jodiemiracle · 3 years
Kako mi je bilo, dobro je.
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jodiemiracle · 3 years
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reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
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jodiemiracle · 3 years
How to Predict Timing with Tarot
When performing the Celtic Cross, there are three positions that can reveal when the event will happen: The Advice, The Ultimate Outcome, and The Underworld. Acknowledge all these possibilities. But your intuition will tell you which is most likely.
The Fool – Whenever you are ready
The Magician – It has already begun
The High Priestess – You know exactly when
The Empress – During harvest season
The Emperor – It is almost done
The Hierophant – It is finished
The Lovers – As soon as you make the choice
The Chariot – In just a few moments
Strength – The minute you accept it
The Hermit – Only after you meditate on it
The Wheel of Fortune – During your first or next Saturn Return
Justice – When you least expect it
The Hanged Man – When the circumstances change
Death – Whenever it is ready
Temperance – After the storm
The Devil – It is happening right now
The Tower – Soon, unexpectedly and suddenly
The Star – The more you believe, the sooner it will happen
The Moon – It cannot be determined at the moment
The Sun – In the summer or by sunrise
Judgement – Soon and inevitably
The World – In divine timing
Ace of Wands – One day
Two of Wands – Two days
Three of Wands – Three days
Four of Wands – Four days
Five of Wands – Five days
Six of Wands – Six days
Seven of Wands – Seven days
Eight of Wands – Eight days
Nine of Wands – Nine days
Ten of Wands – Ten days
Page of Wands – As we speak
Knight of Wands – End of November to most of December
Queen of Wands – End of March to most of April
King of Wands – End of July to most of August
Ace of Cups – One month
Two of Cups – Two months
Three of Cups – Three months
Four of Cups – Four months
Five of Cups – Five months
Six of Cups – Six months
Seven of Cups – Seven months
Eight of Cups – Eight months
Nine of Cups – Nine months
Ten of Cups – Ten months
Page of Cups – Very soon
Knight of Cups – End of February to most of March
Queen of Cups – End of June to most of July
King of Cups – End of October to most of November
Ace of Swords – One week
Two of Swords – Two weeks
Three of Swords – Three weeks
Four of Swords – Four weeks
Five of Swords – Five weeks
Six of Swords – Six weeks
Seven of Swords – Seven weeks
Eight of Swords – Eight weeks
Nine of Swords – Nine weeks
Ten of Swords – Ten weeks
Page of Swords – Now, behind the scenes
Knight of Swords – End of May to most of June
Queen of Swords – End of September to most of October
King of Swords – End of January to most of February
Ace of Pentacles – One year or one season (3 months)
Two of Pentacles – Two years or two seasons (6 months)
Three of Pentacles – Three years or three seasons (9 months)
Four of Pentacles – Four years or four seasons (one year)
Five of Pentacles – Five years or five seasons (15 months)
Six of Pentacles – Six years or six seasons (18 months)
Seven of Pentacles – Seven years or seven seasons (21 months)
Eight of Pentacles – Eight years or eight seasons (2 years)
Nine of Pentacles – Nine years or nine seasons (2 years and 3 months)
Ten of Pentacles – Ten years or ten seasons (2 years and 6 months)
Page of Pentacles – It will take quite a while
Knight of Pentacles – End of August to most of September
Queen of Pentacles – End of December to most of January
King of Pentacles – End of April to most of May
To Help You Remember:
Wands are days, because they are fire, and fire moves fast.
Swords are weeks, because while a sword is quick to cut, it first requires some thinking on the warrior’s part.
Cups are months, because they are water, and water flows with the moon, which completes a cycle in roughly a month.
Pentacles are seasons to years, because they are seeds, and some seeds only require a season to grow while others need a year.
The timings for the Major Arcana and the Pages are related to the cards’ meanings. Once you know the meanings, you know the timings.
The Kings, Queens and Knights are the Zodiac signs’ birthdays:
King of Wands – Leo (Fixed Fire)
Queen of Wands – Aries (Cardinal Fire)
Knight of Wands – Sagittarius (Mutable Fire)
King of Cups – Scorpio (Fixed Water)
Queen of Cups – Cancer (Cardinal Water)
Knight of Cups – Pisces (Mutable Water)
King of Swords – Aquarius (Fixed Air)
Queen of Swords – Libra (Cardinal Air)
Knight of Swords – Gemini (Mutable Air)
King of Pentacles – Taurus (Fixed Earth)
Queen of Pentacles – Capricorn (Cardinal Earth)
Knight of Pentacles – Virgo (Mutable Earth)
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jodiemiracle · 3 years
Rebloguj ovo da ti se u sljedecih par dana desi neocekivana sreca.
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jodiemiracle · 3 years
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by activism
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jodiemiracle · 3 years
Naucite sinove da je silovanje zlocin, a ne kcerke da njihov izgled moze provocirati muskarca!
-Negdje sam procitao ili cuo
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jodiemiracle · 3 years
Možda jesam staromodna,ali bar znam na kojoj strani koverte i u kom uglu se piše adresa primatelja pisma. Znam i to da adresa pošiljatelja nije obavezna,ali ako je ljubavno pismo,parfem je obavezan.
