johnson18oakland · 4 years
My idea for an animation is a ball rolling down a hill with trees in the background 
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johnson18oakland · 4 years
Video Responses
Brianna Geiger:  I like your story about a water shortage. You did a good job with the lighting to make the scenes flow well with no jarring changes. The addition of the cop car at the end was a nice touch.
John Chrisekos: I was impressed at how much  filming you did outside with it so cold out. The distinction between clean bombs and dirty bombs was a nice touch. You had good audio narration throughout.
Juman Alkadri: I could not tell that when you showed the old version of yourself that you were filming another screen, it was well done. The online input i have is for the dream sequence, since it was a dream you could have added artist renditions of the future as well.
Katrina Rydstedt: I liked how well you could contrast the two trips to the store, the only thing I have is the spinning effect was a little too much.
Leah Dunlap: I enjoyed your story, I thought how you did the exposition over the water was well done. The only thing I have is the sound seemed to very a little but it was much better than the rough draft.
Liam Fons: The text on the screen was well done and the sound that went with it. You did really well on the editing.
Na'Onti Wade: I liked your use of home movies and the music choice. The only thing I would change is having a little more narration.
Paige Rhodes: The voiceover was very well done, The only thing I would change is instead of cutting out the water sounds from the beginning I would have faded them so they were still in the background.
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johnson18oakland · 4 years
Rough draft
Starts out with a shot of a landscape scene but everything that would normally be green is purple. (if i can figure out video editing)“This is the view from my new home on Proxima B, just 4.2 light years from Earth. The transfer took just under 20 years through the series of relay satellites. They started this project and launched the factory in 2056. The first relay satellite was launched a few years later in 2060. That is when I signed my contract to be one of the first humans transferred to this new planet. After 10 years of training they downloaded our consciousness and basically emailed us through space. From satellite to satellite. It was the strangest thing. They put me under with and when I woke up a lot of the aches and pains I had grown used to were just gone. It felt like no time at all had passed but on the display in front of my eyes it showed almost 20 years had passed. We spent years at each satellite in limbo while the satellite made it to its position to forward us to the next. We have to keep an eye one each other for any signs of degradation from the transfer, so far everyone seems normal.” Scene change to webcam in a blank room. “ So far the work is progressing well.” Stares off “It is incredibly peaceful here, there are only 15 humans on the entire planet. I spend days without seeing anyone mapping out the settlement and getting the worker bots in position. At the end of this contract people will begin to flood to this planet to escape the terrible conditions on Earth. They finally started making headway on climate change in 2040 but the damage was done. That's why this project started. To escape the pollution and damage caused to the planet we found a new one. Our job is to get this one ready to bring most of the population from Earth here while some stay behind and work on fixing the problems on Earth. Out of the 9 billion people on Earth this planet is supposed to take 6 billion. I don't think I can stay when they come, not after getting to experience this peaceful planet without people.” End of video to start up again later. “ The second group of workers just started arriving. Each of the original 15 will be leading a team of 30 now that we have shown no adverse side effects. Each group will begin setting up their own cities. The planet is about to get much smaller.... With the new smart infrastructures to be installed space will be utilized more efficiently than any city on Earth and everything runs on renewable energy. With no need to farm animals we can don't need to have traditional farms. Each city has four tower farms spread out which should provide enough fruit and vegetable's to support the population. It is weird seeing whole cows grown just to come out dead and ready for processing. It took a while for some of us to get over the fact that they are being grown from our waste. I mean it all makes sense, all of our waste is processed down into individual atoms which can then be reassembled into almost anything, its how these bodies are being grown for everyone, along with all the extra material we have been processing from the plants we grow. They say in the next 50 years they will be able to turn that processed material straight into whatever meal you want, like in those old sci-fi shows.(glance at the time) Time to meet my crew.” signs off, then back on some time later. “We just finished our city, we managed to finish first so I sent my crew to help with the other cities. The city administration should be here in 4 months, the people that are going to live in this city will be here in the next year or so. Apparently they have the transfer time down to just 6 years. This city can support 14 million people, as they show up the city admin will direct them to there homes and they can explore. Even though all 14 million will arrive roughly at the same time they will stay in the computer banks until they city admin is ready for them. Its looking like it will take at least 5 years before they are all in their bodies and in the city. I have three more cities left to build in my contract, not sure what I’ll do after that....” sign off and back on some time later. “I just finished my third city, my crew is having a party at the first bar we built here, I’m going to join them after this. Proxima B now has a population of 4.5 billion. I signed a contract to be in charge of the next planet. Out of the first 15 people here I’m the only one moving on to the next planet, its just getting to crowded here for me. When I go they are going to process this body down, there are no graves or dead bodies on Proxima B, everything is recycled. Earth is doing much better, the drastic decrease in population along the reduction in big companies as they moved to Proxima B and the regulations on the ones that are left has had drastic results for the health of the planet. They estimate that in another 30 years the Earth will be like it was before the industrial revolution. They have collected almost all of the plastic from the oceans and processed it down and just recently switched over to be fully reliant on renewable energy. But there is a freeze on anyone returning to Earth for the next 75 years. Most people don't care, why go back to that old world when there will be new ones to pick from. I choose the farthest away planet to start my next life on, should give me a few decades before the crowds come. Even with the improvements in transmission speeds its going to take 22 years to get there, its 17.9 lightyears away. With four closer planets it will be a long time before the population increases enough to need it. I’m looking forward to it, I leave in a few days, I’m going to break the news to my crew tonight. I’m looking forward to seeing what's out there.” sign off for the last time. 
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johnson18oakland · 4 years
70 years from now.
For my video project for 70 years in the future I plan on having things look the same as our day to day lives with some advances. The technological advances will not be apparent at first. I will look the same age as I do now. It will be a video diary where I am recounting my work that paid off the procedure. The procedure is where they make you a new body but to pay for it you have to do 10 years of service on a different planet. They take you DNA, upload it and transmit the sequenced DNA data to the planet you will be working on and grow a new body to the age of 18. Then they are able to transmit your consciousness from your old body to the new body. When you finish your 10 years, they put you in stasis and send you to whatever location you want to live out the rest of your life. The diary is from the point of the first day back. It would be a different planet other than earth and deciding what I want to do with the next few decades before I go through the process again.
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johnson18oakland · 4 years
Immortality by David Smith
Some current estimates say we will be able to upload our minds onto computers in 2050, if your rich, 2075 if you are poor. While this would be an amazing feat I think the timeline is off. This is a projected outcome based on how we have been progressing to this point. If we look at space travel we can see how this can be flawed reasoning. Based on the rate of advancement when the U.S. won the space race to the moon, we should have fully developed colonies on multiple planets and moons by 2020. As we do not currently have that we must account for stagnation and shifts in interest. I would love for this to be a reality but, as with many others from my generation, I do not hold much hope for the future according to optimistic predictions.
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johnson18oakland · 4 years
Future You by Tim Herrera
In this piece Tim talks about why it is hard to save for the future. The reason he stated is that many people think of their future selves as a complete stranger that has no relation to themselves, therefor why should I help that guy. I do not think I have had this issue before, as I am 32 and have been putting money into two different retirement accounts since I was 22 years old. I have also set up a 401k with work to add to that and have a small stock portfolio to balance it out. I am working on getting a rental property in order to further secure my future. 
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