johnnydeppfuckyeah · 3 years
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
Amber Heard hired P.I. to dig up dirt on Johnny Depp, but 'fixer' spoke to 100 people who all 'couldn't say enough about his generosity and tender heart' - but some had harsh words for actress
Paul Barresi was hired by Amber Heard’s legal team last summer to find people who had been verbally or physically abused by Johnny Depp
The former porn star-turned Hollywood ‘fixer’ interviewed 100 people across the US and Europe who worked with Depp on films dating back 30 years
Barresi said he was hired to look into Depp’s ‘follies and vices’ in the hopes those who spoke out against Depp would testify in the upcoming defamation cases
But Barresi told DailyMail.com he couldn’t find anyone who had a bad word to say against Depp, 56
He said: 'In fact, they couldn’t say enough about his ever flowing outpouring of generosity and tender heart’
Some had harsh words for Heard, 33, who filed for divorce in May 2016
Depp’s friend Jonathan Shaw told Barresi about Heard: 'The only thing I would be willing to help that gold digging w***e do is help load the gun she wanted to use to blow her f**king brains out’
Depp is suing a UK tabloid for calling him a 'wife beater’ and suing Heard in Virginia for defamation  
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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Abuse a Man Unjustly, and You Will Make Friends for Him
“Tell the world Johnny, tell them, I Johnny Depp, a man, I’m a victim too of domestic violence… And see how many people believe or side with you.”
A survivor of hellacious abuse, who was falsely accused of being the abuser, has gone above and beyond to prove his innocence. Despite the profuse amount of evidence in his favor he still is not being believed in the court of public opinion. He did everything and more that one would expect from an abused party. Detailed notes in the form of gruesome photographs, video footage, medical records, audio confessions from his abuser, fleeing the area when violence would erupt, sinking into the bowels of depression as those around watched and could do almost nothing to help or stop it.
This man begged for there to be no more violence. He pleaded with his abuser, “there can be no physical violence..” in the audio tape. “Don’t tell me what it feels like to be punched”, as she tried to redefine his words and experience for him. “I lost a finger man..” He reminds her as she chastises him wildly for insinuating he is a victim of anything at all. The first tape is the result of couples therapy according to the accompanying documentation. We also know he was seeking professional help for his addiction issues. He was trying to change and do better for her. Little did he know at the time it would never be enough. There is nothing he could have done that would ever satisfy her lust for violence, nothing that would have made her stop abusing him. In fact he’s lucky to have gotten out when he did because in all likelihood it would have only continued to get worse for him. Amber Heard is a sick individual who lacks self control and thrives on brutality and combativeness. She is only truly living when she is sucking the life out of someone.
She managed to insert her tortuous ways into his opioid detox by withholding medication from him that would send him into spasms. This is an act that easily could have killed him by triggering him to go into cardiac arrest, not that she likely would have cared much if it had. She sought vengeance on him at all times. Her jealousy and envy of him and everything that he’s accomplished, everything that he has, and everything that he is are unmatched. Certainly by anything I’ve ever encountered anyhow. She didn’t just want what he had but I believe she truly want to be him. Right down to the cheekbones. She dressed like him, she mimicked him, she pretended to be interested in his interests. She tried to turn herself into a female version of him and lured him into her villainous talons. A literal siren.
Johnny Depp has several very impactful witness statements but the one that stands out most to me is from Tara Roberts in the Bahamas. She is his property manager there and has known him and his family for over a decade. She talks about watching a man that she knew as jovial, active, and family oriented suddenly resort to sleeping all day and becoming more reclusive. She goes on to describe several events which took place with Amber on the island, one of which sees Johnny fleeing his home on his ATV just to get away from her monstrous behavior. It proves futile as she catches up with him anyhow, continuing to attack and berate him at length. This man was fleeing his own homes to escape her on a regular basis. His security guards attest to this, having to pick him up from the Eastern Building on multiple occasions after a Heard rampage and taking him back to his West Hollywood home. Heard wanted him to stay and take her abuse because it only made her more angry for him to leave. She became enraged because he refused to stay and be her personal punching bag. It’s vomitous that anyone holds this woman up as a pillar of justice for women when in truth she is the voice of abusers everywhere.
