Oh yeah, since I'm nearing 50 followers, I guess I should tell y'all sooner rather than later... this comic is gonna end up shipping Polythieves. I put off mentioning it before because it's irrelevant to the Akira's Palace arc, and also because, up until recently, I was considering trying to rewrite the script for the comic to avoid including it (remember that this comic is just a visualisation of an previously-private rp) but... it's kind of a major emotional crux of the fourth arc, and so removing the ship entirely is a no-go. And also, this is my comic, my passion project, made specifically for me and a handful of close friends, and so I get to put whatever I want in it. I'd continue making and posting this comic even if I had no followers, so... that's the start and end of that. Respectfully, I'm making this comic for me, and the strangers on the internet that like it are just an added bonus.
You'll be getting Polythieves, eventually. It's not a heavy focus for the most part, but it's there. That's all the Thieves (plus some non-Thieves like Akechi) dating each other in a tangled poly web of relationships, in case you haven't heard. Yes, Futaba, Sumi and even Morgana will be included in the ship. It's hard to explain, but it's sort of a more light-hearted/silly/self-indulgent/soft-romantic/nearly-but-not-exactly-QPR take on the ship. Much like the whole basis of this comic being insane fantasy bullshit, the ship is meant to be viewed through a lens in which you suspend your disbelief and roll with it. No, I will not be taking criticism on this, especially not when y'all haven't even seen it portrayed in context yet (not that I'd take criticism for including it anyway, but y'know). If you're thinking of kicking up a fuss about it, the unfollow and block buttons are right there, and clicking those will be a much better use of your time than talking to this brick wall.
When we finish this arc, I'll be happy to discuss how I should handle tagging individual ships as they appear, but that's about all the input I'm going to let the viewers have on this topic. If you can't stick around any longer because of this news, I understand, and harbour no ill will towards you. If you've finished reading this, I thank you for understanding, and hope you have a pleasant day.
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hee hoo, time for a way-too-high-effort shitpost based on a scene that won't even show up until two arcs from where the comic is now
you're welcome
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hee hoo, time for a way-too-high-effort shitpost based on a scene that won't even show up until two arcs from where the comic is now
you're welcome
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return of the king... you cant understand how excited i was to see your blog pop up in my notifs
gomen i'm so late..... running to this blog with the comic in my mouth like toast... tripping over and spilling the phantom thieves all over the floor... oh no, now i must pick them up and hold them
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Hm? What's that? I drew up the sketch for the next page in... late August, you say? And I only just finished it today? And I... have to do another whole page before I can post them both together, because that's the update format I've chosen?
[falls to my knees in despair]
We're never gonna get past Akira's Palace at this rate
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jokerandtheaceofhearts · 10 months
Hello all! In response to realising that the /chrono feature doesn't work for mobile app users (which I didn't realise sooner because I don't use mobile app) here is a pinned post to try to help aid navigation!
Here is the first page of the comic. Some links may be broken when clicking through, especially around new update time. Please inform me if they're still broken a few days after the update is posted. (link)
And for people on desktop/mobile browser who prefer the format like I do, here is the /chrono link for the comic, to read from the start without having to click through links. This should be a more reliable way of reading the comic, because it only requires me to tag the page rather than edit links, but please do tell me if a page is missing. (link)
Unfortunately, if mobile app users can't access the blog's about page (link here, give it a try), there's nothing much I can do about that without posting it separately. You'll just have to look up the blog on your browser until then.
Thank you all once again for taking interest in this comic!
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jokerandtheaceofhearts · 10 months
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ajhdsgahsdf thank you
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jokerandtheaceofhearts · 10 months
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how you doin, mod? its been a while
Hello Anon! It has been a while, yeah. I've been pretty good!
I've been busy with a new semester of school! And also not being able to draw much over summer with the heat lmao, but that's settling down now that we're mid-autumn.
I've gotten my hands on Persona 5 Royal, and have started actually playing (instead of just watching the game on youtube) which means!! I can get better background ref pics!! Which is good because the next area I need to draw is Yongen Jaya and it's. a bit of a pain when I can't control the camera.
I actually do have one of the next pages drawn up. It's just its companion page (because I do these in sets of two) that hasn't been drawn yet. With school and general art block, I cannot give a solid estimate as to when I'll be releasing the update, but hopefully playing the game will give me more motivation.
Thank you for your patience! As a reward, have a sneak peak!
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Hello again, everybody! You can now read the Prologue for this AU! Keep in mind that it was written in 2020 when I was just getting into the fandom, so I am not liable for any Mistakes or Oddities, lol.
You can have the link to read it on AO3 right here or find the link on the right-hand side of my blog page!
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So is Akira just a boy named Akira who got Isekaied into P5R, only to get Isekaied into the Persona universe?
Iiiit's not technically Isekai'ing that first time if he never existed before P5R, is it?
Genuinely, Akira has no past beyond the game. He gave himself his name by pure ~vibes~ only after he was prompted by the game to do so. He only knows information about the world that the game has given him/is required of him to function within the game.
So, it's more like a video game character got Isekai'd into the Persona universe?
...Actually, this would be a great time for me to release my Original Introductory Story--
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fun fact, kinda relating to the ask I just answered!
I don’t know if I’ve made it obvious yet (it’s showed up a couple times) but... Akira experienced the game exactly as it’s presented. :) like, exactly. boot up the game and that’s what Akira experienced, except that he saw it all from a first-person perspective where applicable.
and yes, that does carry certain implications.
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I’m confused, so is the whole plot of this AU is that Akira is self-aware while Ren isn’t?
Yeah, basically, lol? Except Ren "can't" be self-aware to begin with? (explanation under the cut)
Ren lives in the "real-life" world that the game of P5R is based on (following the same general plot)... while Akira, up until this comic, has been actually in P5R, and aware of the fact that it's a video game. Ren had entirely free will during his run of the story, while Akira was forced to travel along the linear path set out for him, with his only choices being differences in dialogue and the rest of the time-management/confidant stuff.
Until, of course, Akira gets transferred into what is basically the real-world version of his PR5 playthrough (where all the people who were previously party-members and NPCs remember his behaviour as whatever choices he made in-game, which may differ from what Ren chose to do/say). Ren gets transferred to that world too, which is in the past in comparison to what he has experienced in his own world, which is currently right after the fourth Palace in the timeline. (Don't ask how the game of P5R can exist when Ren's world hasn't played out the story to its completion yet, you'll only give yourself a headache)
...Yeaaaah, it's a bit confusing, huh--?
The premise is so wacky because... the entire script is a Discord roleplay, where both of us had the P5 protagonist as a character (with me having the version that was in the game and aware of that, aka Akira) and we wanted them to meet so we could compare our portrayals! This wasn't intended to ever become public when we started it, so it only needed to make sense to us at the time of its creation.
I hope you can have fun regardless of the confusion!
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