joebgarzaattorney · 10 years
What to do to Make the Most of Your Tax Dollars
We're more than half way through 2014: Where does your business stand in relations to taxes?
Last week, a client of mine had an awful bombshell when I completed his tax form and disclosed he owed a lot of money to the Internal Revenue Service. His first reaction was to be mad at the mediator. Even so, upon careful reflection, he explained, "Well, I should have come to see you last year when my new product took off the way it did. I knew I was making a lot more money." He's right. Any time there is a considerable adjustment to your business's bottom line (in either red or black), it's time for a visit to your tax pro. In fact, everyone who operates a small business should take advantage of the mid-year off season to sit down with a tax professional to talk about their financial statements and probable tax liabilities. It's infinitely easier to create and put a strategy in place today than to run around at year end overturning pails of water on all the tiny fires that have been brewing all year. Here are some methods to go over with your tax pro to enrich your tax situation and ideally keep working capital in your bank account rather than in Uncle Sam's pocket:.
Start a retirement plan.
If you're finally a few dollars ahead and do not have a retirement fund, now's the time to open one. Here's the bonus: it's deductible!
Talk with a dermine what kind of plan best suits your needs.
There are a broad range of mechanisms from Individual 401(k) plans to SEP IRAs to EASY plans that may or may not require you to include employees in the plan.
If a plan entails employee participation, do not rapidly dismiss it.
Opening a retirement plan for your workforces could be a significant way to give raises that don't require the extra cost of employer paid payroll taxes. Read IRS Publication 560 for more information.
Evaluate your legal structure.
Take the time to look at whether or not your company is functioning optimally in its existing entity structure. You may have started out as a sole proprietorship and have outgrown it. It is certainly important to evaluate entity structure if your company is currently netting more than $100,000 per year.
Be aware that if you incorporate, you'll probably now be required to take funds out of the business via payroll rather than simple draws.
There is a lot more paperwork involved under this status, but the tax perks and security that a corporation offers may turn out to be more beneficial. Always explore these possibilities with your attorney and tax pro before making a choice.
Offer employee benefits.
People are our most valuable business asset and should be treated keeping that in mind. There are many employee benefits that are not taxable to either the staff member or the business. Check out IRS Publication 15-B, Guide to Fringe Benefits to find out more on this subject. You will save your money in payroll taxes while you produce a better working environment for your employees.
Purchase furniture and equipment.
The IRS has always recompensed outlays for capital assets by offering the Section 179 Deduction. This particular deduction allows the immediate expensing of capital assets rather than depreciating them over their useful lives. Be warned however. This year, the limit for purchases decreased from $500,000 to $25,000. However, Congress will be looking into extending that ceiling probably sometime during fourth quarter. You can start putting money aside for the purchases now.
Perform forecasts.
Take a good look at your financial statements. Run a profit and loss and compare it to the prior year profit and loss through the end of June. Are there considerable changes? Are you expecting an increase or decrease in sales and/or expenses through the end of the year? It's a straightforward matter to export your data from QuickBooks into Excel wherein you can play with the figures to determine what your year-end bottom line will be. Impart that data with your tax pro to find out if you must change your planned tax payments accordingly.
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
Joe Garza - Attorney at Garza Harris, Ltd. - Explains Why Saving is Imperative to Youngsters
Perhaps you've recently graduated and have landed your first full-time job, you could think it is rather soon to start being concerned with saving and investing your money. That really couldn’t be farther from the truth. No matter how you approach at it, the earlier you start putting money away, the more you can expect to have later. And, starting to manage your income early on will surely make things way better in the future if you, say, want to put a down payment on a house or planning for retirement. The cultivation of wise financial habits can bring lasting rewards later in life. These initial financial suggestions will help you find a bit of financial footing and start investing in your future.
Expect the unexpected.
When you start to ponder long-term career goals, make certain you have made a gameplan set that addresses your current situation. Particularly that should include paying off any private/government student loans you may owe. With loans that carry an interest rate of 5-6% or more, it’s important that you take care of these loans as soon as possible—especially since government-issued student loans are the hardest type to finish paying off. The current law makes it very hard to forgive federal student loans in the instance of bankruptcy. Understandably, few people actually anticipate going bankrupt, but an important part of preparing a fiscally secure future is to anticipate debt before other obligations make your life get even more complex. One of the last things you want is old debt looming over your head as you're getting ready for a family or considering looking for a home.
