jnsab 1 year
Week 8
This week, we were preparing to deliver our pitch for Liquid Logic, Smart & Superb Bottle. The presentation had been planned well in advance of the final date, but due to the ongoing final examinations, we had to rush the production of our presentation.
After delivering our pitch, we received valuable feedback from the panelists regarding areas we missed and mistakes we made. One important point they raised was our use of the PSA's data to determine the population size of our target market. They pointed out that including the total population of region 10, which includes infants, was a red flag. Although my teammate argued that we only considered the potential buyers, we failed to edit the data accordingly. Additionally, we realized that the initial investment we requested from the investors was unrealistic. The panelist informed us that asking for 5 million was too high, highlighting the importance of accurately assessing investment needs during the pitch.
On a positive note, the panelist commended us for the cleanliness and organization of our visual presentation. They also acknowledged the effort we put into conducting interviews with 67 individuals. Overall, my experience in this endeavor has been delightful. It has provided me with a glimpse into the world of entrepreneurship and has sparked my curiosity to learn more about it in the future.
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jnsab 1 year
Week 6th
While developing the business model canvas for our temperature control water container, I gained a deeper understanding of the various aspects involved in building a successful venture. One key insight I gained is the importance of strong partnerships with manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors.
Collaborating with reliable manufacturers is crucial to ensure the production of high-quality temperature control water bottle containers. Their expertise and capability to meet our design specifications will determine the success of our product. Similarly, establishing partnerships with suppliers who can provide us with the necessary materials, such as stainless steel, insulation materials, and electronic components, is essential for smooth production.
Furthermore, distributors play a vital role in getting our product into the hands of our target customers. Building relationships with retailers or online platforms will enable us to effectively distribute and sell our temperature control water containers. This partnership will ensure our product's availability and accessibility, reaching the outdoor enthusiasts, travelers, professionals, and health and fitness conscious individuals who make up our target customer segments.
Another key insight revolves around the resources required for our venture. Having the right manufacturing facilities equipped with the necessary machinery and skilled workforce is crucial for producing the temperature control water containers at scale. Additionally, investing in technology, such as the temperature control mechanism and other required materials, is essential to deliver the promised value proposition.
Understanding our customer segments was another valuable insight. From outdoor enthusiasts to health and fitness-conscious individuals, each segment has unique needs and preferences. Tailoring our marketing strategies and product features to appeal to these different customer groups will be key to our success.
Lastly, the cost structure of our business highlights the importance of managing expenses effectively. Manufacturing costs, including raw materials and labor, must be carefully managed to ensure profitability. Additionally, allocating resources to marketing, research and development, and operational costs will contribute to the growth and sustainability of our venture.
Overall, developing the business model canvas has given me a comprehensive view of our temperature control water container business. It has highlighted the critical elements, partnerships, resources, and activities required to bring our product to the market successfully. Armed with these insights, I feel more confident and excited about our venture's potential and the journey that lies ahead.
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jnsab 1 year
WEEK 5 ( Idea for our presentation for week 6)
Today marked the beginning of the 5th week of our entrepreneurship program, and our instructor gave us an exciting challenge. We were tasked with presenting our business canvas in the upcoming 6th week. It's a significant milestone in our journey, as it requires us to demonstrate the key elements necessary for a successful venture in our chosen industry.
Our business idea revolves around a temperature control water container, which we believe has great potential in the market. The core value proposition of our product lies in its ability to maintain the desired water temperature, its durability, portability, user-friendly design, and eco-friendliness. We strongly believe that these features will resonate with our target customer segments, which include outdoor enthusiasts, travelers, professionals, and health and fitness conscious individuals.
To bring our product to the market effectively, we understand the importance of forging partnerships with manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors. These collaborations will be vital in ensuring smooth production, reliable supply chains, and widespread availability of our product. Therefore, our key activities will revolve around product design and development, manufacturing and quality control, marketing and sales, as well as providing excellent customer service. Accomplishing these activities will require us to have access to key resources such as manufacturing facilities, cutting-edge technology, a skilled workforce, and a well-established distribution network.
In terms of revenue streams, we anticipate that the majority of our income will come from product sales. However, we also recognize the potential to generate additional revenue through accessories and replacement parts. It's important to have a diversified revenue stream to ensure the sustainability and profitability of our business.
On the cost side of things, we expect manufacturing costs to be a significant component. Additionally, we need to allocate resources to marketing and research and development expenses to ensure the continuous improvement of our product. Operational costs, such as rent, utilities, and salaries, will also be factored into our cost structure.
As we delve deeper into the development of our business canvas, I can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Presenting our ideas and strategies to our instructor and peers will undoubtedly provide valuable feedback and insights. I'm eager to see how our canvas evolves over the next week as we fine-tune our plans and refine our understanding of the market and our potential customers.
