johnniekballer-blog · 6 years
Final Journal, final assignment, final final! See you next week, Full Sail!
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johnniekballer-blog · 6 years
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This week I’ve been tasked with announcing to the world that I am a writer. I knew about the assignment, but didn’t realize that it was due tonight, Thursday the 24th of May. Well, it is, and today just so happens to be my daughter’s birthday, a full two days after my mother’s birthday. That said, this week has consisted of MANY more public appearances by me than usual. And though I was to make this announcement publicly AND document said announcement, not once in my errand running did it ever cross my mind. Thankfully I’m in a little chat with two friends from class, Andrea and Simone, who reminded me not only of the due date, but of the stipulations behind the assignment’s completion. It’s far too late for a public appearance today, and I’ve been to Walmart WAY too much over the past few days to journey there. As I was racking my brain and prepared to give up hope, I realized that SOCIAL MEDIA has many public forums. Thus, I made my announcement on Facial Novel and eagerly await the comments to come from my old military buddies.
 I think I would’ve been better off on a street corner…
 Anyway, thanks for reading!
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johnniekballer-blog · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDdgJOKIemI)
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johnniekballer-blog · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhygR8qUnCw)
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johnniekballer-blog · 6 years
This could very well be the only video reflection I do for the class. 1%.
Never say you’ll do something and then not do it. I’m a man of my word, but I don’t have to be happy about it.
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johnniekballer-blog · 6 years
Very much still a work in progress. Started adding foley and reworking some sound, but still so far off from where I’d like it.
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johnniekballer-blog · 6 years
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johnniekballer-blog · 6 years
Kinker’s Rework
A scene from Kinker’s Lament. 
John Robinson returns for his father’s funeral. The only issue is that his father was a beloved clown and John lives a “normal life” now. He is reminded why he ran away from the circus, but in this scene he encounters the funeral director who lends a unique perspective to the situation.
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johnniekballer-blog · 7 years
The Adaptation to Screen
This month has been challenging for a multitude of reasons. When I was in my film program, I learned that (particularly with student films) that promotional material was often an afterthought. I was fortunate enough to plan out my “marketing” for my short before principle photography began, and yet still came up short. This month in Multimedia Adaptation, we were asked to think about it before a final script!
This wasn’t a bad challenge, mind you. Though I found it difficult, particularly due to things like putting together shots for a trailer that haven’t been shot yet, let alone put on a shot list or even storyboarded, it was quite fun to “edit” together said trailer in my mind using only my second draft of my short script.
Oh yeah, the script! We were asked to adapt a short story to another medium. I chose a short story my father wrote entitled Negative Vibes. It’s the story of a man whose wife worries about him as he goes out to a bar one night due to a rash of serial killings. Unbeknownst to the wife, her husband is the killer. Before heading home, he heads to a shady part of town known as “the alley” for this night’s victim. He finds his prey and strikes, only to discover that he’s accidentally murdered his wife.
Due to the nature of how the story was told, I took a lot of liberties with the story. In my rendition, the “Alley” is a cocktail lounge where the protagonist Fletcher is a patron. Secretly though, the Alley is where hitmen pick up their contracts from the bar tender Sam, (my father’s nickname). Catherine, the only name mentioned in the original short, is Fletcher’s wife and they attend couple’s counseling together as their marriage is on the rocks. Fletcher isn’t exciting enough for Catherine and to rid herself of him, she hires a hitman through the lounge to execute Fletcher. Little does she know, she accidentally hires her own husband to kill himself.
In the original story, the main character very much was in love with his wife and I’ve kept that in my telling as well. Originally I was going to have Fletcher kill Catherine to maintain that element from the original, but it was my father who had the idea to have it where Fletcher punished her without killing her and had a chance at a fresh start on life as Catherine takes the fall for his killings.