In addition to paying off your debt from student loans, it is also incredibly important that you put away an emergency savings fund. At some point in the near future, you could get hit with some unexpected expenses. If you have to shell out the bill for major surgery or an unexpected car repairs, you'll be able to thank yourself for setting the money aside to begin with, and therefore sparing yourself from unexpected.
Identify your future goals.
Even if you don’t have your whole life mapped out, chances are you've got a little bit of feel for your major interests and priorities. If you'd like to travel the world while you're still young, your saving strategy are really going to look quite different than those of a person who would like to to retire at an early age. Deciding on your future goals will help decide how much he or she needs to put away every week. Experts even advise young people to set aside as much as one-third of their monthly income, while others say to save at least 10% of their money. Whatever amount you decide on, be sure to set aside capital for whatever your important goals are (from owning a home, to buying a car, to paying off debt) on a monthly basis so that none of your goals gets unaddressed.
The benefit of good saving habits is that you won’t begin to get used to a type of lifestyle that you later find out is very expensive. It’s alwaysfar easier to start out modest and work your way up than it is to get rid of the things you used to enjoy.
Joe Garza - Attorney Advice for Upcoming Professionals
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
Garza Talks Tech-Heavy Tax-Filing Protocols for 2014
All the time, laws about the IRS become more convoluted, and transform in order to help (and disappoint) different taxpayers. This year, you will definitely to see several changes to income tax, including inflation adjustments to dozens of tax items, new policies for same-sex partners, and even some drawbacks for {not buying health insurance through either not having signed up for health care. One defining part of this year's legislationtax filing season might be its postponement by several weeks, courtesy of the infamous government shutdown of 2013. But, this year will also be the beginning of a different style of national tax change — not only in terms of how we pay, but also with how we file.
2014's 'Improved' Federal Tax-Filing Guide
Not long ago, the IRS publicly disclosed a “newly revised comprehensive tax guide,” or, as some people call it, Publication 17: an initiative that will assist citizens file their taxes better in 2014. Publication 17 boasts greater interactivity and tips for “tax-saving opportunities.” Among the additions made to the IRS guide is educational material on the American Opportunity Tax Credit, impacting enrolled college kids and their guardians, and also Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit.
Administered by the Internal Revenue Service since the 40's, the new edition of the guide still contains info on reporting earnings, capital gainst, IRA’s and other basic content. Still, at nearly 300 pages, it's unlikely that your average tax-payer make time to consume the take full advantage of the resource. Considering the growing complexity of Federal income tax, it comes as no surprise that the IRS posts almost daily updates to instructions and forms on its website.
Fewer Face-to Face Assistive Resources
Publication 17 exhibits a seminal shift from in-person help resources, and toward many more online resources to assist people in getting through their taxes.
Reductions in the IRS budgets — as a result of sequestration 2013 — mean that there will be far fewer resources for face-to-face tax filing assistance. Rather than having a human representative, taxpayers will be referred to a multitude of online referential materials, including over 13k official partnering (volunteer) sites, and resources on the IRS's offical website - like the IRS 'Free File' program. Even the most basic inquiries will now be addressed with online resources or through one of the IRS' many hotlines. With such online assimilation becoming so ubiquitous, it's rational that the federal government would start offering more of its info in the form of online resources.
More Services Can Be Accessed Online
Though many people will probably be frustrated by the lack of assistance in the form of human interaction, there will be others will be happy to know they can address more tax-related issues online than ever. Now, taxpayers can look at and complete their tax forms on the web. The IRS will also continue to provide Employee Identification Numbers via IRS.gov. Finally, to avoid dealing with inquiries about the status of tax refunds over the phone, the IRS will now handle all related questions on IRS.gov as well.
Texas Lawyer Discusses Pivotal Halliburton Legal Battle | Tax Court Has A Cow Over Estate Plan
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
Attorney Joe Garza Explains Supreme Court Case Involving Oil Titan
Oil giant Halliburton recently asked the United States Supreme Court to review an important Supreme Court Case, Erica P. John Fund v. Halliburton. To be certain, the Erica P. John Fund (the “Fund”) is a shareholder of the oil company. The Fund’s years-old legal war with Halliburton comes from the notion that Halliburton falsely reported important information about its activities with shareholders; for instance, Halliburton is now being accused of overstating income and mitigating possible liabilities. Because of this, the Fund insists on having its lawsuit against the defense (Halliburton) recognized as a class action lawsuit (CAL) - a type of lawsuit that is brought on behalf of a group of people experiencing similar injuries. A class action lawsuit allows Erica P. John Fund to litigate on behalf of all Halliburton shareholders, effectively increasing the damages on the table in the case.
