jkkfriend · 1 year
Beautiful nature
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As the water floats me adrift I glow and start to fly giggling and flying to where I belong
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When I wake up I see a Sakura tree swaying around in the wind and a boy with broccoli like hair asking if I’m ok and then I enroll in My hero academia school U.A.
Boy ->
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jkkfriend · 1 year
Lunes secret
Lune was know for being kind and brave but as her brown hair swayed in the wind she knew she was good and even the purest of things can become evil ever since she saw it online she was scared of becoming evil her eyes shone with a mix of melancholy and fear of hurting her friends and family ever since she was 3 years old she had a special connection with Evee she could get charged with anger and power and lose control because of her strong bond with Evee she was afraid of losing control becoming evil until she met him… Read your warm kind smile to see the rest
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jkkfriend · 1 year
your warm kind smile
On my way to the airplane I saw my best friend Kyla she charged at me.me being ready I caught her and we hugged and cried being the sensitive Zodiacs we are I’m a pieces and she’s uh I forgot again dang it! I dried her tears and I wiped mine
Me:good bye Kyla. Im gonna miss you
Kyla:good bye Lune I’m gonna miss you too
We hug one last time as I walked onto the plane ready to face torture in a new region after what felt like 126826 hours we got there the next day Glaceon hopped on my shoulders excited and I walked out of the plane I pulled out my GPS on my phone and found my way to my grandmas house in the forest Once I got there I saw the warm smile of my grandma starring at me happily she welcomed me and showed me around I went into my bedroom with light blue walls and a desk and bed and of course a helpful mirror I froze when I saw
Grandma did you set this up for me? I asked happily
Of course dear she replied with that warm smile
Thanks grandma I say as she replied with sweetie I’m gonna make some cookies now okay
Grandma said oh no we’re out of chocolate and handed me some money to buy the chocolate and said would you be a dear and bring back some chocolate
Sure I replied and put the money it my bag and walked to town somehow I knew that this day is the day I meet someone important chapter 2 when I got to town I went to the beach to explore first the salty breeze of the waves flowed around gently I walked to the forest and glaceon started running to the side away from me Glaceon I said and chased her as we run further into the forest I heard a boy say Umbreon! And fast footsteps running towards me We paused when the two Pokémon glaceon and umbreon cuddled Me and the blond boy were in the same state confused and stared at the two Pokémon as they went back to there trainers hi I’m gladion the blond green eyed boy said as he acknowledged my three colored eyes blue green and yellow I’m Lune I said as a fire lit in both of our hearts
So how are your eyes multicolored he asked
I was born that way it’s really rare though I said as my brown hair swayed in the wind and said bye and walked into the forest Wait! …are you related to the old woman Mrs.Lyke Yeah I am I say
Bye he said
Bye I responded somewhat happy I don’t know what this feeling is but it’s a nice feeling I thought
As glaceon followed me home knowing what happened with a grin thinking of umbreon who was thinking of glaceon
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