jmencken · 5 months
Anything he going to say or think falls away from him when his ring moves from Roman’s thumb to his index finger. Quickly, a smile flashes on his face that is pure reflex that he brings back into a more neutral expression, but he can’t stop whatever excited feeling rises in him. His ring on Roman’s finger. It meant something to him. There’s pride, too, as Roman gains confidence, its alluring to him. “I think we’re a little past hypothetical at this point,” he gives as he nods to the ring on Roman’s finger. “I just don’t want a yes-man; I’d want a partner in us and not be your master.” Then, a sly grin appears. “Well, in some situations we can do that.” More than some situations since they both liked that so much.
“I’m a politician,” he scoffs, “of course I have a game plan. The line I’ve been thinking is Roman Roy support President Jeryd Mencken through his divorce and they became close, figured out they had feelings and wanted to explore it after the divorce finalised. The President’s former wife has been seen with the two, showing full support.” He gave his best newscaster impression, imagining he’d read that from a teleprompter but can’t help laughing a little bit as he finishes. “Or something like that.” Making history was right and focused his attention, glad that Roman got it. “We haven’t even begun the prep; I’m just giving you a very brief look into what it’s going to be like.” It would be easier if Roman still owned ATN to help show whatever message he wanted but that wasn’t the way things were, so they’d have to be more strategic. “Whatever happens, it’ll still make history and both our names in the books forever with this. More than any media legacy you were born into.”
“Hey,” he says, lifting Roman’s face up to look at him when eh sees the painted on his face. “I’m not telling you this about your family to be an asshole or to doubt, I want us both to be prepared. You have me now and you’ll have me after but it’s going to be a fucking shit show from all directions.”
The surprise is clear on his face at not blaming anyone knowing that his wife certainly blamed the two of them for what was happening. And she was right. “She’s amenable, I can navigate.” No care attached to that. “And she’s got the kid, so she won’t be difficult.” It could get messy but he knew that she loved him so it was easy enough to get through knowing he could use that.
“The name is part of it,” he gives honestly. “You’re liked by my base and party; the Roy name still has some influence over things even if it has reduced with your dads situation that we can use but this shit is real between us.” Bracing himself, he starts to get uncomfortably in his feelings.
It’s not love, he thinks, that’s a fool’s emotion.
Yet when he looks at Roman, there’s something that pulls him to him. He feels like it could be it, something so connected about the two of them with an understanding he hasn’t felt before that almost twists them together. Everything about Roman he finds intriguing and did from the second he saw him at the Summit that carried through even with the noise of the election.
Roman chews on his bottom lip, he's trying his best to not overstep, fuck this up, or say the wrong thing that would make Jeryd leave forever. He gives a sigh, and looks over to Jeryd. It's known he's not liking Roman's answer, even though Roman thought it was pretty spot-on of how he felt. He would accept it. "—I mean like, fuck — okay," he holds up his hands as he begins to speak. "You and me, I would accept this," he gestured between the two of them, giving him a small, yet very vulnerable smile. "Like, fuck — hypothetical situation, you and I fucking — we uh — do this, you and I — you give me my own ring," he holds up his thumb, then removes the ring, sliding the larger band onto his index finger, and gestured. "Yeah, fuck yeah, I would." Roman gains confidence, — alert the media. "But I mean, I can say no. I can give you a fuck no." Then, he looks up at Jeryd, and slowly nods. "Yeah, but we are getting to the same line."
This was something he needed to think about, and it ate at him. It was right there, and Shiv was standing in the way. Shiv — his fucking beloved sister — was in the way. He notes this. He knows Jeryd is right. The campaigns were terrible, the damage control, the terrible conspiracies, and whatever else that Roman doesn't know. "—Do you have thoughts? A game plan?" He asks softly. "I mean, this is new to me too. I just — I'm here, I wanna be there with you. In this." He slowly nods. "We would make history." The confidence made Roman feel good for a brief moment. But, he was terrified. He knew the idea of what destruction it could be. His family would do maximize of torture, and brand him as a fascist too. He would be in for it. But then again, he wouldn't be alone in it. He would have someone. The thought made him increase the reasoning of what he does. "I get it. You are prepping me, like for the big fucking game."
It's what it was, he was a coach prepping the player. The coach knew what he was doing, the player was on a brand new field.