The New York Times just featured a relevant analysis of the Halliburton case, should it agree to hear the case. The Times publication explains how the majority of these types of lawsuits involve the idea of “reliance”, saying that the litigation - or in this case, shareholders behaved in reliance of the company's fraudulent operations. The Supreme Court has a myriad interpretations of "reliance". In order to reasonably imply reliance, a shareholder doesn't need to read a prospectus and the fraudulent statements it contains. Rather, courts view any criminal statements made by a corporation that is also accepted by the public that has any bearing on its financial value and is incorporated into the total price of the its securities. The Supreme Court justifies this view based on the ground that markets will price securities with all available market information, something that is widely encouraged in the study of finance. Nevertheless, even though most shareholders/investors don't exhaustively analyze financial statements and prospectuses made publicly available by the companies with whom they invest; they can still prove “reliance” provided that they can prove that they have acquired securities of the business. As more shareholders are able to show reliance, these types of suits become easier.
In their request to the Supreme Court to re-open the case, Halliburton suggested that it will contest that the court’s current definition of reliance is too broad. It will argue that the Court should interpret reliance as requiring shareholders to do more than just purchase securities; for instance, the court could start by requiring shareholders to read a financial statement or fraudulent prospectus. This kind of an argument could definitely get strong support from the greater business community.
As the Times piece illustrates, in 2012 in an unrelated case, four members of the Court stated that they would be willing to overrule the former, vast interpretation of “reliance.” If the Halliburton case eventually makes it to the Supreme Court, the crucial question will be about whether they can get a much-needed fifth vote on the Court. 
More by Attorney Joe Garza
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
FISC Questions Arise Amid NSA Scandal
In early Summer 2013, The Washington Post and The Guardian both released stories disclosing information about the NSA's domestic surveillance tactics. Then, about a month after that, The New York Times ran two additional stories highlighting the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), the court handles warrant requests for the NSA.
Started by 1978's Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, the FISC consists of eleven judges making up the court and currently includes United States Chief Justice, John Roberts. Each request from the NSA is handled by just a single FISC judge, and the ultimate rulings may be challenged in an appeals court. However, since the FISC will normally grant the government's request for a warrant, an appeal is seldom necessary. To illustrate this, consider that in 2012 the FISC accredited 1,788 of the 1,789 government requests for surveillance orders - the only exception was the one request that was withdrawn by the government, itself. In its infancy, the FISC usually provided warrants relating to wiretapping, however, as technology (and its relation to terrorism) continues to become more powerful, the government has insisted that FISC's authority be expanded.
While national security threats have to be taken very seriously, the FISC's powers do not necessarily align with what we recognize as the primary American Legal System. For example, the Fourth Amendment guarantees that "The right of individuals to be protected in their persons, effects, papers, and houses, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be broken, and no Warrants shall release, however upon probable source ..." In its rulings, the FISC still acknowledges the precedent of the Fourth Amendment, but sources like The New York times have been vocal about their concerns that the special court is turning into a near "parallel Supreme Court" in its breadth of jurisprudence.
Few of the FISC's court decisions are made publicly available, so they currently do not attract much public debate. The only group who gains an audience with the FISC is the American Government, which differs greatly from the traditional adversarial system that American legal thought was founded upon. Furthermore, FISC judges are chosen by a single person, and their selection does not require additional approval or oversight from a secondary party. This way of choosing new judges arouses suspicion that the court disregards ideological variety, and fails to represent the spectrum of different political that exist outside the court.
As early as the attacks on September 11, 2001, and even as recently as the 2013 NSA fiasco, issues about nationwide security and surveillance have somewhat clarified exactly what it is the FISC does, but the court itself is still mostly shrouded in secrecy. Nevertheless with unprecedented technological advancement that threatens to facilitate the next devastating terrorist attack, problems surrounding the FISC could become more politically popular, and may even start gaining attention in various politcial campaigns. More can be read at thecapitalpress.com.
