jojofrojoo ¡ 5 years
See you later, EspaĂąa
It’s safe to say that media has had a tremendous impact in today’s society. Our trip to Spain was incredible! I was rarely ever on my phone, watching tv, or on any for of technology. Most of our trip we went to cities in Spain and toured cathedrals and other beautiful historic places.
I found it to be equally as advanced as the media aspect in America. I know I will definitely go back to Spain. What will be most lasting for me that I learned in Spain is the value of socializing and unity. I witnessed this a lot in restaurants, bars, soccer games, parks, etc. It’s something so refreshing to see people enjoying each others presence and not being on the phone.
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jojofrojoo ¡ 5 years
“Focus on the love around. The media's the most powerful entity on earth.”
Bring here nearly a month I have seen a great amount of similarities and differences between America and Spain. I have not watched television or listened to the radio, therefore I cannot compare then to the U. S. I have gone on YouTube and before/ during videos I do get ads in Spanish! There’s this ad I have seen so many times about an app that you can sell clothes and shoes on. Also, apps are as common here as they are back at home. I do think that in the U.S there is a lot more back lash on many ads and commercials that are offensive to the public. For example, I remember when Gillette came out with the commercial “Think Like A Man” and there was soo much negative feed back on it. Here in Madrid, however, on the way out of the metro stop La Latina the entire tunnel had multiple picture of men shaving that said “Hay que ser muy hombre...” (we have to be men...) and the last picture was a drag queen. It’s amazing how they changed this manly perspective on this company and they involved real drag queens shaving to show this diversity. (Pictures are attached of the add not the metro add, I didn’t have enough time to take them)
I have also seen many people not have iPhones. Which is weird because I feel like in the U. S. the majority of people have iPhones and sometimes look down upon android users. Overall, I think Spain is as advanced in their media systems as they are in America.
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jojofrojoo ¡ 5 years
“The beauty of the world lies in the diversity of its people”
I have been in Spain for about 15 days. It’s crazy because I don’t think I miss home like how I thought I would. The culture in Spain, well in Madrid, is not how I imagined it to be; To be strongly focused by historical influences. I have found lots and lots sunshine! I don’t miss the rain at all. As for the culture, their beliefs are very similar to my family’s. I noticed that Spain is very family oriented, I can see that especially Sundays when most places are closed but the ones that are open have lots of families spending the day together.
It’s so different to see a different pace in life. For example, here life is super slow paced. Thankfully, it has been easy to adjust the time and pace people here have. When we go down for dinner in our dorms our big group arrives around 8pm and you can notice who the locals are because they have dinner much later. One of my favorite things here is how people greet each other no matter if it’s a stranger. “¿Hola, qué tal?” Is a simple phrase used. However, my least favorite is the difference in words for things I am used to know. For example, I went for postcard stamps and asked the cashier for “estampillas” but she could not understand me. It wasn’t until I explained to her in Spanish that I was looking for a stamp to mail my postcard and said their called “sellos” which for me that word means a seal (not the animal) haha. This definitely is something I adjust to though!! I love learning different words for the same thing. It is a little frustrating at first, but after we laugh about it and I end up learning more new words in Spanish that I can go back home and share with my family.
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jojofrojoo ¡ 5 years
Jocelyn goes to Madrid, Spain
I am twenty-one years old and I have finally gone out of my home country, The United States of America. So many emotions rushed through my body. I felt nervous but more than anything, excited!! I have never left home alone, better yet alone for this long. I got the opportunity to study abroad for a month in Madrid. I arrive to Adolfo Suarez Madrid Airport jet lagged. Once I come outside the terminal I take a deep breath as if the air was somehow going to be different here.
I am in awe. It has been a week that I have been in Spain. It is different than home because the days are longer here and the time people eat here is way different! Everything is pushed back. This lifestyle is amazing and inspiring.
Let me break it down, my first international airplane ride went by quicker than I expected with all the movies and tv shows I watched. I was a little worried that 7+ hours in an airplane would make me nervous, but I wasn’t that nervous. My metro ride was more filled with people since I compared it to my first metro ride in San Francisco a few years back. The difference from these two train rides is that in my opinion people smile less here. I had arrived to Madrid June 2, fun fact: the day before had been the Champions League final in this very same city! Liverpool versus Tottenham. Many of the festivities were still here in the city like a soccer field in the plaza, a huge stage with famous singers, and much more. The first thing I saw was at Plaza de Oriente, where an enormous replica of the final trophy was put in the center of this plaza. Since the soccer team Liverpool had won, fans were celebrating all over the city, especially in Plaza Mayor. So many red jerseys and drunk men chanting the teams song brought me such joy. I love soccer because of my family and seeing how crazy people are here with futbol here really is contagious because I had the biggest smile (even though I need to work on smiling less) waking throughout the city. This is a big part of Spain culture. At nights, the weather feels amazing and is crazy how the sun sets around 9:30 pm! I can not wait to see all the other fun things Madrid has to offer. It has not let me down so far.
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
😂 way to end my night. What a laugh!
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Hell, why not
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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Someone leaves, people move on. Someone wins, people move on. Someone falls, people move on. Someone dies, people move on. Life keeps going with or with out you.
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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Eye can't sleep.
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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ÂżWho are we to judge?
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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You can't read my mind.
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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Mom and beverage
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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jojofrojoo ¡ 9 years
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you change your mind just like the leaves change
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