jjonyangdan · 4 years
the Drabble is so cute thank you and please take your time !!
awww, that’s reassuring ☺️ i'm always so nervous w/ dialogue and trying to accurately apply their personalities to my writings;; 
anyway, thank you for requesting and understanding 💚 i’ll see if i can get started on it this weekend! (۶•̀ᴗ•́)۶
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
[ oneus / son dongju (xion) ] ; fluff | college au | 1.2k words
→ it’s been quite a bit of time since the last time you spent time with dongju like this.
→ a/n: to the anon who requested, i’m sorry this took time to get out;; it was supposed to be done yesterday but i lacked motivation TT i was debating on what to write, as this wasn’t what i originally planned, as i think i might be making that into a mini drabble set series? so i apologise if this isn't what you expected;;; 
online schooling has commenced for me, so it might take a bit of more time to work on the ravn college au drabble, but it is planned to be written next! thank you for requesting and i hope you’re fine with wait for the other half of your request 💚
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The crisp breeze strokes your cheeks as you’re making yourself comfortable on one of the metallic chairs situated outside the brightly lit store, setting down various food products on the circular table in front of you. You can hear the sharp sound of the legs of a chair scraping against stone, your companion entering into your line of sight as they breathe vapour in the cold air and mirror your actions.
There’s a smile decorating your face, your eager fingers immediately leaping for one of the canned beverages as a metallic snap rings in the air and a reinvigorating rush floods your mouth. A refreshed sigh is released from your throat and you place the drink back down, reaching out for another one of the items scattered before you. “This is just what I needed after finally completing that tedious assignment.”
Dongju, who sits across you, flashes you a small smile and does a little cheer. “You did well~” he says, following his compliment with soft—and fluffy due to his sweater-paws—claps. “Now we can celebrate with food.” With a radiance shimmering in his eyes, he searches for his own snack out of the assortments laid out on the table to indulge in.
You giggle endearingly at his excitement and bob your head in agreement, enveloped by a coat of ease. “Thank you again for paying for everything. You really didn’t have to.” Fingers fumbling with the packet trapped in your hands, it takes quite a few tugs to finally split it apart but once the flavour has dissolved in your mouth the struggle is history and you’re peacefully munching on more of the chips.
“Don’t worry about that,” he stubbornly reassures, “you worked hard, so you deserve this.” His eyes aren’t trained on you but the colorful package within his grasp as he focuses to rip it open. You know how this is only a distraction so he doesn’t get swept up in the waves of doubt and contrition that could sometimes creep over him. “I couldn’t do much for you, so I want to make up for that with this even though it’s not really anything.”
“Nonsense. What are you going on about, Dongju?” Your lips dip into a frown as you set your half-eaten snack down and slide your hand gently into his. You lace your fingers together as they snuggly connect, fitting as if they are two perfect halves. “Just with you there beside me is more than enough, as cheesy as that sounds.” Hums flow peacefully past your lips, wafting in ripples, as you beam at him. “And besides, how does buying me drinks and food at the cafeteria when you didn’t have to equate to not doing much? You’ve been constantly taking care of me!”
He manages a shy smile at your heartfelt adulations, looking down from your dazzling smile. “Thank you...” it comes out as a timid whisper, fingers applying pressure to your hand. He can hear your endearing laughter soothing his ears, cooling the bashfulness warming his cheeks. The sound lingers and circulates within his chest as he watches you steal another sip of your drink, a look of pure satisfaction spreading across your visage.
“I should be sorry instead of not being able to spend time with you.” There’s a pout clenching your lips, dejection swimming in the pools of your (e/c) eyes as you sway your hands together side-to-side in a serene rhythm. “This is more than enough. I’m just glad I’m finally able to return to our little midnight dates like this.”
He silently coincides, a warm smile blooming on his soft features, as you both return to filling your stomachs with the goodies you’ve purchased, exchanging bursts of conversation here and there and sharing laughs.
Days with Dongju would often consist of trips like these, strolls around campus while admiring the scenery amidst the varying seasons or soft cuddle sessions in either yours or his dorm. Each moment spent with him was peaceful and sweet, full of loving whispering and comforting snuggling and a lot of playfulness. However, for the past month, you’ve been occupied with completing an important task for one of your classes which had limited the time you could spend with him. But with that out of the way now, you could now return to the little activities you always did with him.