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
Chinese Policymakers Crack Down on Shadow Banking
The term "shadow banking" is becoming more and more common in the language surrounding China's economy. The nation that has certainly propelled itself to the top of the global list of economic powers is now gradually slowing down in terms of financial growth, with experts suggesting that this year's will have been the most meager increase in the nation's economy since 1990. Naturally, as the growth begins so slow, the inflation begins to speed up, and The People's Bank of China is incapable of offering savers a deposit rate that can confidently outpace the rate of inflation. This if forcing savers, lenders, and borrowers alike to find alternative methods of preserving and improving the value of their assets through the unofficial financial system dubbed "shadow banking".
Since the nation's centralized bank offers such a paltry return - if any - on deposits, and with the system's alleged preference for large enterprises, companies and wealthy investors, many people on the local levels are turning to shadow banking for an ostensibly more valuable financial interaction. Rather than maintaining the country's official deposit rate, smaller banks are lending to state-owned companies, who will then re-lend the money to a private trust at a higher interest rate. Of course, this allows the money to circumvent the unattractive national interest rates endorsed by TPBC. The public's lack of confidence in the centralized banking system has many private entities preferring the unofficial "shadow" system, and many others funneling money into areas like real estate: not so much to grow an investment, but rather to simply preserve value.
In order to send a stern message to this underground financial system, Chinese policymakers have made several efforts to stifle the activity of the shadow system. These officials are concerned that the lending happening in China could create a similar financial "bubble" to the one that destroyed the American housing market. In expressing its disapproval of the shadow system, TPBC witheld funds from smaller affiliates earler in June of this year. The temporary loss of resources sent local banks into a lending frenzy, launching the overnight lending rate for the month to 13% - a figure that's about 10% higher than the average 3% rate. While TPBC resumed normal lending operations shortly thereafter, the tactic appeared to have succeeded in sending a message to the lower banking levels.
Chinese officials are doubtful whether the nation's economy can operate with any predictable stability so long as the shadow system continues to be an issue. Policymakers have been very vocal about wanting to put China's economy back on course with a healthier, more sustainable financial infrastructure. It will be interesting to see whether the centralized bank's threats toward local systems are enough to suffocate the shadow system, and return China to more reliable economic practices.
More News: Tax Court Has Cow Over Estate Plan
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
Global Tax Manipulation Being Tackled by IRS
If you have been reading the news lately, then you would well know that many global companies are now in the hot seat as the IRS further scrutinizes their global practices in reducing tax liability. This gambit is set to change with newer rules being enacted by the Global Summit and the IRS that could change the offshore tax landscape forever.
The IRS refers to this type of income as “stateless income.” It infers to global and large corporations such as the likes of Apple, Starbucks and Hewlett-Packard, who have successfully evaded paying billions in taxes by using offshore havens and subsidiary corporations to veil domestic taxable income and instead shelter it in lower tax havens where they pay out far less. And now, the IRS and the Global Summit are cracking down and saying that enough is enough.
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the IRS, they are actually calling it tax manipulation. Both entities agree that the current tax standards on these corporations simply are not working as intended. The European Union is on board, too, including the G20, which includes the wealthiest 20 nations in the world. As these nations seek to recoil from looming recessions, they are going after companies that have historically evaded untold billions in tax liabilities using grey area loopholes that will soon be amended.
Experts estimate that by the year 2012, Apple, Inc had avoided paying nearly as much as $9 billion in taxes by using stateless income and offshore havens. The report was released by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in May of this year, and attested that Apple was misleading the government by using these havens; something that CEO Tim Cook fervently denied was illegal.
At last estimate, the IRS says that companies based in the U.S. currently hold more than $1.5 trillion in offshore assets.
While there are plenty of ways to legally reduce your tax liability, offshore tax havens are becoming far more scrutinized. Texas attorney Joe Garza (B) is an asset planning and complex business tax transaction attorney with more than 30 years of experience.
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
Lawyer Joe Garza Offers Advice On How to Become a Lawyer in Texas Certified by the Texas State Bar Association
Do you want to practice law in the state of Texas? Well, preparing adequately for a career in law can significantly enhance your chances of making it. This article focuses on how to become a lawyer in Texas.