Overall the month was quite enjoyable. I found myself actively engaged in all discussions as they’re typically my favorite parts of these classes. It’s somewhat disheartening however, at the lack of effort put forth by some of my classmates. Every month begins with an internal peptalk to get myself focused on me and to not let others bring my spirits or my work down. Indeed, last month a valuable lesson was learned as over half my class failed to notice a key element of an assignment. I sent out a message pointing out the oversight and suggested that the class attempt to put forth greater effort and be more careful in reading assignments as professionally as possible. The top students in the class thanked me and kept trucking. Strangely enough, the students who my warning helped the most asked that I never warn them again as they construed my message as “negative.” I figure the only way it could be construed as such is if the person(s) who felt slighted against had feelings of guilt. So I guess I’m the bad guy in the class, even though my intentions are for the betterment of the class. Perhaps I’m selfish though, as I feel if there were greater effort being put forth as a whole, my work would become better as well. I mean, you don’t get better at sport by playing against those who you can already easily best, right? I want to be challenged more by my peers. Thankfully there are a few in the class whom I have sort of relegated myself to commenting on. In fact, I think it was a discussion in week 2 or 3 where I commented on about 6 people’s posts. Those 6 were the only peers I felt were “worth it” as they’ve been or are genuinely helpful. But hey, I guess I have more issues with the other 11 students in my class than I previously thought, huh? As clearly my post this month has taken quite the detour!
On that note, I bid thee adieu.
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johnniekballer-blog · 7 years
The Transmedia Convergence
Taking an existing form of media and turning it into another form of media is common place and has been prominent in the main stream since radio serialized such adventures of Superman, the Phantom, and Buck Rogers, to name a few. Popular stories and characters have continually branched out over multiple forms of entertainment to appease core audiences as well as win over others. In the 90s and 2000s, we saw worlds such as that of The Matrix push boundaries and tell varying stories with new characters or rehash some supporting characters within the films, and give those stories platforms all their own, such as the Animatrix (a collection of short, animated films), Enter the Matrix (video game following the characters Niobe and Ghost), and The Matrix Comics (webcomics ). In fact, the Wachowski siblings have stated that they really set out to make a comic book superhero film in The Matrix, but didn’t want to make the comic first. All that said, a term in this week’s reading stood out to me as something I would like to ponder on and share my thoughts with you; convergence.
Convergence, in essence, is taking various elements from other forms of media and directing them into one medium. A good example I can think of for this is in the 2007 movie Hitman. Hitman (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0465494/) is based upon the video game series of the same name (https://games.gamepressure.com/series.asp?ID=71). The stories, respectively, revolve around Agent 47 and his fulfilling of assassination contracts. The reason I find this to be a good example of convergence is that, as a fan of the game series, the movie added one crucial element that won me over. It consisted of maybe 7 seconds of screen time, but one simple camera angle sold me on whatever the film would be. In the game, it defaults to a 3rd person style shooter, with the camera being behind and over the player character. In the movie, the same camera placement was used as Timothy Olyphant’s Agent 47 walks down a hallway. Here, not only did the filmmakers take an existing property and tell a new story with the characters, but they also took a cinematic trope of the games and incorporated that into the film. Little moments like that appease the core audience (players of the games) as they reach out to garner another audience (the filmgoer).
Which brings me to another point. Can there truly be convergence without the act of transmedia? If a property exists and is being adopted to another medium, that’s transmedia. But in adopting said property to that new medium, is it not also an act of convergence?
Today, superhero movies are front and center of mainstream media. Not only are there serious dollars behind these films, but I personally believe that as long as there is an emphasis on polarizing viewpoints and using scare tactics on the population at large, the masses will continue to gravitate to these types of stories as the heroes within are the best of us and what we wish we could be. And the “bad guy” always loses… but that’s a debate for another day. As I was saying, properties like the Marvel Cinematic Universe continues to grow and take characters from comic books and bring them to life on the big screen. Throughout each movie, regardless of studio backing, are “Easter Eggs” of all sorts peppered throughout. Nods to future storylines and characters are often found, or perhaps just a reference to an origin. An example of this can be found in Spider-Man: Homecoming. In one scene, actor Donald Glover is interrogated by the titular hero and says that he has a nephew who lives in the area. This nephew, for those of you that are not up on your Spidey-trivia, is Miles Morales, aka the Spider-Man of the Ultimate comics. Glover himself plays “Aaron Davis,” the guy who eventually becomes one of Spidey’s villains, The Prowler. Even the license plate in this scene is UCS-M01 or Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1, the first comic issue to introduce the character of Miles Morales.
(Find more Spider-Man Easter Eggs at https://screenrant.com/spider-man-movie-easter-eggs-homecoming-marvel/)
Are “Easter Eggs” a form of transmedia, convergence or a bit of both? Personally, I feel you can’t have one without the other and that efforts like this are made with the spirit of both in mind.
