jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
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The early morning crew is back! Everyone worked hard and fought through the pain! Glad to see everyone back at it! It's was a tough workout, but everyone finished and didn't quit! That's all I ask! Fantastic work everyone! Keep it up! Here's what we did... Part 1: Running *1 Mile Run Part 2: Metcon 1 *5 Rounds for time, new round every 5 minutes consisting of... *5-4-3-2-1 Front Squats (135) Seated Arnold Press (30) Part 3: Metcon 2 *15 Minutes to build to a heavy set of 3 (135, 160, 172, 187, 200, 245) Bench press x 3 15 Push-ups right after! Part 4: Metcon 3 *10 Min. AMRAP (137) DB Snatch (50)
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
If I throw you in water and I am drowning you, you can control your drowning. You don’t panic, win lose or draw. You go down practicing the art of jiu-jitsu. And the art is: how do I control and submit my opponent and survive using the least amount of attributes. ie. strength, explosion, youth, size any of that and the maximum amount of leverage, cunningness, guile and technique
Chris Haueter, One of the original dirty dozen! One of Americas first 12 BJJ Black Belts
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
Weening myself back into things!
This past week was a hard week of getting back on to the saddle and back into my routine. Had some hard workouts, some tough training sessions in Jiu-Jitsu, but I feel this week will be tougher since it’s time for me to go full steam ahead in preparation for american nationals and masters worlds. Last week was a warm up for the hard work ahead. Get stronger by strength training 3 days a week, crossfit the other 3 days a week, and rolling every day. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will be 2-a-days! My goals are to win American Nationals and Masters Worlds! I came so close so many times, this year is my year! See y’all on the mats!
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.
Dwayne Johnson
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
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Yesterday’s hard day resulted in a sore day today! Wouldn’t have it any other way! This is my first week back, can’t wait to hit the ground running next week with 6 workouts and 6 days or rolling! Check out what I did yesterday. If you have access to the equipment, give it a try!
Part 1: Metcon (No Measure) *4 rounds :30 Second Crossover work 1:00 min Plank 12 Single Leg RDL
Part 2: Metcon (Time) *4 Rounds. 40 minute time cap 500 m row 90% effort 2 min rest 400 m run 90% effort 2 min rest 20 Cal Bike 90% effort 2 min rest 
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
"In training, you listen to your body. In competition, you tell your body to shut up.”
Rich Froning Jr., four-time CrossFit Games champion
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
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Rough start to the day! I tried to workout but the soreness from inactivity for 3+ weeks and the lack of sleep made if difficult to stay motivated to do the rest of the workout. However, I made up for it with great rolls with my brothers and sisters tonight! With almost 50 people on the mats and two of my fellow black belt brothers from day 1, we made for an amazing evening of Jiu-Jitsu! I love seeing the smiles and feeling the amazing vibes on the mats like we had tonight. Completely made up for the shitty workout I had this morning. If you want to know what it was, here ya go!
This is all I did today...
Part 1: Running *1 mile run
Part 2: GVT *10 x 10 of each! Superset the two exercises! Back Squats (135) (I only did 5 sets of 10) KB Lunges (35) (I only did 5 sets of 10)
I had 3 more parts to this workout. Oh well! There's always tomorrow!
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
As most know, I’m a stickler for lesson plans. I suppose it’s an result of my OCD or maybe ADD. Who knows! In any case, I can not live without having plans. A plan for my workouts, a plan for my classes, a plan for life! Just as the saying goes, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!” And I strongly believe that!
So with my OCD/ADD in full swing, I came up with a layout for our lesson plans addressing the fundamentals and making those fundamentals become advanced fundamentals! Hence our new direction with out lesson plans and classes. “Old School is the New School! The topics I have laid out should keep us busy! Easily well into the fall.
Here’s a list of what we’ll be covering...