1. Attain a Bachelor's Degree If you aspire to join the Texas bar, you should take up a four-year degree course. This also necessitates that you be a high school graduate in the first place. However, the American Bar Association (ABA) and by extension the Texas State Bar Association do not require that you take up a specific undergraduate course to be admitted to law school. However, you may wish to sharpen your writing and speaking skills (which are useful in practice of law) by taking appropriate short-term courses, though these won't count as qualification for entry into law school. Just make sure you earn a university degree from an institute accredited by a national or regional accreditation agency, which must be recognized by the U.S Department of Education.
2. Take the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) Prepare well and take the LSAT to be admitted into an ABA-approved law school. Preparations for the LSAT may include taking up LSAT prep courses or attending LSAT seminars at a fee. Make sure to sharpen your capacity for logical thinking, analysis and comprehension, as these will be tested. You may take the LSAT in February, June, September/October, or December, depending on when you wish to join law school.
3. Apply to Law School in Texas As per the Texas Board of Law Examiners, you must graduate from an ABA-approved law school, to become a lawyer in Texas. Thus, having passed the LSAT, you should apply to an accredited law school of your choosing. Four things must accompany your application to law school: your LSAT scores, academic transcripts, personal statement and letters of recommendation. Make personal visits to your preferred Texas law school and familiarize yourself with its learning environment and perquisites for successful application. Prepare well your personal statement and make sure to demonstrate what value you're going to add, how the school is going help you and why you should be considered for admission. Also, make sure the letters of recommendation come from people who know you personally, not necessarily legal practitioners. If admitted to law school, utilize the following three years of studying well and graduate with a degree in law.
4. Take the State of Texas Bar Exam Even though you've graduated with a law degree, you're not yet a Texas lawyer until you've been admitted to the Texas Bar. At this stage, you should apply to take the Texas Bar Examination, which takes three days to complete. For successful application to the Texas Bar Exam, you must be at least 18 years old, a US citizen or legalized national/resident alien, on top of the qualifications mentioned above. If you pass the test, you'll be sworn in at a ceremony and officially admitted to the Texas Bar.
However, you're not off the hook until successful completion of Mandatory Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) within two years of entry to the Texas Bar. Once you do that, you can become a licensed practicing attorney like Texas Lawyer Joe Garza, who is certified by the Texas State Bar Association.
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
Dallas Attorney Joe B. Garza Delivers Tips on How to Get Certified by the Texas State Bar Association (TBA.org)
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Introduction  Are you looking to become a lawyer in Texas? Whether you live there or are considering moving there, there are a few simple steps that you can take to get the career in law you desire. Hopefully you've already completed your hard core seven years of law education after graduating high school, so now you need to learn how to become certified by the Texas State Bar Association. In the year 1974, the Texas Board of Legal Specialization was established by the Supreme Court of Texas to certify attorneys in legal specialty areas. There are many important steps you need to take for this process. You can download a 2013 application form online. The most important thing to remember is that you basically only get two chances at becoming a certified lawyer. More information about that is discussed in the Take the Test section. Use the following steps offered by Dallas Attorney Joe B. Garza to prepare for and get certified by the Texas State Bar Association (TBA.org). Prepare Yourself and Study for the Application Process. 1. Download a 2013 sample application form to prepare yourself for the real deal. Review it carefully and be aware of everything required of you. You won't be able to actually apply until the year 2014 applications come out, however. 2. Next, determine what your CLE (Continuing Legal Education) standing to a specific specialty area is by reviewing your TBLS (Texas Board of Legal Specialization) CLE Summary Report. There is a minimum requirement of sixty (60) hours, which only allows TBLS approved courses. 3. Find courses that are applicable to your education and skills by using the TBLS Approved Course Search. 4. Your next step is to wait until the year 2014 applications are available. While waiting for them, you can continue to study the 2013 application. Fill out the 2014 application as soon as it becomes available. There is an application fee. You can pay online or send a check. 5. Now, a TBLS Certification Analyst will get a hold of you as soon as they receive your application, and ask you for any additional information that is required. They will make sure your application checks out, then an Advisory Commission will vote on your application to see if you are eligible to pursue your skills. A lot of waiting may be involved here, so it's best to be as patient as you can. Take the Test. 1. If you are approved by the TBLS specialty area Advisory Commission, you will receive information about registering for the exam. This also requires a fee, and you will only have TWO chances to pass the examination. They are administered only once a year and they take an entire day. If you do not pass the first time you take it, you have to wait until the following year; if you don't pass the second time, you will not be considered eligible again. You can find attorney exam specifications online, which will go over material on the exam and help you to prepare for it. You will then receive your results in the mail. 2. If you pass the examination and the TBLS is satisfied with your skills and qualifications, you will be awarded a Certificate of Special Competence.