You’re both exchanging bites and peacefully feeding each other. With a smile you have your chin cradled in your palms as you admire his beauty illuminated by the store’s light. You don’t understand how he can manage to look so adorable, so ethereal, whenever and wherever you saw him. He could be doing anything and you’d instantaneously be enchanted by his delicacy and fluidity when handling things (that is, unless you were to agitate him in some shape or form but he’s still cute like that).
Dongju looks up when your dreamy giggle brushes his ears, noticing your fixation on him. His head slants slightly to the side, but he allows himself to observe your wide grin for a while more. It’s difficult to not burst out into small laughter, finding your state lovable. “What’s wrong?” he asks when his voice decides to show itself, earning a questioning hum from you, “you’re staring at me.”
The only answer he receives after is of you curling your palms directly against his cheeks, greeting his skin with a sheet of coolness as you cup his face. “Your cheeks are all red,” you comment, a smile in your voice. “I’m trying to warm them up with my hands.”
“But your hands are cold as well?” He snickers in amusement, visage draped in a veil of amusement
“Oh? They are?” You laugh as well but don’t move to lift your hands away.
He, in turn, doesn’t pull away and instead shoots you a sweet smile. He softly takes hold of your hands, covering them with the sleeves of his sweater as he encases them within its snug wool. Peeling them off his countenance, he resumes to hug them together on the table between you both. “I’ll give you my own warmth this time. Be thankful~”
“Thank you, Dongju. I love you~” You quickly bounce forward to land a swift peck on his lip, which causes him to giggle out of shyness. 
You’re then exhaling, your breath materialising like fog toward the sky as you feel the winds begin to adopt a sharp blade that slices against your skin. “It is getting colder though. I think we should start heading back now,” you say with a hum before eliciting a noise of realisation. “You don’t have classes tomorrow morning, right?”
“You know what that means? We can cuddle ‘till noon!”
He finds himself smiling at your excited tone, but he’s just as set on the idea as you are. His eyes are trailing your form that springs to your feet, your hands dancing on the table as you’re beginning to gather the mess to discard. You’re quickly shooting him a look, one that urges him to aid you, which he does.
Afterwards, you’re both ambling back to his dorm. You have your arms around him, a skip in your step. He’s wearing a smile, glancing fondly at you out of his peripheral. It’s chilly but it doesn’t feel like it when you’re in close proximity with him and he can sense your warmth nuzzling into his side. It’s beginning to pacify him into a state of drowsiness and he can’t wait until he’s able to embrace you tightly to his chest and take in your existence and the fluttering of your heart, having missed you dearly as well.
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
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🔥🌹the balance between green and beige.. very cool Jjo
translation:  ONEUS TRANS | @oneus_trans  🌙
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
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my heart belongs to one man
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
A short and fluffy friends to lovers scenario with keonhee Pls 💖
[ oneus / lee keonhee ] ; fluff | friends to lovers + college au | 1.7k words
↪ he takes you out on a picnic day in the spring and it leads to the unexpected disclosure of hidden feelings for one another.
↪ a/n: thank you for requesting! i hope this meet your expectations? 💚
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“This is probably one of the best ideas you’ve come up with yet.”
Spread out on the grassy floor is a snowy-white blanket pinned down by a straw basket and the bottoms of two individuals to prevent it from being dragged away by the currents of the calm wind. Strewn before them are various food items ranging from simple snacks, fruit and sandwiches as well as small cartons of different flavoured milk in order to quench their throats. They sit underneath a towering, blossoming cherry-blossom tree that every so often sprinkles them with its petals as the sunlight slants through its gaps as if asking if it could join the activity as well.
“Huh? What do you mean by that?” Keonhee responds, bemused, before following with an offended scoff. There’s a halfhearted grumble in his tone as he shoots you a look of playful disbelief. He sorts out the placement of the items before him and adds, “My ideas are always the best, just like this one, so I have no idea what you’re going on about. I think I should be given more credit, don’t you think?” Pride douses his voice, satisfied hums vibrating past his curved lips and floating in the air.