She and her supporters try to say his witnesses are unimportant because they’re his employees. Taking into account that there are over forty of them are we really to believe that all these people agreed to be bought off with not a single soul showing conscience? Beyond that not a single soul ratting the others out and turning on them all? To the contrary several of Amber Heard’s friends have pivoted on her. Her interior decorator and friend Laura Divenere submitted a declaration that Amber had never spoken of domestic violence nor did she ever appear injured in Laura’s presence. We have recntly learned that her own personal assistant will be testifying against her in The Sun trial as well. Not one person from Johnny Depp’s camp has flipped sides. Out of all the people he has spent significant time with in his life not one person has stepped up behind Amber’s claims to echo any sentiment of violence. I don’t mean the inaneness that will inevitibly be brought up if I don’t mention — The Mark Hotel incident, the paparazzi incident with Vanessa Paradis, the crew member on City of Lies who was already proven to be a liar multiple times. I’m talking about claims of true personal violence against someone he was romantically involved with. The time was more than ripe after Amber accused him and not one other woman came forward, in fact they all defended him. I find that astonishing in a marvelous way. Character profiles are extremely important here as abusers usually have a pattern over many years. There is one person in this relationship with a pattern of abuse and abusive behavior. Hint: it’s not Johnny Depp. There is also one person here on whom you can easily find distasteful comments about meeting, interacting, and working with. Hint again: it’s not Johnny Depp.
There’s so much here already and I know we, the public, have not even seen a drop in the ocean compared to what Johnny Depp has in his possession and evidence. People aren’t thinking about that though. They see everything that comes out as some kind of diabolical “leak” from his side, designed only to slander Heard in the media. They don’t realize where these leaks come from. In the United States we have the Freedom of Information Act. All of this documentation is available to the public for anyone who cares to go and look. In the UK I understand the laws are a bit different but a member of the press can go and request the records be released to them. Why would he deny it? He has everything to lose by not being 100% open during both of these proceedings. The antithesis to this is anything coming from Heard’s camp. Anything she (or her lawyers) releases is seen as the smoking gun and people seem to forget there are two recordings out where she professes her lunacy to him let alone two trials looming with an exorbitant amount of evidence yet to be revealed. To be clear, what’s come from her side has been feeble attampts at character assassination and pathetic bids to make him a sniveling, mustache twirling, villain more than anything of real value to her case -which she only states she’ll prove, “if necessary.”
Amber Heard has now requested in both the defamation lawsuit in Virginia and The Sun suit in the UK that her evidence be kept private. In the US that request has already been denied along with two attempts to have the case dismissed flat out. She has a third dismissal attempt still pending as of this writing. That just doesn’t sound like someone who wants to prove their claims beyond a reasonable doubt. It sounds like someone who wants to shut the whole thing down by any means necessary because they cannot substantiate what they say. The courts even agreed in 2016, she can never refile these domestic abuse claims against Johnny Depp and she had hired a criminal defense attorney at that time. Does that not sound suspect to anyone else? She’s been subpoenaing irrelevant people, productions, and companies left and right. She also avoided sitting for a deposition like it was the coronavirus. After multiple excuses and delays they finally got her into the room where she threw a nine hour temper tantrum and refused to be questioned under oath. It was ultimately completed and what has come out of it doesn’t look good for her either.
She has contradicted her own stories so many times I don’t even know where to begin. For starters she seems to not remember when she got married or when her honeymoon was. She stated she only ever hit Johnny one time in defense of her “baby sister” whom she suggests he was about to push down the stairs. We now know, thanks to her deposition and audio confessionals, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. She wholly admitted to multiple violent attacks against him along with the throwing of pots, pans, cans, and vases. She admitted to kicking a door into his head while he was hiding from her in a bathroom and proceeding to punch him in the jaw directly after. Other’s have declared they’ve seen her violently assault him, spit on him, throw purses, and heavy TV remotes to name a few. The list is frankly and sadly endless, and when all is said and done I can’t imagine that Amber Heard comes out smelling like anything less than a thousand year old egg. Johnny may never be fully redeemed by all, just look at the reaction to the absurd necromancer text, some genuinely believe a man must be without any fault to be a victim. He will have his day(s) in court and he will prove himself.
Please feel free to look up any of her declarations and filings to verify the information stated here. I don’t often use a ton of citations but that’s because I assume the base of my readers to be people who are intimately familiar with the case already.
Johnny Depp is a very powerful man, just not in the way the media wants you to believe. Although it may not always seem like it, Depp has made friends around the world throughout this ordeal. People who are victims of abuse have flocked to his side after seeing what, to them, seemed like extremely obvious proof that he was the victim. Men have begun speaking up for themselves about violence they have suffered at the hands of their significant others. They no longer feel ashamed or put down because a woman laid hands on them and inflicted injury, sometimes very seriously. If nothing else Johnny should be extremely proud of himself for speaking up. It may well have been the hardest thing he’s ever done in his life and people should take him seriously. He should take pride that he influenced a large number of people to speak out about their own experiences and find catharsis with him in finally letting it out. He should be proud for giving people hope and he should be proud that he survived and continues to thrive and fight for what’s right. I hope that even in his darkest moments, and when he might be feeling most alone, he can find that one little synapse in his mind that reminds him that we are all here for him, and that he has been there for us. Johnny Depp is innocent. Johnny Depp is a survivor. Johnny Depp will have justice and Johnny Depp has already begun to rise from the ashes of this hideous ordeal. May the film offers pour in and the musical fulfilment be never ending. The best is yet to come.
