joharrington · 13 years
Anonymous is asking individuals to pro-actively take food those without shelter.
This isn't a charity donation scheme with a central accounting house. No representative is demanding money. The concept is much more simple than that.
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joharrington · 13 years
Condemned Saeed Malekpour Under Pressure to Confess
A Canadian Permanent Resident, sentenced to death in his native Iran after writing a PC program, is reportedly being threatened and tortured in prison.
His jailers are seeking to extract a televised confession of his involvement in an adult website.
Read more on Wizzley.
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joharrington · 13 years
Sentenced to Death for Writing a Computer Program
In a country where bloggers and other social network users are routinely arrested and killed, Fatemah accused the Iranian authorities of using her husband as a public example. His confession justified the millions spent on forming a 'cyber-army' to block internet sites in the country.
Read more on Wizzley.
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joharrington · 13 years
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Anti-Censorship Win of the Day: In a major victory for the Internet, and major blow to its would-be censors, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), co-sponsor of SOPA’s sister bill PIPA, has officially withdrawn his support for the legislation.
“I have been a co-sponsor of the PROTECT IP Act because I believe it’s important to protect American ingenuity, ideas and jobs from being stolen through Internet piracy, much of it occurring overseas through rogue websites in China,” the Senator wrote in a post on his Facebook page. “However, we must do this while simultaneously promoting an open, dynamic Internet environment that is ripe for innovation and promotes new technologies.”
In addition to withdrawing his support out of “concerns about the impact the bill could have on access to the Internet,” Sen. Rubio also urges Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid “to abandon his plan to rush the bill to the floor.”
PIPA is currently slated to be voted on next Tuesday, January 24th.
[facebook / @marcorubio.]
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joharrington · 13 years
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joharrington · 13 years
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joharrington · 13 years
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joharrington · 13 years
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joharrington · 13 years
Around 100-150 people answered the call of RiotCleanUpWolv.  We descended upon Wolverhampton City Centre, with brooms and other cleaning items, on the morning of August 10th, 2011, in the aftermath of a riot.  We reclaimed and cleaned our streets.
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joharrington · 13 years
Photographs from Wolverhampton City Centre from the morning of August 10th 2011
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