joaomanuelcutolo · 3 years
We all know the tragic changing process that the animals witness in the Animal Farm, where it slowly transitions from a peaceful, equal, and hope-filled environment, to a dictatorship much alike Jone's. The growing abuse and manipulation that the lower-class animals suffer is sustained by Napoleon and the pigs' compelling speeches, meaningless arguments and made-up stories, that are just as convincing as fake. Had the animals trusted their guts and questioned the pigs, however, they might have realized the institutionalized unfairness and brutality that permeated Animal Farm. What if, coupled with Snowball's idealist values and intellect, the animals turned against Napoleon and organized a new rebellion, as to truly claim for their rights and at last achieve the long-lost dream of an equal farm, envisioned originally by Old Major. 
Three weeks flew by past Boxer’s banquet, but the pain was still fresh; the endless murmuring on the stall kept the animals up until late hours of the night, wondering in remorse what had happened to their good friend, Boxer. Benjamin and Muriel were, more than ever, fully convinced that he had been taken to be slaughtered - for he was no longer useful in the laborial duties to Napoleon -, but the great majority stood alongside Squealer and his version of the history. Only Clover was to be seen in cruel doubt as to what had truly happened. The sheep would most promptly bleat in distress, whenever the matter was brought up, accusing those who didn’t believe in Napoleon and his servants of traitors of the progress and Animalism altogether. “Comrades, do not be fooled by the sincerity and spark in Squealer’s eyes, with which he deviously persuades and manipulates you as pleased, mourning in mockery the death of our dearest friend, as he - and by that, I mean all of the authoritarians who run this place with no regard for animal life - deliberately sentenced Boxer to a horrendous death, as soon as he grew old, too old to be enslaved ahead of the workforce anymore.”, Benjamin passionately discoursed. 
“Don’t listen to him” , protested the sheep, “he… he… he is a…”, but that was about all they could say. That very night, all but the sheep hit the hay closer to the knowledge of the truth, and, for the first time, a feeling of animosity was held in the air toward Napoleon. The following days carried on uneventfully: the work on the windmill, the school and the crops was yet to be done, and clearly at a slower pace with the absence of Boxer’s tremendous strength and inspirational determination. The insatisfaction with the path that the farm was taking grew substantially over time. All of a sudden, Muriel and Benjamin were able to enlighten the animals' visions towards Napoleon's dictatorship and totalitarian acts. "Doesn't it seem a bit odd how the pigs have established privileges for themselves, disrespected the Commandments, and utterly altered the way we were supposed to live, the way Animalism was envisioned by Old Major? Yet, they were able to keep us all reigned in with such exceptional rhetoric in Squealer's speeches." preached Muriel in excitement. "What does all that even mean?" inquired some of the animals. "Comrades, open your eyes, we are living under the same oppression, under the same conditions, as we did in Jones' time! Our food is scarce, our fellow animals are slaughtered, we've worked non-stop for the last few years… And all for what? So that Napoleon keeps on living in the height of luxury, with unlimited food and beverage and absolute power over our community. Have you not, comrades, noticed how they've slowly altered the Commandments, adding bits to the agreed-upon laws so the pigs can get away with the constant harassment they enforce. This must come to an end!"
And, thus, the hype was created amongst the animals. The stall was then filled with euphoria, everyone chanted coordinately Muriel and Benjamin's names; the setting for an upcoming revolution had risen. However, there was still a missing piece: a leader was needed in order to complete the rebellion. 
Days went by, and as the rebellion remained yet stalled, the feeling of excitement grew stronger amongst the animals. Evidently, Muriel and Benjamin were the firsts to be taken into consideration for the job. Afterall, they’re not only the brightest living beings in the farm, but were also the idealists of the New Rebellion, as it was being called. However, they personally refused the proposition, as they claimed it did not match their values: “We’ve all seen what unrestricted power with no mediation forces can do to the integrity of an animal, and I dread the same might very well happen to Muriel or me, if under such title”, explained Benjamin. While being a very noble reason, it didn’t bring any comfort to the other animals. Their savior was, regardless, closer than they could have ever thought. 
It happened precisely three weeks after Boxer’s memorial feast at night. The animals, worn-out from a long day’s work, would set themselves to rest by the peaceful quietness they experienced under the moonlight. When the animals in the stall were close to falling asleep, almost as sudden as the firing of a bullet, came Snowball, stepping out of the fog in great suspense. Yes, the traitor of Animalism, the renegade of the farm, the death-sworn enemy of Napoleon’s reign had come back to the place he once deserted. His return was just as bold as it was shocking for the animals: for the first few instants, no living creature present was able to express any sort of reaction. In an utterly rapid pace, however, they shifted their feeling to rage, and burst out altogether in his direction, seeking nothing less than his head ripped off. “Stop!”, ferociously yelled Muriel. “ Let’s hear him out first”, he added. 
“It is no surprise for me to encounter you, comrades, with such a deep disgust, fury and resentment for me. As well as I know Napoleon, I’m completely aware of what he is able to do in order to get his own way, to manipulate the truth and deceitfully unable others. You see, I was never a spy nor a traitor of Animal Farm; I didn’t come after refuge on neighbour farms; but, most importantly, I didn’t fight on the humans’ side, supporting them with tactical information and military power, in the Battle of the Cowshed. I, as a proud citizen of Animal Farm, fought with every drop of sweat, with every drop of blood… I gave it everything I had, and it cost me a lot, but I did it for a reason: knowing that I was making our dream come closer to reality. During my absence, I had my share of bad decisions, that I can’t deny. I was too embarrassed, or maybe frightened , to come back and contest the unmatched force of Napoleon. Therefore, I stayed hidden in the shadows, like a coward, observing you with a safe distance and, most horrible of all, letting you suffer in the hands of that filthy pig, feeling as voiceless as the masses. Nevertheless, over the course of the last weeks, I was mesmerized with the bravery shown by you all, opting to finally stand up and claim your rights, even if that may cost your life. That is why I came back. I believe in this cause, much like I did at first, when we took over Manor Farm. We, animals, deserve to be treated equally, to have access to healthy amounts of food and be entitled to happiness. I want you all to know that, if you’ll ever take me as your humble servant, your leader, I will lead the animal race to glory once again. Long live us, animals!”
A deafening silence took over the room, tensions ran high, and no one dared to disturb it for the next few minutes. “Long live us, animals.” , Benjamin started chanting. “Long live us, animals! Long live us, animals! Long live us, animals”, the rest continued. And, just like that, the new resistance was formed, alongside the prospect of a better world. 
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