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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Why did no one believe Johnny Depp?
When it was first reported that Johnny Depp had been hit and pelted with crockery by his slight, blonde then wife, Amber Heard, I’m afraid my first reaction was disdain. Johnny and Amber recorded their rows on their mobile phones (as you do) and a ‘reliable source’ leaked the recording: ‘I was hitting you, it was not punching you,’ Amber says to Johnny. ‘Babe, you’re not punched.’ Then, exasperated: ‘You are such a baby. Grow the fuck up Johnny… I did not hurt you, I did not punch you, I was hitting you.’
At first my sympathies were with Amber. C’mon Johnny, c’mon Captain Jack Sparrow, can’t a lady throw a plate or two? Surely a slap, under provocative circumstances, is OK? The TV of my youth was full of ladies with shoulder pads slapping men. Barely a week went by on Dynasty without Joan Collins, as Alexis Carrington, clipping some cowering chap. Very satisfying it was too.
It’s worse for a man to hit a woman than the other way around. You might think you disagree — most millennials are bound to disagree — but think of Hollywood, that mirror of all our souls. Think of the hundreds of jolly romcoms in which the girl gets to swat the guy — he’s come on too strong maybe, or there’s a misunderstanding. No big deal. Now just imagine a romcom in which the male protagonist loses his rag and smacks his love interest.
A week after the recording was leaked, another window opened up into the Heard/Depp love nest; another demented recording found its way to the Mail, and after this one, the affair can be seen in a very different light. My whole gung-ho approach to women slapping men looks different and I’m having to rethink my prejudices, which is uncomfortable.
‘Tell the world, Johnny, tell them: I Johnny Depp, a man, I’m a victim too of domestic violence…’ This is Amber taunting Johnny, hissing at him, daring him to go public. ‘You’re bigger and you’re stronger. I was a 115lb woman… You’re going to get up on the stand, Johnny, and say “She started it’’? Really? Just see how many people believe or side with you.’ It was as if the whole drama suddenly changed genre, from a portrait of a rock’n’roll LA marriage into something more like Single White Female.
After recording two, I was not Team Amber anymore. Worse: I wasn’t even on my own team. Amber Heard was right. No one had thought to believe Johnny for a second, no one had questioned her version of events, not because she had a watertight case — but because she was a woman.
To understand how crazy that last recording is, you have to understand something of the history of the Depp/Heard affair. In the summer of 2016, after just a year of marriage, Amber accused Johnny of hitting her. She posted photos of her slightly bruised right eye on Instagram, and as she filed for divorce she took out a restraining order. There really wasn’t much in the way of evidence, but Amber looked the very picture of a 21st-century victim: beautiful, fragile, bravely out as pansexual. The world rallied round and anyone who even considered questioning Amber’s account of events was quickly labelled a misogynist.
Both Depp’s ex-wives seemed confused. Vanessa Paradis said: ‘In all these years I have known Johnny he has never been physically abusive with me and this looks nothing like the man I lived with for 14 wonderful years.’ Depp’s first wife, Lori Anne Allison, agreed, saying he was a ‘soft person’. Depp’s daughter Lily-Rose Depp defended him too, and was attacked by Grazia magazine as a result: ‘Heard’s voice counts and our insidious, doubting voices do not.’
Johnny believes the furore caused him to lose his most lucrative gig, the role of Captain Jack Sparrow in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, and no one thought it unfair. I didn’t think it unfair, I simply assumed that Johnny was a cad. It never occurred to me or to the usual activists against abuse that Johnny could be the one who needed help. He’s a man, part of the patriarchy, how can he be a victim?
In 2015, just after Amber and Johnny tied the knot, the UK outlawed ‘coercive control’ — the attempt by one partner to bully and dominate another. But when the law was announced by Karen Bradley, the then minister for preventing abuse and exploitation, she made it quite clear who needed protecting: ‘No one should live in fear,’ she said, ‘which is why this government has made ending violence against women and girls a priority.’ In 2016, The Archers ran the story of timid Helen and Rob, her controlling husband, and for a while after that no women’s magazine was complete without a ten-point checklist: ‘How to tell if you’re dating a male narcissist.’ Diagnostic jargon spilled over from psychology into ordinary marital arguments, which was useful for a while. ‘Don’t gaslight me,’ I once said to my husband mid-row. It felt very empowering. ‘I’m not gaslighting you, I’m just disagreeing with you,’ he said. ‘There’s got to be a difference.’
