jjwxlf · 4 years
"My pride and I are a pack now because we dont need anyone else."
-Jaylah Reznikov
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jjwxlf · 4 years
"You were blue, and you liked me because I was red. You touched me and we turned to the perfect shade of lilac sky dripped in a saturated sunrise. But you decided purple just wasn't your color and now I'm covered in the colors, pulled apart at the seams."
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jjwxlf · 4 years
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Jaylah Reznikov is a lot like Jasper Quartz.
One of the many reasons they are alike first and foremost is because of how their emotions seem to control them even though they appear heartless to others with their rude mocking mouth and temper. Buried down they care passionately about certain things that matter to them, the rest is considered a waste of energy with their tunnel vision of determination and focus. Once they find something that they feel gives them purpose/value, they will set it as a main priority but those are also things/people seem to destroy them as well with the unfortunatecircumstancesheld against them. They know their self worth and also know they were made to be better than the circumstances that life gave them. Still, they find some sort of strength from the dark light casted on them and somehow make a comeback from the depths of the ground just as strong.
They are both fighters and their strength matched with their temper is dangerous. Their obsession on something can be so toxic to them that they will easily fall in the wrong hands of situations without seeing the warnings until its too late.
Tamryn is to Jaylah as Pink Diamond is to Jasper. These higher authorities both praise but also discredit. Still, Jaylah and Jasper will always take pride in their roots and forever feel they need that authority figure in their life to serve under.
Lupe is to Jaylah as Lapis Lazuli is to Jasper. They are beyond beautiful unique females with broken backgrounds and bound to their fusion/imprinter without much choice in the matter. At rock bottom the parallel between the two pairs is similar as well as feeling the need to keep someone around just because of the moments they made even if it went about in a very unhealthy way. Eventually Jasper loses Lapis as she dismisses the brute and Lupe dismisses Jaylah and Jaylah will eventually learn to cope with that decision through her corrupted strength.
Through isolation the two beasts find a way on their own two feet even though they aren't the same as they once were years ago (for the better even though they may not feel that themselves).
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jjwxlf · 4 years
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jjwxlf · 4 years
"I was the wolf, and she was the bunny I kept chasing after..."
-Jaylah Reznikov
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jjwxlf · 4 years
I'm crazy, but you like that
I bite back, daisies on your nightstand
Never forget, I blossom in the moonlight
Screw eyes, glacial with the blue ice
I'm terrifying
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jjwxlf · 4 years
"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing, are the same thing."
- Jaylah Reznikov
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jjwxlf · 4 years
Jaylupe Masquerade Vibes
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SHADOWHUNTERS: Clary and Izzy flirting complimenting each other.
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jjwxlf · 4 years
For the younger Reznikov, she had a busy day at her salon, Groomer Has It, as she was booked from open to an early close making many hairstyles that day for the Masquerade Ball. The only hair she didn’t touch that day was Tamryn but that was only because the Alpha was busy and put other things in priority which was no sweat off of Jaylah’s back. In fact, it even gave her a chance to get herself ready this year which was especially important now that she would be celebrating a major event with her reunited Spanish black wolf.
After spending some time dancing with her beautiful date, Lupe dismissed herself to grab a few drinks and touch up her makeup. Jaylah then took the time to scan the crowd for her sisters face while she sipped on a glass of wine, taking extra precaution not to bump into anyone. It didn’t take long to find the other redhead in the crowd, despite masks causing confusion on identifying one from another. Jaylah strutted over to the taller she wolf and sipped from her tall glass, almost waiting for some sort of sarcastic retort from the assumed stressful day.
Hearing the french remark, Jaylah couldn’t help but smile and agree to an extent. Though she doesn’t quite remember such a time, a memory of how well their parents were dressed was heightened in her mind.
“Ils ne montraient pas beaucoup de peau au 17ème siècle. Ça c'est sûr. I’m pretty sure that one over there fixing her dress bought it at une boutique de lingerie or Sujet Brûlant... Tu es magnifique Tamryn, even if I didn’t do your hair this year.”
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Le Soleil de Minuit||OpenStarter
 The Alpha was one of the main event coordinators, given that it was most of the leading city and governing officials that had set up the event in order to help ease the rising tension due to the heavy curfews and restrictions set in place to keep those safe from whatever was taking people from within the woods. Taking into account of her ability to put together events at her own home so effortlessly the city knew that Tamryn had the means and the right kind of touch to put together such a specific event.