Guard passing fundamentals (Currently in progress)
Guard passing formula
Guard retention and recovery
High percentage guard sweeps
Guard mastery
The butterfly guard
Most effective x-guard attacks
Old school moves for the new school student
Back attacks
Mount attacks
Side control work
D’arce/brabo chokes
The kimura trap system
High percentage knee bars
Pressure passing in the gi
Pressure passing in nogi
How to start a match (Competition training class only)
Single legs  (Competition training class only)
Double legs  (Competition training class only)
If you have any questions, please contact me through our site at www.jpjiujitsu.com, on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/jpjjcta/, or on our twitter page at https://twitter.com/jjpagesjj!
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
Where there’s discomfort, there’s fear,” he said. “In these very tough positions, you’re in a little piece of hell. And through this daily suffering, you learn to survive in these situations. You have to find comfort in the uncomfortable situations. You have to be able to live your worst nightmare. Jiu-Jitsu puts you completely in the moment where you must have complete focus on finding a solution to the problem. This trains the mind to build that focus, to increase your awareness, your capacity to solve problems. Sometimes, you don’t have to win. You cannot win. But that has nothing to do with losing.
Rickson Gracie
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
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Getting back into the swing of things is rough! Super sore! I had to listen to the body and take a break from rolling tonight. I'll be back rolling tomorrow. Gotta listen to my body! Always listen the body! Know when to rest and know when to push. I'm just getting back into things, so, I'm gonna rest and not push the envelope. I'm not going to risk injury. I really wanted to train though it was very difficult to sit there not do what I love. The mats were packed for nogi. I had to sit on the side lines and watch everyone have amazing rolls and a ton of fun. Keep up the great work everyone! See you in your gi's and on the mats tomorrow!
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
“I am a shark, the ground is my ocean, and most people don’t know how to swim.”
Jean Jacques Machado
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
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First day back at the box post asthma attack and it felt great! It sucked, but felt great! So happy to be back throwing around some barbells and dumbbells! Here's what I did today!
Part 1 *2 Mile Run
Part 2: Metcon 1 *3 rounds 12 SL DB RDL 20 Banded Ham Curls :30 Second Sorenson Hold
Part 3: Metcon 2 *3 rounds Half kneeling Arnold Press :30 Second Plank 10 Barbell Bent over rows
Part 4: Metcon 3 *Max effort for time 500 M Row
Part 5: Metcon 4 *Max effort for time 30 Cal Bike
Part 6 *Cool Down 400 M Jog
Good times!
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
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First night back on the mats in over three weeks since my asthma attack. It sucked but felt great at the same time. The feeling of completely being lost in Jiu-Jitsu with my fellow brothers and sisters was such an amazing feeling that I missed so much. Being away, even partially, from the art I love was such a difficult task. I'm elated with the fact that I'm now able to roll with little to no difficulty with my breathing. I'm out of shape and gassed out a bit due to it but still felt great! I had some great rolls and even used a guard I haven't utilized in quite some time. The closed guard has been a favorite guard of mine for such a long time and I truly missed it. I look forward to using it more. I'll be slowly but surly coming back, working out 6 days a week and rolling twice a day. Soon! So soon! 😁
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
Gold medals aren't really made of gold! They're made of sweat, determination and a hard-to-find alloy called guts!
Dan Gable
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jjpagesjj-blog · 7 years
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After 3 weeks off due to my stupid asthma, getting back on the mats and under a bar! On my road back to recovery and towards the IBJJF American Nationals and the Masters Worlds this summer!
Part 1: Running! *1 mile run for time
Part 2: Barbell Strength Work! *Tempo, 3-3-1-1 Back Squat - 5 x 5 Bent Over Row - 5 x 5 Bench Press - 5 x 5
Part 3: Gymnastics Work! * Tempo, 3-3-1-1 Pull-Ups - 5 x 5
Part 4: Metcon 1! *50-40-30-20-10 Body Row KB Swings (53)
Part 5: Metcon 2! *20 minute AMRAP Push-Ups (315)
Later tonight, BJJ! Gonna give rolling a try! See y’all on the mats!
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