“Mhm. Definitely. That’s why I complimented you before,” you return with a smile dancing on your lips before bending forward to pick up a chocolate-chip cookie.  Tearing it open from its plastic wrap, you instantly sink your teeth into its dough and break out into an even wider grin as its flavour pervades your senses. “Thank you, Keonhee. And you even included my favourites here! You’re seriously the best~” As you send adulations his way, you also throw your arms around his lean stature, draping your limbs over his shoulders and resting your weight affectionately on him.
“Yah, (Name), you’re heavy!” he whines, but nonetheless doesn’t move to peel you away from him. “And of course. This is all for you.” The last part is uttered in a soft whisper that escapes your ears.
There’s a soft smile decorating his features at the sight of you nestled against him, one that’s loving but with a frail edge to it that you’re unable to detect with your eyes closed and your head buried into his side. However you can hear him mumble, content phrases about how well everything was panning out, as you sense his movement and listen to the rustle of clothing that is probably him reaching out for a snack himself to nibble on.
Your chest is tickled by a lightness, eyes peeking open to see that he has his head is incredibly near yours. Time seems to freeze for you in that moment, as you shakily pursue his movements with your eyes. It seems his intention is to share a bite of the cookie you’re holding in your other hand that’s hanging between you both. Red brushes your cheeks and you struggle to formulate a collected reaction.
“Y-yah! You’re getting crumbs on me, Keonhee!” you complain, peeling yourself away from him. You allow him to take custody of what remains of the treat, dusting your attire down to rid yourself of the miniscule particles. “You could have just asked if you wanted some or just reached out for another one.” You ruffle your hair as if it’d help cool the heat warming your cheeks. “It’s not even that far, your long limbs could easily reach it!”
“Well, it’s difficult when you’re holding me down like that,” he just as defensively counters with a dash of childishness to his voice. Even so there’s a smile prominent in his voice as he softly adds, “and plus, you looked comfortable. I didn’t want to disturb you.”
As much you want to retaliate with: ‘and you think just suddenly placing your head near mine like that where I can practically feel your breath fanning my cheeks and inhale your faint cologne wouldn’t agitate me in any shape or form?!’, you restrain the urge to do so and deeply exhale. He most likely wouldn’t even understand where you were coming from. These types of interactions were common between you, even if it did make your heart want to burst out of its cage. And you sometimes can’t help but wonder, did he at least remotely feel the same as you? You couldn’t be the only one, right?
Keonhee reaches past you for a drink, fingers curling around a carton and piercing a straw into the designated slot as he takes a long, peaceful sip. You watch him doing so, a faraway look glossing your eyes as you drown in the deep sea of your thoughts. He takes notice, staring back at you curiously. “Do you want some?” His question is faintly muffled by the straw he’s chewing on before he offers the drink to you with a tilt to his head, misinterpreting your stance.
Snapping out of your trance, you sigh before mumbling the standard phrase of gratitude before accepting the carton. As the sweetness of the beverage contacts your papillae on your tongue, you realise something and your (e/c) hues blink quizzically. You steal a glance at him and then back at the drink, repeating this back and forth a couple of times. This eventually catches his attention, as he helps himself to another biscuit.
“What’s wrong? You’re all jittery.”
“Y-your lips…”
“My what?”
Your cheeks still burn as your mind keeps framing the particular scene in your memory. An indirect kiss—yours and Keonhee’s lips sharing the same straw. Usually you’re not one to fret over such details, but ever since you’ve been aware of him everything within you has changed. You’re more sensitive to every little thing he does and it’s annoying, but also joyous—very bittersweet.
“You look like a tomato right now!” he points out.
“Tell me something I don’t know…” you mutter in response, fanning yourself.
He tilts his head. “...Are you perhaps thinking about us sharing the same straw?” Your face grows hotter at his guess and he notices, knowing for certain he’s hit the bullseye. “Really? I never thought you’d be the type to worry about stuff like this,” he remarks. His lips soon tug up into a teasing smirk as he raises a brow at you. “We’ve always shared drinks and food together. Why be bashful about it now?”
You’re quick to defend yourself, an exasperated look crossing your features, “it’s called being in love, Keonhee! Everything to do with that person starts to—” A pause of silence falls between you like a curtain. Your expression freezes in horror, mouth agape. Did you just? No way. You didn’t just inadvertently confess to him, did you?
“Starts to what?” His playful grin widens as he shifts closer to you. “You’re in love with me?”