You can find even more helpful information from Dallas Attorney Joe B. Garza about Texas State Bar Association (TBA.org) here.
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
Texas Attorney Joe B. Garza Outlines How to Become Certified by the Texas State Bar Association
The following are steps to becoming a certified lawyer in Texas: · Get a Texas Undergraduate Pre-Law Education: For you to be accepted into an ABA- accredited law school, you must graduate with a bachelor's degree from an accredited institution. Graduates should also have good reasoning skills, analytical abilities, comprehension skills and the ability to think deductively and inductively. Good majors for pre-law students include history, political science, sociology, psychology and philosophy. · Pass the Texas Law School Admission Test: To be admitted into an ABA approved law school, you have to pass the Law School Admission test. · Apply to an American Bar Association Law School: After passing the LSAT exam, you can now apply to an ABA law school. · Take the Texas State Bar Exam: After graduating from law school, you are now ready for the final stage that is to apply for the Texas state bar exam. You can learn more about how to become certified by the Texas State Bar Association by checking out articles here: http://www.attorneyjoegarza.info/2013/05/joe-b-garza-tba-certified-attorney-tips.html   
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
How to become a successful attorney Like TBA.org Certified Texas Lawyer Joe B Garza
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In Texas, lawyers serve as an important part of the society. They don't only represent individual clients but also works with major corporate, criminal issues or civil issues. If you are planning to become a TBA certified attorney, you must be properly dedicated to your goal. Let's take a look at the steps you have to follow before becoming a certified attorney.
Bachelor Degree Is The Basic Requirement: The basic requirement of the Tennessee Board of Law Examiners for any candidates is having a bachelor degree from a college that is approved by the Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. You can enroll in a course that covers speaking in public, criminal justice as well as communication. Focus on improving written and logic skills which will build up your framework as a future lawyer.
Hurdle 1- the LSAT Examination: After graduation, the immediate hurdle you have to face is the Law School Admission Test. Guides for the exam are available in the official website. Applications are offered in February, June, October and December. The test is submitted online via the Law School Admission Council. Minimum marks required for passing is 120. The result will be emailed to you within 3 weeks after the examination. To get in reputed universities you need to achieve a higher score. The popular ones are University Of Memphis, Vanderbilt University Law School and University of Tennessee College of Law, all of them are approved by the American Bar Association. Hurdle 2- the BAR Examination: After completion of the course, you can apply for internship. By the written approval of the Tennessee Supreme court, you can practice as a lawyer under a senior lawyer or on behalf of a person who cannot afford to hire an attorney. Completion of the joint degree and internship allows you to appear in the Tennessee State Bar Examination. The result of the 2 day examination is released after 6 weeks.
After passing the Bar Exam, you have to swear an oath in a formal ceremony and thereby, you complete your quest in becoming an attorney who is a member of TBA like TBA.org Certified Texas Lawyer Joe B Garza.
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
How to Study to Be a Texas lawyer – Tips by Texas State Bar Association (TBA.org) Certified Texas Lawyer Joe Garza
Texas Board of Law Examiners requires that you must acquire a bachelor degree qualification from a credible institution that is approved by the U.S. Department of Education. With such education qualification, you will be considered eligible to join any of the law schools approved by the Bar Association. Practicing Texas Lawyer Joe Garza, who is certified to practice law by the Texas State Bar Association (TBA State Bar), offers helpful studying tips to make the most of your legal career.
