johnlocketernity · 7 years
Sansa: crying tears of sheer happiness after being reunited with her one living brother after thinking that all of her siblings were dead
Bran: read: 4:37 pm ✔️
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
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a girl is arya stark of winterfell. and i’m going home.
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
what a beautiful day to remember that bisexual women in relationships with men + bisexual men in relationships with women have every right to attend pride events with their significant other and the concept of ‘straight passing privilege’ should be left in the trash where it belongs
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
the american high school experience
million-dollar gyms but bathroom stalls with no doors
speaking of bathrooms, shit sayings on the walls, mostly along the lines of “fuck this shit”
stressed out anxiety-prone teens running on 3 hours of sleep and a shit ton of coffee
the Pacer
teachers saying “this isn’t middle school anymore”
broken air conditioning 
classrooms that either feel like the arctic tundra or the pits of hell
“wikipedia isn’t a reliable source”
a shit ton of standardized tests
“if someone dies during the final, everyone gets an A, so who’s gonna take one for the team?”
“if the teacher is fifteen minutes late we can leave.”
the cha-cha slide
“mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
hey there LGBTQ kids who are also Christian/Jewish! If you feel like you’re disobeying God, questioning your faith, or feel wrong and dirty for loving who you love, there’s this fantastic site I found today called hoperemains that accurately and thoroughly combs through scripture and its (many) mistranslations, validates your orientation, and basically let’s you know that you’re not pissing off God. It’s insanely thorough and after reading through every page on the entire site it’s super helpful. Go check it out!
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
Smile, the worst is yet to come We’ll be lucky if we ever see the sun
Mikky Ekko - Smile
There’s not just pain in bbc Sherlock! <3
Keep reading
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
i just wanna be accepted as real is that too much to ask? I LIKE BOYS AND GIRLS!!!
can you reblog this if you’re “actually LGBT+” and aphobes/exclusionists make you feel unsafe? i feel like i’m the only one
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
follow my new moodboard account pretty please!!! @queermoodboardshere
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
“if you have a bit of stress then you can use this, but if you have a lot of stress use this one”
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
Finding that one fic on AO3 that hits all your kinks, written well, in character, with all the specs you were looking for
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
thank you so much!!!!💗
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Bisexual moodboard with flowers,makeup, and feminine things for @johnlocketernity
-Mod Ari
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
Heart beats fast
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Colors and promises
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How to be brave
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How can I love when I’m afraid to fall
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But watching you stand alone
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All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow
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One step closer
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I have died everyday, waiting for you
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Darling, don’t be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
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I’ll love you for a thousand more
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Time stands still
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Beauty in all she is
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I will be brave
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I will not let anything, take away
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What’s standing in front of me
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Every breath, every hour has come to this
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One step closer 
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
If you aren’t cisgender heteroromantic heterosexual, you belong in the queer community. I’m sick of seeing this bullshit “you aren’t queer enough” sort of community policing.
And by “cisgender heteroromantic heterosexual” I mean ALL THREE of those things.
Are you a trans (binary or nonbinary) person who is attracted sexually and romantically to the opposite gender? You belong in the LGBTA+ community.
Are you a cis person who is heteroromantic asexual? You belong.
Are you a cis person who is heterosexual aromantic? You belong.
Are you a cis bisexual who is currently dating a cis member of the opposite gender? You belong.
Are you an intersex individual who otherwise is heteroromantic heterosexual? You belong.
Stop trying to alienate people based on some fucked-up “level of queerness”. There are enough problems in the LGBTA+ community without people being exclusive.
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
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It’s #UnlockedCon Lite™ 2017!
Can’t make it to the official Sherlocked USA convention in Los Angeles this weekend? (Or don’t want to?) That’s okay! We’re bringing the unofficial-but-still-pretty-great fandom fun to you as we watch our way through all of BBC Sherlock three times this weekend.
BEGINS: Friday, May 26, 4:00 pm UTC / Noon US Eastern time (convert to your local time)
ENDS: Monday, May 29, 9:30 pm UTC / 5:30 pm US Eastern time (convert to your local time)
All you need to do to take part is come to The Giant Chat of Sumatra and hit play on your copy of each episode at the right time.
The episode schedule, countdown timers, and more info are available at http://unlockedcon.tumblr.com/watchalong.
BONUS: The Unlocked Con Suite chat room will also be open all weekend for non-watchalong Sherlock discussion, squeeing over news that comes out of the official con, sharing of macaroni and cheese recipes, etc.
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
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Teen Vogue showing what real journalism looks like
America has been reticent to label white male mass shooters as domestic terrorists, and there’s a hesitation from politicians, law enforcement agencies, and society as a whole, to investigate what animates the brutal actions of these attackers, who are mostly white and male, and whose actions are often rationalized.
In America, where antiterrorist thought has ruled the century, a citizen’s safety faces far greater risk due to texting while driving or tripping down the stairs than being killed by a foreign-born refugee jihadist. Women in America face more danger from their husbands than they do a Muslim terrorist. In America, where predominantly white and predominantly male antigovernment militias rank as law enforcement’s most prevalent threat, according to a 2015 report, law enforcement agents face more significant danger from armed white men than Jihadists. Yet here we are, willfully aiming to dismantle any semblance of growing extremist thought, while ignoring the many different forms of radicalization that are resulting in a large swath of vicious behavior.
In America, citizens must grapple with reality. Not only is white male terrorism as dangerous as Islamic extremism, but our collective safety rests in rooting out the source of their radicalization.
Read the full article at http://www.teenvogue.com/story/white-male-terrorists-are-an-issue-we-should-discuss
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johnlocketernity · 7 years
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This is erotic 
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