 As she was already dressed elegantly and wearing a mask. While others began to arrive she looked over the final touches of the ball room and checked to make sure everything met her level of standards. Considering that she practically grew up in this era of elegance the she wolf seemed to be transported back in time as she took over the project to ensure it was as authentic as most those around in the time period would have remembered it to be.
“Les temps étaient beaucoup plus élégants alors.”
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jjwxlf · 4 years
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Pour ma belle rose de minuit
Eyes that lower mine
A laugh that is lost in her mouth,
Here is the portrait without retouching
From the one I belong to
When she takes me in her arms
She whispers to me,
I see life in pink.
She says words of love to me
Everyday words,
And it does something to me.
She entered my heart
A slice of happiness
That I know the reason.
That's all for me.
Me for her
In life,
She told me, swore it for life.
And as soon as I see her
So i feel inside
My heart beats
Nights of love that never end
A great happiness that takes its place
Problems, sorrows, phases
Happy, happy to die.
When she takes me in her arms
She whispers to me,
I see life in pink
Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose
When you kiss me heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose
When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
And when you speak
Angels sing from above
Everyday words seems
To turn into love song
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be
La Vie En Rose
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jjwxlf · 4 years
Dancing Shoes || Open
There was a mixture of feelings flooding through the Latina as she stood in front of the mirror as she readied herself. Nervousness being the main one. She had isolated herself from everyone as of late she wasn’t even sure she should attend.
“No mask is going to be able to had what you really were, pendeja.” she spoke through gritted teeth at her reflection, seething as she put on her mascara. She could practically feel her temperature rising, foot tapping on the tile floor. “They are going to see through the facade as soon as you walk through the door ya know that. No since in going. You are n e v e r going to be part of the familia. Part of their pack. Get it through your skull cabrona.”
Lupe‘s fist had balled at her side and was reared back to hit the mirror but a pair of hands embraced around her as emerald optics peered into chocolate orbs. “Cálmese.” it was the one phase the diosa ardiente, Jaylah, her mate, whispered softly as she gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “We are both going to this Masquerade. And we are going to enjoy ourselves.Compendre?”
The pair arrived to the Masquerade in fashion, arms linked together as Lupe took a deep breath steadying herself. It wasn’t until she felt the lips of Jaylah upon her cheek she felt calm wash over her. “I’ll go get us a drink and be right back, okay?” The Latina nodded, easing back on heels, gaze taking in the bodies in the room as music echoed all around and then the the urge of all urges began to kick in. After all… it was in her blood, no matter the kind of music it was, she was bound to end up dancing.
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Jaylah took over doing Lupe’s hair for the event. Starting with a cinderella updo full of loose beach wave curls in an elegant yet large messy bun that can be taken down with a pull of a bobby pin if her latina princess wanted to let her hair down and let loose. Allowing her mate to finish getting ready, the redhead left the room to allow some privacy while she answered a phone call.
Once the call ended she couldn’t help but overhear the charged brunette talk in a way that caught her attention immediately in the hallway. Entering the room without a knock, she slipped in and felt herself deflate at partner not fitting in with the pack. It wasn’t her fault, it was Jaylah’s for being a beta. Lupe didn’t have the luxury of instant acceptance like Elidi because of her second rank to Tamryn. Had she been Alpha, Lupe would have been held to higher standards despite the pedestal that Jaylah held her on currently. She herself barely felt part of pack as of late as Tamryn seemed to push and pull at her sister for some time. Like a switch, it was expected for things to go back to normal even though there were many drastic changes within the pack that strayed from tradition.
Elidi was an exception, but why couldn’t Lupe be one?
Letting out a sigh, her head lowered though green eyes remained behind the female from a distance. It wasn’t until the upset she wolf went to punch the reflection is when the taller female sped up to close the distance in time to catch the flying fist.
Giving those clenched knuckles a kiss with tender lips, she put a hand around at the others waist and whispered in Spanish, “calm down” a phrase that got Jaylah through a lot of stressful moments when said by the right person.