When Shiv comes back into play, he looks over and there's sincerity in his eyes, and the little gleam of hope. Even though, Jeryd pulls him back down to Earth and he realizes that his family would ruin it. A rush of sadness flushes against his skin, and it nearly burns. He worries it's painted on his face, and he attempts to hide it.
"—Yeah," he whispered. It wasn't like he was giving up, but he was realizing that his family would possibly be worse than everything. "—I wanna do this, just know I'm not being talked into this, but I get it — I have a lot to think about."
The male's face lightens up briefly, but he knows it's not that simple. "No, of course, but it's the start however long it goes, and what it takes, doesn't mean it's gonna happen tomorrow, you returned the book back to the library, it's still open." His eyes shoot up. "I'm not," he shakes his head. "You know, I don't blame her, I don't blame you, to be honest, my parents' divorce is still weird to discuss. So, I mean, I'm sure you're going to navigate."
It takes everything he can to not kiss Jeryd again. He craves it, he wants the touch. But then, he ends up reading his mind. Jeryd does it, and he smiles softly. Roman barely touches Jeryd's fingers. "—There's always been a thing. You and me."
He pursed his lips, and glances up again. Roman smiles, delicately, and it looks like he's in love. That can't be right. He could never be in love, it didn't feel real. Roman shoves the thought to the side, and softly laughs. "—Is it the name?"
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jmencken · 5 months
Taking in a breath, he thinks that’s a nice answer but lets out a sigh in response. It lingers in the silence as he pinches his brows together and thinks on Roman’s answer. “I don’t want you to accept whatever I give you. If I wanted someone to agree with me and take whatever I offered, then I’d stay with my wife.” And fuck around behind her back but he thinks that comment is best left in his head. “We’re reading the same book but not quite on the same page.” Not yet but he was hopeful they were close to it.
Jeryd knew that he wasn’t just older, that he was more experienced than Roman with a comparatively healthier upbringing than what he went through, so he understood where the need to please came through but wanted to bring out something more of Roman.
It was a huge deal for both and something they needed to talk through this instead of just agreeing at the first thing. It was more than simple yes, man ways.
“I just want you to think about everything that comes with this. Your family has been in the spotlight for business but it’s a different world when you’re a politician or when you’re with one. You’ve had some scrutiny, but you’ve never had attack campaigns and press or other leaders trying to come at you. You saw how crazy the election got for me as a nominee but imagine that but on the world stage as the partner of the President of the United States. Add that you’ll be the first public male partner of the first openly queer President.” He’d thought over it countless times, he’d had meetings about if his sexuality ever got out and they were intense. “I’m not trying to scare you; I’m trying to give you all the facts and that this is going to be intense if we do it.” A pragmatic man, he’d always had it ingrained in him to prepare then act.
Other people in his world or work could play dirty without an emotional attachment, he was one of them, and that extended to people like Shiv. “Roman,” he sighs, “think. That letter was to her own brother, and I even thought it was harsh. She didn’t even hate him, but she hates me and she had a seat at the table on election night. What she said about Ken, she could say worse about us, and I don’t think you being her favourite brother would hold her back- I think it would spur her on.” From his perspective, he could see her anger and her betrayal and how that could be used in anger and give that extra push. “And it’s not just her. Think about how your other family would react? Ken. Connor. Your nieces and nephew. You’re on the outs with them now but you always go back to family, its natural. Fuck, I’ve thought about how mine would react.” Not that he gave a shit about that but still.
“It’s not as easy as that but yes.” It could easily get messy. “The chapter is closing but that won’t be the end of it. We still have the kid,” so dismissively spoken, “and I must play the dad for the press and for my base. If anything, the two of them are going to be a good asset to navigate this whole thing publicly.” He’d already thought of ways to do that, ran them by his team to keep his base happy and try and use the situation to win a second term. “She’ll play nice if you’re worried about that.” There’d be coldness but he could work around that.
He thinks how it must look having a serious conversation like this after a great fuck and standing naked against his bathroom sink. Maybe the lack of clothes helped with being able to speak to plainly and honest but then again, they always had a thing for bathrooms, and it could easily be that.
