Michael Kors
I know about these logos mostly from advertisements. What products people buy and keep around their home are often products we see advertised on TV or hear about on the radio. After seeing this large companies advertising, you start to be able to identify them based only on their logos. I understand the value of these logos from a consumer perspective. The more good reviews and talk I hear about a company, and the more their advertisements lure me in, the more I am open to trying new things, and if they are actually as good as the advertisements, I will continue to buy from them, There is a reason a lot of these companies are well known, they make a good product.
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For as long as I could remember, the world around me was blurry. This felt normal to me, until I turned 12 and got glasses for the first time. I could always see color, but I couldn't see what that color was. After getting glasses, everything seemed to have a new intensity. The vivid colors of buildings, the different hues of a tree's leaves, I could see everything, and I couldn't believe this was what most people have seen their whole life! It was like I was experiencing an entirely new world for the first time.
If I had to pick a color scheme for my life, it would be the monochromatic color scheme of green hues. Growing up in Florida, I have come to appreciate all of the different hues of green that exist in Florida's nature, and there are certain shades of green that will always make me think of home.
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Van Eyck's The Arnolfini Portrait (page 290, figure 17.13) is created using symmetrical balance with one figure on each side of the painting, emphasis on the female figure via use of contrasting color of the red bed behind her and her green dress which is a more vibrant hue compared to the gentleman next to her, implied lines as well as actual lines from the furniture and window that almost box in the figures, and proper scale and proportion.
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Unity and variety are complementary terms that are at different ends of the same spectrum. Unity refers to the oneness of a work, while variety refers to the diversity, which counters unity. An example of this is in the work "The Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh, the shades of blue unify the work, while the pops of yellow add variety.
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Balance is used to achieve stability in a work. This can be asymmetrical, and one side of the work looks different than the other side, or it can have equal balance, where both sides of the work are the same. An example of asymmetrical balance occurs in "The Great Wave off Kanagawa" by Hokusai where in the left side of the work there is a large wave that occupies the viewers attention, and the right side is balanced by the lack of a wave.
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Emphasis and subordination are used to draw attention to a focal point of a work. Emphasis is created by use of position, contrast, color intensity and size, while subordination uses neutral areas of lesser interest to not distract from emphasized areas. An example of this would be in "The Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci. In this work, emphasis is created in the center by using light color and creating a light source, and the darker background uses subordination to keep the focus on the center foreground.
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Directional forces are paths created in a work either by actual or implied lines. Directional force is present in "The Birth of Venus" by Sandro Botticelli by using implied lines to emphasize movement. There is a diagonal line implied from the left side of the work to show the two figures moving towards Venus in the center.
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Repetition and rhythm work in combination, repetition refers to the duplication of a visual element, while rhythm is when elements are created in a sequence. Repetition and rhythm can be seen in "Shot Marilyns" by Andy Warhol, where the repetition of the face of Marilyn creates a rhythm throughout the work.
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Scale and proportion are used in combination to create the artist's intended effect in a work. Scale is the size relation of a part of a work to another, while proportion is the size of the parts in relation to a whole work. The scale of the girl in "Christina's World" by Andrew Wyeth allows her to be the main focus of the work. The proportions of the work are appropriate, as the house is small compared to the girl to create a far away appearance.
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I am 24 years old, and I primarily align with the female gender. I am caucasian, born in upstate New York, but raised since 3 years old here in Southwest Florida. In my free time, I enjoy experiencing nature, reading, crocheting, finding a new craft to sink all of my time and money into. I am not a member of any organized group, I am quite a lone ranger. I spend most of my time in the comfort of my home if it's too hot to be outside. I work at Sarasota Memorial Hospital as a pharmacy technician. I am uniquely me because of the pure good I see in everything. While sometimes it has not ended well for me, I have an open heart, and I want to help and be kind to as many people as possible. I want to be able to see beauty in everything and everyone.
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"Del Monte Forest" by Gordon Mortensen
This work is created in the medium reduction woodcut print. I would say the use of this art is for visual delight. I find it beautiful because from the work put into creating the woodcut (up to 3 months!) it is clear that the artist appreciates the nature that he is depicting. The color choices enhance the landscape, making all of the plant life pop.
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Antoni Gaudi 1882-2026 (planned) Sagrada Família (interior ceiling), minor basilia, Barcelona, Spain.
Five facts I learned in my research of Antoni Gaudi's "Sagrada Família":
1. Antoni Gaudi worked on this project from 1884 to his death in 1926, and it was only about 15% complete when he died.
2. To this day, the church is not completed. The main portions are predicted to be finished by 2026, in honor of the 100 year anniversary of Gaudi's death. 
3. Construction has only been paused twice since 1883, in 1936 because of the Spanish Civil War, and in 2020 thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. 
4. Antoni Gaudi is buried in the church's crypt. 
5. Since 2017 the church has been open to the public to attend Mass on Sundays. 
My opinions have not really changed since first looking at the church. The initial photo I saw looked like an optical illusion. The more I researched and realized how much time has been committed to this piece of art, the more appreciation I have for it. It has been worked on by countless people over more than 100 years, and that is very apparent from the amount of detail put into every aspect of construction. 
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