johnpringle · 4 years
“Apologize to your body. Maybe, that’s where the healing begins.”
— Nayyirah Waheed
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johnpringle · 4 years
Live once, twice or forever: the trigger phrase.
All humans whom have breathed will live forever. However, not all have used their free-will to prove their love to their Creator which is our reasonable service. I am sharing this exclusively out of obedience. I actually don’t want to share it but I must get through this extremely breath deafening issue or I might as well not breath.
1. Knowledge: Facts and Information.
As a first time married person, I knew what needed to happen. (Make preparation and be ready to pursue to resolve any differences, difficulties and needs. Listen to and for want) but I didn’t know how to produce it, so I was very unfruitful (no matter how I struggled to make it work). The challenge now is understanding why it’s so taboo to talk about when others clearly don’t understand it also. That was my first understanding. I failed at it and got hurt and recovered but failed again and again.
2. Getting an Understanding: Implied meaning.
I used to think up until recently that good marriage talk was about understanding each other’s individual love language (thank you G.C.).
However, this morning (thanks to a series our worship leader gave us to review) I realize that the actual language is a goal oriented platform instead of an individual personal perspective matching platform. (The whole fight fair argument).
Said another way; my wife (a title) isn’t responsible for getting it right with my own understanding (speaking my love language exclusively) however, my wife (in her title) is responsible for speaking the marital love language when it comes to me alone. And yes it goes both ways. It is my responsibility as a husband (in the title) to speak to my own wife with a marital tabled love language. This eliminates excuses of growth restrictions blamed on the significant other.
So when we are or were single, we may have met each other at that place of speaking each other’s love language to align our hearts for marriage (which got her next to you but not with you). And by the way many ‘couples’ stop at friendship and never move on in spirit to marriage although they are already sharing marriage consumables.
The next step (if that was both of your goal) was to learn how to speak the marriage love language (whatever that looks like for you both exclusively). This is something I never understood, which is no excuse.
This is something that I can’t learn on my own. And no, I don’t need a boyfriend to help me figure this out. Thank you very much. This is the place of man to man leadership and not the dump where unwanted men are tossed and laughed at. By the way, leadership that has time for the broken man, struggling to worship God (in a time like this). Not to watch them fail. I can do that well enough.
3. Wisdom: Having the why it is so important aligned with our own understanding.
As an orator it is important to know where the hearer is in order to reach them. Throwing a fit because you don’t understand the struggle isn’t the key. Putting their business on the neighbors (especially a young and broken just because you feel a need to get it out) table isn’t the key.
Most times when a tabled idea is rejected you may want to know the bones behind the brokenness. How did you present it. What areas of hurt did you trigger when you took someone else’s approach to it. What did your words mean to them. How is it that you respect something that they feel abhorrent to or hurt by (are you respecting a vengeance minded person unawares).
Not because they look strong are they strong. That can mean that something you may have phrased in your own understanding can come off as territorial or threatening or debasing or for some challenging. Which is way off even the friendship table, more like off a trash table or an enemy table (typically out of frustration). Yes these are forgivable but is that how one wants to build a house I think not.
This is typical where I find myself when I come crawling back to God for an answer and He responds by telling me to be open enough to say it with wisdom. I am not perfect, but also my neighbors methods are not perfect for where I am right now.
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johnpringle · 4 years
Lots of times it’s easy to think that when something went your way that it was good.
The term is unadulterated, most often associated with the lyrics ‘I did it my way’ thank you for that F. S., I certainly hope it worked out for you sir.
More often than not my way is the highway and I end up losing out on something precious and glorious not to me but to some experience that I could never have grasped any other way.
On the other hand you can’t keep someone healthy and caged at the same time. So if you can’t trust them with everything then don’t bother sharing anything. Yet be ready to either expect a happy surprise or guard against a hidden expectation. But that is fear talk. So be faithful and your never going to need to watch out for anything.
Putting God First sounds like a cliche yet it’s actually a misreading of God.
Putting Him first means worshiping Him. Worship is to sacrifice one’s own will for His will. However, without knowing His will or having a bad example of leadership makes understanding God very challenging but now that He has removed your leadership dilemma, ask Him again to take the lead in your heart and make the lost watch your footprints instead of your tears.
So I asked God why this thought. He replied ‘With your tears you water the earth. With your footprints you stir and sow the soil. Eventually, a seed will fall in the earth and a fruit vine will grow and all that will be seen is your fruition and no more your brokenness’.
