johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
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reid x daughter!reader
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
Where do you go?
(A/N): This is requested by an anon and based on this post.
Summary: How does Hotch’s daughter, who everyone goes to with their own problems, cope with her mother’s death two years later?
Warnings: Angst. Grief. Dealing with a loved one’s death
Wordcount: 2.2k
✨Masterlist✨ _____________________________
“Hey (Y/N), I really need your help with Tim. Do you have a minute for me?” (Y/N) turns around to see a boy from her science class. It’s not like she knows him that much, they occasionally team up for small projects, there is nothing more behind that.
“Uh of course. I just had my last class, so I got time for you.” She smiles and lets him, Vincent is his name she thinks, rant to her about how his boyfriend doesn’t understand his needs.
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
Don’t Touch Her
Spencer Reid x Daughter!reader
Word Count: 1,739
Requested By: Anonymous
I literally just had a thought and I really want to request this, Spencer is interviewing an unsub, and the unsub goes to Reid!reader’s school maybe in the reader’s grade maybe older, because I see the reader as a freshman she is slowly coming out of her awkward phase and guys start to notice her more, and the unsub mentions how he checks out his daughter at school and stuff, and Spencer literally just goes all protective dad mode on him
A/N: Takes place around season 14
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping, torture, rape. Creepy unsub
There were many other reasons as to why Spencer would show up at your school in the middle of the day. Most of them were good reasons but the one for today wasn’t. He and Rossi were supposed to pick up an unsub. Secretly, he was hoping he wouldn’t run into you. He didn’t want to have to explain what he was doing. 
You were sitting in the library when a motion out of the corner of your eye caught your attention. You looked up from your math textbook and saw your dad walking into the commons with Rossi. You knew he was probably here for work, but that didn’t stop you from saying hi to him. 
You gathered your things and slung your bag over your shoulder. You slipped out of the library, letting the door close behind you. Rossi looked your way and waved you over, which caught your dad’s attention. 
“Y/n? What are you doing out of class?” he asked you. He pulled you in for a side hug, placing a quick kiss to the top of your head. 
“I was studying in the library. I finished my test early so Mrs. Conner sent me here,” that was a typical thing that happened to you. You had your dad’s brains so school came easily to you. In most of your classes you were the youngest, a freshman with juniors and seniors. 
“So you spent your free time in the library?” Rossi asked.
“Well where else was I supposed to go?”
“When I was in high school, I would’ve met up with friends and skipped class,” he said.
You scoffed at him, “You think I have friends? Look at my dad?” not only did you inherit your dad and his genius tendencies, you also inherited his awkwardness. It was a lot worse in middle school though. Some of the older girls in your classes have helped you get more comfortable with kids your own age (which you greatly appreciated). 
“I had friends,” your dad shot back.
“Dad, the librarian doesn’t count,” you teased him playfully. Spencer looked down at his watch. If he didn’t come up with some sort of excuse, you wouldn’t stop with the insults.
“I think your history class is starting. You might want to get going.”
You checked the time on your phone, “Okay. Are you going to be home tonight?”
“I should be. I’ll let you know if anything changes,” he hugged you one last time before letting you walk upstairs and disappear into the hallway. 
“If I had any doubts about her being your kid, they’re gone now,” Rossi joked, making Reid chuckle. 
“I’m glad that’s cleared up. Now, let’s get this guy in custody.”
The team tried to make the unsub, Tanner, uncomfortable but it didn’t work. They profiled that he was nervous around females, which is why he kidnaped, tortured, and raped them. Tanner was completely the opposite. He had too much confidence, he charmed his victims and lured them away from the school. 
When sending in JJ and Tara didn’t work, the team had a better idea, “Reid, you go in there and talk to him. You understand kids his age the best and Y/n goes to the same school. Use that to your advantage,” Emily said. 
He walked into the room and sat across from the teenager, “You remember me right? From the school.”
The boy nodded, “Dr. Spencer Reid. Why’d they send you in here? Did your team realize your lady friends weren’t working?”
