joanbrionessays · 4 years
Just giving y'all simple yet inspiring pearls of wisdom of mine.
~captured and edited by yours truly💚
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joanbrionessays · 4 years
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Learn how to focus on the things that matter and learn how to look at the bright side of every single thing, just like this photo implies in which the flower is being emphasized which means that life is brimming with various circumstances that can either be positive or negative and it's your choice to choose between the two, but this photograph is telling you to choose the first and forget the second. Find your focus. 🏵️
#Focus #emphasized #Sanguine
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joanbrionessays · 4 years
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I can't help myself falling in love with cotton candy skies and with the aesthetic view of nature that makes me really feel alive.
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joanbrionessays · 5 years
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*Article 6
#Feature story
“Pure love vanquishes everything”
In different places, there are hordes of people and in that diverse places, there are two distinctive persons who might fall in love with one another unexpectedly, in spite of their states in life- beautiful or not, either their complexion is black or white, rich or poor, tall or short, because whatever and whoever they are, love vanquishes everything and there’s the best example for that.
In the municipality of Donsol, province of Sorsogon, there’s a man who is a son of impoverished parents with a sibling of nine. This man is very eager to raising his family from above and so he study hard despite of a huge scarcity in everything-food, clothes, money, medicine, etc. All these scarceness pushed him to struggle in fishing and other jobs while studying. He funded his blood and sweat just to achieve his dreams and goals in life, but agonizingly, he didn’t finished his study, because of an extreme impecuniosity. His dream of finishing his study vanished as easy as bubbles popped out in the water. However, he continued to work hard and faced every battle in his life, until one day he met this brave and peculiar woman who is suchlike with his’ state in life- needful and destitute. This woman is from the municipality of Pioduran, province of Albay, she’s a sibling of eleven that’s why at young age she burned her eyebrows and sacrifice her childhood years. She’s very far from other women in the world- she had experienced different works, because of poverty. She sells fish, she cuts hair, she cleans nails of other people and beautify them, and she even labors in a fishery. She wanted to become a police woman and her personality really suits to her dream, however that dream also faded away as easy as eating peanuts and her determination and patience was tested, but her vision doesn’t stopped there. She continued to strive harder, until she met this man who was the same as her penury situation. The man who’s aforementioned above.
Furthermore, this man named Danilo Ombao Briones who fell in love with Violeta Abino Milan. These two were developed and builded their own family. They have five beautiful daughters and one handsome son. Their marriage is not perfect- they experienced a lot of obstacles in life, they suffer from an extreme impecuniosity, and had a worst fight as husband and wife. But what makes their lives more horrible aside from being penniless is that they lost their third child (their second daughter) - who died because of meningitis. Danilo and Violeta was so devastated for there’s no more hurtful as loosing their own child in their hands. According to Mr. Danilo “ Siguro buhay pa yung anak ko kung hindi binalewala yung sitwasyon niya nung ospital na pinagdalhan namin sakanya sa aming bayan”. Their poor child died at the age of four. According to Mrs. Violeta “ Yung ambulansya na dapat gagamitin namin walang gasulina at walang tumutulong saamin para matransfer siya sa mas maayos na ospital “.
That experience motivated them a lot to really work hard together, because they are brave and driven in making their lives better whatever happens. Mrs. Violeta went abroad and work as a domestic helper while Mr. Danilo was left in their town working as a fisherman and takes care of their children. Mrs. Violeta sacrificed to be far away from her loved ones just to earn money and provide the basic needs of their family. After how many years of being abroad, she went back with full of hope in her mind and heart and ready again to fight the everyday battle.
One day came, Violeta and Danilo have decided to build a fish dealing business, so they worked together as a husband and wife, as a lifetime partner and as good team to boost their business and to make a profit out of it. As they always do, they fund their blood and sweat for it to be successful. They experienced high and low in that business, but they just continue and strive for the best, because they should do it one step at a time. After how many years of sacrifice, their business is ameliorating and continues to grow. Until one day, they just woke up realizing that all their adversities in life were all worth it, because they uplift their lives from rags to riches- not rich because of money, but rich because of love that let them vanquished all.
Their fishing business gave them their dream to build a comfortable home, a home that is very far from the house that they had before, but they will never forget their old house where they started their family, because it’s not just their house, it’s their home. They also let their three children finished their studies. Their eldest daughter is a graduate of Hotel Restaurant and Management, their only son is a graduate of Business Administration, their third daughter is a graduate of Criminology and their two daughters are still studying at Bicol University. They achieved to buy their dream car, their desired clothes, bags, pants, shoes etc., but what makes me love more to hear their stories is because after all the holocausts they had experienced they still manage to say these words- “Huwag na huwag kalilimutan kung saan kayo nanggaling, wag gasta ng gasta, hindi masama bumili ng mga bagay na gusto mo pero dapat paghirapan mo yun at unahin yung mga pinakakailangan, magpakumbaba lagi at higit sa lahat manalig sa Diyos”. They are so strong that they never let their deficiency be a hindrance in making their lives better. Their love is so powerful that up until now they are still working hard and maintain their peculiar personality. They are a true example of how love can improve and mold people, because with pure love, it can vanquish everything.❤️
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joanbrionessays · 5 years
*Article 5
Fair treatment
9:00 AM
The office of the Dean of Bicol University College of Arts and LETTERS (BUCAL) wants to implement equal and fair treatment to all students especially female students with regards to the outfit they are wearing during wash day.
