johnpmoralesco · 4 years
Michael Evan Salley Shares Top Ten Ways To Overcome Procrastination
Originally published on feedster.com
We may get the word “procrastination” from the Latin word for putting off till tomorrow, but some say it also derives from an ancient Greek word for doing something against our better judgment (akrasia). Why would any thinking person behave like that? Not everyone agrees on the underlying reasons why we may behave in ways that are injurious to our own well-being. In this article, Michael Evan Salley suggests approaches that will help you get the important things done.
​1. Creating more distress
Psychologists have long believed that those who put things off fail to judge time properly, always thinking they have more than they really do. But the reality of approaching (or passed) deadlines doesn’t change the behavior.
Theories that procrastination is just laziness in five syllables don’t add up. Procrastinators have no problem doing something, just not the critical tasks.
What seems to be happening instead is that we human beings are trying to manage our distress. In this case, it’s distress that comes from contemplating an unappealing task. The problem is that by putting it off, we actually create more distress in our lives.
Procrastination engenders stress, poor performance, sleep problems, and even and even health issues. When we put things off we experience guilt, regret, and shame; all of which can erode our self-confidence, further reducing our ability to tackle important tasks. Avoiding the possibly devastating impact of procrastination on your life and work is as easy as trying the following simple approaches to overcoming this very human weakness.
2. Cut the catastrophe
Making a huge…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2QQeSRY
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/190085011265
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johnpmoralesco · 4 years
Michael Evan Salley Shares 5 Effortless Ways to Add Exercise into Your Routine
Originally published on theodysseyonline.com
Most of us would like to have more time for exercise and taking care of our health as part of our everyday life. Despite our best intentions and New Year’s resolutions, it is easy to find yourself falling back into ruts that do not include exercise and physical activity. Thankfully, with a bit of planning and guidance, you can use some painless and effective methods to get in daily exercise. In this article, exercise science enthusiast Michael Evan Salley provides a quick list of easy ways to build exercise opportunities into your daily routine.
1. Walk with a Purpose
If your workday involves sitting at a desk for long periods, consider building in a walking break at regular intervals throughout the day. Breaking up a sedentary routine with even short walks to a break room, restroom, around the office, or even walking in place reduces the risk of heart disease and increases overall metabolism rates.
Using a pedometer or fitness tracker will give you immediate and continuous feedback about how many steps you are getting in throughout your day. Knowing when you have reached your daily goal for steps taken provides a positive response and inspires you to walk even more.
2. Give Yourself an Early Morning Workout Reward
A great way to get your blood flowing right off the bat each day is to do some quick and simple exercises. Try waking up with a glass of cool water to get your brain and muscles fired up and then do a few sets of bodyweight…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2MYkJDT
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/190085011435
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johnpmoralesco · 4 years
Four Practical Tips for Handling Criticism
Originally published on psychreg.org
It would be nice if all the feedback we received were positive. However, that is impossible. Criticism, whether deserved or not, is inevitable. Dealing with criticism well is a vital life skill. Criticism may come from bosses, family, coworkers, friends, or romantic partners. What all criticism has in common is the pain it can cause.
These negative feelings lead many people to handle criticism very poorly. That’s not good, especially if the criticism is accurate.
Here are some suggestions to help you handle criticism better: 
Don’t be defensive
When you are hurt, your instinct may be to lash out against the person who precipitated your pain. However, doing so is a destructive response. It’s possible the criticism is unwarranted, but you must remain open to the chance it’s perfectly deserved. After all, personal growth is all about improving yourself.
Criticism can actually be a valuable opportunity to gain self-knowledge. Carefully consider the criticism you’ve received, but don’t respond in anger even if it is unfair.
Communication is key to remedying any sort of difficult interpersonal conflict. Your first goal should be clarity. React calmly, and try to seek a better understanding of what exactly you are being criticised for. Without getting angry, ask a few questions. Give the other person…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2QqjU8H
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/190085011525
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley Details 4 Must-Know Tips for Introverted Networkers
Originally published on thriveglobal.com
Depending on the size of your comfort zone, networking often means stepping out of it. Approaching and mingling with strangers is stressful, and many people feel uncomfortable putting themselves out there. But if you assumed networking events were an extrovert’s playground, think again. Making meaningful connections has more to do with basic social psychology than the gift of extroversion.