Speaking of Marvel, the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) just had its 10-year anniversary. Multiple movies made over the last decade featuring dozens of characters have been on the big screen for audiences, familiar and unfamiliar, to experience and share, but to what end? “Phase One” culminated in seeing the titular characters and supporting casts of those films, all coming together with The Avengers. “Phase Two” of the MCU branched out even further and deeper. Now we’re coming up on the culmination of “Phase Three” where seemingly separate entities such as The Avengers and The Guardians of the Galaxy will share the screen. Avengers: Infinity War is bridging everything from the last 10 years of Marvel cinema into one film. It’s all “converging” if you will (see what I did there?) For me, this is an event (yes, event) that I’m not only anticipating to the umpteenth degree, but one that, (because I’ve read the comic on which it’s based) I am dreading in equal proportions.
(Avengers: Infinity War trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZfuNTqbHE8)
In the end, perhaps I’ve not clearly distinguished a line between what is transmedia and what is convergence of media, but for me, they’re synonymous. As properties, such as video games, comic books, novels, and the like continue to spill over into other mediums, they will also be funneled to fit the new mediums operative parameters. A video game turned movie can’t (yet) turn the control of the protagonist over to the viewer, but the filmmakers can emulate the games style, camera movements, character fighting styles, or whatever the case may be.
To wrap up, I’ll say this. My feelings on where we’re headed in entertainment is going to either blur, or outright decimate the lines of division that we call medium. Movies, video games, even books, I think are all headed to the same place; virtual reality. 360-degree short films are already things, with major studios developing feature length films in this manner. Rides at amusement parks utilize the “motion odyssey” technology to make “stagnant” viewing more immersive. James Cameron is making his next film 3d without the need to wear 3d glasses. All of these things are headed toward the same end, a complete, immersive (and virtual) experience. I truly believe that the future, even mundane, will revolve around existing in another reality. Picture this: you’re tired after a long day and all you want to do is go home and read a book. Rather than picking up an actual book, or even a Kindle type of device, you enter into a virtual reality experience where now you’re on a beach, or in a lodge high in the mountains, or whatever you prefer as your “Zen” place, and you enjoy your book, “far away” from your life’s troubles.
This may not happen in any of our lifetimes, but reading the terrain of today, I whole-heartedly believe that that’s where we as a people are headed. Whether or not it pans out that way, I think we’re all in for some really exciting technological experiences due to the convergence of various mediums and the unique elements of each being integrated on seen, and unforeseen, levels.  What do you think?
More reading of what I touched on:
James Cameron's glasses-less 3d technology
Transmedia Storytelling and The Matrix by Sam Shepherd
The Invisible Man 360 degree VR short film
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johnniekballer-blog · 7 years
Effective Personal Branding
When speaking of branding and what it means to be effective we usually think in terms of logos and dollar signs. While these are fine examples, branding goes beyond just a fancy logo or making tons of money in the black. A strong brand means little risk by a potential customer. They know what they’re going to get and that’s not always through goods and services. We brand ourselves and market ourselves to the communities around us each and every day. The most consistent self is recurring and brands us into other’s psyches.
This week, we were asked to build websites as a means of marketing our professional writer selves. Now, I’m not a professional writer but rather than try to show you what good branding is through Coca-Cola marketing campaigns or Nike adds, I thought that I’d talk about prime examples of strong branding from those who are like me. Here are people who are developing their professional lives and for the first time displaying their brand. I hope you enjoy and visit these young creatives, I’ve been getting to know them and their individuals over this past week and I’m sure that they’d also enjoy the hits on their individual sites.
My first example of effective branding comes from a young woman named Andrea. Her site can be viewed here: http://laraycreations.site/
You may notice a little something here. Though the site feels warm and inviting, Andrea has a little bit of a dark side to her. Her love of the morbid and writing samples within the horror genre reinforce her niche. She’s a lovely person, honest and direct. I’ve spoken to her via her blog and in class discussions and her page, aesthetic and all is the epitome of her brand. She’s also one of the few who has a logo as well, and as we know, logos should reinforce one’s brand. Andrea has chosen a pumpkin which, like her personality as well as her website, looks visually bright and appealing but is synonymous with Halloween and fall, a time of things dying and withering. It’s just a really smart choice by a really smart lady.