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jnsab 1 year
Week 4
As I evaluate the Total Addressable Market (TAM) and Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) for the temperature control tumbler in Region 10 of the Philippines, I gain valuable insights that will guide my business strategy in the coming weeks.
One key insight that arises from this analysis is the potential for market penetration and growth. With a TAM of approximately 2,888,335 potential customers and an estimated SOM of around 533,678 potential customers, I realize the significant opportunity to capture a substantial share of the market in Region 10. However, it's important to note that the target customer base extends beyond specific demographics or segments. The market size is not limited to a particular age group or occupation, but rather encompasses anyone who can afford and find value in the temperature control tumbler.
To accurately represent this inclusive nature of the market in my report, I will make it clear that the target customer base spans a wide range of individuals, regardless of their age, occupation, or specific lifestyle. The temperature control tumbler can cater to commuters, outdoor enthusiasts, health-conscious individuals, office professionals, and beyond. Its versatility and value proposition make it applicable to anyone seeking a convenient and personalized beverage experience.
Including this aspect in the report will convey the broad market potential and highlight the accessibility of the temperature control tumbler to a diverse range of customers. It demonstrates that the product's appeal extends beyond a specific niche and emphasizes its relevance to a wider consumer base. By targeting customers who can afford and appreciate the benefits of the product, I can tap into a larger market opportunity and maximize sales potential.
In the next week, I will focus on creating an impactful bullseye chart that effectively captures the TAM, SOM, and the diverse target customer base. This visual representation will demonstrate the inclusive nature of the market and showcase the wide range of individuals who can benefit from the temperature control tumbler. By highlighting the accessibility and applicability of the product to a broad customer base, I aim to attract a diverse range of customers and drive the growth and success of my business in Region 10 of the Philippines.
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jnsab 1 year
Week 3
As I analyze the business model for the temperature control tumbler, I am intrigued by its unique value proposition and potential for success. By incorporating advanced temperature control technology, customization options, and high-quality materials, the business demonstrates a deep understanding of consumer preferences and the growing demand for convenient and personalized beverage solutions.
One key insight I gathered from this business model is the competitive advantage gained from the integration of cutting-edge temperature control technology. Traditional tumblers often struggle to maintain the desired drink temperature, leaving consumers dissatisfied. However, the temperature control tumbler tackles this issue by utilizing innovative technology that keeps beverages at optimal temperatures for extended periods. This exceptional feature not only enhances the overall user experience but also sets the product apart from competitors, making it highly desirable among consumers.
Another significant insight is the focus on customization options. In today's market, consumers seek products that align with their unique preferences and lifestyles. The temperature control tumbler addresses this demand by offering various temperature settings, allowing users to personalize their drink temperature according to their taste. This level of flexibility adds a personal touch and establishes a strong connection with consumers who value having control over their beverage experience.
Furthermore, the market size for temperature control tumblers is substantial and continues to expand due to the rising demand for on-the-go beverage solutions. Commuters, outdoor enthusiasts, health-conscious individuals, and office professionals represent diverse consumer segments that rely on a reliable and customizable tumbler to keep their beverages at the desired temperature throughout the day. This broad market opportunity fuels my enthusiasm, as I recognize the potential to fulfill these specific needs and attract a wide customer base.
As I delve deeper into this business model, I am impressed by the customer-centric approach and attention to detail. By understanding consumer preferences and delivering a superior product, the business can gain a competitive edge in the market. The focus on advanced temperature control technology, customization options, and high-quality materials further enhances the product's appeal and sets it apart from competitors. This customer-centric approach positions the business for success in meeting the growing demand for temperature control tumblers.
In conclusion, the insights derived from this business model emphasize the importance of innovation, customization, and a deep understanding of consumer desires. By effectively incorporating these insights into the business strategy, the company can establish itself as a trusted and preferred brand among consumers seeking a convenient and personalized beverage experience.
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jnsab 1 year
Week 2 Finals
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During our consultation on May 5th, our adviser inquired about our progress. Unfortunately, we hadn't made any progress thus far. While we couldn't fully justify the cause of this mismanagement, we remain committed to achieving results before the final presentation. We have devised a plan to make up for lost time, although it will be challenging due to our demanding schedule. Our other subjects require bi-weekly quizzes, leaving us with limited opportunities to work on our project. However, we are determined to present three crucial tasks in the upcoming week: the Business model, Competitive Advantage, and market size analysis. Our goal is to ensure that we can showcase substantial progress in these areas during the next presentation.
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jnsab 1 year
Week 1 Finals
On April 23, we presented our progress on the interviews and product for our Midterm. We have completed 35 interviews, primarily with young adults. During these interviews, we discovered a common issue related to water temperature. More than half of the interviewees expressed a desire to have heated water for making coffee in cold environments. Conversely, the remaining participants preferred cold water due to working in hot environments. To address this, we developed the idea of creating a temperature control system for water. This system would cater to the varying preferences of our interviewees, allowing them to freely choose their desired water temperature.
