joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
January 12, 2020
I am from Chicagoland, meaning the suburbs of Chicago. That truth is what I consistently tell people when they ask. For some reason, most people do not understand what I mean by “land” and “suburbs.” What I mean is that I’m not from the shithole city, thank god. Unfortunately, “Chicago” has ended up in articles and gossip conversations when referencing where I am from. People don’t mention Chicagoland. People don’t mention the suburbs.
Joel Wheelock is an avid reader of this website. Sometimes he makes non-specific tweets in reference to my posts. Since I’ve been calling out the fraud that is DJ St. Joel, he has engaged in conversation about where I am actually from. He is confused and thinks that I am trying to claim that I am from the city of Chicago, so that is his jumping off point. I thought I would clarify everything so Joel doesn’t think I’m trying to be a fraud like him.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
Shamrocks and Feathers
October 09, 2019
Joel has a really stupid looking tattoo on his leg that he has referred to as “shamrocks and feathers,” in reference to what he describes as his heritage. Joel is half Irish, and for a long time he was obsessed with the delusion that he is also a Native American. The feather aspect of his tattoo was supposed to represent this false narrative. While “Wheelock” is a surname derived from England, Joel never made mention of it.
In American culture, many people with zero Native ancestry will try to claim that they have Native ancestry, in order to be cool, spiritual, more in touch with Earth and themselves. There is a sexually attractive aspect to being Native, and people like Joel Wheelock certainly try to cling to that for personal gain. However, I recently obtained a copy of Joel’s DNA results to find that he is not Native whatsoever. See below.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
Where is Janika Webster?
June 06, 2019
Janika Webster was/is Joel’s lady friend, who was/is trying to make it as a freelance photographer. She disappeared off of the internet some time ago. If you have any information about her, please contact me.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
Reminder of Intent
May 09, 2019
Joel Wheelock continues to promote misogynist and rapist lyrics in his albums. While he has apologized for his first album and removed it from the internet, he is not forgiven. He is still utter sludge. Here is the first post that I made about Joel, as a reminder: click.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
It's Not Cool to Call Yourself Gypsy.
April 30, 2019
Joel Wheelock is desperate to be cool. Recently he named his new musical album “Gypsy Cobra.” He described the meaning on his facebook:
“It means I've been a snake and I've done things in my past I'm not proud of. That snake that has evolved into a cobra, meaning with age I've matured. There are snakes in my life that want my downfall. Those snakes would rather see me in a coffin then successful. The cobra protects me from those snakes. It doesn't matter how many snakes I'm surrounded by because I'm more vicious then all of them! I'm a cobra, a gypsy cobra, travel around from city to city to town to town striking venom down! We are hoping to release this album by spring break. If you think this is crazy wait until  you hear the record! Salute!”
Joel understands that writing outlandish things may attract press and clicks. That is why he wrote this stupid paragraph about his new album. I feel sorry for the Romani people of Europe, who have historically been persecuted and murdered for who they are. They are mistakenly called “gypsies” because some humans thought they were from Egypt. In modern times, dorks like Joel Wheelock in Minnesota appropriate the slur for self-serving reasons. I also feel sorry for snakes, who are most likely apathetic to Joel Wheelock. Joel Wheelock has no knowledge of reptile conservation, health or well-being.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
Circle Gets Smaller and Smaller Errrydayyy
April 28, 2019
Many people dislike Joel, because he is a pompous misogynist, among other reasons. Last February, he made a facebook post that said,
“I can't take you seriously if you are active friends with someone who F-ed me over!”
Nobody commented except for himself. His first comment stated:
“Circle gets smaller and smaller errydayyy.”
Joel Wheelock is not unlike Donald Trump in that way. His circle gets smaller every day.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
From Inside the Trenches
April 18, 2019
I’ve received a report from a former Seville worker that after Joel Wheelock Watch debuted, Joel became much more docile over the microphone. This report, in conjunction with his removal of album Strip Club Music from the internet is all very interesting.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
Joel is Embarrassed.
January 19, 2019
Joel recently removed one of his albums from the internet and tweeted to explain it. He said,
“I removed my album strip club music from my soundcloud today. It was a bad time in my life and I was caught up and living a lifestyle that wasn’t me or how I was raised. I’m embarrassed that I even wrote that and made it public! New Joel, new music, new era!”
Good Joel, now apologize for body shaming women over the microphone and all of your shitty misogynist lyrics on your U Hate it But U Love It album. Then maybe you will start to become a decent person.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
October 28, 2018
“Fresh” is a word that Joel Wheelock likes to use a lot. He used it in the Filter Free podcast that is no longer available online. In the podcast, he described new strippers as “fresh,” in contrast to older, more jaded ones. While I worked at Seville, he used it to describe newer strippers as well. What he means when using the word, is that younger dancers are more naïve and easier for him to manipulate. Men like Joel don’t like it when women become more wise to his manipulative ways, so men like Joel figure out ways to make naïve women feel good about being new. That way, men like Joel will have an easier time getting sex and getting rid of people who are wise to their behaviors, like older women who Joel does not describe as “fresh.” Many strippers who have known Joel for more than a few years are familiar with his behaviors, but he keeps getting rid of them by harassing them over the microphone.
Fresh water lakes are abundant in the state of Minnesota, so another way that Joel uses the word “fresh” is in his DJ group, which he named “Fresh Water.” Joel is a very salty man who stock piles guns and is very negative, so it’s ironic that he calls his work “fresh.”
Salty Joel is SO stupid and gross. He is pushing 50 and not fresh at all.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
August 12, 2018
Many people hate Joel Wheelock for being a misogynistic sack of shit and arrogant scumbag, a geeky unattractive man who is angry at the world for treating him poorly in his younger life. Here he is with his brother's family. To the right, you can see Joel's description, which acknowledges some of those "haters."
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
Filter Free Amerika
July 08, 2018
Joel Wheelock did a podcast for a show called Filter Free Amerika, in which he slanders strippers while simeltaneously bragging about having intercourse with them. This podcast used to be available online, but is no longer. If anybody has access to this podcast, please contact me.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
May 27, 2018
When I worked at Seville, multiple dancers, who I will not name, informed me that Joel asked them out. One of them was asked out for sushi, which I thought was grotesquely hilarious, because I have been harassed and asked out for sushi, which was written about in Vice magazine.
Joel used to stare me down while dancers who he asked out were talking to me. One dancer, when telling me that he asked her out for sushi, said that she decided to ignore him after that and said she had no interest in dating him, because, she stated, "I have standards!"
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
Straight Outta Becky!
May 23, 2018
Joel's mom is named Becky. Rebecca (Reilly) Wheelock is the woman who birthed the man who sings about date rape and degrading strippers.
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Joel Wheelock has a habit of harassing strippers who he doesn't think have enough curves. He also has a habit of harassing strippers who he thinks are "so white!" It's probably a symptom of his own self-loathe. Joel's mom is a full figured, red haired, Irish-American woman.
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joelwheelockwatch · 4 years
"Typical Stripper Shit" March 30, 2018 Below is a screenshot of a message that I found on a facebook group called "Typical Stripper Shit." It's a group that Joel Wheelock and his misogynist strip club staff friends have posted in, berating and degrading strippers. If you know anything about this young woman or what Joel has done to her, please contact me.
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