea Dworkin
Loving to Survive - Dee L. R. Graham 
Men Who Hate Women and the Women Who Love Them - Joan Torres and Susan Forward
Pornography - Andrea Dworkin
Stone Butch Blues - Leslie Feinberg
The Creation of Patriarchy - Gerda Lerner
The Dialectic of Sex - Shulamith Firestone
Why Does He Do That? - Lundy Bancroft
Zami, Sister Outsider and Undersong - Audre Lorde
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
best sleeping conditions: freezing fucking cold room but layers and layers of blankets 
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
Things I learned working at: David Yurman
Duration: 2018 April — 2018 July
Office: Beautifully designed by Lynch Eisinger.
Team: Huge Corporation. Huge creative team. Small amount of full-time employees and many freelancers on various projects. A good mix of different age group. Did not see much diversity in terms of ethnicity. Mostly caucasians and asians. I’ve seen 3-4 brown or black ethnicity.
Pros: The CD’s been there for a long time. They actually care about quality. Takes projects in any scale seriously. Could be annoying because of the number of revisions but it’s better for personal growth and work ethics. Very chill. Nice juice bar.
Cons: I felt isolated and not respected as an individual because of where I sat and the projects I worked on. People didn’t seem to be friendly. Conservative (depends on pro or con based on personal taste and priorities). Not much planning and many shifts. Too many projects to be handled that causes a lot of confusion.
Overall it paid my bills and I got to come in and work 20% and study my own personal skills 80% because of long wait time in between submitting and getting feedback or confirmation.
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
What’s on my mind?
Summer 2018
means working half as much
means earning half as much
going back to the 21 yr old jiyoon
back to basics
lots of museum visits
take notes
learn history
care for inner circle.
the ones who’ve always been there.
take care of mom
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
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Good day
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jiyoonthinksthings · 6 years
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First time being in the empire state building
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jiyoonthinksthings · 7 years
New York is a fascinating city. Everyone has a story and the city provides the perfect platform for anyone to go out and talk to strangers to learn about something interesting that had happened or is happening.
Friday night I was on a lyft ride and I asked him if I should still believe in love. He has been with his wife since 17 and she was his first. He loves her very much to this date.
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jiyoonthinksthings · 7 years
The constant feeling and discomfort of feeling rejected.
It’s so sad to try as hard as possible to not let ties loose.
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jiyoonthinksthings · 7 years
it’s okay to feel emotions
he does not look at me. he is looking elsewhere and right now i have the chance to escape and perhaps never feel any emotions. i can make choices right now and i know when i move forward i will be in the area where it won’t be easy to get out of. am i afraid? yes i am. truth is i feel okay to be hurt. weird how one human being can feel so special. i knew from the beginning that he was no good... but i like him and i want to like him a lot.
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jiyoonthinksthings · 7 years
Our conversation from last night. This song seems to reflect you with your past lover. Still confused but I decided to be an observer.
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jiyoonthinksthings · 7 years
내 자신을 내려 놓는법?
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