Basically when you walk and sow He will seed your footprints and the lost staring for your fall will only see your growth. But also can never see your face the same again. And will always wonder how you moved on.
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johnpringle · 4 years
I have in time past called restrictions love (which by the way never worked). However,
I felt the responsibility of being the whole bridge and had only enough for half.
After reading how God created us (with free will, not free love), realize that it’s up to the recipient to respond in kind with love unrestricted by our own understanding of selfishness (to want you all to myself).
It’s nice to feel the spirit of wanted, not the physical restraint of wanted. A risk God takes on us, not because He’s got the drop on us but because He understands that restrictive love is unhealthy as is vengeance love (only to sustain vulnerability until which time thorns are implanted.
The physical restraint of wanted keeps a person forced to an understanding that is not natively their own. In it is all kinds of wrong in the name of Love. Love gets confused by the wrappings and cuffing sand yokes which actually fall to the earth because love cannot be restrained. Love also stays in places of freedom and purity.
Now wisdom is the actual yoke. Yet this burden is light and cheery, keeping the flesh from the edge where it likes to peer over and feel the thrill of falling.
So between two is the chasm and one understanding reaches out to the other understanding and as much as they are both draw bridges they can also stay and create a bridge called loved one mountain to the other.
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johnpringle · 4 years
Listening to ‘Great Jehovah’ (Travis Greene) for about three days.
Our worship leader asked a question ‘Any part of the words speak to you’.
There were some in the first day. But on the third day this comes. ‘Speak the praise (breath) but don’t drink the worship (death) or the fruit of the tree of knowledge, because worship is dying to yourself and free-will transferring your will to His will’. It brought me to tears because I know a lot of great performers who forgot to give Him the worship and drank in their own fame and basically fell to defamation.
A second word was ‘Once you give it to Me, don’t take it back because it is Mine!’
Sounded very much like Mary Magdalene’s healing at His call of her name. In essence, it is impossible to please Me without faith. The fourth thing was ‘Be careful to whom you become vulnerable lest they make themselves to become your idol. Your worship belongs to Me’.
I’m so done!
First day:
What I hear:
There is no praise good enough (to be worthy of Him), yet nothing will hinder His presence in worship!
That’s great that you think you know God and make a shout and noise, but without dying to yourself He just don’t know you noisemaker!
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johnpringle · 4 years
When someone says ‘I know you’ or ‘I know them’.
Spirit: Because purpose is very individual, unless you are an active (proven) prophet, the purpose of a person is largely an individual (Creator intimacy) affair. A place of faith or doubt (a serpents lair).
Mind: Because experience is an individual and a group activity, and no one can speak perfectly another’s understanding, there’s is always a space of learning, even themselves. A place of hope or despair.
Temple: Because of the dance of spirit, mind and body, it can be very difficult to know exactly why a person allowed someone else or something else into their dance. So as much as a visual log of activities may be recorded, it does not define intent or purpose which makes it difficult for even a prophet to define the activities recorded sans true confirmation from the individual. A place of love and confession.
What is the point? Judgement is a very peculiar place where sans confession (which may come in forms of all three, not just vocal confession) will shed light on any activity. There at best is a suggestion of intent and may not be the whole story.
A man can state ‘I have or I have not’, which can be true in his mind but untrue in experience because he is purpose to be and has not yet awakened it to birth/practice yet.
The same can be said when in the case of a father who is yet unborn. He is a father but not yet. He hasn’t been born yet. But someone wrote a script that, if he isn’t thwarted by the serpent or denied the evidence of or taken from the experience to, will come to fruition as such (planted/sown). At best he will fulfill it. At the least he will burn to do so (thorn or tilled).
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johnpringle · 4 years
Getting Heaven to earth.
Don’t judge me, this just came up and if I don’t let it go it will haunt me.m (to be released) So here it is.
So in today’s typical relationship the spouse expectant is dating the spouse reluctant. The man is going after the wife whilst the wife is chasing someone else and she don’t even know that she is being dated already. No, they’re just friends she says. He’s like, ‘That’s my bey’ and you need to back off. I know, it’s tough in a world of free-will misunderstood praise (breathing) and worship (dying to yourself).
Now a lot of us have already been to heaven and we’re currently stuck on earth because of some technical misnomer that occurred between you and the one your with and not yet between you and the one you want. You thought that if I gave them just a taste of my heaven, that he might stay or that she might let go of the other heaven that she’s gazing into (or is shooting his thoughts into her head).