“There’s a thing. You always manage to weave that in,” he smiles and leans in for a quick kiss. He doesn’t lean back, stays close. “I agree. There is and there has been since the bar, then your dad’s bathroom and now all this…”
“Not like that,” he laughs. “Just before I was confirmed as the nominee, I had to lay all my secrets out so we could be ready with a plan if anything came out. I’ll take a hit, could be big could be salvageable, but its so we can plan. I’ve got some ideas how we can spin this thing here.” He gives Roman a wink. “Believe it or not, I think this happening with you specifically could actually help.” A Roy, someone politically aligned as him and connected to the media, easily liked was a win.
Roman looks at the President, pointed glance and feels the needed smirk. He can't help himself. He's beaming. "—Yeah, maybe you know — would accept whatever it was that you give me," he laughs. "—Great, glad we are on the same page."
This was awfully something new for Roman, and the cautiousness was driving him insane. He felt the need to stay level-headed in this conversation. Roman can only shrug, and to his dismay, he hated the entire idea of Shiv and Kendall never talking to him again.
But, he's always been lonely.
He's always been on his own, and even if he did meet up with Shiv, Shiv had Tom — Shiv had a baby, Ken had whoever — Connor had Willa — Roman was alone. Did he like being alone? He wasn't sure. In his mind, he wasn't worthy enough for anyone, so it was a big reason he never pursued anything. Maybe getting a cat would adjust this. A dog and a cat. Sounds correct. Roman raises his brows, as if he wants to feel hopefulness. "—No," he agreed. It wouldn't. Shiv would pull out her claws and rip him to shreds, then leave him bleeding.
"I don't —," his voice trails, and it hurts. "There's no reason, if she went public, she would what, expose me for what, being with you? The world would already know. Expose you for whatever she could dig up? To sabotage? Ken fucked around with Dad and Shiv took it upon herself to write a fucking dirty ass letter. This is something out of her control." Roman is talking himself into this. "It's not the worst stone that has been thrown at me."
Roman frowns, listening to Jeryd speak. "So, that's it? You're about to close the chapter on it?" He can't comprehend it. It's all happening so fast, and Roman's heart is catching up with him. He feels something for Jeryd, and it's driving him crazy.
He smiles, looking down at their feet. Then, at Jeryd. Jeryd wears the most beaming grin, and it makes Roman full of bliss and happiness. Roman notices Jeryd's cerulean piercing eyes, taking in every detail of Jeryd. Something stirs in Roman. Maybe, he's — no, that can't be it. There's a bond. He's formed something with Jeryd and in a short period of time, Roman feels dedicated. "Sure about us?" he gestured, pointing to the space between them, moving his finger back and forth. "Yeah, there's a thing — I like it. Feels good. Feels like how we should be."
It's a stretch, but he can't believe he's saying it.
Roman listens attentively, making it known how mischievous he is becoming in all of this. "Oh, already sending the Mystery Gang on the case." He softly smiles. It takes Roman a millisecond to nod his head, and then look up at Jeryd. "Yeah, fine. with it."
Was he?
Daddy dearest was gone, he wouldn't be torturing Roman for being in love with the same sex. He wouldn't torment him. Roman has never been confident in his situation because he never had anyone go to enough distance to actually want to act on it. His flings were nothing. He can't even pinpoint an inkling of what he feels right now with any of them.
Again, Jeryd is the exception to every rule he's made for himself.
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jmencken · 5 months
Mirroring Roman, his eyebrow raises but he eagerly awaits the answer, watching him as close he can without giving up the pretence of nonchalance. There was a strange fear creeping in. Not that he didn’t think he would be rejected but maybe at some hesitation. “A fan?” He snickers. “I can work with that.” The two of them seemed to be coy about it, getting close to admitting but never quite doing it. 
That was the first person he thought of who would be against like that but he thought there would be some more who would have something to say. “She would be the most vocal but I know how I am and my reputation, I’m not easily liked by some.” Yet he actually liked that and the challenge of it. “This wouldn’t be the same fight,” spoken so calm. “And it would carry through any holidays…she could go public. I remember the letter she published to your brother. You’d get one far worse. Is that something you could handle?” 
It may have been because he as naked in the bathroom but he shifted uncomfortably on the side at Romans question. “We’ve agreed on a divorce.” Spoken so plainly. “It’s not why she came but it’s what she agreed when she left.” Mutual wasn’t the right descriptive but it was something they agreed on, the fault mostly lying at his feet yet no feeling attached to it. 