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jodiemiracle · 3 years
“Ne traži znake. Ti si znak. Ovog puta - do tebe je.”
— recisumojeigracke
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jodiemiracle · 4 years
ja bih ako ti bi :)
Ajde da se malo ne glupiramo više s onim “priznaj da je/ga voliš”, “ne gubite vrijeme”, “budite s onima koje volite”, “ucini prvi potez” i tako dalje i tako bliže. To su sve standardne floskule koje redovno čujemo svuda oko sebe, a dolaze od osoba koje ili su vanserijski sretni u ljubavi ili nemaju pojma kako je VOLJETI nekog, a imati i zrno sumnje da ta osoba ne osjeća isto prema tebi. Da vam ispričam jednu kratku priču o našem nobelovcu, čovjeku genijalcu, romantiku i mangupu koji je više-manje mogao imati bilo koju damu sa Balkana i šire. Radi se Ivi Andriću koji je PAZI SAD, 30 godina bio zaljubljen u jednu ženu, u jednu jedinu ženu!! Na početku su samo bili prijatelji, onda su razmjenjivali pisma, u međuvremenu ona se udala, ali Ivo je prihvatio i druzenje sa njenim mužem samo da bi na bilo koji način bio blizu nje. Nakon toga je napisao i knjigu o njoj i godine su prolazile sve dok njoj nije umro muž. Tada ju je Ivo zaprosio i ostao do kraja zivota uz nju. E sad vi meni recite, ko je njemu garantovao da će dozivjeti te godine, da ce njen muž umrijeti, da će ga na kraju krajeva ona prihvatiti? Šta je to u nama ljudima, pa nam je lakše čekati 30 godina da nekome priznamo ljubav nego uraditi to onako brzo i u jednom potezu poput skidanja flastera. Kad jedan gospodin poput Ive nije skupio hrabrosti za to, nemojte onda ni osuđivati nas obične smrtnike. Lakše je bolan napraviti Tumblr i tu pisati, lakše je na story okačiti pjesmu/citat s posvetom, jednostavnije je glumiti prijatelja i pričati toj osobi o životnim nebulozama nego reći nesto konkretno. Izvlačimo se na filozofiju, na priču o apstrakciji i tako to, produžavamo razgovor, a već je postalo neugodno, jer ja bih jedno ti bi nešto drugo i tako vrtimo se u krug svi redom. Nije lako, ali ni ne treba da bude. Ljubav zna izjesti čovjeka toliko da od njega ne ostane ništa po čemu bi se dalo zaključiti da je tu nekad bio živ čovjek. Ubije i tebe i tvoju vjeru u ljude, u ljubav, u noći pod zvijezadama, u ono “ i u dobru i u zlu”, u pojam vječnosti i odanosti općenito. Nije lako, ali šta jeste? Tako da, nisam ni ja pretjerano kompetentna za ovu priču, ali samo eto da se zna da smo svi tako stidni i sramežljivi kad su te stvari u pitanju… Ostaje nada da će nam se nekad ipak posrećiti i da ti nebeski režiseri ipak promjene malo scenario našeg života…. 🌠✨
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jodiemiracle · 4 years
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Čudni su magneti u nama. Ništa nas ne privlači tako dobro kao odbijanje.
- Đorđe Balašević
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jodiemiracle · 6 years
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Welcome to Corg school. I will be your teacher, Professor Flufflepuff
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jodiemiracle · 6 years
Why Do People Put Locks On Bridges To Declare Their Love?
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The first “love locks” bridge was not in Paris, which has the most famous example, but in Serbia! Specifically in a town called Vrnjačka Banja. Shortly before the World War I, a young man and woman fell in love in Vrnjačka Banja. They would meet every night at the Most Ljubavi bridge. But the man went into the military, and while abroad, he met and fell in love with someone else. The young woman died of heartbreak, or so the story goes. Superstitious local women began going to the bridge, writing the names of themselves and their lovers on padlocks, and locking them to the bridge, in the hope that it would bind their paramours to home.
The tradition was slowly forgotten after World War I. Until a Serbian poet, Desanka Maksimović, heard the story and wrote a poem about it. The tradition was revived but only in Vrnjačka Banja.
So how did love lock bridges become a worldwide phenomenon? It probably comes from a single Italian writer named Federico Moccia. He wrote a book, published in 2006, called I Want You. It featured a couple who put a love lock on a lamp post on Rome’s 2100-year-old Ponte Milvio bridge. The book took off, and a movie was made, and the rest as they say is history!
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jodiemiracle · 6 years
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#macho #icecream #frikom
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jodiemiracle · 7 years
#avon #onlineshopping ➡️www.avon.uk.com/store/Agnes Free direct delivery all #Luton #England #anglia #UK when you spend £30 or more ❤️ #awesome #avonrep #avonrepresentatives #makeup #mark #matte #lipstick #foundation #eyeliner #eyeshadow #mattelipstick #glimmerstick #mascara and more…. 👀www.konsultantka-anglia.co.uk 🎈 (at Luton)
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jodiemiracle · 7 years
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jodiemiracle · 9 years
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jodiemiracle · 9 years
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