johnniewalkergirl · 5 years
I did a rant on my instagram story, thought I should share it here too in case anyone feels like adding something.
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johnniewalkergirl · 5 years
Omg these two are legit Wynhaught. I love it!! Melanie is on fire 😆😉
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johnniewalkergirl · 5 years
Source: jennigettinghaught
Season 4 episode 7 is gonna be awesome you guys!!
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
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I really like this poem by Laura Gilpin, so I decided to illustrate it. I’m not sure it’s totally successful but it was an interesting experiment! 🐮🐮
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
What’s up Doc? Or, how come I can’t understand Wynonna Earp Season 3?
So about Doc in WE. Many times throughout season 3 I found myself really lost by the story. In the finale I was so turned around that I actually wondered if meaningful exposition for or about Doc was cut in editing? Or maybe the weird path his character took this season was intentionally vague. 
So, he becomes a vampire. To be there forever for Alice. Or because he fears his own mortality. Maybe both.
He’s kind to Kate, sort of loves her, then pulls some class-A turd switcharoos on her later in the season. 
He attacks Charlie, drinks his blood & kills him. 
As he walks away from Charlie, he giggles--and this led me to believe Doc had been possessed by the fire witch teenager, because killing Charlie seemed so out of the blue, but totally something spiteful teen fire witch, who had acted out SO spectacularly in Nicole, would do. (SUCH a fun time watching Kat Barrell rule that role BTW).
But then, it seems he isn’t possessed by the teen fire witch. So I was wrong about that. He was just a hungry asshole vampire I guess? Maybe also acting out of jealousy over Charlie and Wynonna?
But killing Charlie then got him obsessed with getting more Angel blood and he’s now just a class-A turd all the time. Because of craving angel blood? 
He is indifferent to Kate’s suffering? Also ate a couple Purgatory residents and doesn’t give AF? What happened to Penny? I want to know. PENNY. Where aRE YOU??
THEN he menaces Waverly in what I thought was a truly heartbreaking way for the characters (”are you in there Doc” from Waverly was so upsetting and sad)--again, class-A turd--and Julian/Charlie angel-punches him into an angel statue. Waverly caresses his cheek.
When Doc awakens, he seems calm, grabs a cloth wrapped sword. In fact, from this point onward, all the snarly odd behaviour completely stops. Because he got angel-punched? Or crashed into an angel statue? Or was touched by Waverly? (see how I didn’t say Touched by an Angel? Too easy.) Or what? I’m confused.
Then he hands over the sword to Julian/Charlie who says Doc couldn’t touch the sword if his soul were truly lost. ?? So... he’s...uh...?? ?
And when Wynonna traps him with rope soaked in holy water, he somehow can free himself. So...not a vampire anymore?? Um. I feel stupid.
He sucks out Bulshar’s poison from Wynonna--in a move that was supposed to make us think he might be vampiring her. But he just sucks out the poison. Did Bulshar’s poison help cure him? And HOW can Bulshar be ‘mortal’ but also be a bizarre JK Rowling poor man’s Voldemort snake man/Dobby big-ears? Like--how is that, ugh. never mind. I’m just really confused. 
And Doc can breach the stairs? But you have to be mortal to do that? So, for sure, for real not a vampire anymore? How? And why’d he drop his guns? Like--take that shit with you idiot. Jesus. Wynonna has Bilbo’s sword Sting. She good, fam. 
Also, all i saw was shitty vines grabbing Waves in an admittedly terrible bit of special effects. Not a monster. But everyone knows there’s a monster? That needs fighting? (Doc’s a weapon?) All I heard anyone talk about all season was the Garden of Eden and that’s it. No monster. No hoax? Or did I miss it?
In summation. WTF. Just. Happened.
I was going to re-watch the whole season, but I don’t think it’ll make anything more clear. And I cant tell if this is good writing that’s leading to a mysterious reveal, or if this is plot-holes-a-rama, and kinda loosey-goosey?