According to Prof. Liliosa Malasa Associate Dean of BUCAL, unfair treatment to female students of security guards with regards to proper dress code during wash day which is every Wednesday is not a good practice. The aforementioned office said that there are really horde of female students who are grumbling about the said matter, because they were not green-lighted by the security guards to enter the campus every Wednesday when wearing skirts, whether it is above the knee or below the knee.
According to Malasa, if there’s a rule then that it should be. She says that if security guards assent some female students to enter the campus when wearing skirts, then they should allow all female students who are wearing skirts for parity. They said that security guards should not just cherry pick those female students to enter the school.
Malasa says that for them, as long as students are going to school and are hell-bent  to learn, therefore whatever they are wearing provided that it is decent in the eyes of many, then there is no problem with that at all. She stresses that students can wear and rejoice their outfits of the day or OOTD as long as it is not revealing-too short or not implying the delicate parts of the body of a person.
She added that they will make an immediate and straightway action regarding the said matter, because according to them they are oppose to unfair treatment especially when it comes to students and they said that they don’t tolerate unbiased and partiality in their school and students either male or female, must be candidly  treated with respect.
Reported by:
Jouana Luz M. Briones
Broad 2B student
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joanbrionessays · 5 years
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*Article 4
"Just let them live and let them fly high as much as they want"
Stop shooting and immuring birds.
Birds aren't toys, they are beautiful living creatures who deserve to live freely and happily.
They are like humans who are longing for sovereignty.
Let us not steal their freedom of soaring high.
Let us not take their lives, cause no one has the right, only our omnipotent creator who is God.
Just let them live and let them fly as much as they want, cause they deserve it, we all deserve it.
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joanbrionessays · 5 years
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*Article 3
"One who knows more is always better than someone who knows little to nothing"
Life is useless if you don't put meaning on it,
and so are books that aren't read by many.
I'm one of that persons who aren't really book lovers,
but I know that reading books  can change our lives and become better.
I'm wondering why it appears to be uncompelling to some including myself?
However, I want to find that enthusiasm in reading,
but, by just holding a book,
laziness strikes me immediately.
How can we survive life if it is full of questions that we can't  answer?
Well, we all know that reading is the key,
but, we don't see and realize it,
cause we were drowned by indolence.
We focus on the things that we already knew,
and don't anymore explore something new.
I think if we change our perspectives in life,
we'll see that one who knows more is always better than someone who knows little to nothing.
Let's us start reading now,
and learn more as we grow older,
let us stimulate on the things that can help us in the future,
and use it as a tool not just for our own but for the world too.
Keep exploring and keep learning through reading.
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joanbrionessays · 5 years
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*Article 2
Sunset reminds me of how blessed I am, despite of all the battles I'm experiencing. I've learned that you need to experience the worst for you to strive for the best, and I've learned how to be grateful to those experiences that didn't turn out the way I want them to, because I've realized that all of the things that I dream to be come true which unfortunately didn't happened, enlightens me that it's part of God's plan and so I trust in him that he has a better plan for me, and for that I don't have to worry because everything happens for a reason and for a purpose, and just like sunset it comes out before it darks, which implies that there's a perfect timing for all us. We don't need to hurry because there will be time that we can proudly say that " I'm so blessed that I've waited for many years and all of the sacrifices I've made were all worth it. Be happy, be proud and be like sunset" . 🌇
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joanbrionessays · 5 years
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*Article 1
There's no exact word that can completely define what love is.
It's something that we just feel accidentally, it's something that makes us happy, sad, fool, prideless, whatever.  Love can change, improve and or destroy people.
I've been through in a worst relationship that no one ever dreamt of. I was cheated on so many times by the man I've considered as my world, I've forgiven him repeatedly, but he continued to cheat on me and abused my feebleness as a woman, until one day I've realized that I don't deserve to be treated that way. I let go of him, I let go all the pain and hate he have caused me, I've realized that my love wasn't valued and treasured, and I've learned that someone is looking and wanting this love that I have , and that someone came into my life surprisingly.  This man accepted my past, embraced my flaws and imperfections.
I've never dreamt of having a perfect guy, all I hope is to have a man who will love and respect me for who I am, because all girls deserve it and so am I. My life has changed and became so colorful because of this man beside me in the picture above. I prayed for him to come into my life and I thank God everyday for hearing and answering that prayer, because it's more than of what I've prayed for.
To all the girls out there, keep in mind that you deserve a man that will accept, love and respect you as a person and as a woman. Don't lose hope, because one day you'll just wake up and say that "I'm so blessed and grateful because I have this faithful man in my life".
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