Following the presentation, on April 26, we had a consultation regarding our product. Our professor advised us to conduct more interviews on this topic and emphasized the need to double our efforts to yield results.
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jnsab 1 year
Week 8 game
As a team, we recognize the importance of creating a temperature-controlling flask that meets the needs of our customers in various aspects. We aim to design a functional flask that not only controls the temperature of the drink but also satisfies the customers' requirements in terms of quality, affordability, aesthetics, weight, size, shape, design, material, and health value.
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To achieve our goal, we conducted a SWOT analysis to identify our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Through the analysis, we identified our strengths to be advanced temperature control technology, durable construction with high-quality materials, large capacity for holding drinks, easy maintenance, and attractive design and color options. These strengths give us a competitive edge over other temperature-controlling flask brands. However, we also acknowledged our weaknesses, such as the higher price point, the requirement of batteries to power the temperature control feature, heavier and bulkier design, limited availability in some retail stores, and the flask's size not fitting in all cup holders or bags.
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To overcome our weaknesses and leverage our strengths, we have identified several opportunities that we can capitalize on. We can expand our distribution to more retail locations, partner with popular drink brands for co-branded designs, offer customization options for customers, develop additional features such as a built-in cup or straw, and create marketing campaigns around the health benefits of drinking at the optimal temperature.
By focusing on these opportunities, we can improve our product and attract a broader customer base. However, we are also aware of the potential threats we may face, such as competition from other temperature-controlling flask brands, the availability of cheaper traditional flasks, consumer preference for single-use plastic bottles, changes in environmental regulations affecting materials used in construction, and economic downturn affecting consumer spending habits. These threats emphasize the importance of remaining innovative, keeping an eye on trends in the industry, and adapting to changes to stay ahead of the competition.
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jnsab 1 year
6th Game Week 7
The Market Sizing and Identification game offered valuable insights into the development of a successful product. Our team's decision to conduct the discussions online in response to the prevailing circumstances enabled us to collaborate effectively, resulting in the generation of several innovative ideas. My proposal of a Smart Bottle served as a catalyst for the team's flow of ideas, culminating in the design of a product with several important features, such as food-grade aluminum for health and safety, a UV water purifier device, a design that incorporates the separation of electrical wiring, a power bank with a USB outlet, and an attached handle for convenience.
Through our market research, we identified young adults as our primary demographic, and we estimated that they would constitute between 75-80% of our target market. While we were uncertain about what to input in the SOMS, we made the 'What, When, and Who' visible to ensure clarity. However, we used TBA since we had not received the latest results, and there was a possibility that it could change.
The collaborative effort in developing the Smart Bottle concept demonstrated the importance of considering various features and considerations essential for the product's functionality and marketability. Although there were uncertainties regarding the size of the market segment, we are optimistic that further research and refinement will enable our product to meet the needs of the targeted demographic and achieve commercial success. This experience underscores the significance of a comprehensive market research strategy and effective collaboration in developing a successful product.
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jnsab 1 year
Week 6
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In our sixth week of entrepreneurship, our instructor assigned us a significant task, which entailed presenting our business thesis and new proposition canvas. The task was challenging, and we recognized the importance of performing exceptionally well. While delivering our presentation, our instructor requested information about the questions we had asked during our interviews and the insights we obtained from them. In response, we expressed our disappointment, acknowledging that the discussions were not progressing as smoothly as we had anticipated, prompting our instructor to investigate further.
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Our instructor then requested that we specify the questions we had been asking during the interviews. During this exchange, we realized that our interview questions needed to be revised to obtain unbiased feedback. Although we believed we had correctly created the questions, we were disappointed and frustrated by our mistake. Nevertheless, our instructor's feedback helped us recognize our weaknesses. On reflection, we discovered that our interview questions had inadvertently disclosed too much information about our business idea, which could have compromised the accuracy and value of the feedback we received from our target audience. Consequently, our instructor recommended that we only inquire about the problems our target audience encountered and then develop solutions based on the feedback we received. Our instructor's guidance was pivotal for us, and we decided to reassess our interview questions for the remaining 24 individuals we planned to interview. This experience underscored the importance of creating practical interview questions that enabled us to collect unbiased feedback and make informed decisions about our business ideas. We understood that we needed to be more cautious and not disclose too much information about our business idea in the questions we asked. In conclusion, this experience highlighted the significance of asking appropriate questions during interviews to gather accurate and valuable insights into our target audience's needs and pain points. We were grateful for our instructor's feedback and committed to using it constructively to improve our interviewing skills and create better interview questions.