“I don’t bullshit; if I want it and I say it then I’m serious. You should know that by now,” he gives Roman a playful tap with his foot and a grin to match. “Are you sure? This is about us both.” More serious than he thought. 
He’d be the first which was an extra added pressure and he knows to expect something like this from the other side, not him. “I’ve had some talks after everything happened. Not damage control but running numbers with the guys, see where we stand if anything came out just to be prepared.” It happened shortly after before he was chosen as the nominee. Not being able to help it, he snickers at Romans comment. “It would send the left into a meltdown. They call me homophobic you know? They’d choke on those words.” And he did want to see that level of chaos. “Thing is…I’m fine with my sexuality; I’ve never been ashamed of it so if people know it’s fine. I’m President. I’ve got what I wanted. Can you say the same?” 
He raises a brow, and looks at Jeryd immediately — more intensively. "—I—" he muttered. The word tasted odd. Confessing he liked it, or confessing it, terrified him. Roman was out of his mind for a moment — the subspace had made him concoct some dreamscape that himself and Jeryd were about to run away together. "—I'd be a fan," he said, scratching his head.
The thought of his siblings never seeing him again seemed like an impossible cause. They always rekindled, even if they hated each other, they still managed to make it work, even if it was a mess. "You think? — You can just say Shiv, you don't have to play Scooby Doo." He sighs. "We've gotten into a billion fights. This would just be a billion and one." Roman was confident, then again, dinners would be weird. Thanksgivings would be strange. . . Mummy would love it. Roman bagging the president as a — whatever, boyfriend? Husband? He doesn't even know how he got this far with Jeryd.
When Jeryd mentions soon-to-be ex, he scoffed. "You're kidding. — Right? She —" He doesn't know how to complete the thought. Is that why she came?
"You — you're sure? You would do that? Dude I was just — fucking in my thoughts." He didn't mean to confess so quickly if that's the target subject that got him so hard for once in his fucking life. Being the president's plaything, becoming the president's — period. Everything. Roman needs to think.
"—That's uh, big, big step, you know? Never had a president who swung both ways so publicly. Hey, maybe you might win the LGBTQIA+ votes," he muttered, with a shrug, getting himself together as he stares so lovingly toward Jeryd. He was already thinking of how horribly wrong this could go — but on the other hand, Roman found someone who wanted him.
Would Jeryd keep him? Would he never have to worry about it?
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jmencken · 5 months
Catching the muttered words, he almost freezes as he cleans himself with a towl. Instead, he acts as relaxed as he can but knows how tempting that particular scenario would be. “And if I did give you one permanently?” Casually spoken but he looks over out of the corner of his eye to see what the reaction would be before deciding to carry on. “If that situation happened, you know that could destroy any chance of you reconnecting with your siblings? At least one hates my guts.” As he said it, he could see the opposite. The infamous Roy siblings coming together to get their brother away from the big bad President. “And my soon-to-be ex isn’t your greatest fan at this present moment.” That, he could easily handle and didn’t really see a downside.
Was he actually considering this? It would change every aspect of his life and be a new territory.
Coming back to Roman, it’s his turn to be against the counter. Standing so relaxed but close to Roman that he can look him over and see all the details he craved. “Just us,” he repeats, “Whatever desire we have we could just act on. No hiding away, it would all be out there.”
Jeryd's words sent wavelengths into Roman's head, nearly making his pulse vibrate uncontrollably. "—I like having time," he whispered, and it's in a haze, that it just falls lazily off his lips. He feels Jeryd's face in the crook of his neck, as he gasps softly. He's moving closer into Jeryd, as if he's someone in a drought begging for water.
He's being saved, and his thirst is quenched.
The male groans again, then there's a noticing of how Roman feels briefly. He glances down quick, in a blink, to view the ring. He's right, it's marking roughly, more than two lines, there are four. His thumb looks like he had a great night sleep and had lines embossed. It's driving him crazy because he loves the idea of being marked. "Too bad it's not my ring you gave me permanently," he muttered as his voice has a gravel to it. A humorless laughs drops from his lips as he lets out a tiny whimper. It's what he finds himself crashing. That's who he wants to be. Someone entangled with Jeryd makes the most sense. Everything is clearer with him.
