joescave · 4 years
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An investigation is ongoing in the case of a 9 year old Rochester girl who was pepper sprayed during a mental health episode. Police were called on Friday afternoon after a report that the girl was threatening to harm herself and her mother. The girl resisted being put into a police car to be taken to the hospital, kicking one of the officers. She is seen screaming in bodycam footage before her head is held down against the snow-covered ground and is handcuffed. One of the three officers involved told her she was, “acting like a child,” to which she responded, “I am a child!”
“Later in the video, a female officer is seen talking to the girl, eventually saying, “This is your last chance, otherwise pepper spray’s going in your eyeballs.” About a minute later, another officer can be heard saying, “Just spray her at this point.” The female officer is seen shaking a can that appears to be pepper spray and the child continues to scream.” Officers then pepper sprayed her and left her crying in the back seat as they took her to Rochester General Hospital and soon released.
How do we reform a group of supposed public servants who seem nearly immune to consequences? This isn’t how you treat anyone experiencing a mental health emergency, and especially not a nine year old child. How will this little girl grow up in a world where the people who are supposed to protect her are violent towards her when she needs help?
NBC News: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1256313
CNN: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/02/02/us/rochester-officers-pepper-spray-child-removed-patrol/index.html
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joescave · 4 years
@engietrans Wait, but ... what if Spies from both factions ... already know?!? OOOHHHH!!!
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@helmetpartyweek Day 6: Hardship | TF2 Comic #7
im a sucker for cross faction and the potential for angst that comes with it
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joescave · 5 years
Since I watched Good Omens, every information, details or fanarts about the show melt my heart af! <3 <3 <3 <3 
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Canonical facts that made me question the mental process that Aziraphale’s mind did in exactly 5 seconds from “I don’t think my side would like it” to “I will grab your hand!!!!!!Fast as fuck boiiiiii”
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joescave · 6 years
Layout Background Exercise
For Gobelins’ entering contest, one of the request is background skills, and the ability, with a pen, to visualize yourself in a 3D space.
So I gaved myself an exercice than can be similar to what you can have during the contest, and which are the steps I’m going through :
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Here is a background concept done by Armand Serrano, for the movie Lilo and Stitch.
Let’s put the following consign : try to draw the “against field” of this place (it mean, as in cinema, shooting in the opposite direction to another shot)
For this, we must be aware to : - Place our virtual camera correctly - respect perspective rules -placing correctly our objects in the space (what does make the “link” between the two shots) - Keep a cool composition -respect the design -use our imagination to field the empty space
So, let’s do this !
1. Making a Map and a good thumbnail
-It’s a good exercise to try put everything in a map, including the camera (CAM1) and visualize what we know and what we have to imagine ; not very easy, but it’s making win a lot of time for after !
- Then I just had to place the other camera (CAM2) on the other side, and begin to think about what would be in the room on the other side.
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- When I did the map, I was working in the same time with a thumbnail of my scene (note : thumbnail is a very small drawing. Good to remember : small drawings for big ideas ! ) ; like this I could think about having a cool composition and match with the background in the same time. That’s why (as you might see) I decided to tilt a bit my CAM2, because I felt it more interesting for the composition.
2. Ruff drawing
- So here begin the interesting part :) it’s importent to begin by placing the horizon line, the vanishing points (in this case, two) and a perspective grid, all of this being sure it’s mathching with your thumbnail.
-Then, I built every objects, being sure it’s on the perspective, and puting all my ideas.
note : I was always thinking : this is a place where people are living, we have to FEEL It. It’s passing by using the props and the randomness of their position to suggest this idea.
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3. Line Up
- On this part I was always trying to be careful about keeping the style of the artist, about props design, and the way of working the line.
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4. (Bonus) Shadows
- Personnaly, I wanted to try making she shadows on a traditionnal way, as they where doing before at Disney. For this I first scanned my drawing (to have a backup in case), then I used carbon powder, I was putting stronger at some places, using an eraser to have my lights, and my pencil to go into the detail in the lighting.
-It’s important, when doing lighting, to know where the light come from, and what you want to show. Contrast is the master word ; with the light and shadow, you can choose to show more one thing than an other (for example, I chosen to show less the left part, and put on the light the right part)
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My drawing could be better, about the choice of props and the angle, but I hope this tutorial helped you to see better the process to draw an “against field” from an existing layout, hope you enjoyed :)
Be free to comment, cheers !