Placing a second kiss at the womans bare shoulder, Jaylah zipped the black and red dress that Lupe wore from the back and reassured her that they would go and have a wonderful time. “We are both going to this Masquerade, and we are going to enjoy ourselves. Trust me. When we have each other, no one else in the world seems to exist. You look so beautiful tonight, please, let me celebrate you.” Pushing lightly with her fingertips she turned her brunette around and held her by the jaw with delicate cupped hands. “Compendre?”
Arriving at the event, Jaylah looked through her white and gold mask for familiar faces and made sure to stray from the pack on Lupe’s behalf. Feeling the static energy from her lover she looked over and kissed her cheek to calm her already spiked nerves. “Just you and me, remember? Everyone else is merely background...” Smiling as she pulled away from her face she nodded at the response. “S-sure. I’ll be over here.” Quirking a brow as eyes followed Lupe walking away, Jaylah made sure to continue to scope the place out for any potential danger though it appeared to be a calm event thusfar. It was hard to tell others apart because of the mask blocking features, so she relied on her smell senses until she got distracted.
Lupe was found dancing as the rhythm of the music seemed to whisk away her date. Gaining a blush and large pearly grin, the redhead felt the bond being summoned to dance. Wrinkling her nose trying to deny it, her weakness for those brown eyes struck at her pride and the young wolf wiggled her way through the crowd in a motion to the beat until she met up with her love.
Hypnotized by the way her beauty moved and the way she looked so romantic that night, Jaylah was swooned and completely focused on the belle of the ball, Lupe.
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jjwxlf · 4 years
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jjwxlf · 4 years
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jjwxlf · 4 years
Meeting Papa Quintanilla || Jaylah & Lupe
The bags were packed and honestly, Jaylah could feel the cocktail of emotions in the lump of her throat meeting Lupe’s father. Leaving the compound after speaking with Tamryn made her chest feel heavy but it wasn’t enough to stop her from this trip that her mate found important.
On the drive there, for the most part the wolf fell silent with rock music playing in the background as they drove in ‘grand méchant bleu’ the only vehicle she named Big Bad Blue was her new 1959 Ford Galaxie Convertible. Questions stirred in her mind, ‘Does her father know she’s a wolf? A gay wolf at that? What if he doesn’t approve?’ Thoughts traced back to her own father which caused a deep sigh to escape her lips as a hand that rested on Lupe’s thigh then reached for her delicate hand to hold.
“Almost there. How are you feeling?”
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jjwxlf · 4 years
Viktor hoped he hadn’t come off as rude with his joke- simply a pun of the establishment- but he knew many werewolves didn’t take too kindly to vampires. At the woman’s reply, he smiled, appreciating her indulgence in his humor. He watched her tap the chair and moved to sit down in it.
Viktor relaxed on the chair, always having liked the feeling of getting a haircut. The salons in America were much nicer than most of them in Russia- he’s gotten his ears and neck clipped by reckless barbers many times. He let her do her job, setting him up to start working. “His name is Garridan. I have not seen him for many years.” He kept it relatively general at first- he didn’t know how many people knew his progeny in this city and didn’t want Garridan to be the last to hear of his arrival. 
He chuckled, looking at his unruly hair in the mirror. “It has indeed. For the most part, I have neglected my hair because I have been particularly busy.” His father held meetings religiously, always trying to maximize company profit. His goal of eternal wealth was almost crushing for both himself and for Viktor. Viktor doesn’t think his father has even seen his wife in over a year. “I am a business man. Business can be quite taxing.” He said casually, not wanting to scare the woman with his social standing. Viktor appreciated when others treated him normally rather than as an heir/socialite. 
Viktor nodded, understanding what she was suggesting and trusting her ability to do his hair. “That sounds wonderful. Thank you.” 
Viktor did as the redhead asked, closing his eyes as he went to lean back. “The temperature is perfect.” He hummed a satisfied sigh- Viktor was a complex man, but he indulged himself in very simple pleasures. 
He listened to her questions and opened one eye to look at the woman. “We are not moving in, for now. He doesn’t even know I’m here.” Viktor said, tone a bit melancholy. How he wished he could have jumped the gun and seen Garridan right away. “I am the co-owner of Karminsky Diamond and Co.” He said honestly, giving a small smile. “If you ever are in the need of jewelry, I’m your guy.” If he liked her services and planned to come often, he would surely show his gratitude. He would have to remember to leave a business card with her. 