Roman glances up and his eyelids are half-shut. It's consuming him and thank God or whatever deity he chooses to believe in, that Jeryd has the tight grasp on him. "—Huh?" he whispered softly. "Will you embark?" He spits out. "No one else. Just us — everything — every craving? Desires you have?" he muttered as his voice was almost inaudible. That was enough to get him into his climax. He was toppling over and it was sickening to a point. The words fall lightly, as he's still slowly zoning out of his own thoughts. To be honest, Roman barely knows what he's saying. He's floating still, and only Jeryd can pull him back to Earth.
As soon as they both collide into each other, Roman finds himself trying to stand on his tip toes, as he notices how badly the need for Jeryd is, causing him to collapse. He leans against the counter further, to deal life and gasps. "Fuck, Jeryd," he says, bending his head down, curling into his arm.
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jmencken · 5 months
He did like the idea of Roman proving that, it naturally played into both of their desires and fit them their dynamic so well. “You’ll have plenty of time for that,” said almost like a promise, softly spoken and full of meaning. “We have all the time we can want,” sounding so serious and committed already and he willingly allows the words to fall from his mouth. 
His leg tightens around Roman, his breath becomes heavier and harder to control but he doesn’t mind. It brings him more in the moment and he grips Roman with both his leg and his hand, feeling the ring press firmly into both their skins. It’s going to mark Roman more but the thought spurs him on. “My ring is marking you,” he says hazily unsure why he says it but he’s in an almost list filled haze. “I’m going to do that in the short time I have left with it.” Again, his face nuzzles into Romans neck, feeling himself getting closer and closer. 
“You are. I can’t stop thinking of you. How much I want you, the scenarios I’ve thought of you in…”  It bordered on obsessive. At the meetings and dinners with Logan he’d always ask about Roman, subtle at first then more and more until he could see it wasn’t going anywhere. “You should be a problem for me but I can’t help but seek you out.” It would be easier if he didn’t but he didn’t want to stop. 
Finally, he comes inside Roman and spills out but watches the two of them reflected in the mirror. Gently, he pulls out, releases his leg and grip only to move it Romans back. Bending down, he crouches and licks up the parts of him that remained in romans skin, making sure to lick the more sensitive parts before separating and cleaning himself up. 
The breath on Roman's skin sends a thrill through Roman. He loves it. He's finding himself collapsing into it. "Yeah?" he replied softly. "Well, maybe I can prove it." The male groans softly, as he has the craving of Jeryd devouring him. It's so funny, and ironic. It's captivating, and the chemistry between the two keeps fueling something.
Jeryd acts like a python, using his leg as leverage against Roman, causing the wind to be knocked out of the other. He's turned on by the entire thing, and Roman grins, biting down on his lip.
"I think — I think I'm finding out," he murmured, as if he felt high. This was what it was like, right? To be high? To take drugs? What was this? How did he describe the need and want he had for Jeryd, even after everything. The coaxing of damage that Jeryd has done. He needs more of it. For once he's floating, and he enjoys it.
He likes to float and he doesn't fall for once. "—Jeryd, I — Jeryd," his voice cracks.
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jmencken · 5 months
"I'm not your keeper and I'm not your Dad, figure that out on your own."
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@jmencken sent a meme // "do you understand how embarrassing it is that you're here?" // accepting
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“And where the fuck am I supposed to be? Please do enlighten me.”
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jmencken · 5 months
"Leaving so soon?" he calls out to the other man, as he cleans up his face. Oddly enough, he feels satisfied with it. It's a good release and so much better than the yes-men of his team pandering even with the drama surrounding him.
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Cullen shakes out his hand. He wonders if his knuckles will bruise. He doesn't do this a lot, he insists, hit authority figures in the face. He doesn't know what kind of toll it'll take on his body.
Since Jeryd doesn't seem inclined to leave any time soon, Cullen takes it upon himself to storm out of his own classroom, leaving behind a stack of lecture notes in his wake.
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jmencken · 5 months
“Maybe,” he breathes into Roman’s neck, “but not yet.” If anything, he wasn’t sure what Roman’s limit would be and pushing too much too fast wouldn’t do good for either of them. “She put up me for years, let’s see if you can handle me for a bit longer than this.” Its playful, he doesn’t want to disparage Roman or knock down the minimal amount of contact let.
