johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Medicated buttermilk is poured in a thin stream between the brows. This therapy has a relaxing effect and regulates the body's rhythm. Promotes healthy sleep, corrects sleep patterns and reduces stress and anxiety.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Ayurveda, is an ancient system of medicine, originated in India before 5,000 years. The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words Ayur (life) and Veda (science or knowledge). Thus, the knowledge of life.Ayurveda advises us to blend our modern habits with the ancient wisdom by using natural substances, medicines and herbs which help us to lead a healthy, happy, stress-free and disease-free life.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Ayurveda is based on the principle that diseases are nothing but excesses of one or more of the five primary elements (the body is made up of five primary elements, which also form the basis of the entire universe. The elements are ether (space), air, fire, water, and earth). For example, hyperacidity and hot temper are excesses of heat, the fire element. This principle is based on the fact that what is inside the body of an individual is the same as what is outside
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
In the case of Vata dosha, the person will show a thin body frame mostly with low body weight. Their skin texture will be dry, rough or even cracked. Hair also shows similar characteristics. Their teeth will be protruded or big with emaciated gums or cavities. They show small, dry and dull eyes. Nails are brittle, dry and cracked. Their food habits and thirst are frequently variables and they possess hard or constipated bowels. Vata persons will be physically very active and talkative in nature with quick responses.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
In Ayurveda, hair and nail are direct by products of bone tissue (Asthi Dhathu). If there is derangement in bone tissue, hair loss occurs. There are time tested healing therapies as well as herbal formulations in Ayurveda for this. It helps to strengthen the innate bone tissue, thereby enhancing the rejuvenation of hair roots and activation of growth of hair without any side effects. Poor nutrition, stress, anxiety, heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions and differed lifestyle are the major factors leading to hair fall.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Ayurveda, has always emphasized the importance of food in various contexts. Ayurveda explains that everything absorbed by five senses like Mouth (food, water), Nose (air), Ear (sound), Skin (Sunlight), Eyes (vision) is Food. The Brhatrayees and laghutrayees has in great detail explained about the importance of food, its qualities and effects, even modes of cooking, the importance and health benefits of eating right and the procedure of eating right as well.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Ayurveda gives much importance to fasting. According to Ayurveda, fasting is considered as a primary line of treatment in various conditions.’Langanam’ is the technical term used in Ayurveda for fasting. In Ayurveda, the production of ama (metabolic poisons), which is considered as the underlying cause for most diseases. Which further leads to the blockage of channels of the body, bringing about different disease conditioned. Ayurveda recognizes that fasting helps in the assimilation of metabolic toxins which are not good for health.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Our body is subjected to air, water, soil, and noise pollution every day. These causes a toll on our health. Even stress causes undue pressure on our body. If our mind is not calm and stable our body also has adverse effects of it. Ideally, one must eat when hungry and eat the right kind of food as per ones’ s body constitution to stay healthy. If this is not followed it leads to harmful effects on the body and we become sick.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
As per Ayurveda, panchakarma procedure purify and detox the body in a natural way. Panchakarma like Abhyangam, swedanam, vasti, virechanam are beneficial in Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes. It helps in finding the root cause, cleaning the toxins, and helps in proper functioning of the organs like the pancreas, thus correcting the insulin production and absorbtion in the body.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
According to Ayurveda, a person can gain weight or lose weight based on the factors called panchamahabutha namely prithvi,ap,agni, akasha and vayu. The condition of weight gain or loss is mainly based on the above panchamahabhootha imbalance. Weight management in ayurveda deals more with the anavaha srothas (digestive system).The processing of consumed food and impact on the liver is anabolic metabolism, which causes the accumulation of excessive kapha and aama.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
The physiology of glucose homeostasis is primarily controlled by insulin release in response to elevated glucose levels. The presence of glucose in the blood can be termed Glycemia. If it became unusually high concentration, then it is called Hyperglycemia and if it is unusually low concentration, then it is called Hypoglycemia.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Over the years, you probably must have gotten yourself into some sport or the other that you were very passionate about, or some excessive exercises that you continued, to make yourself look fit. Sure, it was fun while it lasted, you did get those jealous eyes and many winks from here and there. But what you could not have taken into consideration is that these intense physical activities being repeated over a long duration without the proper care could lead to wear and tear of either the muscle, tissue, cartilage, bones, or even a combination of them.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Among the common disease conditions, Rheumatoid arthritis is having a major place and affecting most middle-aged people -40 years plus. Definition: RA is a long-term autoimmune disorder, that primarily affects joints – a disease where the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells. The risk factors can be: (it is a whole body-systemic autoimmune disease.) Genetic factors Environmental factors
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Detox is a fixated catchphrase of our times. A popular word. Well, the point is not many have given a thought to what the word, Detox, conveys in letter and spirit. Detox is simply a process by which our body gets rid or eliminates toxins from our body that are harmful to our body and disrupt our body’s natural function in several ways.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Today, we wish to discuss about what your skin is trying to tell you and how to decode it. Various skin troubles are one way the body communicates internal disorders and issues. So instead of picking up a harsh exfoliator or some rash cream to treat the skin problems, let us try to learn about it skin deep.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
Panchakarma means five actions in Sanskrit. It is one of the important processes in Ayurveda which helps to remove the toxins present in the body. Ayurvedic practitioners work to balance the energy forces or “doshas” of life known as “Vata,” “pitta,” and “Kapha.” When the doshas are not in balance they can cause widespread Ama(toxins) in the body. Panchakarma helps in balancing the doshas thereby eliminating the ama(toxins) from the body. Panchakarma is not only for purifying the body but also for rejuvenation and strengthening the immune system and renovating balance and well-being.
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johnrocks-blog · 2 years
The application of an interesting customized herbal paste on the face for a period of time is known as Mukhalepam. It is a simple Ayurvedic skin care treatment that consists of applying freshly prepared facial creams and massaging them onto the face. The herbal and organic face pack contains different herbs made into a paste. It takes about 15-30 minutes depending upon the condition of the patient.
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