Sometimes extroverts bypass this fact without even knowing it. Their disposition is often so sunny and inviting they make a great first impression. However, that’s only half the battle; if you’re not attentive and intuitive as you network with others, you risk doing more harm than good. Here, the introvert has a unique advantage.
If you’re on the quieter side, you might not even recognize how perceptive you are. You’re more aware (for better or worse), of another person’s mood, vocal inflections, and nonverbal cues. Watching what other people say, do, or don’t do is what a successful networking interaction is all about.
So, the next time you find yourself at a networking event, embrace your introverted side with these four tips, detailed by experienced professional Michael Evan Salley.
1. When you approach a person or group, watch for “traffic signals” to get your timing right.
If you prematurely join a group at a networking event, you run the risk of awkwardly waiting for conversational lulls to introduce yourself properly. Other times, you risk interrupting a discussion, creating a distracting first impression. Instead, when you consider whether to yield or join…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2oszLIL
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/188690259090
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley Shares Three Tips to Set and Achieve Great Goals
Originally published on blogprocess.com
For many people, setting goals is a part of their lives. Some people are great at achieving their objectives while other people often fall short. If you are in the group of people who always seem to fall short, you might be wondering how you can begin achieving what you want. Here, results-driven construction professional Michael Evan Salley shares a few tips to help you set and achieve your goals.
Make it Achievable but Challenging
There’s a thin line between a goal that’s too easy and one that’s too hard; finding a goal that is both achievable and challenging can be difficult. If the goal is too easy, you likely won’t achieve anything, and if it’s too hard, you may end up giving up. You may have to reevaluate your goal several times before you find one that’s the perfect balance of challenging and achievable. One idea is to choose a goal that feels just out of reach; this will push you to put forth the extra effort required to achieve it.
Break It Down
If it’s a small goal, you likely won’t need to break it down. For a larger goal, breaking it down will help it feel more achievable. For example, running a marathon is a high aspiration, but if you’ve never run more than a few miles at a time, a marathon might feel overwhelming. Instead, set a series of smaller goals that will lead to your more significant achievement. You might start by having a goal to jog for two minutes without stopping,…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2pp3mn0
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/188690259220
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley Shares 7 Internal Communication Tips for Businesses
Originally published on newsblaze.com
A business relies on effective internal communications for successful daily and long-term operations. Messages and policy directives must be clearly conveyed between team members at every organizational level. In this article, Michael Evan Salley shares seven effective tips to help improve a business’s internal communications.
1. Lead by Example
Talk with and listen to your employees as part of your daily routine. Emphasize direct contact with you whenever possible, and use online communication when you cannot connect personally. Develop the habit of asking team members how they are doing on their projects and get their perspectives on daily operations as often as possible. People naturally want to be heard, and when you set the example of being an open communicator, you will see positive results in your organization.
2. Segment The Organization for Specific Communications
Some messages should go to every member of an organization, with feedback requested from the entire group. More commonly, messages should target a specific audience. The management team should be involved in mapping out the different groups that need to be part of certain types of communications, and who the members of each group should be. Every staffer will benefit from receiving only the messages that are important and relevant to their mission.
3. Specify the Tools that Should Be Used for Internal Communications
Depending on the size and scope of the business, one should choose whether written…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2IpDkGB
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/188130826660
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley Discusses the Most Important Soft Skills in the Workplace
Originally published on chartattack.com
Hard technical skills and expertise are essential to success in almost any industry. However, the value of soft skills should not be underestimated. Soft skills are the personal skills that do not involve technical knowledge or experience in a specialized field. These are the abilities that are crucial to success in working with others, which will pay dividends throughout a leader’s career in any area. In this article, Michael Evan Salley identifies eight of the soft skills professionals need most.