My next example is from a young woman named Simone and her site can be found here: https://simoneloyal.wordpress.com/
Simone is interesting as she is an artist who wears being such on her sleeve, and I’m not talking about the tattoos. Her chosen pictures on her page scream artist but what’s truly interesting about her is that she knows exactly what type of artist she is. Simone is a realistic fiction novelist as she says this several times throughout her branding site. What’s most important about this statement is not how many times she says it, but that she provides the evidence in support. Fictional stories told in a realistic and earthy way. When it comes to branding, don’t make claims that you can’t back up definitively. Simone backs up her talk with the walk.
Lastly, I’d like to share with you someone who embodies their brand; Bob Hallaran. Bob’s site can be found here: http://white-wolf-productions.com
Bob founded and owns White Wolf Productions and though you may wonder how that ties so deeply into an individual, explore his site a little bit. Bob is White Wolf and his personality, his skills, and his love for creative endeavors bleeds upon each page of his site. We learn that Bob is an extremely nice guy, hard worker, wonderfully creative, and beyond respectful. He’s not only a professional but he’s the type of professional professionals seek to hire. Throughout his page we sense not only who Bob is but also what he brings to the table. He’s a fantastic artist with a drive to see your art through to fruition. So many brands sell on the idea of “dependable” and that’s what Bob’s site tells me. That’s his brand and I feel he executes that magnificently.
I hope that you’ll visit these sites but also leave them a like and follow them on their endeavors. Follow their brands and see how they change and grow. Perhaps they’ll surprise you!
Thanks for your time this month, check back in next month!
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johnniekballer-blog · 7 years
The Web Series
Sometimes in life you come across tasks in which you struggle to grasp motivation for. Each step feels as though you’re walking through mud. I honestly expected this past month to be much like this but I was fortunate to discover it to be quite the opposite. This month being the one in which I created my first Web Series.
 The idea came about quite accidentally, really. We were to come up with a pair of ideas, but my fear of being the first to answer afforded me valuable knowledge. In response to another student, it was learned that these ideas would need to be produced in some manner down the road. This thought alone is petrifying to me as I am extremely poor. As I attempted to think of ideas I merely asked myself what would be cheapest? Well, not really needing a location would be nice. Also, if I were to make this on my own, I might have a camera operator at my disposal but for the most part I’m on my own. I also don’t have any sound equipment. I finally figured it’d be me as the main character, no dialogue and doing something just interesting enough to capture an audience. I look a little homeless and I’m a vet so perfect! That’s what my series will be about!
 I’m happy to say that my series has evolved into more than that, and yes, there will be dialogue. It’s actually become a little labor of love, which in retrospect makes perfect sense. You see I rather enjoy writing short scripts. For whatever reason I felt that a web series would be a passionless labor but not only am I writing short scripts, but I can develop and live with these characters longer! That probably sounds so meaningless and simple, especially seeing it in print and hearing it in my mind for the first time, but it’s a definite “eureka” moment for me. I honestly feel that I may have found a nice little hobby for myself. And in pursuing this, I’m fortunate enough to know some people interested in producing this series, or at least the pilot. Needless to say, not only am I excited about writing this series, but I’m genuinely excited about hopefully getting the funds to produce it and see it come to life.
 As far as the idea of doing this for a living, I’m not entirely sure that’s a sustainable thing. Again, I’m poor but content. If I can stay content, that’d be marvelous. If we can get this pilot produced and some sort of money can find my pocket, well I’d be a fool not to pursue something that I not only love doing but can get paid for. And in the end if no monetary gains can be had, at least I have found something that makes me happy. That’s not a losing situation!
 We’ll see what the future brings, but right now I find myself quietly optimistic.
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johnniekballer-blog · 7 years
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Pictures for class. The photos can be found at the following links (in order, nonetheless!)
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johnniekballer-blog · 7 years
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For school.
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johnniekballer-blog · 7 years
The Next 12 Months
Master: Personal Development and Leadership (June) The Art of Visual Storytelling (July) Script Analysis and Criticism (August) Character Creation and Development (September) Episodic and Serial Writing (October)
Film Screenwriting (November) Writing for Games (December) Storytelling and Storyboarding for Animation (January) Advanced Script Editing (February) Creative Writing Portfolion I & II (March & April) The Business of Creative Writing (May)
Mastery: Personal Development and Leadership
Goal: Further develop mastery practices as outlined by Robert Greene in
Strategy: I need to severely limit myself of various technologies, to include time on social media.