So getting into an understanding of gazing. Gazing is a thing we do when we worship (are willing to die to have access to or possession of) something that might have or might be something that has an answer for an itch that we’ve got. You ever have an itch and you know it needs scratching and what you did in the past to alleviate it isn’t working anymore, or for some of you married folks, your partner has run out of inspiration (for you) and your still actively itching, so your often found gazing outside of heaven onto the earth (because he’s got you hangry and fed-up). Those are confessing and forgiveness issues but more in that at another time.
I was told that women aren’t a possession so if he is worshipping you, be careful when he begins looking for a hotter tub instead. I’m going to leave that there. But for reason that because no man has yet experienced God’s heaven and thusly has no expectation of God’s heaven from an earthly experience perspective. Yes other than when John was caught up into the third heaven, although he was also refused a thorn removed to help him to stop gazing further and thusly making a true worshipper salivate more intensely for heaven.
When men and women get together in holy matrimony with one another, experience life in wholesome heavenly ordained relationship, earthly friendships don’t cut it anymore. Husbands that are actively pursuing their own wife need not worry that her gaze is upon her neighbors expectations of her own husband or simply put, being a busy body in lust or got her head elsewhere whilst he is working on her other half at home.
Wives (learn to) stop worrying about wayward husbands because that husband of yours is so lost in your own forest and bathing in your lava pools and taking salt baths in your active mind that he ain’t go time to be at the boys club. But are you absent minded and have you stopped heating up Old faithful and dispersing the clouds to show the Aurora, so in those cold nights when you don’t want him touching you. Is he drifting into a new spa or a new mountain top. (SoS 7:7)
In Matthews 22:30 Jesus is recorded to have explained to the Pharisees that there will be no physical marriage in heaven. So what does marriage have to do with bringing heaven to earth. Let’s just say that in order to bring heaven to earth one must use the tools and keys given for example that helps visualize what God is sharing with us today. In any case you’ll be free to run a hot bath for yourself and call it a day.
So, wives when you have taken his thorns out and have got him gazing at you, be mindful that, that dangerous big cat will gaze at you perhaps eternally, at least until you’ve given him enough frustration to get at a new porcupine (and you refuse to pull it out) because he was made to be so hungry in your absence. Just saying.
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johnpringle · 4 years
The way: The absolute worse thing a human mind can do is to replace God with his or her own will or with the will of other men or women. To reject Him, ultimately making himself or herself to be the light.
The truth: A less so absolute worse thing a human mind can do is to replace God with another’s self willed understanding. To idolize another, ultimately making himself or herself to be The Way.
The light: An even less so absolute worse thing a human mind can do is to replace God with any spoken or written solution which is contrary to God’s Word. To make oneself as Him, ultimately making himself or herself to be the truth.
The line between them is so thin that only The Word can separate them.
The intersection of His will and our will is a crossroad which He paid the price for us to cross-over. To try any other way is to fall into the depths.
So saith the gate keeper.
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johnpringle · 4 years
I am a lions mane, so I can cover my face when I speak to you. Yet You are also in my secret places. So never mind the mane.
I have eagles wings, so I can escape your presence. I have no fear of the night nor night blindness nor fear of heights and neither the blazing sun. Yet it’s pointless, Your everywhere and inside of me too.
I have chickens legs so I cannot run from you. I have a cheetahs sprint, it’s shoulders and hips. But it’s pointless because I have chickens legs. I have to sit and listen because I cannot support the weight of your glory.
I have sweetness allergies because Your so good to me and no one else has been. Your smorgasbord is overwhelming and neighborly love is so taxing but I cannot eat alone because Your so giving and they are so hungry that I don’t want to be the broken cog in the chain. I may disappoint You, even though I know that You’ve got this, I may miss out on seeing and touching Your glory and being the face of Your blessing of which without You I am as dung.
I want to be part of your production, not just an earshot audience.
I crave for You Lord. I may as well be dead without You.
Still, I want her, to love, to hold, to cherish and lift up Your name with-together.
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johnpringle · 4 years
More assertiveness, less aggressiveness...
This hour I awoke in such a deep state of irrelevance.
I don’t remember it ever being this isolated or alone, it’s almost soundless. If not for light I’d forget myself.