“I-I…” you stammer, thoughts muddled in your head and impairing your ability to articulate anything.
He giggles, looking at you fondly. “You’re cute.”
“What did you say…?” You blink, staring up at him. As your heart skips in your chest, you feel a sensation caressing your hand and look down to see he has covered it with his larger one.
“Do you remember that I told you I also had something to tell you today?” he dodges your question with one of his own. He has the softest eyes and most tender smile right now, and all of it is on display for your eyes to appreciate.
“H-huh? Yeah, I do.” You nod, briefly recalling the conversation you had on the phone with him. He had called you to see if you were available to join him on a day to the local park where the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, located near your college campus. In addition to wanting to show you the fully bloomed flowers, he had stated he also needed to tell you something important but wouldn’t offer any hints despite your pleas. “Why so suddenly?”
“I like you.” It’s blunt and void of any doubt. He’s very much serious, his eyes peering deeply into your own as his cheeks are painted a shade of shyness and his lips are curled into a soft smile.
“You what…?” All you can manage to respond with is a dumbfounded expression. You take a moment to question your ears, brain and sanity. Did you hear him correctly? Your ears weren’t deceiving you, right? He really did just tell you he liked you back?
“You’re seriously making me repeat myself?” he whines, bashful, but is nevertheless smiling as he reiterates his confession though he knows you must’ve heard him already. “I like you, (Name). Please go out with me.”
“For how long...?”
“A while now. I just struggled to find the right moment.”
“I... I still can’t believe it…”
“Huh? Why not?”
“I don’t know… it’s just…” you trail off, unable to explain your thoughts.
Then there’s a sensation tickling your forehead. It takes a minute to register, but you’re definitely sure he blessed your head with a brief yet sweet kiss.
“How’s that? Can you believe it now?” he asks, smiling endearingly at you.
“Mhm. Maybe a kiss on the lips would do the trick,” you suggest, a mischievous glint in your eye as the confidence within you crawls to the surface.
“Ooo. How assertive of you.” He laughs gently and leans in closer, hand hovering near your shoulder. “You haven’t given me an answer though,” he pouts and sends you a puppy-like stare, “I might grant you your wish depending on what you say~”
You roll your eyes, but smile giddily at him. “I like you as well, Keonhee. A lot. I’d love to go out with you.” Drawing closer, the distance between you is further diminished, your faces are inches apart. “Can I have that kiss now?”
“I didn’t know you could be so needy,” he teases, a whisper against your mouth. “But you’re still cute like this.”
Slowly he closes the remaining space, lips moving smoothly against yours as your eyes flutter shut. His hand behind you grips your shoulder tenderly, his other hand that remains atop yours  drawing soothing circles on the back of your palm. As you both pull away from the sweet connection, he rests his forehead against yours, your eyes reflecting the same attraction you both hold for each other. You can feel the smiles that blooms on your features and underneath the warm weather and pink petals, share another kiss as you mark the beginning of the development of your relationship amid the season of awakening.
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
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Happy Birthday to our Cutie Main Vocal 💖
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
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2020.04.06 ♡ Happy Ken Day
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
masterlist + wips —
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✧ — he wakes you up with a flurry of kisses.
✧ — a date with youngjo and fireworks
✧ — drabble, college au, requested (planned)
✧ — oneshot in the making.
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coming soon!
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✧ — a dance with geonhak under the moon and stars (bodyguard au)
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✧ — a picnic day with keonhee in spring that leads to the unexpected disclosure of hidden feelings for one another. 
✧ — oneshot planned & to be written.
✧ — oneshot in the works.
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coming soon!
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✧ — drabble, college au, requested (being written)
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last updated on: 10/04/20
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
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200401 ending fairy ravn
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
ONEWE(원위) ‘모르겠다고 (Q) (Feat. Hwa Sa)’ MV
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
[ oneus / kim geonhak (leedo) ] ; fluff | bodyguard au | f. reader | inspired by this prompt.
↪ a dance with geonhak under the moon and stars. 
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“Princess. I don’t think it’s a good idea to leave the party.”
The moon is seated high in the sky, out of one’s reach. It’s joined by blinking sparkles of silver that seem like protectors encompassing the very satellite as if it were of precious nobility as well. With their existences, the scenery outside isn’t completely encased in a cloak of darkness, zephyrs of solace freely weaving around underneath their comforting light. The breeze ruffles your clothing and nature around you, spiralling skyward. There’s a calm smile elevating your lips, opposite to the stoic visage conscientiously watching you with a brow slightly downward.