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joescave · 6 years
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R E B L O G   T H E   P I G E O N .
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joescave · 6 years
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After 20 painstaking years of research, Eva Ramon Gallegos, a Mexican scientist has finally developed a cure to eliminate 100 percent human papillomavirus and prevent the spread of cervical cancer among women. (x) (x) (x) Y’all they cured HPV
Yet Trump’s America wouldn’t want you to hear about this nor help it go mainstream
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joescave · 6 years
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what a time to be alive
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joescave · 6 years
Gay or not, Jack IS, and always will be the dad #1 of Overwatch :’) 
My brother, talking about Soldier:76 being confirmed gay “he’s supposed to be the dad of overwatch… not the daddy of overwatch”
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joescave · 6 years
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joescave · 6 years
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About to eat my first weed brownie
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joescave · 6 years
¿Diamante Blanco es quien manda en el planeta madre?
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Ya conocemos a esta perla, y ahora con el nuevo episodio se confirmaron las sospechas que todo el mundo tenia
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es perla rosa, la perla original de Pink, la 1ra
se vio que eran bastante cercanas y ahora la teoría, ya conocen a nuestra perla
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ella es una gema muy fuerte, con capacidad estratégica y grandes destrezas, pero
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como ya se vio, las perlas “necesitan un dueño” ellas no son seguras, en su mundo ellas son la clase más baja, son cosas
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aun así son capaces de grandes cosas con habilidad y plantación y quizá el lugar, momento y herramientas adecuadas. Sabiendo esto, pensemos en la perla rosa, la perla rosa se ve con Pink, y conocemos a Pink, ella debió tratarla como trato a Perla, con cariño, de forma igualitaria, tanta confianza como para reírse de Yellow a sus espaldas con ella, pero al parecer alguien pensó que esa perla no era apropiada para Pink
y la alejo
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quien sabe que cosas horribles le hizo para que quedara así
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ahora piensen que esta gema quedo al servicio de White, alguien que la trataba como una cosa, que la desfiguro, que la alejo de Pink y para más remate
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Pink es asesinada … bueno “asesinada”, ahora la Perla rosa no podría volver a verla jamas, estaría atrapada con White hasta que esta ya no necesitara de sus servicios, ella quien la alejo de Pink para siempre, la alejo y mientras ella no estaba la destrozaron
ahora sabiendo esto, que evita que esa Perla quisiera terminar con White, esperar un momento vulnerable, después de que atacaran la tierra, pufearla y la encapsulara y tomar su lugar, poner un aparato, proyector o algo (como lo del mago de Oz, probablemente una rígida estatua de la que sale luz en forma de la cabeza de White) con respuestas grabadas, cortante, no hablar con nadie, y dirigir como la perla de diamante blanco, ya que tu palabra es la suya y nadie puede contradecirla
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es sospechoso que este en el asiento en vez del posa brazos, es sospechoso como su expresión cambio tan abrupta mente al ver a “Pink” divertirse y posteriormente fusionarse con otra persona, sospechoso que nadie vea a White, y la conversación más larga que se ha tenido con ella sea esa tan sospechosa y de cuando “Pink” regreso.
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joescave · 6 years
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Video of Tama
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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joescave · 6 years
Sometimes gay ships are incredibly straight if you know what I mean
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joescave · 6 years
Instagram: @maloart
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joescave · 6 years
In case you don’t want to watch all the videos scattered about, the new lore/interactions are:
McCree has never thought of Ashe as ‘his type’
McCree doesn’t care for the rich
McCree has spent time in Ashe’s home, and put his feet up on her chaise
McCree doesn’t bother to know what a chaise is, and dismisses it as a footrest
McCree lost the keys to Ashe’s bike after he stole it. Who knows where it is now!
McCree asks how Bob is doing, unprompted. Ashe doesn’t take kindly to it, but is civil through gritted teeth
Ashe has a picture of McCree on her dartboard at the Deadlock base, which he teases her about as ‘flattering’
McCree is begrudgingly impressed Ashe has managed to rebuild the Deadlock gang so much even after he left
McCree mentions Ashe hates the diner’s food, and Ashe says ‘don’t get the coffee’
McCree lived on a farm before joining Deadlock/going criminal
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joescave · 6 years
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meanwile on blizzcon xD
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joescave · 6 years
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