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jnsab 1 year
Week 5
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During our 5th week in technopreneurship, we weren't to perform the 5th game of our subject because, for some reason, some members weren't always present when we were trying to make a group effort. They tend to make us super late attending our meetings which is difficult for us to discuss if we aren't complete when making this online, even when we need to interview; only some of my group members were present that day. Though we interviewed at least 11 people during that week for our product, our questions, as our professor told us, could have been more sustainable; given the fact that our question gave the interviewer a wrong idea, our professor told us that we should look for the problem, not giving them the idea to what to improve and then after getting their opinion on the issue we should be able to make the pain reliever on our behalf.
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Our next goal and need to improve on our next interviewer is our questions, and we should be able to complete the interview before the deadline to have our final product to project.
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jnsab 2 years
Week 4
On March 17, 2023, also week 4 of our course on technopreneurship, we made the Value Proposition Canvas; in which we made the wrong canvas because we thought the canvas should be the same as in the instruction, which it should have the following "thinking" - "seeing" - "hearing" and "feeling." But it's not; after asking what should be the canvas look like, we then make the canvas as such, but then our goal is not feasible if the product only for free, so that's why we then think that we should put an ad on the bottle to support the free water movement. After that, we presented our canvas; our professor recommended that we make only one product, not a by-product of the product we will be making.
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Because of that, we then trash out our initial product. Then from that day onward, we will discuss only one product that we have on our mind, which is improving or making more use of bottles for the benefit of adventurous people. For now, we don't know what we should change or add to the bottle for the sake of adventurous people. We aim to ask or interview before deciding on the product's add-on specification.
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jnsab 2 years
Week 3
On March 11, 2023, also week 3 of our course on technopreneurship, we had an online session due to the transit strike the previous week. Also, our lecturer inquired about each team's participation in the week three game.
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While at it, we discuss the activity online on what we will be doing. Our group has difficulty finding a question we all agree to question about our future, and because of that, some delays happen, and then after a couple of days, we finally found the question that we come to terms with. So then we vision our future, that our product would revolutionize the way of giving free water to ordinary people, except that we failed on what our final should be. Because of that, we again postponed our meet then talked to it personally, so we came to terms with a single product we should make with.
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jnsab 2 years
Week 2 Fish bowl activity and knowing each other.
In our 2nd week of Technopreneurship or 3rd week, We have played the game of fish bowl where our group supposes to be questioning each other about each idea in our chosen topic.
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This game supposes to be finished or played in the previous week, but because of the unexpected holiday and more academic work to do, we haven't got an idea how to play this game. Furthermore, we didn't have any idea of how to understand the game, we didn't even know the instruction was intentional so that we could properly coordinate with each other.
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On the day we created this activity or this game, we thought of each other ideas on what our point is in the objective of our chosen SDG, we also discover each other's behavior and ways how to tackle this activity. Well on the bright side, we have a proper understanding and realization of how we will implement it if our group would be conducting this goal shortly. In addition, we may have somewhat compatibility and sometimes incompatible with each other in the manner of doing this activity, because it's like two people are giving new ways how to tackle the idea and the other two people would only be following the two-person agreed.
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jnsab 2 years
WEEK 1-Intro to Technoprenuer//SDG
In our first meeting in a live orientation of this subject, technopreneurship, the presenter told us that as soon as possible, we should be able to take the test and then the BII for our professor to sort us up into groups. That group will then form an idea that they will be presenting. After I finished the personality test, I got an ENTP-T or a DEBATER with a specific turbulent personality. Well, after getting that result, it's not like I didn't expect this, or simply I kind of agree with this result that I got. After taking the Personality test, I took the BII or the Berkeley Innovation Index, in which I scored 60.67 out of 100. I don't have such a comment about my BII.
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After taking the Personality test, I took the BII or the Berkeley Innovation Index, in which I scored 60.67 out of 100. I don't have such a comment about my BII.
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Our professor instructed us to form groups of eight people each for our Friday agenda and then choose a topic or subjects from among the 17 GOALS - Sustainable Development Goals. Our lecturer assigned homework in class where we had to select one of the 17 SDGs. Then, we would attempt to create a concept. This device could benefit the neighborhood or provide a long-term solution. The sixth SDG, which ensures that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation, was chosen by our group. We plan to create a device that could clean unfit-to-drink water and then deliver it to a community that lacks clean, sterilized water. To achieve this goal, we vision a trucking system that could provide this drinkable water to the community. For now, this Idea is simply an IDEA that in the future could happen and then help the community.
The particular feeling that I felt during the day was all of us have individual Ideas for specific goals in SDG; it's just that we have only an idea, not the knowledge right now and the sources to help the community. In the future, some of us may be a person who advocates and help people with that kind of need; it's just that for now, our goals and ideas may come true in the future. Furthermore, that particular day reminded me of the past when we presented things on manila paper. We drew things and then reported them. I felt that I got back in the past because of that activity.
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