1. Communication Effective communication is at the top of the list for vital soft skills. People base their relationship with you around your written and verbal communication techniques and abilities. Your team members need to understand the details of every project you develop to know what you are thinking and what your expectations are. Spend time working on your writing skills and try out some public speaking training to improve your communication skills. 2. Flexibility
Always remember that every great plan you develop is going to need countless modifications to be successful. Remain open to the necessity of change, even to long-standing policies and procedures when it is clear that new methods are needed. Being adaptable and proactive gives every team member good cause to be confident in your ability to lead your…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2oizece
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/188130826505
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley Shares 5 Tips for Effectively Communicating with Remote Employees
Originally published on theusbport.com
Every successful company understands the value of effective internal communications. One of the more significant communication challenges many companies face involves keeping in touch with team members who work remotely outside of the office in other parts of the country or around the world. In this article, expert communicator Michael Evan Salley discusses five tips for establishing and maintaining effective communication with remote staffers.
1. Establish Standard Practices and Conventions
Setting up simple and easy to understand ground rules for communication procedures will go a long way towards promoting responsibility and responsiveness with remote team members.
For example, set up a memorandum or a wiki that details simple communication conventions. In what time zone will communications take place? Does the content of a subject line key an expected response time? What response is necessary to confirm receipt of a message? How does a remote staffer alert others that they will be unavailable? As your organization develops more conventions, your memorandum can change.
Simple guidelines that apply across your entire organization will promote clarity and will address most communication mistakes without an involved discussion.
2. Use a Chat Program
Most people in the modern world have adapted to using text messaging and chat programs to stay in touch quickly and easily. Chat programs are much more efficient than lengthy email chains.
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/188130826590
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley on Smart Home Trends and the Implications of Smart Technologies on Future Lives
Originally published on techavy.com
As recently as a decade ago, smart home technology was considered a luxury available to only the rich and famous. As technology improves and advances, more and more people are finding that new smart home technologies are accessible for both new homeowners and renters. In this article, Michael Evan Salley discusses some of the recent advances in smart home technologies and how essential they are becoming to home life for all Americans. 
Security Systems are Advancing Rapidly
Monitoring of exterior and interior spaces through security cameras has been expanding, with remote monitoring through phones and tablets becoming the norm. Remote one-touch recording and interactive voice features are quickly allowing homeowners to monitor and control their home spaces from anywhere in the world. 
Video can now be captured and transmitted from security systems to homeowners no matter where they are located. Enhanced and instant video is used by law enforcement to capture criminals and protect family members in emergency situations. 
Remote and keyless door locking systems also allow opening or locking doors from outside the home for convenience or additional security. 
Central Control from the Palm of Your Hand and Decor Friendly Hardware
The days of bulky cameras and devices with wires hanging everywhere around the inside and outside of a house are gone, as is the hassle of keeping up with multiple remotes and batteries. 
Smart technology companies are becoming more and more interested in a minimalist design that can match, or be adapted…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/3204s6m
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/187312224050
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley on Choosing the Right Fitness Routine
Originally published on personal-development.com
Everyone has different needs in establishing a solid fitness routine. Fitness routines can vary greatly depending on financial resources and time and scheduling constraints. In this article, Michael Evan Salley discusses three important steps and approaches to developing a fitness routine that is realistic and workable.
Assess Your Fitness Goals and Plan
Whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, train for sports, or just get healthier, assessing your specific goals is the important first step in developing a solid approach to a fitness program. You should certainly design a routine that fits with your daily schedule, whatever it may be. Fitness is a habit and you should make the development of that habit as simple as it can be. To the extent that you can add variety and new challenges to your program, it will be more likely to be successful long-term. Planning is also key to any routine’s success, and written scheduling and accountability to the schedule will add to your chances for sticking to a winning plan.
Before beginning any fitness program, you should evaluate your goals with your health care provider in order to determine what routine is best for your personal circumstances.
When You Have Time and Resources
If you have the time in your schedule for a significant investment in fitness and the resources to take advantage of personal training and fitness classes, there are many options available. A quality personal trainer will provide a total focus on your needs as their client. Personal trainers are typically qualified and good trainers enjoy a reputation of being great teachers in addition to just…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2KZNAqJ
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/187312223930
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley on Choosing the Right Corporate Structure for Your New Business
Originally published on fooyoh.com
Starting a new business often includes creating a new corporate entity to own and manage the business. Corporate structure for many small businesses is preferable to a sole proprietorship or a simple partnership for many reasons. In this article, Michael Evan Salley discusses general options for corporate structures and some of the strengths and weaknesses of each. 