I have all my senses but it appear that none of them are producing anything. Almost like being sterile or a new babe without direction or distraction, no leadership or judgement or hunger.
Perhaps I am feeling like a thing than a thought. A topic more than a person. Definitely not a responsibility or a solution.
Then again, there is no temptation or vengeance. I have no memory loss, just no relevance for this hear and space.
The flowers are here. I gave it water, Light came unto it. I changed its soil. It seems to grow. I don’t always get the quantity or quality right. But it’s still appearing ok.
I might be doing something right but don’t have the words to understand if it’s ok. If my input matters. If it actually needed me.
My stomach is moaning but my tongue and my eyes are like meh!
Then a robin stood in view of my window. Then I remember a dove that stood in my path before it locked eyes with mine then gently flew away.
Something to think about... then my iPad fell for the third time. But I caught it.
Lord, what is all this for if I don’t matter. What do you say. ‘My son, what I say matters and you matter but it isn’t enough to become fruitful and’.
Ideas are great and come from within. Inspiration comes from without (no period because I don’t end it, He does but says that He doesn’t fill in the blanks- she does), He simply supply our needs
Then He said ‘I make room’...
Oh my sweaty pause my heart said.
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johnpringle · 4 years
The Tower of Babel in our relationship(s).
I awoke after a hyper stressful morning of men in diapers upset that they feel forced by my resolve to learn new ways to get work done. I renounce all the manipulation and harsh words and treatment that I receive almost daily from them. I put no stake in any kind word they share since tomorrow I’ll have to provide pampers yet again. This would be so much easier if they were children. Learning curves.
Enough of that. What I actually heard when I woke up was ‘Don’t you want to hear from Me anymore. Can we not sit and share stories today’. I sat in tears and began listening...
Needs are the most basic care giving exchanges in any relationship.
The Bible speaks on food, clothing and shelter. It also speaks in honoring and respecting one another.
A writer (G. Chapman) writes on the five love languages which takes the Bible’s understanding to a common today’s thinking kind of solution.
My mind keeps going to that moment when Abram presented Sara, his wife to pharaoh. This Abram had feared because Sara was so hot that if he presented her as his wife, he’d simply be killed and she would be married off to the pharaoh. God’s plan (for Jesus) wasn’t in Hagar although she was a most beautiful woman of honor and still is today.
My mind went to King David and the moment when he just happened (yeah right) to be standing over the place where the super svelte and voluptuous Bathsheba was ‘bathing’. I also wonder if bath got its name from her hottie self. Well apparently her husband got killed over a stint of faith in David by Uriah and David’s guilt that he couldn’t hide his shame. (Jesus did come through her but to have Uriah sleep with her after implantation would have been utter confusion).
The first child did die (like Adam),however the second became very mighty.
What does that have to do with the Tower of Babel I asked.
My purpose and your understanding often do battle on the grounds of free will. Because you don’t always understand My purpose (which is the premise of faith), I have to do battle with your (free-will). I’d ask that you lean not on your own understanding. It may take you to places where Sara brings home a pharaoh and you have to be wise enough for her not to take her free will and lead you to the slaughter. Also, be careful with your eyes because when she shows you her beauty you may be captivated and lose sight of Me.
I felt both angry then confused but then I got it I thought. If I could cause no reason to her to run off into the arms of another and be careful when she gave me a glimpse I might escape the guillotine.
He disagreed that I understood. He essentially said keep it simple stupid but not over simplified.
Love her (don’t feed her to the wolf), pay attention (be honorable when she lets you into her heart), and feed her (be ready to supply her every need).
Then He said ‘ Ok you can get ready for work now. I’ll take care of the riff raff there’.
Fishing mentality. He will provide all things according to His riches and glory. :)
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johnpringle · 4 years
Spirit: Outside of Intimacy with God I know that I would be most focused on one thing. That is to get back that which was taken from me (from the perspective of mine own mind).
Mind: With intimacy with God I was able to understand (little by little) that He was first taken from me. That is to say, my birth father didn’t want anything to do with Him due to his own struggles with a forced absentee father (living in the times of his birth) and a battle with PTSD from the Vietnam war.
Temple: Things of my person or temple was less of a struggle because I didn’t put too much weight on possessions which seemed to come easy (due to my focus on God). So, failed relationships (possess your relationship, not the person in it with you) I didn’t put too much (change my perspective, my own understandings, listen to their struggles) work into it. Perhaps because I was being taught by association a form of self reliance.