Goal: Continue to expand upon my mastery skill set
Strategy: Watch video named Tools to Develop Mastery by Britt Andreatta https://www.lynda.com/Business-Skills-tutorials/Tools-develop-mastery/ 585003/628997-4.html
Goal: Not only adapt and settle into the course load, but get a jump on my next
• class as well
Strategy: Read either A History of the World in 10 1/2 Chapters by Julian Barnes or Flash Fiction by James Thomas, Denise Thomas and Tom Hazuka
The Art of Visual Storytelling
Goal: Gain a greater understanding of the universal themes of storytelling
Strategy: I need to focus with greater intent as to not gloss over any information because I may have heard it already
Goal: Expand on storytelling knowledge beyond the “Hero’s Journey”
Strategy: Take course Storytelling by Shane Snow https://www.lynda.com/Marketing-tutorials/Shane-Snow-Storytelling/ 491532-2.html
Goal: Apply lessons to my own writing
Strategy: Seems to be a no-brainer, but I am stubborn and need to expand upon my writing style by not writing solely in my style
Script Analysis and Criticism
Goal: Gain a greater feel for structure to avoid unnecessary feedback
Strategy: Absorb as much of the material as possible in order to correct my work and be able to solicit important feedback and not waste others time
Goal: Practice exploratory analysis
Strategy: Watch video titled Performing Script and Scene Analysis by Norman Hollyn https://www.lynda.com/Video-Editing-tutorials/Performing-script-scene- analysis/120261/147176-4.html
Goal: Expand my writing to encompass other forms of media not yet thought of
Strategy: Actively explore and try to write for other mediums aside from film, don’t discount other mediums and consciously attempt to expand skill set
Character Creation and Development
Goal: As always, expand on current skills
Strategy: As character creation is perhaps my favorite of things to do, apply lessons from the month to new character creation as well as characters I’ve already created to fully document what areas I need to work on
Goal: Avoid pitfalls and successfully marry character and scene without story dictating character actions Strategy: Focus efforts on “what ifs” and fully explore the “whys” of character within story
Goal: Learn how to maintain urgency and motivation without losing realism in
• dialogue
Strategy: Watch Your Character’s Desires by Mark Tapio Kines https://www.lynda.com/Screenwriting-tutorials/Your-characterss-desires/ 100223/124575-4.html
Episodic and Serial Writing
Goal: Explore what makes a character one wants to stay with
Strategy: Really dig into the material and discover how to continue character growth over extended periods
Goal: Learn how to tell mini stories within over-arching ones
Strategy: Watch video Television and Episodic by Norman Hollyn and look for clues within https://www.lynda.com/Video-Editing-tutorials/Television-episodic/ 120261/147201-4.html
Goal: Learn rules regarding episodic vs. film writing
Strategy: Really focus on what separates episodic television writing and stories from those in film and explore the types of themes found in each
Film Screenwriting
Goal: Maximize my utility of Final Draft
Strategy: Take course Learning Screenwriting with Final Draft by Roger S. H. Schulman and look for tips and tools I don’t currently utilize https://www.lynda.com/Final-Draft-tutorials/Screenwriting-Final- Draft-9/408228-2.html
Goal: Differentiate between important notes and non-important
Strategy: Further develop what feedback to focus on and apply vs. individual preference
Goal: Develop and utilize professional habits
Strategy: Force myself to “buckle down” and apply myself fully through strict self regulation and time management
Writing for Games
Goal: Understand how the hero’s journey plays into video game creation
Strategy: Look for the recognizable aspects of writing to this point and find the similarities betwixt those and games
Goal: Explore jobs at my favorite developers
Strategy: Explore, contact and attempt to cultivate relationships with someone at Bethesda/Zenimax
Goal: Learn how the consumer plays into the game creation
Strategy: Watch Define Your Player by Christian Bradley https://www.lynda.com/Unity-tutorials/Define-your-player/ 456825/498010-4.html
Storytelling and Storyboarding for Animation
Goal: Learn the differences between animated storytelling and “traditional”
Strategy: Consciously be on the lookout for differences between film/ television and games and what rules are different
Goal: What are things to keep in mind when writing animated films
Strategy: Study nuances and whether or not the themes of the story are broadened
Goal: Learn how/if character performance plays a part in how the story is written and watch Bringing Pantomime and Acting into Cartoons by Jorge Guttierez and Sandra Equihua https://www.lynda.com/3D-Animation-Animation-tutorials/Bringing- pantomime-acting-cartoons/58022/89442-4.html
Advanced Script Editing