“I only know Garridan and a few other locals I’ve met.” He said , closing his eyes once more. “It’s nice to meet you JJ. My name is Viktor Karminsky. I would shake my hand if we were in a more suited position.” He joked pleasantly, feeling the water run down his scalp. 
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As the hairdresser worked on the mans hair, she looked up in thought as she tried putting a face to the name Garridan, but nothing came to mind. Jaylah was always horrible at names if they didn’t mean anything significantly to her, she was always meeting new people and she kept her circle of importance small.
“Maybe it’s fate you neglected your hair, because these claws are going to work magic for your wonder boy. Besides, it’s always nice to pamper yourself. I find getting a new look that you love boosts confidence and makes a statement on where you are in life and how you see yourself.”
Leading the client to the water station, she began rinsing his hair. Using a volume shampoo for height and a deep conditioner for the ends to soften up the hair follicles followed by cold water towards the end of the wash to close up the cuticles and hold in the moisture.
“Element of surprise. I love it.” She added at the comment of the lovers not seeing each other.
As soon as his company name was mentioned, Jaylah looked at the mans jewelry, now knowing where to price her service since the man came from money. Not that the Reznikovs needed money, but the young independent wolf took pride in making her own income and not settle for what was inherited, which most of it went to Tamryn, Jaylah always looked after herself in small ways just in case.
“Pleasure to meet you Viktor.” A small giggle followed due to the comment about the hand shake. “No worries. We’re done here. Please follow me to the chair?”
Jaylah lightly massaged his head in the towel to stimulate the roots to promote growth, which also meant more haircuts in the future. She then guided the gentleman back to the chair and began brushing his hair with a small tooth comb and used a light dangler for his curly hair. The redhead focused on the hair and allowed Viktor to relax and she would only speak if she was spoken to. It was important that she wasn’t just providing a hair service, but a luxury service at that. So often people didn’t take the time to take care of their own needs and that was something Jaylah could relate with as she constantly worried on Tamryns behalf.
Turning the chair away from the mirror, she then started cutting away, allowing the pieces of dark locks to fall to the floor. With a few snips, the man already looked like a whole new person. Paying close attention to the way the hair fell and potential cow licks, she made sure to shape the hair accordingly unlike most hair dressers would just do what was routine without consideration. It was true that Jaylah had a true passion and skill for hair, and it was something she did for herself.
Once the hair was cut, she took a dime size amount of styling product and worked it into the hair. She used a blow drier and manipulated the hair to give it just what she needed it to do to get the desired style. After she was done blow drying the hair, she used a bit of pomade to give it shape and shine without it being too greasy. Flicking at the strands and twisting it, you could see every curl and the cut only showed off the different layers which complimented his look even more.
“It looks really good. You ready to see it?”
This was her favorite part, turning the client around to look in the mirror and see the new person staring back. With a big grin she looked for his reaction.
“Usually I charge $80, but I’ll only charge you $48... 40% off. How does that sound?
She asked while he was looking at the result of the service.
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jjwxlf · 4 years
                Kasumi didn’t really get much say in whether she touched his hair or not– he just stood there, bewildered as she ran her hands through his hair.  Miracle hair? He had gotten his color of hair from his mother, who had shining white locks. For angels, light-colored hair was actually quite common, and he’d been shocked by the variety of hair colors on earth.  So he was honored to hear that his hair was so magnificent, but also… confused. 
                “Huh?! UH– y-yes ma’am!” The angel said, wide-eyed at the threat that had seemingly come out of nowhere.  Fortunately he didn’t even know any other hairdressers, so meeting another wouldn’t be a problem.   At the sight of her fangs, he knew she was definitely another wolf. Were all red-heads in this city so violent? 
               After a quick bow and good-bye, the angel rushed home, his fethers quite ruffled from the experience. He texted Kiki about Jaylah, to let her know what his plans for tomorrow were.  Then he got out a paper and pen, thinking of what the she-wolf had told him; to practice his autograph. 
