joesfreshersjourney · 3 years
The Making of my Media Assignment
Even though this assignment seems simple and reasonably straightforward, personally I actually found it slightly difficult to choose my topic for this particular assignment. But despite this I came to the conclusion that for my media assignment I would take the oppurtunity to discuss and reflect on my first semester studying this module.
This assignment was actually considerably chllenging for me as the recent boom in Covid-19 numbers made it very difficult for me to conduct this assignment with another party or a friend of mine because of the isolation process I have unedergone since returning home, therefore I was forced to conduct this assignment completely individually.
But despite these obstacles I faced, I learned to react and overcome these setbacks and individually conduct and turn in my media assignment to the best of my ability, an experience which I feel will stand for me and benefit me during my time throughout this module.
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joesfreshersjourney · 3 years
About My Blog!
Baically,my blog will refer to the topics and tasks in which we discuss and the tasks we are given throughout the CS4161 module. Therefore, my blog will simply portray my journey throught the CS4161 module!
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joesfreshersjourney · 3 years
The History of Computing
Since starting the CS4161 module at the beginning of my arts course, one topic which has really caught my eye has been The History of Computing, and basically how far computer technology has come to get to where it is today.
During my first number of lectures in this module, Dr Gabriela Avram has spoken to us and thought us about many individuals who have had a key role to play in the development of computing and getting it to the stage that it is at today, for example in Week 4 lecture 2, we were introduced to the workings of individuals such as George Boole who “invented Bolean Algerbra,the basis of all modern computer arithmetic” (Avram, L2,6). and Charles Babbage who again according to Dr Gabriela Avram, “originated the idea for the first programmable computer” (L2,7).
In the modern world today, I believe it is vital that we are all aware of the revolution of the technology which we use on a daily basis, which is why I feel this module is key as the professionals involved in teaching this module can use their excellent knowledge to help “providing perspective, structure, and analysis of what has been collected.” (2021-01, Vol.43 (1), p.97-98). Therefore, individuals such as George Boole and Charles Babbage named above, as well as others such as Paul Ottlet or Alan M Turing are vital in terms of educating students on the History of Computing as their achievements and workings alone have had a huge role to play in the developments of computing, with Paul Ottlet being one of the proclaimed “fathers of information science” (Avram, L2,9). and Alan M Turing being known as the “father of modern science” (Avram, L2,11)
Conrad Zuse is another individual who strongly influenced the development of computing. A German civil engineer and computer scientist who invented the first modern computer (I Know How It Works,2019)., which has obviously developed and expanded into a variety of different forms of computing and technology as a whole. “Computing has impacted almost every discipline” (Hany Farid, Dartmouth,2010). , a statement which I think we can all relate too, the importance computers and technology is undeniable, and the understanding of this as a student in my opinion is vital in terms of grasping an insight into the world of computing and technology and how far it has come to the worldwide phenomenon in which computing technology has become. From my point of view, I certainly cannot imagine a world without computers and I ensure that I am not the only one who feels that way.
Computing and technology is undoubtedly the driving force and a major asset in the modern world today and from our generation a world with no computing technology is purely unimaginable. Day to day, business firms, associations, schools/colleges all over the world utilise the exceptional tool which is computing technology, through forms of communication, research, you name it, there is a strong possibility computers can do it!  My point is, computing has taken over the world, and an understanding of this while studying this module is vital!
CS4161 (2AHistoryofComputersasInteractiveMedium.pdf)
(2021-01, Vol.43 (1), p.97-98). Wu, D. & Perold, C. (2021) Cripping the History of Computing. IEEE annals of the history of computing. [Online] 43 (3), 68–72
(I Know How It Works,2019), https://youtu.be/asgjklztBIc
(Hany Farid, Dartmouth,2010) https://youtu.be/5rhIZXNB7Rw
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joesfreshersjourney · 3 years
Saving Energy
There is no denying that the ongoing developments regarding the likelihood of potential power outages and the increasing prices of energy resources is begining to look extremely frightning, and the idea of any potential restriction on our use of power and energy would be seriously damaging for many people and industries around the world as using energy is such a key aspect in the world we all live in today. Therefore it is vital that we try save up as much and reduce as much energy being used as possible!
I believe the best way my family and I can react to this European Energy Crisis is to encourage and move towards more renewable resourcesand improve overall conservation efforts,  if we promote or encourage the use of more renwable resources such as solar, steam, or wind power, it will take a lot of pressure and reliability off the usage of resources such as gas or oil which in theory woulod be alot more damaging for the atmosphere and our environment as a whole.
Another way we could help prevent this crisis from continuing within my household would be through the usage of energy efficient products, something as simple as just replacing your standard lightbulb with an LED bulb can go a long way!
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https://youtu.be/N7cOndmTO2k  (Link to video).
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