A corporation is a legal entity created according to the statutory rules of each U.S. state. Generally, in every state, a corporation is considered a completely separate legal entity from any of its owners.
Corporations have several advantages over ordinary proprietorships or partnerships. Shareholders (the owners) of corporations are not normally liable for the debts or any legal obligations or judgments against the corporation. The general rule is that only assets invested in the corporation are at risk for the acts of the corporation. 
Selling some ownership in a corporation through issuing and selling stock is also much easier than selling an interest in a proprietorship or partnership. Corporate stock lives beyond the lives of the shareholders and can be passed on to family members while allowing the business to continue. 
There are some expenses and overhead involved with corporations that proprietorships and partnerships do not have to deal with. Forming a corporation requires time and some start-up expenditures, which vary from state to state. Maintaining corporate structure also…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/32hIZGj
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/187312223745
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley Touches on How you Can Rebuild Your Fitness After Taking Some Time Off
Originally published on playbuzz.com
You may have taken some time off from your fitness for a variety of reasons. Maybe you went on a vacation or wanted to enjoy the holidays with your family. Perhaps an illness or stressful situation took your attention away from exercise and clean eating. No matter the reason, you can jump right back into your plan and get back on track towards healthy living. Here, Michael Evan Salley shares five tips to re-start a fitness plan:
Leave the Past Behind:It is easy to get hung up about your past mistakes, especially if you followed some unhealthy habits. However, that is all behind you, and all you can do now is look forward to your future goals. Remind yourself that every day is a new day. Doing so will help you if you are feeling discouraged along any part of your wellness journey.
Be Patient:
You are not going to see results overnight. If you are trying to lose weight, it can fluctuate due to factors such as water retention and muscle mass. There may be times where you skip a workout or eat way too many snacks at a party. Don’t stress too much about doing either of these things. Remind yourself to get back up and keep going.Get a Partner:When you have a fitness partner that will keep you accountable, you are more likely to succeed. It is easier for you to skip a workout if you go to the gym alone. However, you are less likely to skip a workout session if you have a friend waiting for you. Your fitness partner will also be able to celebrate when you meet your health goals.
Remove Temptation:
Perform a spring cleaning in your…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2XUbirC from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/186379669900
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
4 Tips on Growing a Small Business in a Competitive Market
Originally published on businessmodulehub.com
In a forever growing competitive market, building and sustaining a successful small business can be tricky. Luckily, many entrepreneurs in the industry are willing to offer a helping hand for beginners.
Here, experienced professional Michael Evan Salley discusses four tips on areas to direct focus when growing a small business in a competitive market. 
Tip 1) Analyze sales and clients:
Whether your company offers a service or a product, successful sales are what will keep your company afloat in any market. 
A critical sales strategy for small companies to always keep in mind is to build a sales funnel. Doing this process is a fast route to growth. A sales funnel automates your business, making scalable development easy and quick. To build a healthy sales funnel, start by getting to know your target audience. 
An excellent way to increase sales is to create a customer loyalty program. To acquire new customers, it can cost three times more money for a business compared to selling a product or service to an existing customer. Customer loyalty programs also help companies to extend the loyalty life of existing customers and attract new ones, as well.
Tip 2) Know your competition:
Competition in any market is inevitable,…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2XY2LUH
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/186379669645
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley on 6 Proven Ways to Stick to a New Routine
Originally published on thriveglobal.com
If you’ve ever struggled to start a routine, you’re not alone. For most people, the hardest part of forming new habits is sticking with them long enough for the behavior to become ingrained. Luckily, there are a few simple strategies and mental shortcuts that anyone can use to avoid roadblocks and achieve their goal of starting and sticking to a new routine. Here, Michael Evan Salley, a personal growth advocate touches on 6 tips to establish a new routine. 
Focus on One Goal at a Time:
While it may be easy to start several new habits at once, sticking to them for the long haul is an entirely different story. Research suggests that even people who consider themselves effective multi-taskers typically work more slowly and less efficiently than people who force themselves to stay focused on one thing at a time. Instead of trying to revamp every aspect of your life at once, focus on one general area at a time, such as improving your physical health, getting more organized, or being more mindful, and make an effort to stick with that goal until the related habits and routines have had time to sink in.