There is something about Put God First (not your own will, your own free-will crucified before Him alone). Something about Love your neighbor as yourself (don’t try to dominate your neighbors free will). And present your body as a living sacrifice (abstain from sin). Something in these three supports intimacy with God to a place where there is no need for idolatry, religion or abuse via satiation. These three are more commonly understood to be faith, hope and love.
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johnpringle · 4 years
Past the ever red turnstiles into the 1-5 clock I waited what must have been five minutes.
Cautiously he slowed the transport to my waist waving hand. His partner warily opening the single door, not sure if I was legit or a fraud. She let me in.
Hello and thank you and say down I did. Open my iPad to race away time I did.
To where will you go she asked, he stood against the cab asking. To Dyckman I said. Sat down I did.
Tap tap, toot toot. That was the ride. From 34th til 96th snugly inside.
For what took five minutes felt like 33, he rested at the red until green said to go instead.
Tap tap, toot toot many more times. I must have played the game three rounds. Before settling down and writing down this chime.
I am glad to have to right to this night. Thank you train one, my shift is just begun.
3:59-4:33 such peace in time.
One train to myself the crew and mine.
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johnpringle · 4 years
Flattery holds no candle to love.
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johnpringle · 4 years
What are my heart stresses I heard.
Should I listen to Sarah and have an Ishmael or should I listen to God and watch Him lift her spirits to a place of Issac.
Struggling to keep light hearted about myself in light of the exterior stresses.
In simple terms BLM yes. But because I happens to be a lighter shade of (mothers heritage of Senegal, Blackfoot, Cherokee and Irish) I have to deal with certain in house (in African they call it Colored) struggles.
Can’t wear my hair a certain way because certain people want to physically fight me. Can’t speak to certain groups because Your Word stresses them out to listen. Can’t explain my mother’s heritage without someone blaming spiritual curses.
So I close the door and He keeps saying ’My son stay open, only the lost can stay lost. Be a light’. So here’s to tonight’s listening in on His weeping.
In terms of the rebellious. Thanks for the compliments but they are misplaced. I love manhood and all it’s blessings. I love you as well with a wise love. I am tired of the compliments. Thank you. Momma is all that and Irish too. Let’s not fight about it. :)
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johnpringle · 4 years
My comforter, my healer, my deliverer.
The prince of peace.
Trying to pull together His shower talk. He spoke about three types of commonly extracted love. Agape love, Eros and Philos love.
He started with this: Faith from us to Him is a reverence love. A love where we believe in Him that He will do all that He has promised, without fail. And we trust Him to fulfill the works of our needs, even through one another, without ceasing.
Faith, Hope and Love. Love being a neighborly honor despite our failings with one another, enabling hope to survive. As a glass is faith, yet empty, the water to come within is Love. The table upon which it sits (even the cups bottom) is the hope that love will stay until it’s time to be consumed (works) by the cup bearer or its host.
Works alone is no show of faith. For to grasp a cup, to draw it to one’s mouth without first holding under the source of water is works without faith. This leads to an activated belly sans love fulfillment. Eve suffered this since the fruit was forbidden, it was not yet released if heaven to fill her. And by her consuming it only lead to her greater hunger and knowledge of her lack (her nakedness). So is to have (faith) for things which He forbid us to (taste) have. Though we reverence Him in faith, that which we have asked for is amiss and by such unfulfilling even if we burst of stuffing it within our heart bellies.
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. This is a reverence love from the hopeful towards the provider. This is that heavenly honeymoon phase which when lost simply becomes religious relishing a dead works kind of platform of performance. An emptiness, a demand that God meet you where your own understanding lay waiting for Him to reverence your understanding.
Agape: Faith and/or reverence of the source, not only receiving but also expecting to receive. Listening to understand, (not to confirm one’s own understanding; which is instead listening to questioning). This Faith is as a time of honeymoon one with another. There the recipient lacks proof of yet is bathed in promise.
To have taken the fruit before it’s time is to steal its fragile moment of faith. It’s moment of ripening. The moment it’s flesh is not soft enough and fragrant enough to sweetly enjoy even if the taste of it is succulent sweet.
I am not ready for heaven. Heaven is ready for me. I don’t deserve heaven. His grace covers all my shortcomings. Heaven lends my nose a moment of its fragrance, a glimpse of its light, a filled soul feeling of self worth, a path for my feet, a sense of my future.