I’m not suggesting that Amber has a personality disorder — who knows what the next episode of the Johnny and Amber show will reveal? He’s currently suing her for defamation and loss of earnings over the Pirates of the Caribbean affair. Amber says Depp is trying to ‘victim blame’ her and the recordings are being ‘twisted’.
But as we Archers fans know, it is textbook narcissist to accuse your partner of the crimes you yourself have committed — domestic violence, say — and to taunt them with the fact that no one will listen. It’s textbook narcissist to pose as the victim when in fact you’ve been the bully all along.
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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2019, September 8 - Olivier Vigerie, Deauville
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
Johnny Depp in UK court for hearing on tabloid libel lawsuit
LONDON (AP) — A lawyer for Johnny Depp told a British judge on Wednesday that the star’s ex-wife Amber Heard lied when she accused him of domestic abuse.
Depp denies the abuse allegations, and attended the High Court in London for a preliminary hearing in his libel suit against British tabloid newspaper The Sun.
The Hollywood star is suing The Sun’s parent company, News Group Newspapers, and the newspaper’s executive editor, Dan Wootton, over a 2018 article alleging he had been abusive to Heard.
The “Pirates of the Caribbean” star sat behind his legal team in court as his lawyer David Sherborne said the case would feature “diametrically opposed” versions of events from Depp and Heard.
“One person, one side, is lying, and one is not,” he said. “Obviously, we say that it is Ms. Heard (who is lying), Mr. Depp is 100% clear about that.”
The lawyer said that Heard was not a victim but the “aggressor” in the couple’s relationship. Depp and Heard divorced in 2017.
The full hearing is due to start on March 23.
Depp is also suing Heard for libel in the United States.
Source: https://apnews.com/b66836c68276160bfabe784976cd4004
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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EXCLUSIVE: Johnny Depp makes surprise appearance at London's High Court as he sues The Sun over column branding him a 'wife-beater'
Johnny Depp made a surprise appearance at London's High Court today as he sues The Sun newspaper over claims he beat up his ex-wife Amber Heard. The Pirates of the Caribbean star will go head to head in a showdown with Heard as he tries to prove that he didn't hit her during their stormy 18-month marriage. Depp is suing The Sun and its Executive Editor Dan Wootton for libel over an article he wrote in which he called the Hollywood star a 'wife beater'.
In an article slamming author JK Rowling for casting Depp in her film 'Fantastic Beasts', Wootton detailed Amber's claims that he physical and verbally abused her during their brief, troubled union.
Depp, 56, wearing a blue suit and sunglasses, has robustly denied the claims and is set to go head to head with his former wife in the central London court in March.
At a pre-trial hearing today, the star's lawyers said he denies allegations of violence against Heard '100 per cent' - and he is determined to clear his name by giving evidence in open court.
Aquaman actress Heard, 33, will also fly in from the US to give her side of the story.
Heard has claimed that Depp was a 'monster' who repeatedly beat her during a series of drug-fuelled attacks before and during their marriage.
The US actress alleged that Depp, 55 left her fearing for her life after he choked her and ripped out chunks of her hair in more than a dozen violent altercations.
Depp has hit back, insisting that he was the victim of domestic violence and that he was regularly attacked by Heard.
She filed for divorce in May 2016 and alleges that the violence started in 2013, even before the couple married.
David Sherborne representing Depp, told the court: 'The Sun's article contains serious and criminal accusations against Mr Depp; that he beat his wife and caused her significant injury.
'Mr Depp has the right to have himself publicly vindicated. This is a vital function of the libel trial when it takes place.'
The High Court was told that Depp is producing 17 witnesses to prove that he is innocent, including testimony from two Los Angeles police officers.
New video and audio evidence is also being submitted to disprove claims that he beat Heard.
It was also revealed that the actress is making new allegations of violence and that a number of her friends will be travelling to London to give evidence on her behalf.
Mr Sherborne said: 'New, horrible allegations are being made by Ms Heard, which Mr Depp completely denies.
'One side is lying, and one side is not. We say that it's Ms Heard.'
Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8046849/Johnny-Depp-makes-surprise-appearance-Londons-High-Court-sues-Sun.html
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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1989, July 12 - Vancouver
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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johnnydeppfuckyeah · 4 years
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2005, July 13 - Jay Leno
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