Goal: Apply all lessons learned to this point
Strategy: Apply editing lessons to body of work from prior classes across all mediums, exploring how each is effected
Goal: Learn questions to ask prior to seeking feedback in order to eliminate waste of time sessions Strategy: Pay particular attention to editing process and gauge progress from Script Analysis and Criticism
Goal: Review basics of script editing to refresh myself with the process
Strategy: Watch Your First Script Edit by Keith Gilbert at the beginning of the month and again at the end https://www.lynda.com/InDesign-tutorials/Your-first-script-edit/ 408237/452565-4.html
Creative Writing Portfolio I
Goal: Create Pitch Deck for television series idea
Strategy: Direct efforts to professional quality pitch deck for series concept and utilize all lessons learned, work toward publication avenues for final product
Goal: Create some means of easy access digital portfolio  
Strategy: Explore and weigh safe means to display work to potential employers, reach out to said employers
Goal: Begin process for personal website  
Strategy: Watch Adding a Portfolio by Paul Trani   https://www.lynda.com/Dreamweaver-tutorials/Adding-portfolio/ 558001/588112-4.html
Creative Writing Portfolio II
Goal: Finalize both hard copy and digital copy of Pitch Deck
Strategy: Stick with and follow through with previous months efforts toward creation of Pitch Deck by seeing it come to fruition
Goal: Finalize and market online portfolio and website
Strategy: Explore and decide which avenue is most suited to my brand and watch Marketing Foundations: Influencer Marketing by Evgenii “Geno” Prussakov https://www.lynda.com/Constant-Contact-tutorials/Influencer-Marketing- Fundamentals/476940-2.html
Goal: Get a job
Strategy: Revisit and create relationships with potential employers/agencies, (hopefully) setting up work upon graduation
The Business of Creative Writing
Goal: Learn how to anticipate trends/read market
Strategy: Find the similarities between what I see and what we’re taught in this particular month
Goal: Separate the “artist” from the art
Strategy: Check my ego and pay close attention to how to sell the product barring emotional connection
Goal: Learn how to succeed as a freelancer
Strategy: Take Freelancing and Consulting in User Experience by Cory Lebson, breath and don’t drown under the weight of graduating https://www.lynda.com/User-Experience-tutorials/Freelancing-Consulting-UX/ 571618-2.html?srchtrk=index%3a2%0alinktypeid%3a2%0aq%3apersonal %0apage%3a1%0as%3arelevance%0asa%3atrue%0aproducttypeid%3a2
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johnniekballer-blog · 7 years
Strengths and Weaknesses
I am beyond conflicted as I dislike most social media. In particular what it does to us as a society. In no way do I feel that it strengthens my professional network. I don’t want to be seen as just an online entity but one of flesh and blood as those that read these words. Too often do I feel we relegate ourselves to written interaction. My strengths are the two sides of this coin, however. I feel best able to communicate language through written mediums and yet I feel it’s my personality that sets me a part from my peers, draws me closer to my comrades and strengthens relationships. Though I often can verbalize my thoughts and feelings in blurbs such as this, these words are not who I am as I am seldom afforded the luxury to pick and choose my words at my own leisure.  I wish to be done with new social media sites as each sucks more of my time into them. I have no desire to be “internet famous” or even famous for that matter. Why do we strive to reach thousands and millions when touching just one life could potentially be the most impactful? 
I saved a young man’s life once. I saved him by talking to him, alone. Little did I know in the moment that he had planned to take his own life later that evening. My talking to him and setting a plan in motion to take him into my charge and oversee his professional growth stayed his would be actions. Of course, I found this out over a year later when I was to part ways with that chapter of my life. What seemed like a footnote to all the amazing men and women I met whilst amidst this time frame, the real impact I had was in a simple conversation I had all but forgotten. Had I been out to impress and make happy everyone else, I may have not had the conversation I had with him that day. But I did. And that moment proved to be what I feel we should all seek. To touch a life. Singular. If more are, so be it. But one person being the better for what we bring to that table... well, I prove myself wrong as I don’t know how to articulate what that actually means to me. I challenge you touch a life and articulate the same sentiment. I look forward to your words.
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johnniekballer-blog · 7 years
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