There are several legal practice opportunities in Texas that you can consider. Besides, native America law, there are 21 law practice certifications areas you can study and specialize in Texas state. To achieve this, you have to study and work ahead to attain the required qualification to become an attorney in this American state. Pre-Law School Admission Program It is essential to note that the board does not specify which areas you need to major in your undergraduate program. However, to be admitted in any of the Texas law schools, the school's admission office will evaluate your personal attributes and abilities such as reasoning, in-depth comprehension of facts and analytical skills. Additionally, you should be able think creatively, deductively and comparatively. In order to develop these skills or abilities your course work should cover any or some of these areas human psychology, political and social sciences, literature, English and foreign languages, history and creative arts. Law School Admission Test Once your application is approved by the law school admission office, you should begin preparing for Law School Admission Test (LSAT). There are several free study resources and past papers you can available on the LSAT website. You can obtain these materials to help you prepare and revise for the test. You can also opt for LSAT remedial or preparation classes and workshops to prepare for the admission test. Law School Curriculum and Requirements To be admitted into the Texas legal practice bar you have to attend any of the 200 ABA approved law schools in the USA. You can obtain the list of the ABA accredited law schools from the ABA-LSAC Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools. As a law student you need to study and work hard to cover course work areas in your undergraduate program to obtain a J.D degree. Some of the core areas you are required to be proficient in are: 1). Legal analysis and reasoning 2). Substantive law 3). Legal research and writing 4). Problem solving 5). Oral communication 6). Professional Conduct, history, structure and rules of the American Bar Association 7). Additional professional skills that are relevant to law practice procedures 8). Internship and actual law court procedures Texas State Bar Exam Before you are admitted into the bar, you have to sit and pass Texas State Bar Exam. Further, you must sit for and pass Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE) of the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBEX). You will be admitted to the bar and allowed to practice once you attain the required Texas Bar Exam and MPRE scores.
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
Dallas Lawyer Joe B. Garza Offers Suggestions on Finding a Car Accident Attorney
Since car accidents are not intentional and can happen any time, it is better for people to get insured prior to this period. If you are operating with an insurance security company, this may cover life, family and property. Depending on the aspect you are getting insured on, it also important to be educated of this process. This will help you claim your rights when the unforeseen incident occurs. In case you have already open an account with an insurance company and finally got involved in an auto collision, car accident attorney can help you claim your rights. In most cases, if your insurance company is trying to ignore your presence by not reacting to the car accident, the legal practitioner know how to fight for you. Since you are entitled to car repair and other benefits from an insurance company, simple contact a lawyer prior fight this case. Use this guide by Dallas Lawyer Joe B. Garza to learn when it’s time to call a lawyer for your case. The legal practitioner will be able to use the law on your insurance company to pay your compensation. This will involve repairing your car if you have one and taking care of your accident bills prior accusing the guilty party. Lawyers that are qualified in this field will deal directly with insurance companies to help victims of circumstance get the full compensation that they deserve. On this note, it is better to make good plans prior contacting your insurance company if they fail to obey the terms and condition of operation. The car accident attorney will be able to go through the insurance company terms and conditions and make things clear before them. With this step, victims will be able to get all that they are entitled to when car accident occur. You can depend on the service of accredited lawyer for this whole thing to become a reality. Victims can consult a reputable legal practitioner prior going to their insurance company.
Read some more beneficial articles by Dallas Lawyer Joe B. Garza.
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joebgarzaattorney · 11 years
Joe B Garza Explains Why You Need an Accident Lawyer
Everyone knows that it is important to have a good lawyer. Today, a good lawyer can help a lot and it can make life easier. Each year, millions of people are injured and thousands die from a car accident. In 2005, there were 38.000 car accidents causing death. Not only do we care about the physical and emotional trauma that occurs during a car accident, but also in the problem in terms of monetary costs arising as a result of a car accident. Last year, Americans spent more than $ 719.2 million in costs related to auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, and many other kinds of accidents. Learn more tips about why you need an accident lawyer in this article by Joe B Garza.
Some car accidents or motorcycle accidents do not result in serious injury or require a lawsuit, but you will be informed of their legal rights and be prepared to contact a lawyer specializing in car accidents and motorcycle accidents.
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured due to a car accident or a motorcycle accident, you deserve the help of a good accident lawyer. An accident lawyer will help you to understand the complications of law and fight for their rights. If you or a family member has been part of a car accident, train accident, motorcycle accident, boating accident or boat, or any other kind of accident, accident lawyer will help you with your situation.
An accident lawyer has a lot of experience representing victims of all types of accidents who have suffered head injuries, neck injuries, back injuries, death, paralysis, paraplegia, broken bones, concussions and many other kinds of serious injuries. Your physical and emotional state is very important to risk them.
