joevanie-blog2 · 4 years
Day 6: lesson 7: Focusing on the Psychological Health
This day we lesson the lesson 7, it is all about focusing on the psychological health like Psychological well-being is influenced by self-actualization. The self-actualization theory indicates that you have an innate tendency to be at your best – in terms of how you communicate, work, pursue your passions, and relate with the world around you. At this lesson i learn the for lesson like Psychological well-being, Mental Health Check and Dangers, Coping with Mental Health Issues and the last is Planning for Mental Health.
I learn also the two approaches of well-being the first is Hedonic Well-Being: Happiness is about increasing pleasure and minimizing pain and the second is Eudaimonic Well-Being: Happiness is about finding your purpose in life. I learn some of the Factors that may Affect Psychological Well-Being and the Six Factors that may Affect Mental Health of a person and I learn also the 3 Types of Bullying are Verbal bullying, Social bullying and Physical bullying, and also some sign of poor mental health.
We also tackles and learned the Psychological Conditions and its General Descriptions that the Adolescents are Prone to Depressive disorder, Anxiety disorder and Substance-use, And some of the Main Cognitive Distortions. Also I learned the 3 Tips to Address Disturbing signs and Concerns regarding Mental Health like Good communication, Understanding of mental health disorders and the last is Be sensitive and attentive to others and also we learn about some Strategies to Consider in Maintaining a Good Level of Mental Health.
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joevanie-blog2 · 4 years
Day 5: lesson 6: Developing Efficient Learning
The lesson 6 is all about Developing Efficient Learning. This lesson talks about developing the knowledge and skills of efficient learning of a person by knowing it self. This knid of lesson tackle about knowing your what is the use of your brain and how to use and make easy to remember everything. It is a helpful way knowing everything easy to more aware to you self devwloping.
The brain has always been a fascinating body part. It is delicate, gel-like organ that is considered as the most powerful part of the body. The studies dedicated to the understanding of the brain have yeilded multiple new insights about its part; how these parts function separately and together and their impact on the overall functioning of a person.
I learned lots of thing and making me aware about developing my self more. I also learnd the parts of braing and what is the use of brain and making easy to remember everything by using the elements of effective mind-maps the SSC stand for S-ingle words and phrases, S-ymbols, Icons and Images, and C-olors.
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joevanie-blog2 · 4 years
Stress it is your body’s reaction to certain pressure or challenge or situation whether physical, mental or emotional. This stimulus that triggers the body to respond is called a stressor. Both of your good and bad experiences can create stress. It is depending on the stressor and the response that your body make, either positive stress or negative stress may result.
I want to know more about how can stress always affect to person start his adolescence and more lesson how can a stress change the personality of a person. The more I know the more that I can aware to my self being an adolescence, being this period I want to learn how to manage the stress and challenge to my life.
I learn lots of thing about of stress. This is the example of source of stress like Self-Doubt, Academic Pressure, Family Relationships, and Social Pressure. I also learned about the sign of stress at your Physical sign of stress, Cognitive sign of stress, and Emotional/Behavioral sign of stress. And I also learned the coping strategies some of this are Manage your time, Talk it out, Laugh, Rest, Movie, Be positive and Maditate.
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joevanie-blog2 · 4 years
Day 4: Dealing with the Challenge of Adolesence Stage
The day 4 of our class is start with the recall for the lesson we learn my teacher start a oral to recall all the lesson yesterday before she start the new lesson, the next lesson we learn is all about Dealing with the Challenge of Adolesence. The lesson 4 explain the challenge of being adolescence.
The adolescence is a stage to prepares you being adulthood. It is an exciting period. At the same time, it is also frightening period. The transition of being a child to being an adult that can make you confused and at a lose as to how you handle the bumps of growing up. Challenge can make you better or destroy because people live in this world that is changing, when there change, there is challenge. The successful resulotion of a challenge result in the formation of initiative. An initiative is instrumental in pursuing goals.
I learn that initiative is the ability to push life in a forward and porpose-driven direction. It is a goal to push the dream of a person to a achieve. I also learn about the issues during the adolescence period some of this are Physical concern, Eating disorder, Subtance abuse, Alcohol abuse, Teen pregnancy, Peer pressure and more. I also learn about how do significant people ingluence adolescent behavior some of this are Family, Peer, School, Community and lots of more.
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joevanie-blog2 · 4 years
Day 3: Entering the Middle and Late Adolescence / Peer Social Comparison
The 3rd day of Personal Develoments. We did not use google meet this day because my teacher give us the power point for the lesson 3 to study and at 10 am the long quiz is given by our teacher, the coverage of the long quiz is lesson 1 to lesson 3. The quiz is not easy because some of the quistion is not easy. The topic for the lesson 3 that have been give to us is all about Entering the Middle and Late Adolescence / Peer Social Comparison.
The lesson is all about Adolescence its explain what is adolescence. This topic give lots of knowledge to be a adolescent person and be a resposible to your personality. The Adolescence divided to 3 stages the 1st stage is Early adolescence approximately 10 to 13 years old the 2nd stage is Middle adolescence approximately 14 to 16 years old and the 3rd and last stage is Late adolescence approximately 17 to 19 years old.
I learn lots of knowledge about adolescence its help me to know what stage I am right now. I also learn that adolescence is characterized by defferent milestones in the physical, cognitive and socioemotional domain. And I also learn what is the 2 ways of comparing, fisr is Upward is all about comparing self to someone better and the second is Downward its all about comparing self to someone worse.
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joevanie-blog2 · 4 years
Day 2: Being Mindful With The Self
The 2nd day of our lesson, our teacher start the day of informing us about our major Performance task, our Performance task is a grouping activity our teacher start to give us our member and start to inform us what to do before she start to discus the lesson for our 2nd day. The lesson is all about Being Mindful With The Self. This lesson give us knowledge about our self to developsed us being our selves.
The lesson that our teacher discus is all about relationship amoung physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual, and social development to understand his thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This lesson help us to know how to develops our selves more and to know more developments of our selves.
I learn lots of knowledge about developing of our self and how to develops our selves more through by developing our selves starting by developning our physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual, and social developments by knowing this thing we can develop our selves more and by understanding our thoughts, feelimgs, and behaviors we know that we develop our selves more.
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joevanie-blog2 · 4 years
Day 1: Getting to Know One's Self
The first day of Personal Development, our teacher start the day with a pray before she tell us i n the subject orientation that what are the rules and what to do in our class when its start. She tell us what type of lesson and what to do, she explain what is our lesson before she start the lesson. The first lesson she discus is Getting to Know One's Self its talk about how to know our self more.
There are three essential components that she explain the three essential components are Physical charateristics, Peraonal traits, Social indentity. I learn that the Physical charasteristics are all about how you look in either a positive or negative way, the Personal traits is all about stable characteristics that determine the behavior, the Social indentity is refer to a social group where you belong.
This lesson that have been give by my teacher I can use this knowledge to know more about my self and how can I know my self more. At the end of the lesson my teacher give us an activity about the lesson to help our self to know more about our selves.
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