It wasn’t his favourite position but there was always something extra with the two of them and bathrooms and being pressed so into him that changed his mind.
With that in mind, he has a thought and manoeuvres his leg around one of Roman’s, wrapping himself around as if trying to cling to him as much as he could in any way that he could think of. It was almost crazed but a slow and intimate one that he savoured.
“Do you have any idea how crazy you drive me?” he almost grunts as he goes in deeper. “You make me insatiable,” said with a growl through a bitten lip to control himself from coming. He wants to do it together, wants to watch them in unison through the mirror.
Roman has entered a subspace, and one that is making any kind of other outside thought linger at the gates of his mind. Jeryd's words ring in his ears, and he groans. "Ugh —" he muttered. "I can — I can do it."
But he backs away, especially after the last few things that were said.
"—Bummer," he replied, but it was a joke partially. He was welcomed, and finding his footing within someone. Roman knew this was possibly his new life, even though he was still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The sudden touch makes him squeeze Jeryd's fingers, but unbeknownst to him, he squeezes the metal-band-clad thumb against the other's skin. He suddenly felt safe. Their fingers were closer and even in every thrust, Roman still found himself wanting to be the best for Jeryd.
In the midst of everything, he's forced to bend forward, causing Roman to adjust enough to give Jeryd more access. "—You are." But, you know that.
His eyes shut and he feels the teeth seep once again into their skin. Are they vampires now? In a strange desire, Roman liked the sound of it. Blood thirsty demons attached to each other — molded into one another so they were destined to never leave each other. It's far out of anything Roman ever imagined.
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jmencken · 5 months
He wants to believe him, wants to try everything out on the other man to the point where it consumes and takes over as he imagines every possible reaction, sound and detail of the possibility. “You could…” he grunts slowly, “…but not yet.” It was too soon for it after the heavy morning they had. “I want you all to myself, not to break you.” Maybe to get close to the edge of that, that could work but he didn’t think they were there yet.
One of his hands finds Roman’s and places it on top, linking their fingers together, taking them in a tight fist and feeling the cold metal of his wedding band pressing into his skin. Eyes dart down to glare at the ring, unknowingly at first and then with a depth he didn’t realise possible.
“I know I am,” almost accusing Roman.
Bending him forward, he guides himself in deeper but slowly as he can, trying not to hurt Roman in the absence of lube. His head lifts just a little only to move to shoulder, nibbling at his neck to then sink his teeth into the shoulder as he feels himself spilling out.
"I can — I can," he reassures Jeryd, hoping that Jeryd would bite. Did he crave it? Of course, but he as familiar with that sort of love or affection. It was home to him.
Roman presses his palms against the counter trying to gain some sort of balance because he feels like he might tumble over. The male glances over his shoulder and laughs.
"Yeah? Well, fuck, so are you."
The closeness destroys Roman, he has it so bad for Jeryd it eats him alive. He needs him — he wants him — he desires for Jeryd to just swallow him whole. His fingers tough against his balls causing Roman to gasp, gripping tighter onto the edge of the counter, screaming into his shoulder to muffle his cry. The thrusts were more impacted, and he leans more into Jeryd with every thrust.
He wants more of it. It's consuming him.
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jmencken · 5 months
The temptation of that was almost too much and he wasn’t entirely certain he wanted to be cruel to Roman like that. With his wife, they had an arrangement, this was more than that. “I don’t think you could handle my cruelty,” he breathes, voice low and believing it but its oddly reassuring as he says it.
From behind he can see more of Roman thanks to the bathroom mirror, his eyes torn between taking in his back and watching for his reactions, taking care to focus on all the details he can.
“You’re something else,” he grins back. Of all the people he’d been with, none got him as quick or easy as Roman and none gave as much as he did. One hand reaches in front of Roman, their skin pressing together from the back, his hand next to Roman’s as the other gently squeezes his balls.
The more he thrusts into him, he feels his head rest on the top of Roman’s, craving that closeness and feeling that no matter how much he presses into him, he still wants more of it.
He glances over his shoulder and moans softly. "You can be cruel to me," he whispered. It was a confession, and a very promising one too. He wanted it. He could take it. Roman would be his anything.