Faith sans works is dead: though You breathe heavenly life over me I must reach out and grasp it. Otherwise it is simply sweet sound/noise in my ear, charming but unfulfilling, not because it cannot fill but because I haven’t reached forth and said yes to it. So subject is like a hand reached forth to shake my inoperable hand.
Though I want to shake your hand in the agreement, I cannot due to some brokenness, fear or need of healing. When You touch me with healing hands or you speak confidence to my place of fear and I give no space to the serpent, I get released to move my hand in agreement with that which my soul and mind have reached out to agree with. There I am broken of not works to works, breathing life into your provision.
Eros: is akin to a dance between two entwined in producing fruits. A bond which when unblocked produce a fragrance and a blossom and a fruit.
Philos: The sharing of vision, knowledge and wisdom, listening to one another. Praying together. Reverence of this exchange gives relationship space to they between whom it is shared. From a biblical stance this is most often shared in ‘not forgetting the assembling of yourselves together’.
After a time He replied: Faith in a marriage is the honey under the moon. However, listening for one another’s understanding and not listening for your own understanding in the providers understanding is the hand shake (works) of faith. To only listen for your own understanding is like holding back the handshake until your understanding is agreed with. Though the honey is there, there is no moon to see the tree. So to groping in the dark for love under the moonless night. (Clean your night vision glasses and get your honey flowing again). It’s there but your missing the mark.
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johnpringle · 4 years
Oh he’s such a bad boy. She is quite brave.
I don’t believe for a second that a man or a woman can ‘blame’ their nature for an infidelity. If the nature is to procreate then what are the five senses but the key to identity one’s own.
Did not He say that lust begins or is birthed in the heart. Wouldn’t this be in the mind whereas not to have used the eye to wander (and lust/seeking is not temptation/projecting) though they appear to be seamlessly one. Was not his one enough, or did his couched lover need bring her (his friend) into the conversation by which triggered his conviction to stop as he stood stance to request his one (friend) leave to bring the younger gem to him. How bold he is to believe that his friend would agree out of friendship to let.
It is then the wiles of one to weave in the mind a garment of security perhaps simply because it is in his or her (language) of commonality. A root if you will as to why this fruit must be had/tasted. Hmmm, my mind is back in the garden with Eve wandering over the words of the serpent. Eve had plenty of fruit, no need to have that forbidden one. Lest her curiosity joined hands with temptation and they danced the night away until she realized that she was naked (before the tempter).
Eve then asked her Adam to join her in this new (serpent based/ignore God) understanding, at which seeing that she didn’t die, Adam drew close and tasted though he wasn’t hungry. Sort of like Jesus in the wilderness being tempted to throw Himself down when it was He who was in control of all things yet in Love for us He said ‘No!’ Not because He couldn’t handle it but because it would have destroyed faith, the very thing it takes for us to please God.
So this act if free will was lost in the garden, given back via the cross, but in between His fervent Love sought a case to Love us again...if we would have Him.
My God, we have all become heavenly spiritual marriage counselors to the sinner. He wants us to love Him and be neighborly to those whom are still cheating on Him with the serpent. Something the Chosen was meant to be but they refuse to understand.
Somehow this begs to entwine that ordinary conversation of the feelings of ‘being in love’ (often called a honeymoon phase which by the way doesn’t have to end if two stop forcing their own understanding on the other) where two are full of their own language and casting grace upon the other so much so that they both have fantasized that the other is speaking harmoniously with their own language except when they are awakened by the conviction that the other has meant something else all along.
In essence, Adam and Eve lost their faith. Perhaps a honeymoon phase begins to wane when we subject ourselves to losing faith in each other. Which is far from realizing that we also should not lean on our own understanding when in love, though they, like lust and temptation appear so similar.
To simplify:
1. A) Lust is a state of controlled internal empowerment where one fools themselves to believe that it is theirs for the challenge to have. B) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
2. A) Temptation is a projection of that which is shown to be available can be yours for a price. B) My ways and My thoughts are not your ways and your thoughts. But if you will have hope then I shall give you Hope because I want you to be in My kingdom with Me and my Son who paid the price for you to have Me.
3. If I am then to Love you my dear and let go of all others. Then I should in Love only seek to understand you. To put my faith in you. To build up only you. To submit all others to Christ. Of course this only works in respecting free will which is something the lustful and the tempter ignores but God endures.
Something the Chosen was meant to be but they refuse to understand.
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