And my too late disclaimer: I AM NOT HATING ON THIS SHOW. I LOVE IT. But lately I’m feeling like I might be missing all the connections--and I even have fricking SUB-TITLES on when I watch it cuz a lot of the lines go by so fast and so breathy/mumbly I can’t understand them SPEAK UP WHIPPERSNAPPERS gramma can’t HEAR YOU.
I don’t have any pals who are into WE. So maybe some of you Earpers out there can explain this to me. I really dig the show, I love that it’s kinda campy and we get cameos from Lost Girls, etc. But this season in particular was like being on a tilt-a-whirl for me.  
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
but hh-hh-how does my hair look?
Wynonna Earp
End of the World great hair.
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
Uh. I can’t even deal with this show anymore. Like. It’s not. And also the unexpectedness. Plus rules? But.
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
wham bam thank you, er, sis
wynonna earp
hey slugger, slugger, slugger, slugger....
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
gimme some of that ring ring
Welp. This GD show’s already off to a helluva start. I did not see that coming. Hey Charlie. Hey.
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
I must be easy to please too. 
fandom after season 2: we want more talking and domestic WH me:
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fandom during season 3: lol dom&kat give us more cute/domestic content than WH in season 3, we get nothing
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me: *thinking back to all WH moments in season 3*
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me: I am either very easily pleased or this fandom is full of drama queens
*gifs are not mine, all taken from wayhaughtshipper
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
Random thoughts about upcoming Wynonna Earp finale.
- Bulshar shoots Wynonna with Peacemaker, Waverly saves her with Julian’s ring, somehow sacrificing herself in process--Julian/Mama Earp come back for ultimate sacrifice swap, thus saving everyone & restoring the sisters. Kevin has extra sneaky bombs yet to drop.
- Bulshar destroys Peacemaker thus opening the hidden entrance to The Garden. Waverly confronts Bulshar and wielding the ring. Nicole appears wielding the sword we glimpsed last ep. Wild shit ensues. 
- Doc rids himself of the witch who possessed him and uses his immortality as a trade-off against Bulshar somehow, buying time for the Earp sisters to figure out how to take on Bulshar. Regardless of Waverly having the ring, Wynonna is the Heir. Even if Waves sacrifices herself by turning to stone, I could see Wynonna still delivering the killing blow somehow.
- Robin is connected to the roots/trees. Jeremy is kinda psychic. Together the boys find a way to infiltrate/protect the garden via potato-powers and Bulshar is blocked entrance. The entire town of Purgatory is swallowed up in the final confrontation between an enraged Bulshar and the team, as the ep ends, we pan out to see a smoking mess where Purgatory once stood, but the surrounding area is intact, thus indicating the world was saved. A lone stone figure stands watch amidst the ruins, we see a hand emerge from beneath a pile of rubble and--credits roll.
- Let us not forget that Nicole Haught is The Survivor. She’s survived against all odds before, is she going to once again be the lone survivor of this outcome? Will the entire gang somehow be out of commission--and Nicole will have to bring them all back? WE throws out tons of red herrings and short-lived sub-plots/sub-characters. But I can’t help thinking The Survivor is important. Will it take the current Sheriff Haught to confront the former Sheriff Clootie?
- Wynonna has Alice to live for. She can’t/won’t die. Doc has already made a deal with the devil. Waverly can sacrifice herself--but as HALF angel, might not be prone to turning to stone. Or she might not be able to--thus Mama’s search for Julian. Bobo is a wild-card. He might pull through for Waves. Nicole is willing to sacrifice herself but won’t get the chance, since she’s fully human and this is going to boil down to Earp Curse originals: the main family group.
- Nicole gives Calamity Jane to Nedley as he evacuates with the townspeople of Purgatory.
- Rosita rescues Peacemaker! And gets it back to Wynonna!
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
This show has given us some excellent bras since season 1. 
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
Nicole Haught: she’s a planner
Nicole Haught has a backup magazine of wooden bullets. Wooden. Bullets. Because just in case Holliday goes off the rails and gets too bitey, she’s prepared to kill a bitch. With tiny, tiny little fast moving stakes. I love this woman.
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
holy shit, you’re right!
What I got from this episode is that WayHaught owns lube…
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johnniewalkergirl · 6 years
Everyone’s giving great face.
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