“It’ll be fine,” you softly reassure without sparing him a glance behind you, “it’s only for a little bit—they wouldn’t notice.” You resume your amble through the expansive garden of your family’s estate, blithely humming without a specific tune. With an outstretched arm at your side, your fingers are brushing the greenery with a singular sweep and consequently being tickled by the prickly shrubs. Of course, you’re careful to elude any thorns or anything particularly pointy or else the man by your side will tirelessly fuss. “And how many times must I remind you, Geonhak? Call me (Name).”
He only breathes a sigh, trailing closely behind your form that’s strolling in the garden and admiring all its aspects even when you probably knew the place and all its components like the back of your hand. It’s one of your favourite spots to unwind or retreat to when everything would take a rough turn and the weight of your mandatory duties and the expectations of your kingdom would be a bit too much for you to handle (which is quite a common happening). You’d usually situate yourself at the gazebo or crash down on the lawn without a care about how unclouth the behaviour was.
“It was seriously so suffocating in there! All those phony smiles and pretentious outfits and not to mention the annoying suitors my parents arranged for me without even consulting with me about it first…” Your rambles pierce the night, threatening to punch holes in the heavens, as you arrive at a more open section of the garden and release all the pent-up exhaustion within you accumulated from the planning of the event to its very execution today.
Geonhak merely remains as a silent onlooker and allows you to let off steam, as opposed to your parents who would have most likely severely rebuked you for such vulgar and distasteful language, especially that of a lady as yourself. He has known and been tasked with protecting you for about three years now, and through the days and months that have elapsed he’s learnt most if not all all your little quirks and habits. It’ll be best to leave you be until the end of your tirade and let another topic crawl through rather than mindlessly interject; he’s learnt this the hard way.
Your delicate features are merely a flawlessly crafted disguise and you’re more than capable of breaking bone if you wished. He would sometimes be so amazed by your aggressiveness that sometimes he wonders if you even required a guardian to watch over you but it’s not all about brute strength (he’s not saying you don’t have the brains though; you’re as brilliant as you are strong). And truthfully, he’s grown accustomed to being at your side and sharing small, sometimes playful, banter that he’d probably find it unusual to not be near you at certain times of the day.
You close your rant with an exaggerated huff and pursed lips, eyes thinning into irritated slits and arms tightly folded against your chest. Then, you feel a warm and soft sensation akin to cotton or wool—a sort of fabric—drape itself on your shoulders and embrace your build. With a curious glance, you notice that it’s a blazer and with another look you realise that it’s Geonhak’s.
“It’s getting colder,” is all he says without gazing in your direction but up at the sky, his hands tucked in his slack’s pockets.
Momentarily stunned, you blink several times before your mouth spreads into a smile. With whispered words of gratitude, and a tinge of pink dusting your cheeks, you slip on the coat and then turn your focus to the moon and stars above as the breeze acts to help cool you down. Silence swishes between you both like waves, where you struggle to try to find the timing to speak up as hesitation snips at the threads of your resolve. He’s probably going to say you needed to return back to the party before someone realises your lack of existence, but it’s the least you want to do at the moment. You want to stay. With him. “It’s really beautiful out here, huh?”
He appears confused at your out-of-the blue comment, but nonetheless expresses his consensus with a nod. “But nothing compares to your beauty.” The words spill forth from his mouth smoothly, characteristically deep but with a slightly more huskiness to it.
You’re baffled once again, eyes blinking in disbelief. This is perhaps his first time initiating such advances. Yes, he can be playful and joke around with you on several occasions, but not in the forward sense like this. It’s quite rare. He does not reject, but easily becomes shy when you make any teasing comments about him. “Did I hear you correctly?”
“Hm?” is his only response, which makes you giggle at his attempt of feigning ignorance.
“Pfff. Nothing.”
There’s shyness across Geonhak’s countenance, gaze hiding desperately away from your mischievous eyes. You find solace in his moment being with him. It’s a change from when he was first assigned to you where you believed you’d be even more restricted with someone like him always monitoring you; restrained to your room and silence. But your assumption was proven wrong with more time you spent with him where he became your new friend to freely communicate with in your family’s large estate. You sincerely do treasure the time spent together with him whether it's out of his obligation to guard you or not.