Identity Interconnected Habits:
Once you’ve settled on a key area that you want to focus on improving, the next step is to identify interconnected habits that work to reinforce each other and facilitate routine-building. For example, if you are focusing on your health, habits such as exercising, eating healthier meals, and getting more sleep all have synergy, and doing one makes you much more likely to do the others. By identifying these habits, you can create a…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2Yd9oXc
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/186379669830
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley, Construction Specialist on OSHA Citation
Originally published on patch.com 
Any employer in the construction business has heard about or dealt with an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) citation. No citation, particularly serious citations, is good news to a company.
In 2016, Congress raised 80% of the penalties. This increase put more pressure on employers to quickly jump to a settlement with the OSHA to minimize their penalty and save thousands of dollars.
Even though a settlement seems like a reasonable, quick option for construction employers, especially with the increase in penalties, can a serious citation on record negatively affect a company’s future?
Why construction employers should think twice about a rushed settlement:
A serious citation can result in an employer paying up to $13,260. Fines escalate quickly when more than one component can be a part of any single citation. For companies who are looking to save money everywhere, they can settle for a reduction in a penalty, quickly moving on, and saving money sounds like a great option.
Many employers in the construction and industrial sector forget to contemplate possible scenarios that legally can defend a citation. Michael Evan Salley, a graduate from Clemson University with a Masters in Construction Sciences and Management states that the most common response for an employer upon receiving a citation is an immediate informal meeting with the OSHA.
“It is wise for employers to consider any legal defenses before settling with a large monetary penalty reduction. Moving on quickly from the issue could play poorly for the future,” said Michael Evan Salley.
Dissecting the hidden cost of an OSHA…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/31MpCp8
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/185848444945
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley Discusses The Top 10 Benefits Of Steel Framing Construction
Originally published on themainehouse.net
Wood is a traditional material used in the construction industry. However, as reliable as the material’s track record is, the construction industry is moving in a more progressive and modern direction that explores substituting alternative materials for wood.
Steel framing is an increasingly popular choice among construction companies in recent years. “The process involves the use of cold-formed steel (CFS) framing components like studs and tracks to frame a structure that is proving to be stronger than ever before,” said Michael Evan Salley With many other benefits to its use, here are the top ten advantages to steel framing construction:
Weight- Steel is denser than wood, which results in steel weighing more. However, when comparing it to the lightest wood beam, the steel I-beam is lighter. Michael Evan Salley, a graduate of Clemson University’s Construction Science and Management Master’s program, states that using steel framing will decrease labor needed for projects due to its lighter weight requiring less workforce.
Design- Engineers have designed steel materials for framing to be pre-cut to a specific way before being shipped out of the manufacturer. This additional manufacturing step allows for human error with cutting and measuring steel on a job site to be eliminated. The pre-designed steel also has proven for more significant buildings to be finished in a matter of weeks rather than months, or even years.
Project Execution- Pre-cut steel is a significant contributor to completing projects faster. Quick project execution not only benefits staying on schedule, but it also…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2XziltA
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/185848445230
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johnpmoralesco · 5 years
Michael Evan Salley Shares 5 Software Tools That Help Builders Manage Their Projects Successfully
Originally published on medium.com
Discovering the right software that promotes productivity within the work environment is an ideal situation for any business owner. In the construction industry, there are software tools that help manage construction projects more efficiently, ranging from managing employee time to creating 360-degree construction site images.
An excellent way to manage the potential of the business is to find the correct software tools for construction project management. Here are five top-rated software tools beneficial to explore:
1. Autodesk BIM 360- Budget and time are important factors when it comes to delivering quality business in construction. Michael Evan Salley, who received his Master’s in Construction Science and Management at Clemson University, states that this specific cloud-based software is essential to keeping projects within the budget and on schedule. Tools that help task automation, safety hazard predictions, quality management, and rework elimination keep your projects proactively moving forward as planned. Autodesk BIM 360 is an excellent choice for an organization integrating software for the first time with over 70 software…Read More from Michael Evan Salley | About Me https://ift.tt/2X7mMfO
from Michael Evan Salley https://michaelevansalley1.tumblr.com/post/185847876370
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