              It had been quite a long time since he’d done so. As soon as pen met paper, he drew out a “B” and then stopped.  B?   Why a B?  Why had this letter come so naturally to him? It had been almost 100 years since the last time he’d written anything, but as far as he knew, his name had always been Kasumi.  He tried once more, this time writing out the letters, “KASUMI.”  It looked awful.  Next, he tried the language he’d written most.  “かすみ.”   It still looked like scribbles.  Finally, he settled on the Kanji, which he thought looked rather nice.   “霞”. It was simple and small. But was it too much? The angel decided to present this piece of paper to Jaylah tomorrow and let her decide. 
              The angel turned in for the night, and once he woke up in the morning, resumed his usual routine of reading, flying, and people-watching, though he kept an eye on the time. When it was at last about 4pm, he took out the phone Garridan had given him, as well as the business card he’d received, and looked up the address.  Since google maps typically didn’t work right when flying, he landed in a back alley and his his wings before proceeding on foot.  
               With the directions on his phone, Kasumi arrived just a few minutes before 5pm and walked in hesitantly, looking for the red-head. 
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Jaylah wasted no time after she left as the wolf raced to her desired location where Lupe was and told her about the new encounter. The two shared ideas and the brunette volunteered to photograph the models the next day. The hairdresser sketched out some hair ideas and even tried a few styles on her mate and took pictures. “And the boy has this... amazing hair with beautiful eyes. I think I want to do a business look all sleek and then a messy youthful grunge look for him...” The excited redhead said to Lupe in bed with ideas still dancing in her head, not allowing much sleep to happen that night. Arriving around 3:15pm at her salon, she laid out her hair products and began to heat up the hair tools. Next she started dressing the set with various props, hats, and furniture with sheets stuck to the ceiling to act like backdrops. “Fog! I need fog! And bubbles!” Jaylah cried out as she rushed around to get last minute things done before her models came to the set. Just when things could not get crazier for the frantic hairdresser, a text comes through from Lupe telling her that her camera broke in the suitcase and the other ran out of film. With it being close to 15 minutes before everyone arriving, there was no time. Without wanting to stress out her lover, she calmly sent a text back saying how she understood and not to worry, but worrying was all she did as she was nearly pulling out her hair in stress. A bell chimes at the door and soon the boy from the park came up the stairs to her salon. Jaylah wasn’t like her sister where she could just put on a smile and pretend nothing was wrong like a professional, instead she turned around with a hair brush and balloons in her hands with a look of tension. “This is going to be a fun day.” The she wolf said dripping in sarcasm. Tying the balloons to a salon chair, she patted the seat, took the piece of paper he offered her and put it in her pocket without glancing at it, she began with doing his hair. Luckily he mentioned never being a model before so he had no expectations but she knew how unorthodox this truly was in her mind. Quietly yet quickly she started to brush his hair with her fingers while her mind going a million miles per hour. After about a minute or so she seemed to slow her pace and began admiring his hair. There was a soothing and bright energy about him that allowed her to relax and somehow focus on the task at hand. Suddenly her ideas began swirling in her mind again and Jaylah had fun playing with the amazing locks of hair. “Thank you for coming. The entertainment industry is always pretty hectic until showtime. Someone in my family was in the music part of it and I did their hair and from there I got to do a lot of celebrities hair, and then I decided years later to open up my own place. I like it here. It’s nothing too lavish but still has personality. I love how the blue walls compliment your eyes and hair.” She was now getting a better mental image of how to go about the photoshoot. Molding his hair into a slick back style with just the right amount of volume and texture, she grabbed a bang strand and let it fall naturally just above his left brow. “You look amazing! There’s a closet and bathroom towards the back to the left, go ahead and put on what makes you feel... mysterious, handsome, and romantic.” While she waited she took a step back and opened up the windows to allow some natural light to enter, once he came back, Jaylah would direct the male model to stand over by the window and act like he’s pulling back the curtain to look at something outside. Taking her cellphone, she began to snap some pictures. “Amazing! Beautiful! Hold it... right there... Ah! That’s it! Okay.. now squint like you hate someone, but raise a brow like you have a question for them too. Yes! Like that! Perfect!” Jaylah was now taking control of the photoshoot and actually had fun with it. “Hold it right there, okay now let go of the curtain, okay and with that same hand just stroke your fingers through your hair like you have a headache. Now lean the back of your head on the window, and look down. Yes... that’s great. You’re a natural! You’re so photogenic! Okay now I’m going to walk backwards and you walk towards the camera and just make faces or scream and interact with your hair, pull it, ruffle it, itch it. Okay a little more. I need more GRR!! More anger! A little more... Hold on let me get the fog machine and balloons...”
