jldoubledown-blog · 12 years
1. I thoroughly enjoy lists, especially top 10 lists.  2. I'm inspired by resilience in people.  3. I always root for the underdog.  4. I didn't speak until I was about 3 years old. When I did speak it was a full sentence.  5. I believe homelessness should not exist in America - no excuses. 6. I think I like unrequited love more than romantic love. That scares me sometimes.  7. I can fit in everywhere but don't really fit in anywhere.  8. I'm deep.  9. I give nicknames to people I love, except for girlfriends and family. Usually my nicknames have staying power.  10. I never knew what true, unconditional love was until my niece was born and my Mom died.  11. I enjoy slang and making up new slang. The English language is fun.  12. It's my dream to move to Hawaii.  13. I often wonder if Mos Def should make my top 5 rappers of all time.  14. I'm not sure if I believe and if I ever will.  15. The caribbean ocean at night, under the stars, might be the closest thing to paradise on Earth.  16. I found NIN when I was 24 or so. If I found them earlier in life I probably would have died or have been a heroin addict.  17. My sister once made me a homemade dinner on my birthday and it had black beans in it. I went to McDonald's. She was pissed. I don't eat black beans.  18. Life is too short...but sometimes it feels hella long.  19. This list really should have stopped at 10. A good list always has 10.  20. Typically, I find that the thing I want isn't really what I wanted when I get it.  21. I spend money like I'm Diddy.  22. Sometimes I look at where I've come in my life and it amazes me.  23. When I'm in the city at night, and I see a window with a light on, I think about what that person's life is like, who they know, what they do, etc. I try to explain this to people I'm with and they usually don't get it.  24. I play songs out. F'real. If I like a song it will go on repeat for hours upon hours.  25. Untitled.
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jldoubledown-blog · 12 years
The Beginning
It is decreed, on this twenty-sixth day of August in the two thousand twelfth year of our Lord, a blog shall be created to showcase lists on multiple subjects related to life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.  
Life...in list form.  Welcome.  
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