His eyes shut and he focuses on Jeryd. He's taking over his mind. It's a happy place, and he likes it.
The kisses were different, especially since it was something from Jeryd. Jeryd didn't speak about his feelings, so this was so very new. The male chews on his bottom lip. He immediately looks in the mirror and smirks, completely mischievously. "Maybe."
Roman closes his eyes feel the two of them once again merge. His feelings were overloading, and he was almost confused. Maybe even a little lost, but for some reason — he was found with Jeryd.
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jmencken · 5 months
"i don't kiss and tell." ted
challengers starters | accepting
      "Good answer," he gives with a nod. "In your line of wok, and mine, it would be chaos if people did."
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jmencken · 5 months
"so obviously this isn't the result you wanted today." kay
challengers starters | accepting
      Losing was never something he did much of but when it happened, it stung and he hated it. A fake smile appears on his face. "No, it isn't but isn't that why we love the game or why its so interesting to watch?"
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jmencken · 5 months
When the fist connects, he doesn't say anything for a good few seconds but there's a cunty grin on his face, almost as if he's satisfied by the contact.
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"Some follow through, maybe there's something interesting about you after all."
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CULLEN GLASS IS NOT A VIOLENT MAN. Cullen Glass is not a violent man. Cullen Glass is not a violent man. Cullen Glass isnot a violent man.
How cliché.
He closes the small gap between them, closes his right hand into a fist, and swings.
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jmencken · 5 months
      “You look like you’ve got a good thing going here without the bullshit of my profession. I’d say you made a good choice.” While he loved his job and relished in every part of it, some parts he truly detested like pandering to certain people and the media thinking he owed them just because his of his position. Some control was lost when he took the job, when he earned it, but he was clawing it back despite the setbacks.
“No, it is an interesting game to play. I find it disarms people, even those who hate me so much. Almost like it gives them permission to tell it to my face and the illusion of power they think they have in doing it.” He laughs a little at the thought. “Their guard drops fast.”
The other man had a charm to him, that was for certain. “You’ve used it well. Getting people isn’t hard, its making them stay.”
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Brow arches in interest as point's made from the politician's perspective . " Well , when you put it like that I almost feel like I got in the wrong profession . " Because of course something so detached would sound good to someone as unstable as Roman . But only because he craved attention so much -- be it positive or negative . But there was more freedom in this underground world he's gotten himself in now that nothing else could really measure up . That's not something he can be open about though so he keeps it to himself .
" Yeah , that adds up . Been there plenty before . Always an interesting game to play . Figuring out which . Or maybe I'm just sick . " He shrugs carelessly though .
And there's a chuckle when point about looks is made . " Well , I know all about putting a pretty face to good use . " He gestures at his own then . " Kind of what all this is about -- " Index raises and twirls in reference to club . " Nice face , the right words . It gets people in the doors . " A pause as he down's shot with that . " Luck us , eh ? "
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jmencken · 5 months
“Couldn’t do it with my wife still in the drive,” he answers back but nuzzles his head into the crease of Roman’s neck. “Too cruel.” Not that he cared too much but there was something to be said about not rubbing salt in the wound.
Little kisses make their way down the back of Roman’s neck and spin, his hands moving down to find Roman’s length and lightly stroke it as his kisses rush down his back. There’s a fury to his mouth movement, as if he can’t get enough of him and not wanting to break the contact but a momentary break happens as Jeryd snaps his eyes to the mirror to meet Roman’s gaze. “Using my own words against me?” he glares but its lustful, not malicious.
He had the perfect view from behind, able to see Roman in a way he hadn’t before but the bathroom mirror allowing him to see Roman’s face. Best of both, he thinks. Leaning in more, slowly pushes into Roman, grunting a little as he feels him enter and grips the sink to get in deeper. It’s slow on purpose, easing both of them into it and bending forward so he can get as close as possible.
He scoffed. "You like it." Roman smiles, but it's to himself mostly. Jeryd likes him. Jeryd likes him. That's something he can't put a price on, nor can he actually see. He's glancing over at the other, and it feels electrifying again. "Uh — I'm good, you can keep toppin'," he says awkwardly.