“Hey, Geonhak,” you call with a smile in your voice as the said individual answering by staring at you, “dance with me.”
“I know you heard me the first time.”
“I’m your bodyguard. I shouldn’t be dancing with you.”
“No one else is here. It’s just us. Think of it as protecting me from possible animals scurrying around or falling leaves that could injure my head!” you exclaim with hands gesturing toward the sky in emphasis, eyes wide and changing the pitch and tone of your voice to further convey the point.
“Mhm. How convincing.” There’s amusement lacing words, a corner of his lips slightly lifted.
You steal a step closer to him until you’re within arms reach. “Right? So protect me, yeah?”
“Just once.” There’s a soft smile on his face despite his former bashfulness at the request. He truly isn’t able to say ‘no’ to you. “We need to return after this.”
“Sure.” You eagerly nod and then assume the appropriate position with him. “You do know how to dance, right?” you decide to lightly tease.
“If it’s to guard you, I can do anything.” He squeezes your hand and with his arm encircling your midriff, further diminishing the space between you. With dark eyes fixated on yours without any signs of faltering, he marvellously leads you as you both weave and twirl about the garden with the sounds of the wind and rustling of flora as music.
Jovial giggles trickle from your mouth, causing a smile to appear on Geonhak’s features. There are occasions of clumsy footwork, but it’s easily dismissed by the pure joy you share together in the moment. Near the conclusion of dance, he brings you firmly against him as your hand rests on his sturdy chest where you’re able to feel his heartbeat. Your gazes lock once again, communicating the same passion to the other as he ducks his head closer to yours.
His other hand gently peels apart from your own and you instantly feel a sense of loss and coldness in the area. But you’re then again greeted by him gently caressing your cheeks with his fingers as he twists a strand of your hair behind your ear. You can practically feel his breath fanning your face, which deepens the rosy tinge colouring your complexion and accelerates your heart rate and your grip tightens on his shirt. The instance when your eyes fully close is when the distance disappears and your shadows overlap, the moonlight drowning your figures and stars flickering as if applauding your performance, your pulses singing the same rhythm.
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
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ONEUS ≫ GAP CRUSH (쉽게 쓰여진 노)
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
[ oneus / kim youngjo (ravn) ] ; fluff | 1.2k words
↪ a date with youngjo and fireworks.
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Once in every quarter or so, they’d be a seasonal festival down at the park near your home. There would be various stalls comprising a variety of snacks and beverages to satiate famished individuals, stands for trying your luck at prizes, several amusement attractions such as a small ferris wheel and a merry-go-round, and vibrant fireworks to conclude the memorable night—usually most aspects of a typical festival.
Oneus, the group your boyfriend Youngjo is in, have completed their promotions for their latest comeback and were awarded a short respite for their hard work. When Youngjo told you of this news, you immediately posed the preposition for them to visit the festival that would run throughout the day and late into the night. And of course, they all were boisterously set on the suggestion. So, several days later, you find yourself at the local festival with your beau and his friends.
Everyone mostly split off into different sections; Keonhee, Leedo and Xion eager to indulge in the festival’s refreshments while Hwanwoong and Seoho were more keen to explore the place itself first before embarking on some of the thrill rides it offered. It left you remaining with Youngjo, which you definitely didn’t mind. Perhaps they all did it intentionally so you both could spend quality, cozy time together. You assume this because they surely weren’t discreet about leaving you two alone; voices different in pitch and the not so subtle shared glances, smiles and jabs.
“What do you want to do first?” your boyfriend asks from beside you, dark brown eyes surveying the area and the people strewn around before resting back on you. The afternoon sun showers his features in warmth, making his cheeks gracefully glow where he slightly squints under the orbs scrutiny. “Are you hungry?”
You shake your head in response. “I’ve eaten breakfast this morning.” Your head tilts in contemplation before you lightly crane your neck to look up to him. “We could just explore first and see what we like before deciding. Unless you’re hungry?”
“I’ll be full watching you enjoy yourself,” he returns, a smile following and playfulness in his eyes.
Breathing a laugh in incredulity, you fight back the urge to lightheartedly roll your eyes at his antics. “Okay then, flirt. Let’s not waste any more time, yeah? I think I saw something you’d like over there...”