Do not waste time before you find out your options - restrictions on the status of limitations can compromise your situation before you receive the compensation you deserve. If you believe you have a claim, contact an accident attorney in your area as soon as possible.
Don’t forget to read more related articles by Joe B Garza.
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joebgarzaattorney · 12 years
Joe Garza Attorney Tip: How An Accident Lawyer Can Help A Client In A Number Of Different Ways
Use the following Joe Garza attorney tips to learn more about how many different ways an auto accident attorney helps their clients. You’d be surprised at the size of the job that these lawyers have before them. Learn more about how they help you in this article.
Attorneys An accident lawyer needs to be able to offer a good initial consultation. The attorney needs to be able to make sure their client is aware of the opportunities that they have available to them. The representation that the attorney offers has to be good enough to make sure you are comfortable with your case, especially if the case ends up going to court. Case Results A good settlement can end up putting someone in a better financial situation after they have suffered a very serious injury. You want to be able to look at different testimonials that people have offered, verifying how good an accident lawyer is at their craft. A good attorney will also highlight some of their best cases where they are able to show that they got their clients a very good result. A potential client may also ask about different presentations and seminars that an attorney has given or been involved with. The seminars and presentations may give a potential client a good idea as to whether or not they will end up hiring an extremely good attorney. The past case results are something that can make the biggest difference in the end. Associations If an attorney is a part of a number of different, credible legal associations then that can create a lot of positive buzz. An attorney that is a part of a number of these organizations should land a larger number of clients. A client that has become completely disabled should be able to find a quality accident lawyer to protect their interests in both the short term and the long term. A good accident attorney is something that you can recommend to friends and family members that may have been through an extremely bad situation. A quality accident lawyer should be able to speak well in front of a jury.
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joebgarzaattorney · 12 years
Joe B Garza Attorney – Getting Relief from Debts Legally – KEY BENEFITS
Everyone deserves a second chance at their finances. That’s why there are laws in place that allow you to redo your finances every seven years if you mess things up. This bankruptcy statute helps more people get back on their feet than you could imagine. It’s a legal form of debt relief that basically grants you a second chance. Keep reading this article by Joe B Garza attorney to learn more about the benefits of bankruptcy.
Fresh Start
The primary reason to consider filing for a Chapter 7 – also known as the “fresh start” bankruptcy – is that you can wipe out most types of bad debts. There are a few that are excluded, such as student loans or back taxes. All other debt types can be eradicated legally, and you can keep your property in most cases.
Stop Collectors
Collectors are no fun; that’s the plain truth. But they won’t stop hounding you until they get paid. If you don’t pay them, they will sue you and garnish your wages. But with a Chapter 7, you essentially stop them dead in their tracks. The debt is gone, and they have no legs to stand on.
Rebuild Your Credit
While a Chapter 7 will mar your credit initially, you can rebuild it rather quickly. It’s better to swoop away your debt in one swoosh than allow bad debts to continuously destroy your credit rating. In about three years, you can build your credit back up.
Don’t forget to check out other blog rolls by Joe B Garza Attorney.
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joebgarzaattorney · 12 years
Joe B Garza Attorney Tips on Gaining Credible Legal Counsel
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It can be one stressful affair whenever you find yourself in need of legal counsel. No matter the reason for requiring a lawyer, it’s a stressful aspect that you need to approach with care and with diligence. You can use some tips along the way that can greatly aid you in your quest for expert legal advice and counsel. Use these free tips by Joe B Garza Attorney on how to find a lawyer that’s amazing, and fast.
Finding a Lawyer
Finding a lawyer is the toughest part for most people. You want a person you can trust, that you can rely upon and that you can confide in for having your best interests in mind.
·         Use review sites to find high peer ranked lawyers
·         Read ratings sites to see how lawyers stack up
·         Ask for a referral from family and friends
·         Research local sites like Yelp to find an attorney
Reviewing Your Case
Don’t just decide on the first lawyer you find. Avoid this mistake at all costs. Rather, it’s a good idea to try and consider at least two or three. Request an initial consultation for case review. Meet with each lawyer and gauge your experience with them.
Making a Decision
After you have followed the aforementioned steps, you can more easily and confidently make your final decision. Be sure that you consider all the important aspects involved, and that you feel confident about their abilities before hiring them.
You can read some more helpful articles by Joe B Garza Attorney on his numerous websites and blogs.
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