The male turns his head and focuses on the other as he speaks. "Fascinating," he muses. "Stalker in disguise." It's a joke, but he only softly smiles again. He's wrapped around Jeryd's finger and he is fully aware. "—Dude, fucking — that — I was so sure."
Roman bites back, "Why didn't you?" Roman is hard again. "Then don't, just —" he cuts himself off as Jeryd kisses his neck. Roman finds himself sinking into Jeryd, and it's a mutter as he answers. "—Careful that sounds a little vow-y."
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jmencken · 5 months
Something about the mocking, it shouldn’t turn him on, but it does. Whatever comeback he has, he is uncharacteristically lost for words causing his face to give Roman a weird, uncontrolled look. Instead, he focuses on the other part and giving a disapproving sound to the others. “Careful, you’re saying something that sounds a little vow-y,” he taunts but the thought doesn’t feel bad, and he likes the sound of that. “Want some practise?” his voice full of suggestion. “I don’t normally bottom but…” Normally he didn’t want to but that curiosity was itching at him.
A quick dismissal as he waves the thought away. “No, I know of him in a vague sense from the research my team did. I didn’t care to find out anything beyond your link.” Playing it off like he didn’t care about the other man even though he was thinking about what could have happened there. “Wrong teams, I’m sure there’s some kind of a joke or observation I could make but I wont.” Too easy.
“I could have fucked you outside,” so blunt but there’s a hunger in his voice that shows he meant it, “I don’t want to wait.” He moves closer to Roman, kisses his neck from behind as he starts to pull his pants down. Pressed against him, he feels his warmth and relishes in the closeness before moving forward and pressing himself as close as he can. “You drive me crazy,” he breathes, “I could spend my entire time doing this with you.”
"Uh huh, yep you are so obsessed with little me. It's so funny too," he mocks. Roman licks his lips and slowly nods. "Right, like meant to be fucking shit, like story book," he chuckled. Jeryd's words rattle him, and he takes in a breath. He's turned on, and it's making him feel the other seep into his veins. It's something he can lean into. That's a catastrophe all in itself. "Working on it."
Roman raises a brow, and then lets out an uneasy chuckle. "So you know him." He squints his eyes and scratches the back of his head. "Ha, good one, yeah uh — it was for Dad, but fuck. Yeah, the Hearts." He glances away. "Fucked up anyway, wrong team." Roman scoffs. "Yeah, whatever."
When they entered the bathroom, he was hyped on pure adrenaline. "Right fucking to it, huh," he muttered, getting right into position as he was told.
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jmencken · 5 months
Jeryd’s face scrunches up. “No, no, no,” he chides with an over-the-top shake of his head. “I’m just intrigued how we’ve been so aligned before we met.” It’s almost romantic. When he thinks about the electricity between them and now how much Roman had specifically been unknowingly involved in getting him to the Summit and in office, things start to click into place. More than that, he likes the notion of it. “And I’m intrigued to see what you’re like with a bit of an ego. I think it’ll suit you.” In more ways than one.
“Right, the Azerbaijanian guy.” Vaguely he knew of him but only from the research his team did on Roman. “You own a soccer team with him. Scottish one, right? Did you do that for Dear Ol’ Dad or did the guy seduce you into it?” As he speaks, he pulls out his phone and stops – surprised at the look of the man. “Wow. You’ve got quite the record of good-looking men.” Obviously including himself in that.
Walking in the bathroom, he easily pulls down his pants wanting to get right to it. The morning was charged and not in the way either of them wanted, waiting around wouldn’t do them any favours. “Against the side,” he demands, watching Roman’s every little movement.
He snickered. “Oh you’re fucking obsessed with me,” he jokes. “You see me as someone about to gain his ego, huh?” Roman quipped. Although, he doesn’t really believe in it, the word slipped, and honestly it made sense.
“Uh — yeah? Eduard Asgarov, he comes from oil.” He shakes his head. “No, this was a hostage situation, like full blown in Turkey, like I was in deep shit with a billion over people. So, there was nothing kinky about that, and plus I was trapped in a hotel lobby. Nothing spicy about that, while I played I Spy and Fuck Marry Kill with Laird and Karl, and then Karl was having a fuckin’ panic attack.”
He watched as Jeryd basically followed suit. Now, he’s following the other. “Yeah, I like it.”
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