“Kind of,” Spencer said. He knew teenagers better than anyone else on the team, he lived with one. He knew if he could get Tanner mad enough, he would reveal a detail about where his most recent victim was, “Do you mind if I explain what my team and I are trying to do?”
Tanner scoffed, “I know what you’re doing. I’m not five.”
“That’s what my daughter says when she doesn’t know something. You know, she’s around your age so I understand the kind of changes you’re going through,” he knew that was a sensitive subject with kids your age. They didn’t like to talk about that kind of thing.
“I know your daughter. Why do you think I said I know what you’re doing?”
“Are you in a class with her?” Spencer asked. He didn’t know if he was lying or not. Tanner wasn’t showing any emotions so far so there were no tells. 
“Yeah I’m in a class with her. Our science class and boy oh boy, does she talk about you and your job. It’s literally the only thing she says. Anytime it’s relevant, her hand shoots up and she just talks and talks and talks.”
“Really? I can tell you’re not too interested in profiling then.”
“Not really. I’d have a bigger issue with her talking about it, but,  something about Y/n just, I don’t know, gets me,” Tanner had a smug smile on his face. The team always says, unsubs sometimes make good profilers themselves and he could tell that talking about you this way in front of your dad would get him some satisfaction. 
Spencer froze. He was trying to keep his emotions in check but nobody could have predicted this. You weren’t his type. He went after girls in his own grade, not three grades below, “What do you mean she gets you?”
“Do you really want to know? You are her father after all. I’m not sure it would be good for you to hear all this.”
“It’s my job to help stop people like you, and to save people like Y/n,” Spencer took a deep breath and let Tanner talk. JJ wanted to go in there and stop it but Rossi pulled her back, Reid was definitely going to get somewhere.
“Every time I see her in the halls I just can’t help myself. She’s gorgeous. I can’t keep my eyes off her,” he was looking into Spencer’s eyes with more malice than ever, “If she was older I’d totally try to get a date with her,”
Spencer took another deep breath. He was trying so hard to not lose his temper, “As her father, do I have a right to know what you would do with her?”
Tanner sneered, “Do you really wanna know?”
Spencer leaned forward in his chair, “I do.”
Tanner copied his movements, “Well, I have to first get her to trust me but that’s not hard. Y/n is a very trusting girl. She must’ve learned that from you. Once I get her trust, I’ll ask her to the movies. I’ll drive her of course, because she’s only fourteen.”
The way he was talking about you was making Spencer more and more angry. His had subconsciously gripped the table, his knuckles turning white, “Right. You want to make sure she’s safe.”
“Exactly!” Tanner sat back in his chair and threw his hands up, “You get it! Finally.”
“What would you do next?” hopefully he could get Tanner to let something slip, if he got too into this fantasy.
“Well I would tell her we’re going to the movies but really I’d take her to where the others were. Where I tied them up and beat them till they were crying for their dads. God, I can’t even imagine how Y/n would sound,” he stood up from his chair and took a step towards Spencer, “Dad! Help me Please! Daddy! He’s hurting me!”
Your dad lost it. Hearing him mock you, any father having to hear their child mocked like this would snap. Spencer stood up from his chair, pushing it behind him and sending it into the wall, “You don’t get to talk about her like that!” Spencer grabbed the boy by the collar of his sweatshirt, “If you ever mutter another word about my child like that again, I will personally make sure you’re in prison for life,” he dropped him back onto the floor. He flung open the door and let it slam behind him.
“Spence,” JJ tried to get him to stop but he kept walking. She let him walk to his desk and sit down. He ran his hands over his face. His phone buzzed and he picked it up. It was the tenth missed text from you. He didn’t realize how late it was. He sent you a quick reply, telling you he was coming home with something for you two to eat. 
He stopped by the bistro right in front of the apartment. He bought your favorite sandwich and soup before trekking up the stairs inside. He didn’t have much of an appetite after what happened at the BAU so he didn’t get anything for himself. He unlocked the door and was greeted by one of your hugs and a kiss on the cheek.
“How was the rest of your day?” you asked him. He handed you your food and walked to the couch. You sat down next to him, “Why didn’t you get anything?” he always got something at Anthony’s. It was both of yours favorite place to eat. 