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After a while of photoshoot fun with her new client and model, Jaylah walked over to her office and pulled out some money from the safe and walked over to Kasumi after their session ended. Handing over an envelope with $1000 in it, she shook his hand. “You did a great job today, we got a lot of great stuff. Maybe next time we’ll have my mate photograph you. I know she would have had a lot of fun.”
Reaching for her back pocket before the male left, she remembered the letter, what assumed to be a disclosure agreement making sure he got paid and what not, but to her surprise it was a symbol on it and nothing more. “Kasumi, wait...” Studying the paper some more, she then pieced together what this was. The boy took her advice and practice his autograph. Giving a smile she held up the piece of paper, “This will go with my other celebrity autographs on my wall, thanks. We’ll be in touch!” Jaylah smiled and waved, then closed up the salon to head back and tell Lupe about her successful day.
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jjwxlf · 4 years
As her hair was yanked she let out a soft yelp. “Sorry bbw!” Her shortened version of big bad wolf as the full nickname was a mouthful. Biting down on her bottom lip, she decided to keep quiet about the small amount of pain her scalp was feeling. “Yes Elidi is amazing! She’s very dear to me. Well she recently helped me unlock my wand but she has to teach me how to use it’s magic. I can make charms on my own. She’s taught me more potions and spells though! I had a bit of knowledge before coming here thanks to my family being wiccan.” She pauses as the beta asks what is a witches purpose. Was there a correct answer? Kiki decided to go with what she personally thought. “Well witches can do a lot for people, Magic is unlimited in its possibilities! It’s amazing what spells, charms, and potions can do to benefit someone’s life or help them.” She hoped that the answer would satisfy the curious wolf. As the subject shifted to Stan she felt herself getting flustered. “I uh…well I’m not sure of our status yet…but I love him and he loves me! It’s nice…I enjoy spending time with him….he is very sweet and I find myself missing him when he’s sleeping during the day.” Even though Jaylah couldn’t see it she was pouting. While she had no issues hanging out at night with her vampire, she did sometimes wish he could be with her in the sunlight. “How about you? Do you have a lover?”
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“BBW?” Jaylah asked as soon as it was said to her. Upon Kiki explaining it, she replied. “Oh God! That sounds like some sort of sex kink or somthing. No. Call me Bad or just Jaylah.” She said with a smirk pulling at the corner of her cheek. Listening to the details about Elidi, Jaylah slowed her pace and paid close attention to the human. Not much insight as she had hoped for, only gather that Kiki had some sort of affiinity to Elidi as much as her sister. What was it about this witch that seemed to cause everyone to be under her spell? Jaylah couldn’t find anything outstanding or worthy about the supreme. “Help and benefit in what ways and for who? The spell castor or spell-casted?...” While the other thought about the question Jaylah interrupted, “I suppose you haven’t met the Queen of magic, Désirée Trudeau. Has Elidi ever mentioned her?” Curious in the answer, Jaylah would listen and continue with Kiki’s hairstyle before switching the subject to something more freeflowing in conversation as she collected everything she needed to know from the girl. Rolling her eyes behind Kiki’s back as she listened to the young female talk about her vampire, Jaylah followed with hums of sorts to stay engaged in the conversation though her thoughts were far from the topic. Once she was asked about her own lover, the she wolf made sure to wrap up the hairstyle to avoid answering. There was still a huge part of her that didn’t trust others knowing about Lupe, especially humans even though Kiki posed no threat, as of now. She was still a wiccan being trained by her nemesis with “unlimited magic possibilities.” “All done! Let me take a picture for you so you can see the front and back.” Standing up, the redhead whips out her phone to take a picture of the front and back, then shows her model the new doo. “This one is on me, never know when I might need a favor from you. Here’s my card, be sure to swing by my salon any time you want to try something new.”  Grabbing her bag from the ground she slings it around her body and gives Kiki a smile, pleased with how the hair complimented the girls features. Jaylah had so much talent that was hardly ever noticed. “You look good... RRH.”
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