johnnie72 · 7 years
Rumblings. 7.14.17
Rumblings. 7.14.17 1.Life is most often lived in ‘improv’ mode.I observe the ‘scripted’ moments of a person's life but pay much closer attention to how someone lives ‘in the moment’ when the script has to be thrown out. That's when a person's real character and intentions are revealed. In those moments I look for class not crass. Thoughtfulness not impetuousness. Humility not bombast. Compassion not disinterest. Confession not self-righteousness. Quick to listen not quick to anger. Restraint not impulsivity. 2.One of the most fundamental statements of Christian faith is this: your life is not about you. This is not your project. Rather, you are part of God's great design. To believe this in your bones and to act accordingly is to have faith. When we operate out of this transformed vision, amazing things can happen, for we have surrendered to "a power already at work in us that can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine. ~ Bishop Robert Barron 3.”Living out of the false self creates a compulsive desire to present a perfect image to the public so that everybody will admire us and nobody will know us." Brennan Manning Richard Rohr in ‘Falling Upward’ (great read, by the way) talks about meeting with Desmond Tutu who said, “We are only the lightbulbs and our job is to stay screwed in.” I’m not sure what that means to you but it's a wake up call for me. Rohr has also said that “If you want others to be more loving, choose to love first. If you want a reconciled outer world, reconcile your own inner world. If you are a merciful, forgiving person, then I know you’ve met the real God. If you are narrow, stingy, and fearful, then you are worshiping something that is not God, probably some form of yourself.” 4.I love the people who, in the seemingly rudderless times we live in, look to discover ‘where God is at work’ and join Him there. Their anxiety turns to action. And in the ‘acting’ they find meaning and the scattered pieces of themselves find each other and he/she becomes ‘whole’ again. 5.What a difference a year makes. We’ve gone from “When they go low, we go high” to “When they go low, we go lower.” 6. Have you ever tried to hold a beach ball under the water? It doesn't work very well does it? The beach ball looks for escape. It was built to be on top of the water. The same principle applies when we try to hold the yucky parts of ourselves underwater and unseen. It works for awhile. But eventually we tire and the yucky stuff escapes and pops to the surface. You can't hide the ‘ugly’ for long. It's best to deal with it. And then the best parts of ourselves can emerge again. 7. More than a few Christ followers I know have run as fast and far as they can from the label ‘evangelical’. I get it. I find the label to be more off putting than helpful these days. The word has been politicized and taken hostage by religious types who should know better and now there’s too much baggage attached to it. Too bad. It's a descriptor that's ripe with good meaning. 8.I was chatting with some folks who lean to the left the other day. They yearn for the return of the thoughtful and compassionate conservative. They want that check and balance to their thinking. And yes, I know. Some lean to the right types are searching for the thoughtful and compassionate progressive. So, maybe that's the prayer huh? Let's ask God to bring into our lives thoughtful and compassionate people who, despite their political leanings, will help us think and pray more effectively. Who knows what could happen as a result? They're out there. They might be hiding but they’re out there. And there's common ground to be found. 9.What ails us as a country can’t be fixed with a slogan on a hat, an insult, an evasive tactic, clever spins, or an early morning tweet. What’s required will be a long, slow obedience in the direction of shared sacrifice, mutual respect and noble purpose. And in all honesty I'm not convinced most of us want that. But I bet there's enough of us who do. It will have to bubble up from the bottom. The leadership necessary to lead the charge from the top (in so many arenas) doesn't appear exist at the present time. 10. When you learn to ask the right questions you begin to live. The search for the answers breathes life into your tired soul. Meaning is found in the journey. No questions? No life. 11.Bonus rumble. For the past 12 years I have been married to an incredible woman @AnitaLustrea. Words fail me in trying to describe the joy I have experienced walking the road with her. She is smart, quick to smile, observant, a great listener and has phenomenal patience (those who know me well can testify she needs this). I'm signing on for another 12. :) Anita, you are the best.
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