He answers by interlacing your fingers together, eyes fondly peering into yours before meandering further into the festival with you close to his side and ensuring his hold doesn't loosen on you for he doesn’t wish to let you slip out of his sight. “Then lead the way.”
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The day soon dwindles into dusk and then completely into night. The amount of visitors the festival contained has increased, cheerful banter and exuberant children scampering around. The midnight sea flowing above is ornamented by loud, coruscant lights effused by the event’s attractions instead of the sight of the natural specks of argent. 
Gravel crunches underneath the soles of your shoe, trailing after the movement of your feet as you tread with purpose. One of your hands are still weaved with Youngjo’s, while your other arm is enveloping a Mickey Mouse plush he tenaciously tussled for and was ultimately honoured with for his perseverance which he then didn’t hesitate to give you with a triumphant beam.
Yes, you’re immensely grateful, but there’s a wave of trivial hesitation within your chest. You both know he’s not entirely adept at these kinds of activities (well, that’s what he believes anyway). Nonetheless, he’s worked so hard to attain it, countless dollars out of his own pocket, only to present the prize to you without a reward for his own hard efforts. He simply stated seeing your joyful smile was enough of a payment, knowing just how much you adore the very character. 
You did endeavour to win a prize for him but with even more horrendous skills over his own, it was all fruitless in the end and you settled on buying snacks and drinks after numerous coaxing from your boyfriend. And still not satisfied, you’ve settled on purchasing animal ear headbands for you both, matching Mickey and Minnie mouse ones, snapping many photos together.  
You’re both currently stationed in a line, queing up for the ferris wheel. There’s going to be a fireworks show in a couple of minutes and you’ve both decided beforehand to try and view them on the mini ride to have a chance to view most of the colourful explosions. Youngjo has his arms encasing you from behind and has you drawn against his chest, sharing warmth as the winds have shifted to a more colder tone, and his chin is snuggly sitting atop your head.
“I hope we get a good view of the fireworks at the top!” you say with a hopeful glimmer in your (e/c) orbs as you gaze up at the brightly lit attraction.
He hums in agreement, a soft smile dashed across his face as he gently rocks side-to-side with you. “It’ll be really romantic.”
Giggling, you tilt your head back enough to look into his eyes and straighten your pose so you can land a fluttery peck against his lips. There’s a loving look adorning his features, heart palpitating against your back, and he’s tightening his hold on you with immeasurable affection. Soon the line moves and it’s your turn and you’re settled in one of the pastel capsules, the attendant ensuring the door is securely fastened in place before the circuit begins.
There’s a bang followed by cries and cheers of fascination and awe. With a look through the bars of the passenger car, you notice that there are vibrant spheres shooting high in the sky before bursting into dazzling ribbons; the sight reflected in your eyes and your gasp of amazement following. It’s always a superb spectacle to witness, no matter the amount of times the beholder has watched such displays. There’s something warm and uplifting about listening to the crackle of fireworks bursting and admiring how the sparks trail off in different directions, a toasty and homely feel to it like when you’re with the ones dear to your heart.
“It’s so pretty…”
Youngjo hums, quietly admiring the display himself. “But do you know what else is just as pretty?”
“What, are you going to say yourself or something?” You snicker, knowing how he’d commonly use the adjective to describe himself.
“Well, yes, I am pretty. Thank you,” he agrees without a pang of shame, a chuckle following your small giggles. “But I was thinking about someone else.” His hand squeezes yours as he leans closer toward you, closing the small gap that separated you both on the seat.
“Oh yeah?” You smile at him, having an inkling of what his next words could be.
Heart pounding in your ears, you instinctively flutter your eyes shut as he fills the emptiness with his presence and his soft lips smoothly press themselves on your own. He has an arm slung around your shoulders, propping you against him, the curve of his mouth never lifting away from yours. 
High up on the ferris wheel with radiant fireworks as the backdrop framing your figures tenderly in love and being able to experience it all with Youngjo by your side—there could be no other better moment to finish the night off.
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jjonyangdan · 4 years
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🐰🐇🐾 Come on, I’ve never had green hair before.
149 notes · View notes
jjonyangdan · 4 years
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🐰🐇🐾 You’ve gotten a lot rougher since I last saw you.. dude.