“Let’s talk about your day. Did you get your test grade yet?”
“Aced it, like always,” you unwrapped your sandwich and took a bite, “What happened at work? I can tell when something bad happened,”
Spencer laughed, “I thought I was the profiler?”
“You are. I’m just a quick learner,” you leaned your head on his shoulder, “You really shouldn’t carry that stuff around with you, it’s not healthy.”
Spencer scoffed, “Really?” he  looked down at you, “Since when did you become my therapist?”
You shrugged, “I’m sorry, I can’t help it,” you looked up at your dad and saw his expression. He looked happy but in his eyes there was a hint of sadness, mayne anger, “You don’t have to tell me. I know your job is hard.”
Spencer pulled you into a hug, “You know I would never let anything happen to you right?”
“Yeah I know. You say that like all the time,” you said tiredly. A yawn escaped your lips.
“You should get to bed. I don’t want to keep you up.” 
“I’ll see you in the morning,” you stood up from the couch, “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Y/n,” he waited until you were in the doorway of your room, “I love you.”
You turned back to him and smiled, “Love you too dad.”
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes @dudele @kerrswriting @laura-naruto-fan1998 @multifamdomfan12 @aquariuslavenderhoney @rafehogwarts
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
tom holland and leonardo dicaprio are either related, the same person, or something like that.
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idk man
they just look similar to me
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
The Ship of Dreams
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Another gift of masterpiece in the cinematic universe!
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
Being Sebastian’s Daughter
-Sebastian would give you hugs all the time
-Happy? Hugs
-Sad? Hugs
-Angry? Hugs to help calm you down
-You and Mackie annoying the shit out of him
-You and him would send Seb memes and Tik Toks all the time
-Mostly at ungodly hours in the morning
-Movie marathons with hot cocoa and popcorn
-You would watch either his favorite old movies or new ones that you found on Netflix
-Stargazing and going to museums together cause you’re both a bit nerdy
-After you got stood up on a date one time, Seb would start taking you out once a month to show you how a man should treat his girl
-When he was gone for work, you would steal some of his things and refuse to give them back
-”Y/n I need that sweatshirt back” “No. it’s mine now”
-You had some anxiety issues, but Seb always helped you through it
-”Hey. Breathe with me baby”
-You went to set with him a lot
-Everyone loved you
-You’re like an exact copy of your dad
-Chris would probably be your godfather. You’ve known him since you were like 4 or 5
-Anthony was the Fun Uncle
-You always got up to something together
-If you asked, Sebastian would tell you about his childhood in Romania/Austria
-You knew some Romanian. But you really only talked in it with him or your grandmother
-You weren’t allowed to walk the streets of New York alone (for obvious reasons)
-When the streets were crowded, he would always make sure he had a hold of you
-Whether it was your hand or shoulder, he had to make sure you were still there
-He was a little overprotective but gave you space and freedom when you needed
-He took care of all the bugs and spiders for you
-He takes you to events and premiers
-But he always makes sure you’re comfortable and safe
@ssebstann @peachyprincessss @emmy-writes-sometimes
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
Johnny is s3 be like
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
every interaction between Johnny and Robby in S3 be like:
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
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hes so cute wtf
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
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pretty boy
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
Johnny preparing to go to the high school parent-teacher meeting just to yell that Daniel was the real bully in The Karate Kid:
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
Mary Mouser: talks about loving Criminal Minds
Also Mary Mouser:
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
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✧ Karate Kid - Young Johnny Lawrence and Daniel Larusso psd icons ✧
Quote (song): You’re the best - Joe Esposito 
- like/reblog if you save/use
PSD > https://www.deviantart.com/explosivefeels/art/FUTURE-FRIENDS-711364273
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
Y'all. Billy said his kids call Ralph "Uncle Ralph"
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
Can't stop thinking about Johnny Lawrence. Wow.
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johnnylawrencesgirl · 4 years
this face.... this face is tired of his sensei, it’s like trying to teach an old dog new tricks
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