79 notes · View notes
jjonyangdan · 4 years
[ oneus / kim youngjo (ravn) ] ; fluff | ~0.8k words
↪ he wakes you up in the morning with a flurry of kisses. 
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“Baby… wake up,” a voice says, a low murmur beside your ear, a nudge on your shoulder following. It elicits a weak whine from you, your sluggish body rolling over and your head nestling further into your pillow, blankets tightly coiled around your frame. “(Name),” your name is called yet again by your boyfriend, Kim Youngjo, “didn’t you want to watch the sunrise?”
“Mhm… just give me five more minutes…” comes your drowsy response, contentment blanketing your visage.
“You said that thrice in the last fifteen minutes, baby.” An amused sigh leaves his lips as he peacefully runs his fingers through your (h/c) tresses, savouring your endearing and tranquil form at complete comfort. “What am I going to do with you?”
Despite this whisper, there’s a smile adorning his countenance and his heart all fuzzy out of adoration for you. He wants to relent in this moment and just lay down right beside you again and slip away into another brief nap, but knows how excited you were the previous night to show him the sunrise at the beach near your house; especially when he missed seeing one during one of his trips with the members of his group and even stayed up late last night gushing over it. Before his schedule would kick back up again and diminish the time you both could meet, you were adamant to experience the beauty of the scenery at dawn with him to compensate for the one he wasn’t able to see.
“Baby,” he tries again, but to no avail; you’re as silent as clouds drifting by in the skies. He quickly realises that verbal prods would only be ineffective and he must try other tactics or else the sun would fully rise and you’d be utterly crestfallen and exasperated at yourself, and the sight of you beating yourself is the last thing he wants to witness. It’s then that something clicks within him, a foolproof plan that could benefit both parties.
Crashing down beside you, with an arm enclosed around your figure, he draws you flush against his chest and begins peppering your neck with sweet, ticklish pecks. It’s no secret that Youngjo is an affectionate and doting individual; it’s how he expresses his utmost love and care for others. Though undeniably uplifting, it can also be lethal with both positive and negative connotations (Hwanwoong a testament to this). And he’s confidently certain it’s working when he senses you tense beneath him, sensing the wide smile on your lips, suppressed snickers attempting to pry your mouth open.
“Y-yah… Youngjo!” A grin blossoms on his face when the melody of your giggles streams into his ears, the curve warmly caressing the nape of your neck, his heart pulsating rhythmically as he continues his onslaught of smooches as the sounds burst about in the room. “O-okay! I’m up, I’m up!” He reluctantly retracts—but not after landing a few more pecks here and there—you rotating back around so you’re face-to-face with him, heads aligned with one another.
“You’re finally up.” There’s a teasing tone attached to his voice, playfulness twinkling in his eyes in comparison to your pursed lips and still groggy (e/c) orbs.
“Morning...” Voice still cloaked with sleep, you try to blink away the remnants of lethargy clinging onto your eyelids as a concealed, silent yawn sounds from your throat. You allow your vision to adjust to your dark surroundings, returning your boyfriend’s soft gaze as his image sharpens. You don’t pull away when he leans in to steal another tender peck, this time on your mouth, your lips curling upward into a small smile.
“What time is it?”
“Nearly six.”
Sitting up in response, you ruffle your dishevelled hair before stretching, the leftover torpidity steadily seeping from your muscles. “Have you been up for long?” With a glance, you can see he’s already ready; hair neatly tousled and jacket on.
“A little after the set time,” he answers before casting you a kittenish smirk. “I expected to be pounced on, but it’s me who had to wake you up.” He’s teasing you but if you’re to squint, you might as well have caught a ghost of a pout.
You merely laugh in response. “Thank you, Youngjo.” Bending down, you press a kiss against his cheek to express your gratitude. “I’ll go get ready now.”
“Mhm. Don’t keep me waiting too long.” All he wants is to drag you back down and engulf you back in his arms and snuggle with you on your bed but you’re already out of his reach and headed for the door, enthusiasm infusing itself in your limbs.
“I’ll try not to.” Your reply is glazed with a compatible amount of mischief, treading to the bathroom with a spring in your step to swiftly prepare yourself so you’re able to start off the day with a gorgeous view with an equally attractive (if not more) sight beside you.
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